Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 228 The owner of the notebook enters the Tao. The human book gives everyone the opportunity

[Master Cui and I came to the fried cake stall and successfully bought the fried cake oil grate with five copper coins. Master Cui told me that I must not light all of them, but must light them one by one. Otherwise, even if I enter Tangwu Mountain, I will never get out because I am bewitched by ghosts. ]

[After getting the oil grate, I walked towards the direction of Tangwu Mountain. I have to say that the oil grate that has been soaked in oil for hundreds of years is indeed a bit magical. It contains a Binghuo force. After being ignited, it can lead to a trace of innate Binghuo force. ]

[After arriving outside Tangwu Mountain, I found that Tangwu Mountain has indeed become a place where demons and ghosts are stationed. The concentration of Yin Qi inside can almost catch up with the underground Qing Palace under Chu Longyin. 】

Feng Xingtong suddenly asked curiously:

"If this Tangwu Mountain is a place where ghosts and spirits gather, why have we never heard of the legend of Tangwu Mountain in modern times, or the name of Tangwu Mountain has disappeared?"

Seeing Feng Xingtong was so curious about Tangwu Mountain, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but say:

"Are you going to arrest a few evil spirits here, so you want to ask about the location of Tangwu Mountain."

Feng Xingtong shook his head immediately after hearing it.

"How could it be, you underestimate me too much, if you want to arrest evil spirits, I have plenty of ways, but I just don't want to do that."

Wang Zhenqiu was a little curious at this time.

"Why, don't you want to improve your strength?"

"You know, the Feng family has the power to arrest spirits and send generals, it is normal to arrest a few evil spirits for their own dispatch."

Feng Xingtong shook his head.

"You all think that witchcraft is too simple. How can you arrest evil spirits at will? After all, evil spirits are also life and part of nature."

"What our Feng family should do is to coexist peacefully with the spirits in the world and call for their help when necessary."

Hearing Feng Xingtong say this, Wang Zhenqiu immediately said:

"Come on, if we really coexist peacefully, your great grandfather Feng Tianyang would not have created a way to subdue spirits."

Feng Xingtong paused when he heard this.

The next moment, he was filled with grief.

He thought of Grandpa Wang Zizhong again.

If he had not been eaten by Wang Bing, Grandpa Wang Zizhong would probably be with him until now.

The following events would not have happened at all.

Thinking of this, Feng Xingtong tried hard not to let his tears fall, and Zhang Chulan also noticed that Feng Xingtong's mood was a little wrong.

Then he said:

"I think even the Liangshan witches have different paths to take, just like the Five Immortals Sect, don't Qiaojie and the others have five different entry-level exercises?"

Wang Zhenqiu also realized that something was wrong at this time, and then stopped talking.

And Feng Zhenghao said at this time:

"Xingtong, when I was young, I heard about Tang Wushan. It was said that it was a ghost mountain, so I visited it and hoped to capture a few powerful spirits."

Hearing that Feng Zhenghao actually knew, Feng Xingtong was surprised.

"Father, what about Tang Wushan?"

"Why haven't you heard of it now?"

Feng Zhenghao shook his head helplessly.

"It's gone now. It is said that there was a gold mine there. It was dug out during the Anti-Japanese War. Now there is nothing but ruins, not even a single elf."

Hearing Feng Zhenghao say this, everyone felt a pity in their hearts.

It seems that even if there are more ghosts and monsters, the fear they cause is not as tempting as such a gold mine.

Just then,

Feng Baobao also continued to read the notes in his hand.

[After I disassembled the oil grate into 90 bamboo strips, I lit one of them and started walking towards the interior of Tangwu Mountain. ]

[And this Qianli Fire was just as Cui Laodao said. After it was lit, it directly illuminated the surrounding environment. The powerful Binghuo power made those ghosts dare not approach. ]

Hearing that this oil grate that has been soaked in oil for hundreds of years actually has such a powerful function, Lao Meng couldn't help but say:

"If this is the case, doesn't it mean that if we look for those old objects, there is still a chance that we can find this oil grate that has been soaked in oil for hundreds of years."

Wang Zhenqiu had a flash of inspiration at this moment.

"I know!"

"I remember it!"

"When I was in Sichuan and Chongqing, I saw something similar, but it was not an oil grate, but a bamboo spoon that had been used by the host to collect old hot pot oil for hundreds of years."

"If that's the case, doesn't it mean that this bamboo spoon can also burn the effect of a thousand-mile fire?"

When Zhang Chulan heard about collecting old oil, his face was painful.

"If that's the case, doesn't it mean that when we eat hot pot, we are eating other people's saliva."

Wang Zhenqiu laughed.

"Of course not, they will burn out the moisture in it."

"Besides, old oil tastes delicious. If you want to eat authentic old oil hot pot now, you may have to go to the countryside!"

When everyone heard Wang Zhenqiu say this, their faces changed a little.

These days.

There are almost no people who have never eaten hot pot.

When they thought of the hot pot restaurant recycling the leftover oil from others, everyone felt uncomfortable.

At this moment, Feng Baobao, who didn't understand the psychological changes of everyone, blinked his eyes, and then continued to read the notes in his hand.

[I have been searching here in Tangwu Mountain for a long time. Although I did not find the book, I found many corpses that were randomly discarded here. No wonder there are so many ghosts gathered here. It turns out that some people regard this place as a mass grave. . 】

[When I came to the center of Tangwu Mountain, I finally discovered the ancient tomb of the Han Dynasty. The seal script on it clearly stated that it was the tomb of Madam Jade. 】

[It seems that Yi Xiaochuan is buried here, and just when I was about to continue exploring, a sound of golden toads caught my attention, and I also saw what Cui Laodao had not taken away because he read the book. Golden toad. 】

[Although this golden toad can amass wealth, as long as I want, I can amass a wealth that can rival the country at any time. In terms of wealth-gathering attributes, I am higher than this golden toad. 】

[Then I grabbed the golden toad, and there was indeed a book underneath the golden toad. The moment I saw the book, I knew that this book was the legendary opportunity. 】

[An opportunity to free yourself and all sentient beings from the shackles of fate. 】

Hearing that they could get rid of the shackles of fate, everyone's eyes fell into deep thought. Perhaps their fate had been set from beginning to end. Everything was destined. There was no one who could control their own destiny. Chance.

But this book can help all sentient beings get rid of the shackles of fate.

Once the note owner succeeds, the merit will be really great.

At this moment, Wang Zhenqiu spoke with confusion in his eyes.

"Can we say that once we all get rid of the shackles of fate, it means that all futures will become chaotic and unpredictable."

"From now on, fortune telling and divination will be inaccurate."

"Everyone is the protagonist, and everything can only move forward based on their own choices?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, that's pretty much what it means. From now on, the inner story of the warlock's inquiry is still accurate. This means that we have not escaped from our own destiny."

"I don't know if the owner of the note didn't find a way, or if something was delayed in the process."

The black tube suddenly spoke at this time.

"If that's the case, I'd rather have the power to choose my own destiny."

"Otherwise, everything in life is set, so what's the point."

"I hope the owner of this note will not keep me waiting for too long. In my opinion, even if I can feel the power to control my own destiny on the day before my death, then this life will not be in vain."

The clarinet's words immediately shocked everyone.

Liu Deshui said at this time:

"This statement is a bit too desperate. In fact, as long as we use the right methods and work hard to cultivate immortality, we can control our own destiny."

After hearing the word "cultivating immortals" again, Wang Zhenqiu couldn't help but sneered at Liu Deshui.

"Old senior, this immortal is not so easy to cultivate."

"How many strangers have come throughout the ages, and how many have succeeded in cultivation?"

"The goal of becoming an immortal is too ambitious. I can't eat the pie. I want something more tangible."

"You must give me a promotion, a salary increase or something like that right now."

Liu Deshui was not angry after hearing this.

"Haha, today's young people are so real."

Zhang Chulan glanced at the old Heavenly Master from the corner of his eye, and saw that the old Heavenly Master was now frowning, not knowing what he was thinking.

Then Zhang Chulan quickly looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er!"

Feng Baobao understood immediately after hearing it.

Then he stopped being lazy and continued reading the notes in his hand.

[At this moment, Goddess Dokuohuo told me that this book must not be opened and read. Once I read it, I will immediately fall into it. It will only give me a way to get rid of the shackles of fate, and can no longer help me. All living beings. 】

[Perhaps, what Huainan King Liu An, Zhuge Liang, Liu Bowen and Cui Laodao, who changed their destiny, obtained from this book are the methods and rules to change their own destiny. 】

[Thinking of this, I also gave up the possibility of escaping fate. It would be boring if I was the only one to escape fate. If you want to play, just play with a big one! 】

When they heard that the owner of the note had given up the chance to escape his own fate, everyone couldn't help but sigh.

"If this is the case, then the owner of the notebook has sacrificed too much for everyone!"

Feng Shayan shook her head.

"A chance to control your own destiny."

"Isn't that the chance to become an immortal?"

"If such a great temptation were placed in front of me, I might not be able to help but read it on the spot."

"As for the others, after I become an immortal, I won't care about the floods."

Hearing Feng Shayan say this, everyone couldn't help but frown, but after thinking about it, Feng Shayan was indeed telling the truth.

If this kind of opportunity to become an immortal is placed in front of anyone, I'm afraid they have to consider it carefully, and even hesitate without hesitation.

It's like having two buttons in front of you.

One is a red button and one is a blue button.

Press the red button and you will 100% get the grand prize of 100 million.

Press the blue button, I don’t know what the probability is, it may be 0.01%, and then everyone will get a 100 million grand prize.

Q: Which one do you choose?

As long as you are not a fool, you will probably choose the first one.

This is not based on morality, but on pros and cons.

While everyone was thinking, Feng Baobao's voice continued to read in an unhurried voice.

[After putting the book away, I clearly felt that I seemed to be different in some ways. ]

[This difference is that my thoughts are more open, and I can even say that I have reached the point where one thought can understand everything. ]

[I call this state the entry into the Tao. After wasting more than 40 years, today I have finally stepped into the threshold of the Tao. ]

When they heard that the owner of the notebook had practiced for more than 40 years before entering the Tao, everyone congratulated him from the bottom of their hearts.

This feeling.

People who have not practiced really don’t understand.

That level is right in front of you, and you also know that after crossing that level, you will reach the broad road, but you are always stuck there, and there is no possibility of crossing it at all.

This feeling will drive people crazy.

It will make people lose confidence, and then further believe that they are not good enough, and there is no way to cross that hurdle.

But one day you really cross it.

That is when the clouds clear and the moon appears, and the resentment and depression accumulated for many years will be swept away, and the world will become completely different.

It seems.

The owner of the notebook really felt that feeling.

The old Taoist priest breathed a sigh of relief after hearing this.

"If that's the case, then my father can become an immortal without the help of the human book."

"I just don't know how to use this opportunity of the human book."

"Maybe he is still looking for a way."

Hearing the old Taoist priest say this, Zhang Chulan said:

"Isn't it said that there are three books of heaven, earth and man? Do you have to collect all three books at the same time to have the opportunity to use that opportunity?"

The old Taoist priest thought for a while and nodded.

"Well, what you said makes sense, but there is only this human book so far, and I don't know where the heavenly book and the earthly book are."

"All this can only depend on my father's luck."

Liu Deshui saw this and spoke.

"Old Taoist priest, Li Qian... Senior Su must be a lucky person, and we don't need to worry about this at all."

After Liu Deshui finished speaking, the old Taoist priest nodded.

"I hope so."

But there was still a trace of worry in his heart.

Feng Baobao continued to speak at this time.

[After getting the human book, I didn't delay any longer. I grabbed the golden toad and walked out of Tangwu Mountain. But by chance, I saw a gold vein under the ground of Tangwu Mountain. But now I have lost my nature to such mundane things. My wife and children can eat and wear warm clothes. This gold vein will be left to future generations. ]

When they heard the contents of the notes, everyone was shocked.

Good guy.

It turned out that the owner of the notes had already discovered this gold vein at this time.

Feng Zhenghao thought of something at this moment.

"No wonder, no wonder!"

After hearing this, everyone looked at Feng Zhenghao, wondering what he wanted to express.

Feng Zhenghao saw everyone's eyes and explained.

"Doesn't this golden toad have the function of gathering wealth? I feel that this gold vein in Tangwu Mountain is likely to be the result of the golden toad gathering wealth over the years!"

"The ancients had a unique method for exploring gold veins. When they were digging the mausoleum for the grandmother of the King of Huainan, it was impossible that they would not have discovered it!"

After hearing this, everyone suddenly realized it.


This is the only reason that can explain it.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has continued to read his notes.

[After I got the golden toad, I walked all the way to Jincheng. Since it was this old Taoist Cui who helped me find the human book and indirectly helped me enter the Tao, I naturally have to repay his kindness. ]

[Old Taoist Cui cannot make money with his real ability, and it is not taboo to use this golden toad to gather wealth. ]

[Plus, this golden toad was originally his destiny, and now it is handed back to him, which can be regarded as returning the property to its original owner. 】

【After I found Master Cui, I gave him the golden toad. Master Cui was so grateful that he called his wife and children to thank me. It can be said that the golden toad can not only bless him to have enough food and drink for the rest of his life, but also bring a lot of money to his descendants. 】

The old Taoist priest couldn't help but comment after hearing this.

"There is a child, it turns out to be a fire dwelling Taoist."

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but look at his master after hearing this.

"Master, what does fire dwelling Taoist mean?"

The old Taoist priest started to explain after seeing this.

"In the past, Taoists were divided into two major sects, monks and laymen. The Huoju Dao is a kind of layman. Not only do they have no rules and regulations, but they can also marry and have children to continue the family line, and they can eat either meat or vegetables."

"In fact, they don't even need to wear Taoist robes every day to show that they are Taoists."

"But don't think that this is not a Taoist. There must be seal scripts for receiving the talisman. They are definitely not the kind of wild Taoists who cheat in the world."

"However, the Huoju Dao has no believers who come to offer sacrifices automatically, so naturally they and their families need to buy food and drink by themselves."

"So these Huoju Daoists rely entirely on themselves to make a living."

"But this old Taoist Cui is obviously doing a bit worse because he can't make money with his real skills."

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan and others nodded.

They had never been exposed to such knowledge before.

Today is considered to be a broadening of horizons.

At this time.

Feng Baobao also continued to read.

【After I handed the golden toad to Old Taoist Cui, I was about to leave, but Old Taoist Cui stopped me. 】

[He told me that it would take some time to use this golden toad to gather wealth, but now there is a big business to make money. If it succeeds, we will split the profits 50-50. ]

[And I can see that this Taoist Cui has been obsessed with greed. He doesn't think about it. If I am short of money, how can I willingly hand over this golden toad that guarantees wealth for several generations to him. ]

[I asked this Taoist Cui what big business it was. ]

[He told me that this business is related to Concubine Dong of the Qing Dynasty. Although it is said that the emperor was not allowed to marry Han women at that time, Concubine Dong was brought into the palace by her family at a high price in order to gain the emperor's favor, but in the end she could not get what she wanted because she offended the empress dowager and was sentenced to death by the empress dowager. ]

[At that time, he helped the Dong family find a Feng Shui cave to bury Concubine Dong. Now the Dong family has fallen into decline, and it is time for him to go to rob the tomb. ]

[Those burial objects will not be eaten up in at least ten years! 】

【I had no interest in this, but the next sentence of Cui Laodao aroused my interest. He had predicted that before Concubine Dong entered the palace, she had a son who stayed among the people. He was estimated to be in his sixties or seventies. He had predicted that Concubine Dong's son was destined to be an emperor. If he could not become an emperor in this life, then his fate would be changed. 】

【When I learned that I could change my fate without a human book, I immediately had a plan in my mind. I wanted to see what other methods could be used to change the fate of this world. 】

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