Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 235 New Notes: Meeting Ruan Feng, the price of fighting against destiny.

Everyone was shocked to hear that the horned dragon had cracks.

The body of the horned dragon was condensed from the dragon veins of the Qing Dynasty, and it was incredible that cracks appeared.

Zhang Chulan spoke at this time.

"Before, this horned dragon brought countless rains to the Sanqin area, why is it not working in the Central Plains now?"

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, everyone started to think.


It's OK in other areas, why not here?

Could it be because people must die?

Zhuge Qing said at this time:

"For these things, I think it can be understood as a fate that can be changed and a fate that cannot be changed."

"That is to say, those places in the Three Qins can perform this artificial rainfall, which means that no matter whether it rains or not, the people in that place will not die."

"At most, the quality of life is worse."

"But the Central Plains here is different. The people there are destined to die of drought, but he has such a rainfall to give these people a way to survive. Then, won't the artifact that can rain be backfired?"

Hearing Zhuge Qing say this, Zhang Chulan was a little unhappy.


"Don't the people living there have the power to choose for themselves?"

Zhuge Qing nodded after hearing it.

"Of course, don't forget what happened in 1942. Many people left their hometowns."

After hearing this, everyone recalled the historical knowledge they had learned.

It was an extremely serious famine.

Since 1937, the clues have already appeared, but people's predictions about the future are lagging.

Several consecutive years of poor harvests accumulated, and finally broke out that disaster.

Zhang Chulan shook his head.

"Is it destined that so many people will starve to death?"

Su Zaiqiao reminded at the side.

"Chulan, this is fate. Before everyone has completely controlled their own destiny, many things are powerless."

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing it.

Now he only hopes that the owner of the notebook can finally defeat fate and let everyone control their own destiny.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has continued to read the notebook.

[The cracks of the hanging horn dragon made me realize that I am now fighting against fate. This is a general trend that cannot be changed. From this time on, I will no longer take the initiative to fight against this general trend, and can only start with small trends. ]

[So I found my wives and got three million yuan, and bought food before the great famine came completely. ]

[And according to various nutritional combinations, I hired people to make all the food I bought into famine relief pills. 】

【This famine relief pill is made of dandelion, purslane, soybean, sorghum, brown rice, sweet potato, bran, a small amount of dried meat and a large amount of salt. After being made, it is dried into a hard ball the size of an adult's fist. This hard ball can be stored for at least two years. It cannot be eaten directly. The famine relief pill needs to be put into a pot and boiled, so that a pot of delicious nutritious soup can be obtained. 】

【After a famine relief pill is boiled into a pot of soup, it is at least enough for a family of three to eat a meal, and it is not impossible to survive for a day in difficult times. 】

【According to this production method, all my money has become 600 million famine relief pills. Although it may seem a drop in the bucket when facing the disaster victims in the future, eating my famine relief pills will at least not starve to death. 】

Hearing that the owner of the notebook made so many famine relief pills, the people present also felt that this was considered to be their best efforts.

This famine relief pill is almost equivalent to the current canned food, but it is preserved with salt as a preservative.

These 600 million famine relief pills are 600 million meals. I don’t know how many lives they will save.


【Afterwards, I found people from the Three Demon Sects and asked them to guard the warehouse. If they encountered disaster victims, they could give each of them 30 famine-relief pills. 】

【Taoist Zhiqing came to guard the warehouse for me after learning about it. He was very worried that my famine-relief pills would be snatched away by some warlords in the melee. 】

【In such war-torn years, especially in the era of famine, the preciousness and importance of food are self-evident. 】

【Time quickly came to the second year, and the great famine soon arrived. During this period, I made another 500 million famine-relief pills and put them in a warehouse in another city, and I was responsible for guarding it myself. 】

【The number of disaster victims can be said to be far beyond my imagination, one wave after another, seemingly endless. 】

【In order to share the pressure of delivery, I selected 30 upright and strong young men from the disaster victims to help me deliver the famine-relief pills. 】

【Among them, there is a young man named Ruan Feng who is very good and has a very high talent for cultivation. So I taught him some basic Qi training methods and some small spells, and let him scare the guys who want to cause trouble among the disaster victims. 】

Ruan Feng?

Everyone heard this name and it was very familiar.

Zhang Chulan suddenly shouted.

"It's Grandpa Ruan Feng!"

"He was one of the thirty-six sworn brothers with my grandfather!"

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, everyone's eyes were also a little surprised.

This world seems a little small.

It's too coincidental that they can meet like this!

In the board of directors.

Bi Youlong, who knew the specific information, spoke at this time.

"We got intelligence before that there are many disciples from various sects among the Thirty-Six Righteous Ones, but there are also independent people. This Ruan Feng is an independent person without any sect. I really didn't expect that he would be the disciple of the owner of this notebook."

"Ruan Feng's whereabouts are unknown now, and it is suspected that he was hunted down by the major sects."

"If the owner of this notebook is still alive 44 years later, doesn't it mean that there is a high probability that his disciple Ruan Feng will show up when he is hunted down?"

Hearing Bi Youlong say this, Huang Boren on the side spoke up.

"Bi Youlong, do you mean that the owner of this notebook is likely to protect Ruan Feng when he is hunted down?"

Bi Youlong nodded.

"Yes, that's what I mean."

"And it's not very likely. I personally feel that this possibility is at least 99%, which means that Ruan Feng is not dead."

"It's even possible that he helped some of the Thirty-Six Thieves survive."

After hearing Bi Youlong say this, Zhang Chulan in the warehouse was shocked.

"If that's the case, then wouldn't a large part of my grandfather's sworn brothers and sisters not have died?"

Zhang Chulan's words immediately made Ding Shian's eyes light up.

"If that's the case, then it couldn't be better. The previous sects lost a lot of inheritance. If they didn't die, it means that the inheritance of these sects has not been cut off."

"If I can find one of them, then I really hope to learn from him."

Hearing Ding Shian's thoughts, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but speak.

"Brother Ding, haven't you learned the third level of reverse birth now?"

"You only need to improve the third level of reverse birth to the extreme to avoid most of the dangers, but you seem to be very interested in the skills of other sects."

Ding Shian smiled after hearing Zhang Chulan's words.

"Zhang Chulan, you don't understand how important this matter is to me."

"Because some dangers cannot be overcome purely by relying on strength."

Hearing Ding Shian say this, Zhang Chulan didn't say anything else.

Zhuge Qing laughed and said to Ding Shian:

"Brother Ding, you don't need to learn anything else, just focus on learning magic."

"What we magicians care about is to avoid danger and seek good fortune, and to get the greatest benefits at the lowest cost."

"With your talent, you will definitely be much better than me."

Ding Shian shook his head after hearing this.

"No, although the magic is very good, it is much more dangerous than other skills."

"If I encounter danger, this danger is also a danger destined in life. I will pay a huge price to seek good fortune and avoid danger."

"Although my personal life and death have little impact on the world, in fact, life is what I value most. This price cannot be achieved by spitting blood."

"It's different when practicing other skills. No matter what kind of danger you encounter, although you can't avoid danger, you can rely on your own strength to overcome it."

"The stronger my life cultivation is, the greater my influence on the world will be. Others can't use the inner view to spy on me, unless they don't want to die!"

Hearing Ding Shiman's explanation, Zhuge Qing nodded.

"Brother Ding is right."

"I have no choice. I have been forced to learn those magic since I was a child."

"If possible, I would rather become a warrior."

"Even if it is to practice Tongbi Jin Gang, this kind of hard-hitting martial arts is fine."

Zhang Chulan was also stunned when he heard Zhuge Qing say this. He didn't expect Zhuge Qing to have such a wish.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has also continued to read the notes in his hand.

【It took us more than a month to distribute the famine relief pills here. I don't know how many victims were distributed during this period. In my opinion, this is one month's ration for each person. This month is enough for them to find a way out. 】

【The gap between the rich and the poor in this era is huge. The coachmen in Beiping City can eat a meal of braised pork and fire every three or five days, and all kinds of snacks are not repeated, but the landlords in the Central Plains here can't eat meat once a month. As long as they flee to the big city, they can find a way to survive. 】

【There were many people who wanted to take advantage of the situation and get a second share, but after a lecture, they realized their mistakes. The identities of these disaster victims were mixed, and there were several soldiers among them. 】

【Among them, Liang Sanjin had gunshot wounds all over his body. According to his companions, he was beaten by the Japanese. I used the Qingjiao Shenggu Gong to restore Liang Sanjin to his original state. He was more lively than before the injury. 】

And at this time.

Zhao Fangxu's eyes were excited.

"Liang Sanjin is my grandfather!"

"But he changed his surname to Zhao later."

"It turns out that my grandfather was rescued by the owner of the notebook at this time!"

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