Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 207 The truth about the death curse, the billions of personalities of the ancient god Entrop

Hearing that everything matched, everyone was full of expectations.

So the origin of the ancient god entropy was actually like this.

If the snake worshiper hadn't thrown the body, perhaps there would be no later events.

Zhang Chulan sighed with a hint of fear at this time.

"Now this world has gradually become something we don't recognize, and even said that maybe one day our world will perish."

The old Taoist priest on the phone sighed at this time.

"Perhaps the ancients had already discovered many truths, and then they have been pursuing the goal of ascending to heaven."

Hearing the old Taoist priest say this, Zhang Chulan hurriedly asked.

"Master, do you have any discoveries?"

The old Taoist priest nodded.

"Yes, there are some discoveries."

"But many things can't be told to you yet, wait a few years."

The old Taoist priest stopped talking after he finished speaking.

Zhang Chulan saw that the old Taoist priest was unwilling to tell him the truth at this time, and then nodded.


"Sister Baoer, continue reading."


After hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Feng Baobao also nodded in agreement, and then read from the notes.

[When I learned the truth, I became very interested in the ancient god Entropy and the death curse that sealed it. ]

[At the same time, I was also curious about Entropy's ability. ]

[So I came to the underground of the Golden Spider City through the underground centipede fairy, and then found the place where the ancient god Entropy was suppressed. ]

[The underground of the Golden Spider City is essentially a square, with twelve huge stone tablets placed on the square. The stone tablets are surrounded by a group of suspended black gas like a black meat block. There are countless eyeballs in the black meat block. Every time you open your eyes, you will be killed by the power of the death curse, but because of the power of the black gas itself, you will quickly revive. ]

[I also realized that this group of black gas is the ancient god Entropy, but it keeps dying and reviving under the effect of the death curse. For some reason, the countless eyeballs on his body cannot close. Once he dies and resurrects, he sees the death curse again, and then he continues to revive because of his own strong vitality, and so on. 】

【As a result, this guy can't escape from here at all, and will be trapped in it forever! 】

When everyone heard that the image and vitality of the ancient god Entropy were so powerful, they couldn't help but feel their scalps tingling.

This kind of thing is simply unbelievable.

There are actually creatures that are so powerful that they will be resurrected after death.

If it dies once and resurrects once per second.

Then in these thousands of years, I'm afraid it has been resurrected hundreds of billions of times!

I dare not imagine it.

I really dare not imagine it!

At this time.

Feng Baobao has continued to read.

【According to King Anugaya's guards, you must never hear or see all the death curses on the twelve stone tablets, so Duo Kuohuo and I each wrote down half of it, so that we can make magic tools by studying half of it. 】

【For the effect of this magic tool, I immediately thought of Chi Jing's Yin-Yang mirror in the mythical novel Fengshen Yanyi. 】

【This Yin-Yang mirror has two sides, Yin and Yang, white for Yin and red for Yang. 】

【If you are illuminated by the white face, you will die. If you are illuminated by the red face, you will be resurrected. 】

【Although I cannot resurrect others at will like the Yin-Yang mirror in this myth, this death curse can make others die at will, which can be regarded as obtaining half of the functions of this mythical magic weapon. 】

Hearing this, Zhi Jinhua was a little surprised.

"If the owner of the notebook really puts this death curse on the magic weapon, it will probably be the most powerful magic weapon he has ever made."

"By then, even immortals may not be able to resist it."

Lu Linglong frowned slightly, "If this is the case, whoever gets this magic weapon will have the ability to dominate the death of others at will."

"By then, who in the entire alien world can control him."


Xu Si spoke slowly at this moment.

"Lu Linglong's worry is not without reason, but we must understand one thing now, that is, now is the age of science and technology. I think this death curse can only kill a few people at most at the same time, but any intercontinental missile can cause the death of thousands or tens of thousands of people."

"Even the aliens cannot escape."

"So I think this death curse should be used to deal with those high-end creatures, such as the snake god or the ancient god entropy, which are powerful monsters like gods."

Hearing Xu Si's words, Lu Linglong immediately seemed less worried.

"Well, I didn't think it through."

Just then.

The old Taoist priest said:

"Speaking of which, I would rather this death curse be sealed underground forever and never appear in the world."

"But it has a reason to exist. Even if my father didn't go there, he would be discovered later with the development of the environment."

"I can only say that if the company finds this death curse stele in the future, it can be properly preserved and handled."

Xu Si nodded after hearing it.

"Speaking of which, the company has dealt with things that are even weirder than this death curse."

"Just like the incident that Xiao Zizai handled back then, arresting a woman with a turbulent fate."

"This woman will make everyone who gets close to her suffer from different diseases, and each disease will kill these people."

"But even if it's so weird, didn't the company still solve it in the end?"

"So, the stone tablet is not important, the ancient god entropy is important."

"With such strong vitality and recovery power, if it appears in the world, I don't know how many lives will be needed to subdue it. I just hope that the owner of the notebook can properly deal with the ancient god entropy."

Everyone agreed after hearing this.


The most terrifying thing is the ancient god entropy.

Zhang Chulan spoke at this time.

"Didn't the owner of the notebook practice the improved ether breath?"

"I just hope that he can send the ancient god entropy to outer space in the end, so that there is no need to worry about the ancient god entropy running out."

After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, he looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Baoer, please continue reading and see how the owner of the notebook finally dealt with it."


After that, Feng Baobao continued to read the notebook in his hand.


[When I recorded the death curse and prepared to leave, the ancient god entropy took advantage of the gap between resurrection to pull me into the illusion he created. 】

When everyone heard that the owner of the notebook was pulled into the illusion of the ancient god entropy, their hearts were shocked.

This ancient god entropy will not escape in the end.


[After entering the illusion, I carefully considered the strength of this illusion. With my current ability, I can break out at any time, but I don’t know what the ancient god entropy wants to do, so I didn’t leave immediately. 】

[At this time, the ancient god entropy turned into a snake worshiper and came to me. 】

[The ancient god entropy asked me to rescue it, otherwise, he would trap me in this illusion forever. 】

[I asked the ancient god entropy what kind of ability he had, and the ancient god entropy told me that he had the ability to cut, rewind, and extend time infinitely. 】

After hearing the ability of the ancient god entropy, everyone was shocked.

This ability to control time is simply a bit outrageous.

Zhi Jinhua adjusted her glasses, with confusion and doubt in her eyes.

"If this ancient god entropy really has the power of infinite rewinding as he said, that is, the power to infinitely reverse time, then how can this death curse stele trap him? In the end, he must be able to escape by relying on the ability to infinitely reverse time, instead of being trapped in this place."

Hearing Zhi Jinhua say this, everyone also had doubts in their hearts.


If it is really like what the ancient god entropy said, then this stele will definitely not be able to trap him.

It seems that the ancient god entropy can't treat him as a monster at all, but as an extremely smart person!


[I can see at a glance that the ancient god entropy is bragging about himself, otherwise, with these abilities, he would not have been trapped in the underground of this Golden Spider City for so long! ]

[When I asked the ancient god entropy about his origins, he himself didn't know what his origins were. I only knew that when he was in chaos, he ignorantly devoured many corpses, and the souls of these corpses gradually formed consciousness in his body and finally dominated his body. 】

【Now he is the consciousness aggregate that has devoured thousands of souls, and the one who is talking to me now is a high priest of the ancient Champa Dynasty, and can also be said to be a personality of the ancient god Entropy. 】

【After devouring countless corpses and souls, the ancient god Entropy developed a cruel and violent personality. After jumping out of the bottomless pit, he killed many people in the ancient Champa Dynasty. 】

【Finally, the ancient god Entropy forced the ancient Champa Dynasty to believe in him, and then every year a large number of people were thrown into sacrifice. 】

【And in the deeper part of this Golden Spider City, where the ancient god Entropy was born, a temple was built. Finally, the ancient god Entropy gave the ancient Champa king a piece of his own flesh, and placed it in the gem as a body for worship and sacrifice. 】

【From then on, in addition to believing in the feathered serpent god, the ancient Champa Dynasty also believed in the ancient god Entropy. 】

【Based on the brutal character of the ancient god Entropy, the prophet at that time gave the then-reigning king of Champa a suggestion, which was to sacrifice good people in the bottomless pit and use the souls of good people to neutralize the brutal character of the ancient god Entropy. 】

Hearing the prophet's proposal, everyone's eyes lit up.

This proposal is indeed great.

As long as the souls of good people occupy the majority of the ancient god Entropy's consciousness, it will definitely affect the behavior of the ancient god Entropy in the end.


【The effect of this proposal is indeed very good. The souls of countless good people once dominated the consciousness of the ancient god Entropy and did a lot of good things for the ancient Champa Dynasty. 】

【But everything has its pros and cons. Good people gradually became extinct in the ancient Champa Dynasty, and those who remained were all cunning and treacherous, which also became one of the reasons for the demise of the ancient Champa Dynasty. 】

【Finally, it came to the generation of King Anugaya. King Anugaya was born with a vision. His face gathered the most noble features in human history, and he was born with great luck. 】

【Since he ascended the throne, he began to plan to seal and suppress the ancient god Entropy forever. 】

【I already know the follow-up of this matter, and the origin of this death curse makes me feel emotional. 】

After hearing that the death curse has a history, everyone immediately listened with great attention.

【This death curse that kills anyone who sees it and dies when hearing it is a spell that should not exist in the world. A believer of Quetzalcoatl began to have his limbs degenerate from an unknown time, gradually becoming like a snake, and muttering a meaningless sentence in his mouth. 】

[Some curious people approached her to listen to this meaningless speech, but after listening to it, they would die because their brains were boiling. 】

【But as long as you don't listen, nothing will happen. 】

[So the people of the ancient Champa Dynasty came up with a way, that is, to find twelve people to write down a passage respectively, and then inscribe the content of the words on a stone tablet and place it in the temple of the bottomless pit. 】

[In the end, under the leadership of King Anugaya, the ancient god Entropy was successfully sealed underground in the Golden Spider City. 】

[After sealing the ancient god Entropy, the ancient Champa Dynasty originally thought that nothing would happen. However, some people dug through a mountain and river to block natural disasters regardless of the life and death of others. Subsequently, a huge flood destroyed the ancient Champa Dynasty not long after. The Champa dynasty, in the end, this dynasty did not escape the fate of destruction. 】

When I heard that the ancient Champa dynasty perished not long after.

Everyone was sighing.

Although the threat of entropy from the ancient god was eliminated, it still ended like this.

"Is this fate?"

Zhang Chulan muttered to himself at the moment.

"Although the crisis of entropy of the ancient gods has been relieved, there are still other ways to destroy the ancient Champa dynasty in the end."

"It's like the ancient Champa dynasty should have perished at that time. No matter what method it was, it still perished in the end."

"No matter how powerful you are, you still can't resist the destiny."

Hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Xu San on the side said:

"This is actually just like us humans are destined to die. No matter how vigorous your life is, you will still die in the end."

"Okay, don't dwell on this issue. What we have to do now is to live well while we are alive and face it calmly when we die!"

"Baby, keep reading."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this.

Then continue reading.

[Although this Ancient God Entropy has answered many of my doubts, I still have questions, that is, what is the origin of the green tomb. 】

[The high priest told me that the origin of the green tomb is the piece of meat that the ancient god Entropy gave to King Champa. The meat of the ancient god Entropy has endless activity and inherits part of Entropy's memory. All will Anyone it swallows will be devoured by this piece of meat. 】

[Then this piece of meat will copy the other person’s memory and become a new individual. 】

[Originally, Ancient God Entropy had a good plan, which was to let this piece of meat form a force and then release himself. 】

[However, what Ancient God Entropy did not expect was that after his piece of meat was washed away by the flood, it was washed away on a magnetic mountain in the North Pole. The Cishan erased most of the memory of this piece of meat, and finally drifted along the river and was taken away by others. After picking it up, he presented it to King Chu You. 】

[People at that time believed that this was a piece of Tai Sui that could live forever after being eaten, so a swordsman at that time climbed over the wall and entered the palace of King Chu You to steal the piece of meat. 】

[The only remaining memory of this piece of meat is coming to the ancient god Entropy and forming a force. 】

[Then starting from that swordsman, this piece of meat changed hosts one after another, and accumulated a lot of wisdom, creating a green tomb that controlled most of the underground chaebols in the world, but never thought that he wanted to turn the ancient body into a green tomb. God entropy rescued. 】

[In the end, for thousands of years, the ancient god Entropy has been trapped in it! 】

After listening to this, everyone had a dumbfounded expression.

It has to be said that there is nothing wrong with the wisdom of the ancient god Entropy, but his luck is really bad.

If this piece of his flesh had not been erased by Cishan, it would have been born thousands of years ago.

Zhang Chulan had a suspicion at this moment.

"Perhaps, his destiny has been anchored by the Quetzalcoatl. No matter what kind of plan he makes, he will end up trapped underground in this golden spider city."

"Although I don't know what kind of existence this Quetzalcoatl is, he is probably a good god who can reveal to his followers this kind of death curse that goes beyond the rules of heaven and earth to help his followers get rid of the entanglement of the ancient god's entropy."

Zhang Chulan's words immediately resonated with Zhi Jinhua.

"Indeed, it is not possible for those of us who pray to gods and Buddhas now. After praying and worshiping, we still end up like that."

"I remember my dad told me that if praying to gods and worshiping Buddha can work, ordinary people like us won't be able to enter the temple at all."

"But Quetzalcoatl can do such a thing. He is really a god who has feelings for his followers."

Hearing what Zhi Jinhua said, Xu Si on the side spoke.

"Religious belief is just to find a spiritual sustenance. Don't expect to get help from gods."

"Okay, don't discuss this now, baby, just keep reading and see what else is below."

Feng Baobao nodded.

Then he continued reading the notes in his hand.

[After the ancient god Entropy finished talking to me, he stated his purpose, that is, I only need to knock down one of the twelve stone tablets, so that I can escape from the infinite death of the death curse. 】

[I naturally would not support the purpose of this ancient god's entropy, and then broke the illusion and prepared to leave. 】

[But I didn’t expect that after I broke the illusion, one of the twelve stone tablets was directly broken. 】

[Only now do I understand that since I stepped under the Golden Spider City, I have been under the entropy control of the ancient god for a period of time. 】

[Of course, this period of time must be very short, maybe not even a second, but the ancient god entropy can extend this second infinitely, that is to say, from the time I came in to the time I wanted to go out, there might not even be a second. ]

[As long as I do something that can destroy the stone tablet, the ancient god entropy will rewind time to the moment I just came in, causing the stone tablet to be destroyed. ]

[For some reason, I forgot about Wuxin's fate, and my inner defense against this ancient god entropy was reduced to the lowest. ]

[After this ancient god entropy escaped, he took a fancy to my wisdom and knowledge, so he locked me and him in an infinite loop of time fragments cut from the long river of time, so as to completely assimilate me into one of his thousands of consciousnesses! ]

Thanks to the super Oliha Gang God for the large reward! ! ! Thank you brothers for your continued support!

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