Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 252: Dou Zhanlong, the treasure-holding lineage, the treasure inducer that leads the heavenl

Hearing Yuan Tao's complaints, Shen Chong laughed.

"This shouldn't be because of the true qi. Isn't it said that you need to practice a specific technique to understand those notes?"

"I think that if you practice a specific technique, the special true qi produced should not require so much true qi to open it."

Gong Qing thought of the book "Bu Nian Xin Jue" placed in the Longhu Mountain Imperial Book Pavilion at this time. He also read it when he was free.

Thinking of this, Gong Qing immediately spoke.

"In this case, maybe I can try to practice the technique left by the owner of the notes. Let's not talk about the far away, I can learn from the Bu Nian Xin Jue."

"By the way, maybe we can distribute the Bu Nian Xin Jue to see if anyone can learn it faster than me."

Xia Liuqing laughed when he heard it.

"This Bu Nian Xin Jue is a Taoist mental method, right? For those little brats, it's harder than climbing to the sky to let them practice Taoism!"

"Master, you have a predestined relationship with Taoism, so you should come and learn it yourself."

Hearing Xia Liuqing say this, Gong Qing nodded helplessly.


This Bu Nian Xin Jue requires a very high level of mind.

If the mind is at a very high level, then he is not a complete mind!

"Okay, I will have to put in some effort next."

"The things in this brocade box must be very precious, or there must be all kinds of magical powers."


"It may greatly increase one's strength."

After Gong Qing finished speaking, he handed the brocade box to Gao Ning.

"Gao Ning, take this brocade box first. When I succeed in Bu Nian Xin Jue, I will try to open this brocade box!"

Gao Ning took it and nodded.



It has been more than two months since the last reading of the notes. During this period, Feng Baobao, Zhang Chulan and Su Zaiqiao have done many tasks.

For them, these tasks can be said to have given them a better understanding of the alien world.

During this period, Zhang Chulan did not forget to contact the Tang Group.

And Tang Jian also agreed to hand over the control of some of his subordinates to Zhang Chulan.

As long as Zhang Chulan needs it.

Then these subordinates can find Zhang Chulan and listen to his orders at the first time.

According to Tang Jian.

There are many aliens who are no less than a land of gold. You will know when you use them.

Just when Zhang Chulan and his friends were bored, a message came.

That is, the head of Hongmen has resigned, and the new head is on the way to the North China branch.

In other words.

The previous head resigned for unknown reasons, and now all the affairs of Hongmen are controlled by the new head.

Zhang Chulan was a little curious.

I don’t know who the new head is.

As long as he is not as domineering and arrogant as the previous head.

Just as Zhang Chulan was thinking, Xu San and Xu Si had already arranged the warehouse.

It was said that the new leader of the Hongmen had already arrived at the warehouse.

Then Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao and Su Zaiqiao were sent to the warehouse directly.

When they arrived at the warehouse, a familiar figure appeared in front of everyone.

It was Wang Xiaoming who received Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao that day, and Dr. Xia was standing beside him. Looking at his dusty appearance, it seemed that the two came together.

Zhang Chulan was surprised.

"Wang Xiaoming?"

Wang Xiaoming laughed.

"Zhang Chulan, we meet again."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"We meet again!"

Although he didn't know how Wang Xiaoming succeeded in getting promoted, Zhang Chulan thought that the plot must be full of ups and downs, and he could even write a novel of one million words.

At this moment, Wang Xiaoming took out the notebook that had been hidden in the Hongmen.

"This is the notebook of the Hongmen."

"I heard from Dr. Xia that this girl Baoer is the real master who can decipher the notebook."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, only Sister Baoer can translate it."

After saying that, Zhang Chulan took the notebook from Wang Xiaoming and handed it to Sister Baoer, and opened the video call with the old master.

For the old master, it has been more than two months since he heard a new notebook, and he was itching in his heart.

Sometimes he even thought about taking out his own notebook and asking Feng Baobao to translate the remaining half.

And in the warehouse.

Feng Baobao looked at the notebook in his hand with a curious look.

I wonder if this notebook will be connected to the previous one.

At this time, Zhao Fangxu spoke on the big screen.

"Next, start translating and see what is recorded in this notebook."

After hearing this, Feng Baobao nodded.

Then he opened the first page of the notebook and began to read.

[I finally found a way to bring down the heavenly book! ]

After hearing this, everyone looked at each other.

It turned out that it was not connected to the previous notebook, but to be honest, how could it be so coincidental every time that it was directly connected to the previous notebook?

Thinking of this, everyone held their breath and began to listen to what was going to happen next.

And Zhang Chulan breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as he didn't pick up the previous notebook, he didn't know what this heavenly book meant.

Could it be that the owner of the notebook had found a way to grab the heavenly book?

At this time.

Feng Baobao continued to read.

[On my way to the outside of the pass, I met a strange man, and this strange man's name was Dou Zhanlong. He was a treasure hunter, and he was a professional responsible for finding treasures of heaven, materials and earth. 】

When he heard about holding back the treasure, Zhang Chulan looked confused.

"What is this holding back a treasure? I have never heard of it."

Dr. Xia on the side knew a little bit.

"This seems to be a very popular profession in the past. I am born with a pair of precious eyes and can see where there are treasures. I often go to ordinary people's homes to collect some seemingly inconspicuous small objects, but these small objects are very likely to be a person's. A very useful treasure.”

Zhang Chulan was very interested after hearing this.

"So that's it."

"I never thought there was such a profession in the world."

Wang Xiaoming is also very interested.

"If that's the case, I don't know if there is a legacy of holding back treasures in modern times."

Hearing what Wang Xiaoming said, Zhang Chulan was a little curious.

"What are you doing with this treasure-hunting treasure hunter?"

At this time, Wang Xiaoming took out the Fengkuluo card from his body that Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao saw when they were in Xiangjiang.

"There are a total of 54 Clow cards that can control the power of nature, but more than 40 of them cannot be found. If someone can hunt for treasure, then I think he can definitely help me find the remaining 40 Clow cards. Luo brand."

Zhang Chulan was a little frightened when he heard that there were 54 Cullo cards in total.

"Who made this?"

"What abilities do the other Clow cards have?"

Wang Xiaoming smiled after hearing this.

"Speaking of which, this Clow card was made by a legendary magician named Cloyd. Each Clow card has its own unique ability."

"There is even a Clow card that can control time, which is extremely powerful."

"It's just that these Clow cards have their own thoughts and wills, so they are most likely hiding and don't want me to find them."

Zhang Chulan was shocked when he heard that there was a Clow card that could control time.

"If that's the case, doesn't it mean that this magician named Claude has mastered extremely great power?"

Wang Xiaoming nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, that's it."

"And this Claude is my ancestor, and the blood of Claude is also spread in my body, so I can be recognized by these Clow Cards."

Everyone was surprised when they heard Wang Xiaoming's explanation.

I didn’t expect that Wang Xiaoming had such an origin.

Zhang Chulan looked at the Fengkuluo card in Wang Xiaoming's hand with curiosity.

"I wonder how powerful this Fukuro card is. Can it blow up a house?"

Wang Xiaoming nodded after hearing this.

"Of course it can blow up a house."

"It can even create a tornado, but the power of my ancestor on this Clow card is getting less and less. Every time it is used, the durability of the Clow card will be weakened until it has no power at all."

Zhang Chulan didn't hear what Wang Xiaoming said at all.

Because for him, the power of this Clow card is too powerful. Creating a tornado is a natural disaster-level power.

Ordinary aliens simply cannot master such terrifying power.

Even said.

This is beyond the scope of aliens!

Just when Zhang Chulan was shocked, Feng Baobao had already continued reading.

[Speaking of the holding treasure guest, it can be said that the inheritance has been passed down for some years. It has been circulated since the Yuan Dynasty. The holding treasure guest has a ledger, which specifically records the location of some heavenly materials and earthly treasures, and when he was born. What kind of treasure lure is needed to draw it out, and what kind of other treasures are needed to capture this treasure of heaven and earth. 】

[I was originally not prepared to have anything to do with Dou Zhanlong, the treasure-holding guest, but Goddess Duokuohuo told me that he was a person with a destiny. 】

[His destiny includes nine deaths and thirteen disasters. As long as he escapes these disasters, or in other words, relies on some method to survive them, he can become an immortal instantly! 】


Everyone was shocked by the words of the goddess Duokuohuo. They never expected that they would meet a holding treasure guest who could become an immortal.

Is it possible?

Isn't this holding back treasure also a way to become an immortal?

Just when everyone was confused, Feng Baobao's voice continued to sound.

[I can say that I was extremely surprised by what Goddess Duokuohuo said. I never expected that there would be such a person. But nine deaths and thirteen disasters means that this guy has to die nine times to survive the disaster, unless there is someone. A way to resurrect from the dead, otherwise even if you are destined to be the Jade Emperor, you will not be able to survive! 】

[Due to what Goddess Duokuohuo said, I was very interested in Dou Zhanlong, so I took the initiative to talk to him and wanted to see who he was. 】

[It’s just that Dou Zhanlong was not very interested in me coming over. He just drank and chatted with each other, and had no intention of talking to me at all. 】

[I was no longer friendly to this guy's pretense, but directly grabbed Dou Zhanlong's trousers. 】

[Oddly enough, Dou Zhanlong's robe looked light and airy on him, but it seemed very heavy when it came to me. I didn't expect such a small robe to be so heavy! 】

[However, when Dou Zhanlong saw that I could actually hold his robe in my hand, his night owl eyes widened, because in his mind, this robe only recognized him as the owner. If anyone else took it, , then this robe will be as heavy as a hill. 】

【And my current actions, in his eyes, were no different from moving mountains, so Dou Zhanlong put away his contempt and began to beg me to return the saddlebag to him. 】

【For Dou Zhanlong's actions, I didn't have to be unreasonable, so I returned the saddlebag to Dou Zhanlong. 】

【And I asked Dou Zhanlong why his saddlebag was so heavy. 】

【Dou Zhanlong told me that the reason why his saddlebag was so heavy was that it was filled with all kinds of natural treasures he had found in the past few decades, some as big as mountains, and some as small as Jiezi. 】

【Normally, this saddlebag would protect its owner, so he would not feel the weight of the saddlebag on his body. 】

【But if it was taken by an outsider, then he would have to bear the weight of all the treasures combined. 】

【I was very surprised by what Dou Zhanlong said. I never thought that this treasure hunter actually had such a treasure. I was also very curious about what treasures Dou Zhanlong had found in his bag over the past few decades. 】

【Then I asked Dou Zhanlong. Seeing that I was so capable, Dou Zhanlong wanted to show off for a while, and then he took out a small golden millstone as small as a vegetable plate. 】

【Dou Zhanlong told me that although this golden millstone is small, after you throw it out, as long as you have enough true qi, you can make it as big as you want. 】

【If the true qi is at the level of a first-class alien, then it will be at least the size of a millstone when thrown out. If you are hit by such a big piece of gold, you will only have the exhalation of qi but no inhalation of qi. Even if you are a top alien, you will be disabled if you don’t die. ]

[After I heard Dou Zhanlong say this, I also began to observe the golden millstone carefully, but I did not see any traces of artificial sacrifice, that is, this golden millstone was grown by heaven and earth. ]

[Then Dou Zhanlong began to brag to me again, that is, there is no treasure in the world that he cannot get. ]

[So I tentatively asked Dou Zhanlong if he knew the existence of the Heavenly Book. ]

[Hearing me talk about the Heavenly Book, Dou Zhanlong was obviously shocked, but don’t say it, he, who has inherited the treasure account book for countless generations, really has the existence of the Heavenly Book. ]

[After taking out the account book, Dou Zhanlong told me that now the Heavenly Book is floating outside the world, and is guarded by a golden armored god. In addition, it is not yet time for it to be born, so it is extremely difficult to get it. ]

[But I am extremely eager for this Heavenly Book that records the development process of all things. In my opinion, there is nothing more important than finding this Heavenly Book. 】

【Dou Zhanlong saw my eager eyes, and his abilities were extraordinary, so he told me that if I wanted to get the book now, I could, but I needed a treasure primer and three treasures. 】

【Only in this way can I get the book and get it in my hands! 】

【Four things, even one is not enough! 】

Brothers, it's the end of the month, please vote for me!

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