Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 245 Human potential chakra, five extreme superpowers

After hearing that after opening all the chakras of Yindu, you will gain seven kinds of innate powers, everyone's eyes couldn't help but look forward to it.

This is not one kind, but seven kinds!

As long as the person who awakens is not too useless, his strength will definitely increase countless times!

But when they thought about the need to familiarize themselves with the Tantric classics, it would take such a long time even for the master of the notes, and everyone lost their minds.

Feng Baobao continued reading.

[I have to say that the five chakras I awakened are really powerful. The first is the Muladhara chakra located at the bottom of the spine. This chakra can be said to be closely related to vitality and fertility. 】

[And the power awakened by my Muladhara Chakra can generate life essence for me all the time. It is like installing an additional small electric motor on a machine that can improve performance and have unlimited energy. 】

[In this way, my decay rate will be greatly delayed, just like a piece of bread that is about to expire and is baked in the furnace again, and more preservatives are added. 】

Hearing the note owner commenting on his own abilities, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but frown.

"The owner of this note actually commented on his physical condition like this. I'm afraid there is something really wrong with his body."

Su Zaiqiao's eyes were a little worried at this time.

"I don't know where my grandfather went next."

"Have you completely solved the problem of body decay in the future?"

"If it's not resolved, I'm afraid I'll have to freeze myself."

"after all."

"The chakras of the human body opened by the supreme yoga method, I think, treat the symptoms rather than the root cause."

Zhuge Qing on the side spoke at this time.

"As long as the owner of the note no longer takes the initiative to contaminate the cause and effect."

"We warlocks pay attention to seeking good luck and avoiding misfortunes, but there are also some warlocks who are willing to take risks for money to solve other people's troubles or extend their lives."

"Almost no one who is entangled in cause and effect has a good ending."

Hearing what Zhuge Qing said, Zhang Chulan spoke curiously.

"Didn't they all say that seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune?"

"Isn't this just seeking disaster and avoiding good luck?"

"No matter how much money you have, it's still useless, right?"

Zhuge Qing shook his head.

"That's not the case. The desire for power is fascinating, and warlocks are not omnipotent."

"If your mind is blinded by greed and desire, you will naturally be unable to pursue good fortune and avoid misfortune."

"Even in the end, I will think that this bad thing is good luck, and good luck is bad news!"

Su Zaiqiao sighed with emotion.

"It's a pity. It would have been better if my grandfather had not made that ambition. In fact, I think there is nothing wrong with being at the mercy of fate."

"If my grandfather had chosen to read that book, I'm afraid he would have become an immortal by now."

When Su Zaiqiao said this, everyone was silent for a while.


From this point of view, it can be said that the ambition of the owner of this notebook is countless times greater than that of Zhuge Liang.

After all, Zhuge Liang's ambition was just to help the Han Dynasty, and it was just for the family's personal gain.

But the owner of this note was doing it to free everyone, which was not on the same level at all.

While everyone was thinking, Feng Baobao also continued reading.

[The second superpower obtained this time is generated from the sun chakra. Because it is the solar plexus, it can affect all surrounding life through its current emotions. 】

[In other words, my emotions can affect the emotions of the people around me. If I am sad, the people around me will be sad. If I am happy, the people around me will be happier. 】

[At the same time, with the addition of the Heart and Self Extermination Curse, you can adjust your own emotions at will, and then control others, you can simply do whatever you want! 】

After hearing this second superpower, everyone was shocked.

"Isn't this just a super enhanced version of the four crazy combinations of all sexes?"

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but look at Feng Baobao at this time.

He thought of Wang Ergou's inability to use Flowing Rainbow to influence her emotions at the Luotian Dajiao, which meant that Sister Baoer could ignore this ability.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan said softly:

"I'm afraid, only those high-level Taoists or eminent monks with extremely high moral cultivation can resist."

"After all, for these people, controlling their emotions on a daily basis is considered a basic practice."

Zhuge Qing shook his head, but he had a different view.

"To be honest, this is only an effect released for us little Karami, and may not be able to affect people like great virtuous monks."

"But who is the owner of this note? He is someone who can become an immortal in the next step."

"For this kind of existence, the effect released may be more terrifying than the power of nuclear weapons."

"Don't forget it."

“Despair is an emotion too.”

"Although I don't know how many people this note owner will be able to influence in the end or what the scope will be, I think the scope will definitely not be that small!"

"It's not even impossible to cover an entire metropolis with tens of millions of people."

When they heard what Zhuge Qing said, no one thought he was being alarmist.


For the note owner.

This kind of thing is indeed very easy.

You don't even need to use such methods to kill a metropolis with tens of millions of people. After all, in addition to affecting emotions, this person can also use poisonous mist!

When the strength was far lower than it is now, it was possible to kill a Qing army of tens of thousands. Now that the life level has improved so much, I don't know what will happen.

at this time.

Feng Baobao continued to read the remaining three abilities.

[I am very satisfied with the power of the sun chakra. This gives me one more method. The third power is generated from the heart chakra. 】

[The power generated by the heart chakra allows me to gather spiritual energy in the center of the chest, that is, the depression. I don’t have to gather my spiritual energy. I can gather the spiritual energy of everything in the world until the end. , converted into psychic pulse energy and emitted, which can destroy everything in sight in an instant. 】

[In addition, because it is psychic energy, unless it is also a shield formed by psychic power, it cannot be resisted at all. If we compare it to future games, what this psychic pulse releases is real damage! 】

After hearing this, everyone was surprised.

Is it actually an attack that cannot be defended against?

If so, then play with a hammer.

Directors who have never played the game don't quite understand what the concept of real damage is.

Bi Youlong looked at Zhang Chulan at this time.

"Zhang Chulan, you are young people. You should have played games before. I don't know what the concept of real harm in this game is."

Zhang Chulan immediately explained after hearing this.

"Dong Bi, in fact, the concept of real damage in this game refers to damage that ignores defense value. In other words, no matter how much defense you have, it will be 0 in the face of this real damage, which means it will not take effect."

Bi Youlong nodded after hearing this.

"So that's it."

"Can you tell me when this concept of real harm emerged?"

Hearing what Bi Youlong said, Zhang Chulan was stunned for a moment.

But he still nodded and started to explain.

"Actually, this started to appear in a game called League of Legends. For example, the ignition in it can burn the opponent's health regardless of defense."

Bi Youlong's eyes lit up after hearing this.

"Can you tell me how many years this game has been around?"

Although Zhang Chulan was confused, he still explained honestly.

"I've been around for five or six years. There was a time when I liked going to Internet cafes with my classmates to masturbate."

Bi Youlong seemed to be able to see through the clouds at this moment.

"If this is the case, wouldn't it be possible to conduct a nationwide search for a missing person named Su Mo 10 years from now?"

"In this case, I think it should be very simple to find the information about the owner of the note."

"After all, there are too many men named Su Mo across the country, hundreds of thousands of them. It is simply unrealistic to check them all one by one."

"But if the time point is determined, the scope of the investigation will be very small."

"It's even possible to find the family of Su Mo, the owner of the note."

Hearing Bi Youlong say this, Zhang Chulan did not expect that he would have such an idea.


If we investigate according to this idea, it will be very easy to find Su Mo.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Fangxu immediately objected after hearing this.

"No, absolutely not."

"Old Bi, you can't do this kind of thing. Don't even think about finding the owner of the note."

"It's a blessing that we can look at the notes he left."

"If you do this now, you are just asking for trouble!"

Hearing that Zhao Fangxu didn't let him do this, Bi Youlong looked a little unconvinced, but he still nodded.

"Yes, Director Zhao."

"I see."

Hearing Bi Youlong's admission of mistake, Zhao Fangxu nodded with satisfaction.

"Well, it's good if you understand."

"Zhang Chulan, let Feng Baobao continue reading and see what else is below."

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing this.

Then he looked at Feng Baobao.

Feng Baobao also continued reading the notes in his hand.

[Then I checked the fourth ability, which is the ability generated from the throat chakra. 】

[The throat chakra is located at the root of the neck in front. This chakra also represents communication and expression with others, expressing the inner self to the world, and the ability generated by it is a kind of ability to make what you say create a strong convincing effect. Feeling, that is to say, what I say will be extremely believed by others. Once I use this power and I say he is a pig, then he will really think that he is a pig. 】

[This kind of ability to directly change other people's perceptions by speaking the right way, I think it is better to use it less in the future. 】

When they heard this sentence, everyone was stunned.

this ability.

It’s a bit outrageous!

Zhuge Qing's eyes flashed with fear at this time.

"No, it's so strong!"

"It's simply impossible to guard against."

"If the owner of this note told me that I am a woman, then wouldn't I really think that I am a woman?"

"This ability to modify cognition is really scary."

"If there is any innate alien who awakens this kind of ability, he must be closely monitored."

Seeing Zhuge Qing so scared, Xu San immediately spoke

"Zhuge Qing, you don't have to be so afraid. Once these innate strangers appear, they will be registered and there will be no omissions."

"Also, although there are many people who have awakened outrageous abilities, I have never heard of any innate aliens who can modify other people's perceptions."

Hearing Xu San say this, Zhuge Qing's somewhat frightened heart relaxed.

"That's good."

"This ability is simply unethical."

After Zhuge Qing finished speaking, he stopped talking and looked at Feng Baobao as he continued to read.

[Then I began to carefully feel the powers generated by the Ajna Chakra. 】

[This ajna chakra is equivalent to an extra eye, and the superpower it produces reminds me of a three-eyed person. 】

[Because I can now see the scenery in the universe through an eye of energy generated by the ajna chakra. 】

[Even if it is daytime, I can see the moon clearly, and even every grain of sand is so clearly visible. 】

[This feels like my ajna chakra directly projects a holographic projection deep into my brain, allowing me to easily see the details of any place. 】

[This ability can be used when I use the breath of ether to travel the universe. If there is no guidance, I am afraid that even I will be lost in the universe and cannot find the direction home, so I have never dared to leave the earth before. 】

[But with this eye, everything is different. With this eye, I can directly see the direction of the earth. 】

After hearing what the note owner said, everyone was stunned for a moment.

He never expected that the owner of the note would actually get such a superpower.

Isn’t this a combination of the Hubble Telescope and a cosmic navigator?

And listen to what he means.

Do you want to see the outside of the earth?

If he wanted to see the outside of the earth, I don’t know where he would go first.

Walking on the sun?


The temperature is too high. After all, even steel will turn into steam when exposed to the sun.

Perhaps, given the strength of the note owner, his first choice might be Mars, or perhaps Venus.

With the current level of science and technology, we can barely reach Mars, and Venus is impossible to reach!

Just when everyone was curious.

Feng Baobao has also continued reading.

[After sorting out all the chakras, I had the urge to go outside the earth and take a look. 】

[After all, I now have the breath of ether and can walk freely in the universe. 】

[By the way, you can also take a look at how many ghosts, immortals, zombies and immortals have been wandering in the universe for thousands of years and dare not come to the mortal world. 】

[After making up my mind, I went on to say goodbye to the Dharma King in the name of going out for training. However, the Dharma King was very worried that I had no means of self-protection, so he taught me the Mahakala Knife, a magical Dharma-protecting skill of the Tantric Sect. 】

[The Mahakala Knife is the supreme of all Dharma-protecting magical arts in Tantric Buddhism. 】

[The first is the countless ghosts and gods, the second is blessings from the seven mothers and goddesses, the third is suppressing ghosts and evil spirits in the tombs, and the fourth is abundant energy and life. 】

[If it is successfully cultivated, it will be extremely powerful! 】

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