Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 205 King Anugaya, the ancient god entropy who controls time

When they heard that there was a city made entirely of gold, everyone was stunned.

I didn't expect it at all.

There is actually a golden city in this world.

How much wealth would it take to build it!

Even the richest Song Dynasty would probably not be able to achieve such an architectural miracle with all its strength!

Zhang Chulan murmured to himself.

"A city made of gold, it sounds incredible, after all, if such a city really exists, the amount of gold is probably much higher than the world's gold storage."

Zhi Jinhua spoke.

"Unless this lost ancient civilization has mastered a large number of gold mines and extremely advanced metallurgical technology, it even requires a lot of manpower to build such a golden city."

"But according to my analysis, there was basically no such civilization in ancient times. In this case, it can be confirmed that this so-called golden city is most likely gold-plated, or a city made of brass, or the owner of the notebook had hallucinations at the time."


Everyone felt that it was unlikely after hearing it.

Because now the realm of the owner of the notebook has already reached a point that they cannot guess. Although he is not an immortal, his skills are probably not much different from those of an immortal.

It is indeed unrealistic to make the owner of the notebook hallucinate.

Xu Si spoke at this time.

"If there is really a golden city in the Great Rift Valley of the Savage Mountain, then don't worry, the company will take action."

"The aliens have many means, and it is still possible to quietly empty this golden city."

"By then, the gold reserves of our Dragon Country will be unmatched in the world."

Hearing Xu Si's words, everyone also reacted.

Now the other contents of the notebook are not important, what is important is whether there is a golden city in it.

After all, even if you know more truths.

It is not as real as this real gold and silver!

At this time.

Feng Baobao has also continued to read.

[When I saw this golden city, I immediately realized that the base camp of this green tomb is very likely to be the deepest part of this golden city passage. 】

【Then I started walking towards the passage of the Golden City. When I came to the interior of the passage, I found that the murals inside the passage were recording the history that had happened. 】

【At the same time, I also found a matching unknown text, but the specific meaning of this text can only be known by asking the inner scene, so I wrote down all the murals and texts and exited here. 】

【In order to prevent the poison from being incomplete, I released the poison fog again before exiting. This time, because it was at the deepest point, the concentration of the poison fog was much higher than the first release. 】

【I believe that with the concentration of the poison fog this time, unless it is a special person who practices poison, other people will definitely be poisoned to death without any means to deal with it! 】

【After exiting the Great Rift Valley of the Savage Mountain, I returned to the Savage Tribe and began to ask the inner scene about the meaning of the murals and texts I had written down before. 】

【After paying a great price, I finally got the specific meaning of these murals. 】

【It turns out that this Golden Spider City was built by a monarch of the ancient Champa Dynasty in history, and was originally named Golden Spider City. 】

【This monarch is called King Anugaya, and he can be said to be the culprit of the fall of the ancient Champa Dynasty. 】

【The murals and texts do not record why King Anugaya built the Golden Spider City, but because of the construction of the Golden Spider City, too much manpower and material resources were wasted, which eventually led to the fall of the ancient Champa Dynasty. 】

【The purpose of building the Golden Spider City must be very important, so I ignored my injured body and continued to enter the interior to ask about the purpose of building the Golden Spider City. 】

【Finally, after paying a huge price, I learned that King Anugaya built the Golden Spider City to suppress an ancient god underground. The name of this ancient god is Entropy. Entropy can control time. At the same time, after the death of all the people in the ancient Champa Dynasty, their souls will be devoured by this god, and their wisdom, knowledge and power will also be inherited by this ancient god called Entropy. After thousands of years, it can be said that this ancient god Entropy has reached the point of unparalleled wisdom. 】

When everyone heard this, they were surprised.

The knowledge, power, and wisdom of the soul will be devoured and inherited by this ancient god Entropy, which is simply a bit outrageous.

As the saying goes, three stinky generals are better than Zhuge Liang.

One person has great limitations, but if the wisdom of three people, or even more people, collides together, the power generated will be very strong.

And this ancient god has definitely inherited a lot of wisdom and power.

Coupled with his own identity as a god, I don’t know what level he will reach.

And the King Anugaya of the ancient Champa Dynasty at that time could actually come up with such a way to deal with this ancient god, which is simply incredible.

While everyone was imagining, Feng Baobao had continued to read.

[After I learned that this Golden Spider City was actually to suppress the ancient god Entropy, I couldn’t help but admire the King Anugaya in my heart. ]

[Although the ancient god Entropy was finally suppressed successfully, the ancient Champa Dynasty of King Anugaya still could not escape the fate of destruction, but the spirit of being able to fight against fate is worthy of praise. ]

At this time, Zhi Jinhua couldn't help herself.

"If this ancient god is very powerful, and he has absorbed the knowledge and wisdom of countless people, how could such a thing as suppression happen?"

Hearing Zhi Jinhua say this, Zhang Chulan on the side spoke up.

"If this is the case, it means that this ancient god has not only absorbed all the wisdom and knowledge of people, but also all the limitations and bad qualities of people."

"If the god has the limitations and bad qualities of people, then it means that this god is not much different from people. Even if he has high wisdom, he will have the opportunity to let the Anugaya King of the ancient Champa Dynasty take advantage of him."

"This is like a very wise person. He knows all the knowledge that has been studied in this world, and he also knows how to preserve his own wisdom."

"But when facing natural disasters and man-made disasters, he cannot use his own wisdom and knowledge to resist."

After hearing this, Xu Si on the side also spoke up.

"Indeed, this kind of thing has both advantages and disadvantages. It is the law of heaven and is completely independent of human will."

"In addition, fate makes it so. Although Entropy can control time, it cannot control fate. Perhaps this is his final fate. In the face of fate, all wisdom calculations are in vain."

Xu Si's words awakened everyone.


If the final fate of the ancient god Entropy is to be suppressed and sealed, then even if it devours more souls and gains more knowledge and wisdom, it will be in vain.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has continued to read the notes.

[After learning about the existence of Entropy, I think the missing heart in Wuxin's body must be related to this ancient god Entropy. ]

[In addition, I don't know what the Green Tomb Organization is. It has been entrenched here for thousands of years and has not restored its country. It must not be the people of the ancient Champa Dynasty. Perhaps the Green Tomb Organization believes in this ancient god Entropy. ]

[Then the ultimate goal may be to escape this ancient god Entropy from the suppression of the Golden Spider City. 】

【After recuperating for a while, I felt that my energy had been fully restored and continued to walk towards the Great Rift Valley of Savage Mountain. 】

【After returning to the Golden Spider City, I began to pay attention to the appearance of this city. 】

【The central city is surrounded by eight long streets and alleys. From the sky, it really looks like a golden spider lying on the ground. 】

【Walk through the central corridor. 】

【Not long after, I found the same scene as on the island. 】

【I saw a ray of skylight shining from the crack above, and below were various buildings from various dynasties and countries. Although they looked out of place at first, you will find the mystery hidden in them after looking for a long time. 】

【After arriving at one of the houses, I found that some people lurking here had been killed by the poisonous fog I released before. 】

【It seems that my decision to release the poisonous fog before was correct, otherwise I would have been entangled when I came here. ]

[I started to look for the survivors. This green tomb has been operating for thousands of years. There must be some people who can resist the poisonous fog. I believe that this group of people is waiting for me somewhere. ]

[So I recalled the Wancai Qingsui Gu and asked it to patrol near me. ]

[After passing through the building in front, I found a huge human statue standing in the middle of all the buildings, and nine stone statues were kneeling around the statue. This statue was very similar to the King Anugaya I saw in the Golden Spider City before. ]

[And this scene is also mentioned in some texts in the murals. ]

[That is, although King Anugaya governed the country well, he was very cruel in character. At that time, nine monks from the outside world came to the ancient Champa Dynasty to preach, but they were killed by the king of the ancient Champa in the end. ]

[The ancient Champa Dynasty believed in a feathered serpent god. It can be said that the feathered serpent god has been believed since the ethnic group that built the ancient Champa Dynasty, so it is very cruel to heretics. 】

【After capturing these nine monks, the ancient Champa King Anugaya ordered them to be executed one by one. 】

【When the ninth monk was beheaded, King Anugaya had some kind of illness and ordered his men to destroy his eyes and put iron chains through his body. He also used various rare herbs to cure him and imprisoned him outside the palace, showing passers-by how miserable the fate of believing in paganism is! 】

【I don’t know why this statue stands here. Could it be that this green tomb is not what I imagined, but the remnants of the ancient Champa Dynasty! 】

Because there is no air conditioning at home, and the weather is getting hotter and hotter, I am really upset when writing. Last month’s manuscript fee is enough to install an air conditioner. I will get one when I get the money. If there are any grammatical errors, please bear with me. I will correct them if you point them out.

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