Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 181 The fate of the owner of the notebook: A five-generation extraordinary person, borrowing

Demon King?

Everyone was stunned after hearing this.

do not understand.

What does this devil mean?

Everyone didn't know, and then looked at Feng Baobao aside to see what she would say next.

Feng Baobao continued to speak at this time.

[I asked Li Xue what the devil meant, and Li Xue told me that it was Mao Xiaofang’s best friend Yang Feiyun who had obtained a mysterious zombie blood. 】

[This kind of zombie blood can transform ordinary people into zombies, and he used this zombie blood to turn his body into an indestructible one, making him immune to almost all attacks. 】

[I asked Xuan Kui if there were any similar people of his kind in Xiangjiang. Xuan Kui told me that there were three of his kind in Xiangjiang, but he only knew about it through the breath induction. The specific communication It has never happened before. 】

[I think this Yang Feiyun should have obtained the blood of Xuan Kui’s same kind. 】

[So I asked Duan Xiaolou to contact these three zombies to find out what was going on. 】

[And I took Xuan Kui and Li Xue to look for Mao Xiaofang to see how he was doing. After arriving at Fuxi Hall, Mao Xiaofang told me that Yang Feiyun had absorbed a large amount of the energy of demons and monsters and combined it with the mysterious zombie blood. Now it has become a real demon body. Like the fairy body, this demon body has many wonderful and incredible abilities, but because it has not reached the realm, it is different from the real demon. 】

[I asked Mao Xiaofang if there was any way to defeat this Yang Feiyun, and Mao Xiaofang told me that to defeat this Yang Feiyun, one must have a rare person from the fifth generation. Otherwise, he would have to let Yang Feiyun wreak havoc in the world. 】

[And these five-generation strange people have a very special destiny. They are born with the flow of five qi and the five elements. They also have extraordinary talents and special physiques. 】

[Any skill can be mastered with just a little bit, and you can master it as soon as you learn it. It can be said that you are a genius that is rare in thousands of years. 】

[But the more I listen to it, the weirder it becomes. 】

[Because the introduction to this strange man from the fifth generation was not about me? 】

[And I told Mao Xiaofang my thoughts, and Mao Xiaofang performed his family fortune calculation for me. In the end, he calculated that I was the fifth-generation wonder. 】

[Finally, Mao Xiaofang told me that if I want to fully unleash the power of the Five-Life Strange Man’s destiny, I must drink the Forgetting Water, so that all the Taoist fruits I have cultivated in my previous reincarnations will bless me. 】

[But in this case, I am not me, but a fusion of five generations of personality. 】

[Of course I don’t want my current personality to disappear, so what’s the difference between doing this and dying? 】

Everyone looked quite helpless when they heard that the fifth-generation strange man had to do this to gain the power of his previous lives.

Lu Linglong shook her head.

"If that's the case, then I don't want to either."

"If I'm not who I am, I might as well be dead."

"With the fusion of personalities, wouldn't there be only one walking corpse left in this world?"

However, Zhang Chulan didn't care about this at this time, but said:

"According to the records and evidence in the previous notes, I can now confirm that reincarnation is real. If so, then we all have previous lives."

"I don't know what our identities were in our previous lives."

After hearing Zhang Chulan's words, everyone also reacted.


They all have past lives!

Then this world is not like people dying like lights going out.

Instead, they will enter reincarnation, and then go through an unknown process before being reincarnated.

Wang Ergou raised his red lips.

"If that's the case, then I must have been a woman in my previous life. Otherwise, why would I be so interested in makeup in this life?"

Wang Ergou's words immediately caused everyone to feel physical discomfort.

If that's the case, then it's really vomiting.

Zhi Jinhua couldn't help but strike.

"If you were a woman in your last life, I'm afraid you would be a woman no one wants."

Wang Ergou curled his lips.

"Zhi Jinhua, I think you are just jealous that my makeup skills are better than yours."

After finishing speaking, Wang Ergou shut up and said nothing.

Feng Baobao continued reading.

[It's a pity that I can't practice the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts now. Otherwise, even if I reach the third Soul Chasing Order, it would still be enough for Yang Feiyun to drink a pot. 】

[As for Yang Feiyun, he got a group of demons and monsters as his subordinates from nowhere. One of them is called Fifth Young Master, whose true identity is the ancient monster Taotie, the fifth son of the true dragon. It has to be said that the zombie blood that Yang Feiyun got was amazing, and he was able to subdue even this ancient monster. 】

The ancient demon beast is gluttonous?

Everyone was surprised when they heard it.

Have all these legendary monsters emerged?

Zhang Chulan murmured to himself after hearing this.

"There is actually a Taotie."

"Isn't this Taotie said to be able to eat anything?"

"I heard a story before from an old man from the Tang Sect. This story probably tells the story of monsters eating people."

After speaking, Zhang Chulan told everyone the story he heard from Tang Jian.

"That's probably what happened."

"Perhaps, the mysterious monster that ate thousands of people at that time could be this Taotie!"

Everyone was surprised when they heard the story told by Zhang Chulan.

"I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"From this story, it is probably the Taotie."

"I just didn't expect such a powerful monster to become Yang Feiyun's subordinate. The zombie blood that Yang Feiyun got must be of a very high level."

"Yes, otherwise, Mao Xiaofang's friend can only be considered a first-class player. Now he can have such power. I really don't know how much power he got from the zombie blood."

Su Zaiqiao speculated at this time.

"The level of this power is higher than that of Xuan Kui. Could it be the blood of the monster that infected Xuan Kui?"

"If so, it is understandable that Yang Feiyun has gained so much power."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Indeed, only this can explain everything that happened."

Everyone listened to Zhang Chulan and Su Zaiqiao's discussion with puzzled eyes, but then they thought that it must be something mentioned in the previous notes.

Zhang Chulan didn't take the initiative to say it, and they didn't take the initiative to ask.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has continued to read.

【For some unknown reason, Yang Feiyun did not act rashly at the first time, and the demons under his command also hid in unknown places. 】

【But the Fifth Young Master was fearless and directly opened a restaurant in Gantian Town. I don’t know if it was because of the Fifth Young Master’s excellent cooking skills, but people who went to eat at the Fifth Young Master’s place were endless, and even some people from other towns came here to admire his reputation. 】

【Although I don’t know what this guy means, he has no intention of hurting anyone for the time being, so Mao Xiaofang and I just let it go. 】

【During this period, Mao Xiaofang saw that I was punished by heaven and asked me why I was punished by heaven. 】

【The Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts is of great importance. If I leak it out, there will definitely be a deeper punishment from heaven, so I didn’t tell the specific reason, just said that I did something and was punished by God. 】

【After Mao Xiaofang left, I sighed alone. Now my body is covered with poisonous sores, and my strength is greatly reduced. Otherwise, why would it be like this? Even without the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts, I can easily kill Yang Feiyun. 】

【At this moment, I made a decision. If Yang Feiyun is really difficult to deal with and does something harmful to others, I will borrow the power of the goddess Duokuohuo to eliminate him. 】

【Thinking of this, it seems that because of my wish, even the poisonous sores on my body have become a little smaller. 】

【Faced with this situation, I immediately realized that if I do more good things and do more things that are beneficial to this world, the degree of heaven's punishment on me will be reduced. 】

【In this case, I must get rid of Yang Feiyun and the ancient demons under his command now, otherwise, God knows what kind of variables will appear. 】

【So I summoned the goddess Duokuohuo, and the goddess Duokuohuo told me that with my current physical condition, I can only borrow her power for three hours at most. After three hours, she will withdraw the power and ask me to use this power as soon as possible to do what I should do. 】

【Then I found Mao Xiaofang and told him that I was going to destroy Yang Feiyun right now. Mao Xiaofang thought that I had changed my mind and wanted to turn myself into a true fifth-generation wonder, but after I asked the goddess Duokuohuo to come to the gods, Mao Xiaofang retracted his naive idea. 】

【The goddess Duokuohuo did not take over my consciousness, but asked me to carefully experience her power, which was of great help to my future power improvement. In this state, I completely felt how powerful the power of the goddess Duokuohuo was. 】

【It can be said that compared with my peak in the past, I am now like looking at a firefly in the scorching sun. 】

【Although I have imagined how powerful the power of the gods is, now that I have really mastered it, I know how lacking my imagination was before. 】

【The power of the gods is absolutely beyond the imagination of ordinary people! 】

Everyone was also fascinated at this moment.

The power of the gods?

Wang Ergou looked at Zhang Chulan at this time.

"Can I ask you a question?"

"How strong was this notebook owner at his peak before he was punished by the gods?"

Hearing Wang Ergou's words, Zhang Chulan felt that there was no need to hide it.

"This notebook owner can be said to be very strong. Even monsters who have practiced for thousands of years are just chickens and pottery dogs in his eyes."

"As for the realm, half-immortal!"


Wang Ergou and the others all widened their eyes and stood up their ears.

Obviously, they couldn't believe what Zhang Chulan had just said.

"Half-immortal realm?"

"In front of this goddess, it's like a firefly facing the scorching sun?"

"Then how strong is this goddess Duokuo!"

Zhang Chulan helplessly spread his hands.

"This is the god of the shaman, what do you think."

"She was there when the Jade Emperor didn't come out, so her power must be strong."

"I just haven't seen it with my own eyes, otherwise I really can't imagine what that scene looks like!"

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