Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 237 Young Zhang Boduan witnessed the prosperity of Bianjing in the Northern Song Dynasty

Zhuge Qing rubbed his hands excitedly at this time.

"It's actually Zhang Boduan, Master Ziyang?"

"This is a famous Taoist from the Northern Song Dynasty, a master of alchemy. My father had seen the introduction of this Master Ziyang when he asked me to endorse it."

"This man is amazing, he may even become an immortal!"

"I just don't know what the Twenty-Four Festival Valleys mentioned in this note are. Has the owner of the note discovered what this Master Ziyang left behind?"

Zhuge Qing had many questions.

At this moment, he is like a curious baby.

After all, the contents of the notes he knew were limited, and Zhang Chulan and the others needed to clear up these things for him.

Hearing Zhuge Qing's words, Zhang Chulan did not answer, but said curiously:

"If the owner of this note finds that Zhang Boduan, I don't know how he will deal with it. After all, this person is an immortal being."

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Dr. Xia on the side said:

"We have studied this Zhang Boduan for a while."

"This Zhang Boduan has been well-read since he was a child. He is an expert in fortune-telling as a mountain doctor. However, when he was young, he was focused on gaining fame and did not study Taoism."

"Later he served as a government official until he was fifty years old, but during the Northern Song Dynasty, once he was an official, he stayed as an official forever. Song Jiang accepted the imperial recruitment because he wanted to get rid of his status as an official and become an official."

"If I don't talk about this, I'm going too far. It is said that Zhang Boduan later committed crimes and was sent to Lingnan. He met many gods and opportunities that led him to Taoism."

"If we look at the deeds of the old immortal Nanhua who asked the owner of the notebook to guide Li Muxuan into Taoism, it is very likely that this Zhang Boduan is the reincarnation of the immortal, and the backhand he left before his reincarnation played a role."

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but frown when he heard the legend about Zhang Boduan.

"If this is the case, then the people who became immortals in history may have to be given a discount, because there must be some reincarnations of corpse-dissolving immortals among them."

Dr. Xia nodded.

"Well, that's probably it."

Zhuge Qing couldn't help but ask curious questions at this time.

"I know all this, but Zhang Chulan, you haven't told me what the Twenty-Four Festival Valley is!"

"You have to tell me what it is specifically."

As he spoke, Zhuge Qing looked at the others.

"If you don't tell me, I'll be confused!"

At this time, Bi Youlong from the board of directors spoke.

"Zhang Chulan, tell him. There is no need to hide it."

Zhang Chulan saw Bi Youlong speaking and nodded immediately.


Then Zhang Chulan looked at Zhuge Qing and Ding Zhangan.

Only the two of them don't know.

"Zhuge Qing, Brother Ding, this Twenty-Four Festival Valley is actually the cave of the immortal Zhang Boduan."

"There are some things in it that can help people practice."

Zhuge Qing understood now.

"So it's like this. It's normal for Zhang Boduan's cave to be able to help others practice. Even I can set up a Feng Shui manor to help the people in it practice better."

Ding Shian was very interested.

"I don't know how the Twenty-Four Section Valley helps other people practice, and whether the company has found the place. If possible, I hope I can go and see it."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"I found it. As the captain of the special service team, Brother Ding, the company will definitely not refuse."

"Also, Wang Ye is doing restoration work there right now."

"Wang Ye?"

Zhuge Qing was very interested after hearing this.

"Is he there now?"

"Brother Ding, if you go there then, please take me with you."

"Easy to say!"

Ding Zhangan agreed and stopped talking.

Zhuge Qing's face lit up with joy.

This kind of place can definitely take your strength to the next level.

And Feng Baobao continued to read the remaining notes.

[Set the time, I set the time to the Northern Song Dynasty and then traveled directly to the eighth year of Qingli in the Northern Song Dynasty. Now Song Renzong Zhao Zhen is in power. At the same time, Zhang Boduan is also in this era, but at this time, Zhang Boduan was still young and bent on gaining fame. . 】

[Because I have to perfect the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts in this era, I don’t mind coming here so many years in advance. 】

When he heard that it was the eighth year of Qingli, Dr. Xia couldn't help but close his eyes and start thinking.

"Is it the eighth year of Qingli? In other words, the dynasty that the owner of this note went to this time was 1048 AD, and Yue Fei, the famous anti-gold general in the later period, was not born yet."

Hearing that it was 1048, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but think in his heart.

If the owner of the notebook has perfected the last of the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts, it means that the owner of the notebook will have to stay at least more than a hundred years during the Northern Song Dynasty.

That is to say, it will not come back until 1148.

It’s been more than a hundred years, even longer than the Republic of China. I don’t know how the owner of the notebook has been able to stay.

But Su Zaiqiao suddenly spoke.

"If this is the case, doesn't it mean that my grandfather will meet the 108 generals of Liangshan!"

"These Liangshan strangers all possess powerful powers."

"According to legend, Nahua Monk Lu Zhishen was so powerful that he could uproot a thousand-year-old tree with one arm!"

"This power is comparable to that of Xiang Yu, who was unique throughout the ages."

"Not to mention there are more than a hundred powerful beings."

Hearing what Su Zaiqiao said, everyone also remembered the legend of the alien world.

Unlike the various generals fighting during the Three Kingdoms period, the 108 Liangshan generals rarely gathered together. It is said that they all joined Quanxing and united to oppose the Song Dynasty.

However, Song Jiang, the acting leader of Quanxing at that time, sold all the people to the Song Dynasty, so the uprising failed.

In the end, the emperor of the Song Dynasty killed them all with the help of many strange people from the Imperial City Department.

Not only was Xiaoyi Heisabalang sentenced to death in the end, but he also committed suicide with his loyal subordinate Li Kui.

The 108 Liangshan generals.

There are not many who died well.

Listening to the discussion of the people in the warehouse.

The old Taoist priest who had been listening quietly in the video slowly spoke at this time.

"Speaking of which, this is also related to the ancestors of Longhu Mountain."

Hearing the old Taoist priest suddenly speak, everyone was stunned, wondering what this had to do with Longhu Mountain.

Zhang Chulan asked curiously.

"Master, is it possible that the 108 generals of Liangshan have any relationship with Longhu Mountain?"

The old Taoist priest nodded.

"More than that, these 108 evil stars escaped from Longhu Mountain."

One hundred and eight evil stars?

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. It was the first time they heard this statement.

Then the old Taoist priest spoke slowly.

"That happened during the reign of Emperor Renzong of Song, in the third year of Jiayou. There was a severe drought, so Emperor Renzong sent General Hong to Longhu Mountain to ask the then Heavenly Master to pray for rain and blessings."

"But the Heavenly Master Xu Jing of that generation was extremely arrogant, and he didn't even take the emperor's order seriously, so he didn't come out in person to receive the order."

"Instead, he asked his eldest disciple to come and receive the order for him."

"This move directly angered General Hong, but General Hong didn't get angry at the time, but just gave General Xu Jing a chance to come and receive the order in person the next day."

"But General Xu Jing used his golden light to escape to Bian Jing at night to meet Emperor Renzong of Song in person, and didn't give General Hong a chance to see him."

After hearing this, everyone was stunned.

Good guy.

This is what happened.

Didn't this make General Hong furious?

The old Taoist priest then said:

"The host at that time told him that the Taoist priest Xu Jing had arrived in Bian Jing."

"When General Hong heard this, he didn't believe it at all. He broke into the Jiutian Palace, Shangtian Palace, Ziwei Palace, Beiji Palace, Sanguan Palace, and Bixie Palace, and insisted on seeing the Taoist priest of that generation."

"Until he led his troops into the Fumo Palace, which was used by the Taoist priest to seal the demons. He destroyed the Taoist priest's talisman in the Fumo Palace and directly released the 108 demon stars that were subdued by the Taoist priest under the Fumo Palace."

"Because these demon stars had lost their bodies, their souls were reincarnated into people's homes everywhere."

"Until finally, they became the 108 demon stars that cholera the Song Dynasty court. If these demon stars had not appeared in the world to disrupt the heavenly secrets and destroy the dragon veins and national destiny, the Northern Song Dynasty would not have suffered so many disasters later."

After saying this, the old Taoist priest sighed.

"Once the ancient secluded gate is opened, the heavenly gangs and earthly evil spirits will emerge from the spring platform. There has always been trouble when there is nothing to do, and it was meant to eliminate disasters but ended up causing disasters."

"Later, Xu Jing Tianshi knew that he was wrong, so he passed down the Tianshi degree and left Longhu Mountain. No one knew where he went in the end."

Hearing the old Tianshi say this, everyone felt melancholy.

If this is really the case, then he really has a cause and effect.

Just then.

Feng Baobao's voice continued to come.

【Now in this strange era, you must have your own identity, so I began to look for suitable candidates everywhere, until finally, I set my sights on a dandy boy who preyed on the people in the village. His father was the president of the Archery Society, a folk organization in the Northern Song Dynasty, an organization spontaneously gathered by villagers to maintain local stability and defend against the invasion of the Western Xia and Jin Kingdoms. ]

[But this dude often relied on his father's reputation to harm the people. As for whether his father knew about it, I think his father should know it, but he was extremely doting on his son, so he didn't discipline him strictly. I replaced his identity, which was also a good thing for the people of this era. ]

[Then, I threw this dude into a tiger's den in the mountains, and left only after seeing him being eaten clean. ]

[After leaving, I disguised myself as this dude and replaced his name Yue Tianlai. ]

[Then, I became a recluse and began to concentrate on practicing my Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts. ]

[I have to say that this Qiankun Order is indeed difficult to learn. Although my comprehension is already top-level, I cannot comprehend the truth contained in it. ]

[Perhaps, this Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts is a technique for immortals to practice. ]

[It is said that there are five levels of immortals, and three thousand six hundred side door methods. This Seven Killing Order of Gods and Ghosts is the first level of these three thousand six hundred side door methods. ]

[However, although these three thousand six hundred side door methods can make people gain supernatural powers, they cannot become immortals. ]

[Perhaps to practice this last order of Qiankun Order, you can't just do it behind closed doors, but you need to travel around and distinguish Qiankun. ]

[After thinking this through, I said goodbye to Yue Tianlai's father and left the place, taking the road permit to travel around. ]

[It must be said that although the Northern Song Dynasty is rich, it is not easy to leave the original station. You must have various road permits and official documents to go to other places. ]

[My goal is to go to the capital of the Northern Song Dynasty, Bianjing, to see if it is as prosperous as in the Qingming Shanghe Tu. ]

Zhang Chulan looked envious after hearing this.

“I really envy the owner of this notebook, who can go to different dynasties at any time. The Northern Song Dynasty can be regarded as the most prosperous and wealthy dynasty.”

Dr. Xia was also envious after hearing this.

“Indeed, anyone who hears about this kind of thing will be envious. If you can go to that dynasty in person, some details that have not appeared in history should be easily obtained.”

The two people’s envious words did not interrupt Feng Baobao’s reading of the notes.

[During the prosperous Northern Song Dynasty, what made me feel strange was that I didn’t see many strange people along the way. Even if I met a few, they were all Quanzhen Taoists. ]

[In this era, the power of Quanzhen is really great. ]

[Because I was determined to visit the local customs and customs of various places, when I arrived in Bianjing, it was already the third month since I set out. During these three months, I traveled during the day and practiced the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts at night. 】

【After this kind of practice, I found that the threshold of the seventh order, Qiankun Order, was somewhat loose. If I persisted, I was afraid that I would have a high probability of entering. 】

When they heard that the owner of the notebook had not entered until today, everyone was a little surprised.

Good guy.

What on earth was recorded in this Qiankun Order that prevented the owner of the notebook, a peerless genius, from entering.

【After arriving in Bianjing City, I paid to stay in an inn. Iron pots have appeared in the Song Dynasty, so various stir-fried dishes have also begun to develop. What surprised me was that the food in this inn tasted no worse than that in the Republic of China. 】

【I don’t know if there was a cultural gap in the middle, which caused various dishes to not develop for thousands of years. 】

【At the same time, the prosperity of Bianjing can be seen from the roadside stalls. A cold dessert called Bingxue Lengyuanzi has appeared. ]

[You know, this was in ancient times when there were no refrigerators. Ice could only be stored from winter to summer to make such cold desserts. After walking around like this, I felt that the times were indeed developing and advancing. If there had been no cultural gap, the industrial revolution in the East would definitely have been hundreds of years earlier than that in the West. ]

[What I didn't expect was that I didn't deliberately look for Zhang Boduan, but Zhang Boduan appeared in front of me in a special way. ]

[I saw it in the inn where I stayed. Zhang Boduan is still very young now. He is now determined to pass the imperial examination and prepare to come to Bianjing for a walk. ]

[And I saw that Zhang Boduan was extremely blessed and was very likely the first life after the reincarnation of an immortal! ]

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