Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 209: Traveling through the Qin Dynasty, making a bet with the Beiyan Mountain Man, and compl

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, let's go, it's time to live again."

Feng Baobao was a little surprised.

"Is there another notebook?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, I found it from the Five Immortals Sect. No, it was Sister Qiao who took people from the Five Immortals Sect to the Great Rift Valley of Savage Mountain to find it."

"Speaking of which, this notebook is likely to be a follow-up to the last notebook we read."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this, with a hint of expectation in his eyes.

these days.

She also likes to read notes and see what contents are left in the notes left by the owner of the notes.

Although she rarely comments.

But I still wonder why the owner of the note did what he did in the first place.

"Well, okay, let's go then."

"Okay, Sister Bao'er!"

After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, she led Sister Baoer towards the hotel.

When they go back this time, there will be no Heavenly Master to take them back, so they can only take a plane back honestly.

North China Branch.

After Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao came back, they rushed here as soon as possible.

Company front desk.

Su Zaiqiao had also arrived here from the Savage Mountain Rift Valley at this time.

Saw Su Zaiqiao.

Zhang Chulan said hello.

"Sister Qiao, you are here."

Su Zaiqiao nodded.

"Yes, there are my elders and people from other companies exploring the Great Rift Valley. They don't have anything to do with me, so they came back first."

"Both managers, Xu San and Xu Si, have also gone to the warehouse."

"The people on the company's board of directors are also here, waiting for you to come."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Okay, let's go there now!"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Chulan and the other three came to the company warehouse.

Xu San, Xu Si, and Dr. Xia are also here at this time, and the company directors are also gathered together at this moment.

Zhang Chulan had already reported the entire process of going to Hongmen to Xu Si when he came here, and the company attached great importance to this matter.

Xu Si also hurriedly invited Dr. Xia here, and then revealed some key information so as not to expose it later.

Dr. Xia's mission is to use the company's latest research and development equipment to transcribe all the contents of the book after going to Hongmen.

Then he brought it back to the company for Feng Baobao to decipher.


Dr. Xia's mission was very important, and the company did not refuse the request to review this notebook.

After a brief greeting, Feng Baobao took the notebook.

Then he opened the first page and started reading. Zhang Chulan also started a video call with Master Tian.

[Using the power of the Yuguang Disk, I successfully got rid of the time box of the ancient god's entropy and came to an unknown dynasty. 】

[After many inquiries, I found out that the dynasty I came from was the Qin Dynasty. It seems that this is how I got to know Yu Shu and the Beiyan Mountain native. 】

Dr. Xia listened very carefully. When he heard that the owner of the note actually came to Qin Dynasty, his eyes were a little incredulous.

"Did the owner of this note actually come to the Qin Dynasty?"

"Look at how surprised you all are, how many notes the company has received before."

The notes that Dr. Xia listened to were intermittent and inconsistent, so he did not know what the arrival of the note owner in the Qin Dynasty meant.

After Feng Baobao deciphered the notes, the company directors would immediately take the time to listen to the recorded content of the notes.

So he didn't seem too surprised.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Chulan said:

"Dr. Xia, this is a brand new record. Even if you have not heard the previous notes, it will not affect your understanding."

Hearing Zhang Chulan's words, Dr. Xia also nodded.

"It seems that you have all heard the complete story."

"Okay, let me see what this notebook records about the Qin Dynasty. Speaking of which, I also have some research on the history of Qin. If you encounter something you don't understand, I can also help you clear up your doubts."

Dr. Xia stopped talking after he finished speaking.

Instead, he waited for Feng Baobao to continue reading.

Upon seeing this, Feng Baobao continued reading from his notes.

[After teleporting me to the Qin Dynasty, the Yuguang Disk had only a trace of energy left and could not bring me back to modern times. In other words, this meant that I had to stay in the Qin Dynasty for at least ten years before I could return to the original one. place. 】

[But this is only the most ideal situation, because the Yuguang Disk will also allocate part of its energy to protect me. At the same time, if I change history, the Yuguang Disk will also allocate more energy to protect me from the backlash of history. 】

[But this is the best solution. If not, I will be trapped in the entropy time box of the ancient god forever. 】

"Time box?"

Dr. Xia didn't understand.

"What is this ancient god's entropy, and what is the time box?"

Hearing that Dr. Xia was a little confused, Zhang Chulan on the side said:

"This is too long to talk about. Dr. Xia, you can understand that the owner of the note is trapped somewhere, and he must use the method of traveling to the Qin Dynasty to escape."

Dr. Xia is also a smart person and understands immediately.

"I understand, that's what it is."

"It seems that the owner of this note also left many traces in the Qin Dynasty, but I don't know who he was in history."

Xu Si laughed after hearing this.

"Dr. Xia, the owner of this notebook likes to change his appearance and identity the most. Even if he was so active during the Republic of China, isn't it difficult for us to determine who he is?"

"So even if he is a historical figure we know, it must not be his real name and real identity, or even his real appearance."

Dr. Xia nodded.

"Well, I think it should be."

"Okay, let's see what's next."

After that.

Dr. Xia listened attentively to Feng Baobao's continued notes.


[Since there is so much time and the intelligence is inaccurate, I don't know if the green tomb has infiltrated all aspects of the Qin Dynasty, so I don't plan to make a backup plan to rescue my future immediately, but to build my own power first, so that I can be prepared and successfully plan without the eyes and ears of the green tomb. ]

[As for eradicating the green tomb, I absolutely dare not, because the energy of the Yu Guang Guang is not enough for me to change such a major history, even if it is full of energy. 】

【It is very difficult to establish your own power in the Qin Dynasty now. Not to mention the strictness of the Qin law, people now only recognize the identity of the six countries' nobles, so now I have to find a target and replace his identity as a noble of the six countries. This is what I should do now. 】

【With the identity of a noble, I will gather the remnants of the country where this noble once belonged, and it will not be so difficult to establish my own power. 】

Dr. Xia said at this time:

"Although I don't know which year the owner of the notebook returned to the Qin Dynasty, the Qin Dynasty was only unified for fifteen years from beginning to end."

"So no matter which year you travel to, you are likely to encounter the Chen Sheng and Wu Guang uprising."

"At that time, the world will be in chaos, which is the best time to fish in troubled waters."

Zhang Chulan was a little yearning after hearing this.

"I have always heard that Xiang Yu is an extraordinary person. It is said that he has double pupils in his eyes, is brave enough to pull mountains and rivers, and has the courage of ten thousand men."

"I don't know if the owner of the notebook has ever met this legendary Xiang Yu."

Dr. Xia laughed.

"If the owner of this notebook really established a powerful regime, then he would have definitely met Xiang Yu."

After Dr. Xia finished speaking, he looked at Feng Baobao beside him.

He was obviously expecting her to continue reading.


[After a long period of selection, I found that Jing Ju, a descendant of the royal family of Chu, was a good candidate. In history, this person was destroyed by Xiang Yu shortly after he was named King of Chu. As long as I replaced his identity and did not call myself King of Chu, I could safely develop my own power and get the support of the remaining people of Chu. Then, after completing the layout, I could fake my death and get away safely. ]

When Dr. Xia heard that Jing Ju in history was actually the owner of this notebook, he was surprised.

"Legend has it that Jingju was an important right-hand man of Xiang Yu, and even a pillar of the country."

"Later, because of Jingju's sudden illness, Xiang Yu was defeated and ended up committing suicide by slashing his throat at Wujiang River."

"So in the history that the owner of this notebook is familiar with, Jingju was actually killed by Xiang Yu because he called himself the King of Chu?"

"It seems that history has changed a lot, but we just don't know it."

Dr. Xia's words reminded Zhang Chulan of the fatalism discussed before.

"Dr. Xia, this may be because small things can be changed, but big things cannot be changed."

"It is estimated that even in the original history, Xiang Yu's fate was to be defeated by Liu Bang and then commit suicide by slashing his throat at Wujiang River."

Dr. Xia nodded.

"Well, you're right."

"As long as history is not changed greatly, some small things in history will change, and history may have the power of correction, so there will be no butterfly effect."

"I think, even if Liu Bang was killed by the owner of the notebook at that time, history would have produced a person like Liu Qiang or Liu Dong to defeat Xiang Yu."

"I can only say that the power of time is too terrible, and it will not allow people to arbitrarily modify history."


Dr. Xia stopped talking.

Feng Baobao continued to read the notes in his hand.

【I came to Pengcheng where Jing Ju was at that time and found this guy. He is still idle all day long, but because of his identity as a descendant of the Chu royal family, many Chu survivors actively helped him. 】

【After observing this guy's behavior for a few days, I took advantage of the dark night and tied Jing Ju to death outside the city, and then disguised myself as Jing Ju and returned to the city in a daze three days later. 】

【These Chu survivors are very concerned about Jing Ju's whereabouts. 】

【After seeing me come back, almost all of them came to show their concern, and I naturally told them that I was kidnapped by the kidnappers at night and then took the opportunity to escape. 】

【Everyone was indignant about this matter and wanted to help me vent my anger and teach the kidnappers a lesson, but I naturally would not let these people really go out to look for the unfounded robbers. 】

【Returning to Jingju's home, because Jingju was alone, he didn't have to spend his energy to disguise himself. 】

【The most important thing at the moment is to wait for the uprising of Chen Sheng and Wu Guang in Daze Township. 】

【Only if Chen Sheng and Wu Guang revolted, the nobles of the six countries would respond together. 】

【But the time for the uprising had to wait until Qin Shihuang died. 】

[After inquiring, Qin Shihuang is now forty-five years old, which means that he still needs to wait four to five years. 】

[Of course, this time is still worth waiting for me now. 】

[Thinking that only Yu Shu will be there in the tomb of Qin Shihuang in future generations, it seems that I have done a lot of things in this life. 】

[Just when I was preparing to live in Pengcheng forever, a group of people came to Pengcheng to settle down. 】

[I asked people around me and found out that it was a rich man who moved from Dongshan and came to Pengcheng with a group of followers. It is said that he is a friend of the magistrate of Peixian County and will soon report to Peixian County under Pengcheng. Set out to move. 】

[And I also discovered that this rich man’s surname was Lu, and he had two beautiful daughters named Lu Pheasant and Lu Su! 】


Everyone exclaimed when they heard it.

"Lu Pheasant and Lu Su!"

Zhang Chulan raised his hand at this time.

"I have learned about this Lu Pheasant in my textbook. She was the queen of the founding emperor Liu Bang."

"I just didn't expect that the owner of this note had ever seen her."

Dr. Xia also nodded.

"Yes, this Lu Pheasant is indeed the first wife of Han Emperor Liu Bang, but this Lu Su is not famous in history. Some historical books even record that this Lu Gong only had one daughter."

"So I think this Lu Su should have disappeared or died in infancy later."

Hearing Dr. Xia's analysis, Zhang Chulan's heart skipped a beat.

He knows his master, his father, very well. I'm afraid this Lu Su...

Before Zhang Chulan could continue thinking.

Feng Baobao's voice has continued to sound.

[I am still very curious about Lu Pheasant. I don’t know what this famous poisonous queen in history would look like. 】

[It’s just that after the Lu family rented a clubhouse, they no longer went out. In addition, there were strangers accompanying me, so in order to prevent exposure, I had no choice but to give up. 】

[We have been in Qin Dynasty for a long time, and there will be plenty of time to meet each other in the future. 】

[Just when I returned home, an old Taoist appeared in my home, and I was very familiar with this old Taoist. 】

[This is the person from Beiyan Mountain who sent me the Breath of Ether! 】

Zhang Chulan looked curious when he heard that he was from Beiyan Mountain.

I don’t know the origin of this Beiyan Mountain native, whether he is an immortal or an immortal.

[The people from Beiyan Mountain don’t know me at this moment. When he comes here now, he discovers that I am not Jing Ju, but someone else, a person from later generations. 】

[This matter can only be blamed on my previous work being too rough. I didn’t bury Jing Ju’s body very deep, only a few dozen meters underground. 】

[The Beiyan Mountain man finally found out the location through divination and dug it out. 】

[If I were buried several thousand meters underground, he would never be able to find that Jingju even if he could divine the location! 】

After hearing the note owner's description of the Beiyan Mountain people, Zhang Chulan immediately spoke.

"I originally thought that this Beiyan Mountain native was an immortal, but now I see that he is obviously just an immortal."

"I just don't know what bet the note owner made with him."

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Dr. Xia on the side quickly asked.

"Has this Beiyanshan person been mentioned in the previous notes?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, this matter was indeed mentioned."

"It is said that the two made a bet during the Qin Dynasty. Later, the Beiyan Mountain man lost, and then in later generations, he sent the lost bet to the owner of the note."

"Originally, I thought this Beiyan Mountain man was an immortal, but now I see that I'm just overthinking, and he's not an immortal."

After hearing this, the old Heavenly Master on the side spoke.

"Even if this Beiyan Mountain native is not an immortal, he is probably just one step away from becoming an immortal."

"It's just that I have a vague feeling that there will be many restrictions on becoming an immortal after immortality."

"This step will be extremely difficult."

"Of course, this is just a vague feeling and is not a reference."

The people in the company seem to take it very seriously.

After all, this person is the pinnacle of the alien world today.

Let’s not talk about the Beiyan Mountain people.

They would all believe that this old heavenly master is one step away from becoming an immortal.

It seems.

If you want to become an immortal, you cannot live forever before becoming an immortal. Perhaps, this is the rule between heaven and earth.

At this moment, Feng Baobao continued reading.

[During the battle. 】

[Beiyanshanren’s alchemy skills can be said to be at their peak, and he wholeheartedly wants to kill me to avenge this Jingju. 】

[I was also very new to this Beiyanshan man’s alchemy, so I didn’t defeat him immediately. 】

[If possible, I would like to learn all the alchemy skills of this Beiyan Mountain man. 】

[After a period of entanglement, this Beiyan Mountain man also realized that he was no match for me, so he stopped and asked me what my purpose was. 】

[And I said that I saw that Qin Shihuang had a short lifespan, and that the world would be in chaos soon after his death. 】

[I want to take advantage of the troubled times to be an emperor for fun. 】

[So Jing Ju was chosen, so that he could take Jing Ju’s place and gather the survivors of Chu State. 】

[The people from Beiyan Mountain did not doubt my motives, because my motives were too normal. In the end, he said that my goal would definitely not be achieved. In the future, there would be a destined emperor who would establish a unified dynasty that would last for four hundred years. . 】

[I saw that this Beiyan Mountain Man was an immortal, and I was also tempted. ]

[So I made a bet with him, betting on whether the four-hundred-year unified dynasty would last four hundred years. I said it was two hundred years, and he said it was four hundred years. If he lost in the end, he would have to do something for me. ]

[The Beiyan Mountain Man asked me what it was, so I told him that if he lost, he would need to find a method called the Breath of Ether, and then find me in the future to give me the Breath of Ether. ]

[I felt that if I didn't make this bet, the Breath of Ether would also leave me, just to complete a closed loop in time. ]

[For this bet, the Beiyan Mountain Man did not refuse, because he was very confident in his divination. ]

[In his opinion, even if I came from the future, it was the history of the future that was wrong, and the history I learned was distorted history. ]

[It is impossible that his divination was wrong! ]

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