Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 214 The future Queen Mother Li, Yi Xiaochuan recognized Hu Hai as his son! (5K chapter)


Dr. Xia was suddenly burnt on the outside and tender on the inside.

"Is the Empress Dowager Rei in history actually Ogawa!"

"Queen Mother Li?"

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised.

"Why haven't I heard of Queen Mother Li?"

"Didn't you say that Qin Shihuang didn't establish a queen? I haven't heard of any Queen Mother Li either."

After hearing this, Dr. Xia started to explain.

"Speaking of which, this is indeed the case in history."

"At that time, Li Fei, the most beloved concubine of the First Emperor, could not have children, so he asked Qin Shi Huang to make Hu Hai his son."

"This tradition existed in ancient times. Back then, Qin Shihuang's father, Ying Yiren, recognized Mrs. Huayang as his mother, so he became the prince of Qin and became the king of Qin."

"So it's not surprising that Ogawa can think of this level."

"After all, he is a man himself and has no ability to have children at all. He can only rely on recognizing other princes as sons to maintain his position after the death of Qin Shihuang in the future."

"And one more thing, it is very likely that it was Ogawa's idea to send the false edict to Fusu."

"After all, Gao Yao is just a chef and doesn't have much knowledge, so it can only be Xiaochuan's idea."

"I really don't know what kind of history would have been if Xiaochuan hadn't traveled to the Qin Dynasty."

After hearing what Dr. Xia said, everyone started thinking in their hearts.


If this situation had not happened in Yi Xiaochuan's past, there would have been no way such an outrageous history would have happened.

at this time.

Feng Baobao also continued reading.

[After the shock, I began to lament that the power of historical correction is so powerful, but I didn’t know what role Yi Xiaochuan would play in the subsequent history. 】

[Finally, Wancai Green Marrow Gu told me that the Qin State has now found the Fountain of Youth under Mount Kangchenjunga, and the First Emperor has also sent various Qin strangers and craftsmen to build the mausoleum. 】

[Judging from Qin Shihuang’s behavior, he wanted to bury himself at Kanchenjunga Peak. 】

[And the mausoleum where he practiced with great fanfare was not intended to bury him at all. Just like the seventy-two fake tombs of Cao Cao in later generations, they were all built to hide from others. 】

[After the report, I asked the Wancai Green Marrow Gu to continue to monitor Yi Xiaochuan and take a look at various changes in the Xianyang Palace. 】

[At this moment, Xiong Ying found me and told me that a man who claimed to be a Mohist giant came to me and wanted to bring his men to join me to achieve a great cause! 】

"The Mohist giant?"

Zhang Chulan looked at Dr. Xia.

"Dr. Xia, do you know who this Mohist giant is?"

"Also, this Mo family giant can actually see the plan of the notebook owner. This insight is indeed amazing."

Dr. Xia's eyes flashed with emotion.

"I really didn't expect that the Mohist family, which had been almost extinct in this world for nearly two thousand years, was still planning to rebel against Qin at that time."


Zhang Chulan looked curious.

"Dr. Xia, are you saying that there are still people from the Mo family?"

Dr. Xia nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, it is."

"It is true that there are still people from the Mo family, but their number is small. Every once in a while, one or two descendants will appear, which means that even if there are, there are only a few dozen people from the Mo family."

"As for the Mohist giant you just asked about, this involves the Mohist rules."

"The organization of the Mohist family can be said to be extremely strict, and at the same time, the hierarchy is extremely strict, and there is no room for any arrogance."

"And this Mohist giant was the supreme leader of the Mohist family. He commanded the entire Mohist family at that time and had huge influence and leadership."

"At that time, the entire late Qin Dynasty was an extraordinary existence."

"When Mozi stopped Chu and attacked Song, he sent Qin Huali and other three hundred people to help Song."

"It is unimaginable to be able to send so many people at once at that time and have strict organizational discipline."

"So as long as the note owner gets the support of this Mohist giant, the difficulty of getting started will be reduced by at least half."

"Not to mention the large-scale mechanism techniques and weapon refining techniques that the Mo family is good at."

After hearing this sentence, everyone couldn't help but sigh. At that time, the Mohist giant was really discerning, and he was able to target the owner of the note in one fell swoop.

Just this vision.

I'm afraid it was also the best in the world back then.

It's a pity that the owner of the note did not have this ambition, otherwise the Mohist family might not have become the state religion at the time of the founding of the country.

at this time.

Feng Baobao's voice continued to come.

[I met with this so-called Mohist tycoon, whose name is Gai Tianming, who just succeeded him. 】

[He told me that he had been secretly investigating me for a long time and knew my current purpose. Therefore, if I want to raise troops in the future, getting help from the Mohist family can definitely get twice the result with half the effort. 】

[I asked Gai Tianming why he chose me. After all, there are many people waiting for opportunities in this world, and I am just the most inconspicuous one among them. 】

[Gai Tianming told me that his wife is a descendant of the Chu royal family. Emotionally speaking, she has a natural affection for me, a descendant of the Chu royal family. 】

[At the same time, he also saw that I have many methods. Although I look like a young man in his twenties from the outside, I often act more like a mature man in his forties or fifties, making decisions. 】

[And every step was taken at the most precise point, which was the optimal solution in the current environment. ]

[So Gai Tianming was very optimistic about me. He believed that if I raised an army when the world was in chaos in the future, I would definitely become a local lord at the fastest speed. ]

[I asked Gai Tianming why he knew that the Qin Dynasty was doomed. Gai Tianming told me that the Mohists had a method of observing celestial phenomena, and the purple star belonging to Qin Shihuang had begun to become dim and shaky. ]

[He speculated that Qin Shihuang would definitely not live past forty-nine. ]

[Once Shihuang died, his descendants would definitely not be able to suppress the survivors of the six kingdoms. ]

[In addition, the Qin nobles were corrupt and no longer had the style of the past before unification. They could not support the Qin State at all, and the collapse of the Qin State was only a matter of moments. ]

[I was very moved by the speculation of this Mohist giant. No matter when, we should not underestimate the wisdom of the ancients. 】

【Afterwards, I agreed to let this Mohist master join me. In the end, a total of 600 Mohists joined me, and I gave them a new identity, that is, the Chu survivors who hid in the mountains during the war. 】

【After settling these people, I began to ask Gai Tianming to learn Mohist skills, mechanical skills, and weapon refining skills. 】

【The Mohist tradition is older than any weapon refining sect I have been in before, and all the theories are the most original and effective. 】

【Rather than the specious modifications made by later generations due to incomplete inheritance. 】

【Gai Tianming was very embarrassed about my request, because people who are not Mohists cannot learn Mohist skills at all, but I said it was simple for me to join Mohists. 】

【Gai Tianming did not expect that I would choose to join Mohists so rashly, but words spoken out are like water spilled and cannot be taken back. 】

【He could only pinch his nose and accept me. ]

[Because of the specialization of skills, this Mohist master Gai Tianming only knows Mohist swordsmanship, so I followed the Mohist family he brought with him to start learning. ]

[However, if you want to learn the Mohist skills, you need to practice their mental method "Non-attack", the core purpose of which is to pursue the concept of universal love, non-attack, and chivalry to save the world. ]

[The sky is invisible, but all things are formed. The essence is formless, but all things are transformed. ]

[Practicing to the highest level will reach the state of being invisible and formless, holding the void as full, and you will not be stuck in things or trapped in your heart during practice. You will see that there is only one real method and the truth is not two. ]

[In short, this "Non-attack" is a conceptual method, which is actually a method for self-cultivation. Even if you practice it to the highest level, it will not increase your combat power much. ]

[However, I don't look down on this "Non-attack", because I have no shortage of combat power now, but I lack realm and various knowledge. ]

[This non-attack can just make up for my lack of realm. 】

【After taking it back and meditating for a while, I successfully mastered the non-attack and felt another possibility of this heavenly way. 】

【I had always believed in the survival of the fittest. 】

【But this non-attack made me feel the possibility of another social form, that is, the ideological realm of all people is greatly improved, and it becomes a true Datong society. 】

【But I know that this is something that is impossible to happen, because society changes very quickly, and human nature changes very slowly. 】

【Humans stand out from the biological world because of altruism and become the world hegemon, but a small group of humans rely on selfish genes to kill and become the upper class in this altruistic society. 】

【The most extreme method I can think of is to refine a magic weapon that can detect thoughts. If it detects that an individual is selfish to the extent of harming others, it will be physically eliminated. 】

【But this can only be thought of for a while. Everything still needs to be cultivated. Otherwise, if I test one by one, I will definitely be the first one to die of exhaustion. 】

After hearing the violent remarks of the owner of the notebook, Zhang Chulan was shocked.

"Good fellow, you actually have such an outrageous idea."

"If you really do this, society would have been in chaos long ago."

The old Taoist sighed at this moment.

Then he sang a rhyme.

"A tree without roots, the flowers are beautiful, who is willing to stop being greedy for glory? Life is like a boat in the sea of ​​suffering, drifting and floating without freedom. It is difficult to moor without boundaries and shores, and it often swims in dangerous places where fish and dragons swim. If you are willing to turn back, you will reach the shore, don't wait for the storm to destroy the boat."

"Chu Lan, many of our Taoist ancestors have also made efforts in this regard."

"Although the results are minimal, it is also somewhat useful."

"Of course, for this kind of thing, I can only say that you should try your best to be yourself."

"Otherwise, you will sink and float in the sea of ​​suffering all your life."

After speaking, the old Taoist closed his eyes and said nothing.

When they heard the rhyme sung by the old Taoist, everyone was thinking in their hearts.


From ancient times to the present, countless sages have made efforts in this regard.

Dr. Xia wiped his glasses at this time.

"In fact, the moral level of modern society is already very high."

"Let's not talk about the distant past, let's talk about the Republic of China."

"During the Republic of China, some of those who were regarded as great people were not even as good as ordinary people in modern times in terms of private morality."

"For example, the poet who wrote Farewell to Cambridge abandoned his wife and even seduced someone else's wife."

"But now there are still many people who regard him as an idol."

"This kind of thing that hurts the heaven and earth is something that people today would not feel at ease doing, but this guy described his happy life in his poems."

"It was right for him to be killed in the plane in the end."

"There are also some people who abandon their wives and children, and call this kind of thing "getting rid of the dross and pursuing a new life and a new era."

"In fact, it's like being a whore and building a memorial archway."

"If someone does this kind of thing now, they will definitely be despised by everyone, but in that era, it was praised."

"So I think the moral standards of people today are the highest in thousands of years."

"It will get higher and higher in the future."

"So there is no need to despair, everything is promising in the future."

Hearing what Dr. Xia, an old man from the last century, said, everyone nodded.


"Some children now have very high quality."

Just then.

Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Baoer, keep reading."

"See what's next."

After Feng Baobao nodded, she continued to read the notes in her hand.

【After practicing non-attack to perfection, Li Bai's talent brought me a deeper level of practice method. I did not hide it. After improving the whole non-attack, I gave it to Gai Tianming with a deeper level of practice method. 】

【Gai Tianming was very amazed by my talent and quickly passed my improved method to the entire Mohist school. 】

【The entire Mohist school also admired me very much. When teaching me other Mohist methods, they did not hide anything and taught me all of them. 】

【I naturally understand what these Mohists think, that is, they hope that I can improve these methods. 】

【The opponent is so temperamental, I will naturally not rest. 】

【Among them, there are four core attack methods of the Mohist school, all of which require the use of large mechanical beasts to perform together, which is similar to the Ji Tian Zhi Xie that I learned in Tiangong Hall. 】

【The first one is Fei Luan Jue. If you want to perform it, you must create a mechanical Fei Luan. If you succeed, you can gain the ability to fly and can also load lethal weapons like fighter jets in later generations. ]

[The second is the Spirit Turtle Power. First, create the mechanical black tortoise. After the combination, it will have strong defense and strength, and also have good speed. ]

[The third is the White Tiger Evil Art, which focuses on killing. After creating the mechanical white tiger, it will exert extremely powerful attack capabilities. ]

[The fourth is the Azure Dragon Control Method. Unlike the fixed mechanical modes of the first three, this mechanical Azure Dragon can be infinitely modified until one day it can fly into the sky and hide in the ground, calling the wind and rain. ]

[After improving the four techniques, I re-taught them all to the people of the Mohist School. These people of the Mohist School will be of great help to me in building a power in the future. Now strengthening them is an investment in the future. ]

[Then I improved and integrated these four techniques with the Extreme Sky Evil, and finally created a method that can control any mechanism. ]

[And these people of the Mohist School told me that they would make a powerful mechanical beast for me and asked me what I wanted. I handed them the design drawings of the Gundam and asked them to make the corresponding mechanism according to the Gundam. 】

"Driving a Gundam?"

Zhang Chulan's eyes were excited. When he was a child, he had a dream for a while to drive a Gundam and fight everywhere in a mecha.

I didn't expect that the owner of the notebook had already driven a Gundam thousands of years ahead.

Dr. Xia's eyes were a little confused at this time.

"What is Gundam?"

"Is it a unique new term?"

Seeing Dr. Xia's puzzled eyes, Zhang Chulan hurriedly explained.

"Dr. Xia, you study history all day and don't watch cartoons. It's normal that you don't understand."

"In short, this Gundam is a giant humanoid mecha."

"I don't know if you have seen "Pacific Rim". The huge mechas of various countries in it are Gundam."

Dr. Xia nodded after hearing it.

"I have seen Pacific Rim, but I didn't expect you young people to call these things Gundam."

"But the material of that Gundam requires ultra-high-strength alloy to support such a huge weight. I really don't know how this notebook owner can do it."

Hearing the ultra-high-strength alloy, Zhang Chulan immediately laughed.

"The owner of the notebook has Samadhi True Fire, so there is no need to worry about not finding good materials."

"Gundam appeared in the Qin Dynasty Empire, just thinking about it is exciting!"

Everyone was curious at this time.

I don't know what kind of material the owner of the notebook will choose to make this mecha.

I wonder if such a powerful weapon has been preserved to later generations.

With curiosity and doubt, Feng Baobao continued to read.


[For this kind of design drawings, everyone said that they had never done it, and the material aspect was a problem. There was no such high-strength material that could support the weight of the entire mecha. ]

[I know this kind of thing very well. Before I traveled to the Qin Dynasty, I happened to read Hu Jian's newspaper. Someone just discovered a large iron mine in Dehua. There are also Wushan hematite and Qingxinlun magnetite, and the area of ​​​​ore is very large. ]

[These three iron mines can be said to have been discovered until the Republic of China in later generations. ]

[So no one has discovered it now, and the fine iron for making mecha only needs one of the iron mines. ]

【When the Samadhi True Fire is alight, the entire iron mine will be transformed into hematite elite. 】

【The mecha made of this hematite elite can definitely be rust-free for a thousand years and not rotten for ten thousand years. 】

【Afterwards, I summoned all the Mo family members to search for the location of Dehua in the Republic of China. There are also talents in the Mo family who are good at finding ores. Now that we know the specific location, it can be said that it is extremely simple to find. 】

【It has not been three days since we arrived in Dehua, and we have found the large iron mine. 】

【But unlike the large iron mine reported in the newspaper, this is clearly a giant iron mine, covering an area of ​​almost more than 900 acres. With this level of iron ore, it is easy to extract 35,000 tons of hematite elite, and it can also form a lake to nourish the nearby people! 】

Thanks to book friends 20210620, 20240707, and Wang Wenchang for the reward!

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