Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 257: Complete Submission and Fall, Pluto Chacha's Ten Thousand Year Dream

When they heard that the owner of the note wanted to develop a relationship with Pluto Chacha, everyone had a strange look on their faces.

You say it's about cultivating feelings, but actually who knows what you're going to do.

Wang Xiaoming was stroking his chin and thinking.

"I don't know if this Pluto Chacha is pretty."

Zhang Chulan nodded firmly.

"Beautiful! Of course beautiful!"

"It won't be any different!"

"Otherwise, how could the owner of the note want to develop a relationship with Pluto Chacha?"

Xu Si's eyes were a little envious at this time.

"Tsk, tsk."

"This note owner is really blessed!"

"I just don't know what secret realm he will create next."

Seeing Xu Si's appearance, Xu San on the side immediately spoke.

"Okay, Fourth Brother, stop being yyyyyyy and just listen quickly."

Xu Si seemed a little careless, and then looked at Feng Baobao.

"Baby, you must translate well next, and don't miss any detail!"

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this.


Afterwards, Feng Baobao continued reading the notes in his hand.

[After temporarily hiding in the underworld, I began to inquire about the past of Pluto Chacha. 】

[Not to mention, I really found out the origin of Pluto Chacha from an old ghost. 】

[That is, Pluto Chacha actually has an older brother named Chi You, and this Chi You and the Chi You who fought against the Yellow Emperor are just different people with the same name. He once initiated a war between humans and gods. Although he failed in the end, he was still He was tabooed by God and sealed his soul to the Endless Land. 】

[After inquiring into many details, I had a rough plan in mind and began to outline the perfect dream. 】

[While Pluto Chacha was in her dream, I directly wrapped Pluto Chacha into the clouds and smoke. I set a ten thousand year dream for her. Even if you are a god, ten thousand years is not random. Just forget it. 】

[In the dream, her brother Chi You won the war against the gods, and all the gods retreated to unknown places. Then her brother became the Emperor of Heaven and dominated the entire world. 】

[And this Pluto Chacha did not escape the fate of becoming Pluto, but after becoming Pluto, he managed most of the human world. 】

[As the saying goes, gods also miss the mortal world. Therefore, after more than a thousand years of rule, Pluto Chacha suddenly felt a little bored, so he transformed into a mortal woman and traveled around the world. By the way, he met a traveling killer in my image. A defender of demons. 】

When they heard this, everyone suddenly felt a strange feeling in their hearts. This method of picking up girls is simply a magical skill!

Even using magical skills would be unfair to it. It can be said that it is a rule-based skill that is 100% successful in picking up girls!

[In my dream setting, it can be said that Pluto Chacha fell in love with the Taoist priest I transformed at a glance, and at the same time launched a crazy pursuit of the Taoist priest. 】

[It’s just that in my setting, I don’t like Pluto Chacha. Pluto Chacha has been pursuing her for more than 20 years and I still haven’t agreed to her. 】

[As we all know, love without love is addictive. The more she rejects Pluto Chacha, the more energetic Pluto Chacha becomes. In the end, she even begs her brother to death. 】

[Now her brother Chi You has become the Emperor of Heaven, so he directly summoned me to heaven as an official with a direct order, and personally granted marriage to his sister and me. 】

[However, in order to impress Pluto Chacha, I naturally would not let Pluto Chacha get me so easily, so I directly refused the invitation of Emperor Chi You, and was so angry that Chi You sent me directly to the Immortal Killing Platform. The Immortal Book was cut off from his head and reincarnated in the mortal world. 】

[Pluto Chacha is naturally very distressed, and since she is now in charge of the six realms of reincarnation, she reincarnated me into a prince of a country. I have enjoyed all the glory and wealth since I was born, and waited until I grew up. 】

[It’s just that my setting is to make this Pluto Chacha unlovable. Even if I reincarnate for a hundred or a thousand lives, I will not have the slightest love for this Pluto Chacha. 】

Su Zaiqiao frowned a little at this moment.

"My great-grandfather has gone too far."

"This is too cruel to Pluto Chacha."

"I couldn't imagine how much obsession would arise from being unable to love someone for tens of thousands of years. This Pluto Chacha has not been tortured to the point of going crazy, and his mind is already very good."

Hearing what Su Zaiqiao said, the Heavenly Master nodded in agreement.

"In my opinion, the Thousand Miles of Clouds and the Eight Wonders are the same as the way to create chaos!"

"Having mastered such a powerful power without matching the cultivation of character will bring disaster."

"I just hope my father can understand soon. He is not cultivating immortality, but becoming a demon."

Zhang Chulan was shocked by the Heavenly Master's comments.

"Master, is it so serious?"

The old master nodded.

"Of course, this is definitely not me being alarmist, but with my current state, I can definitely imagine what my father was feeling at that time."

"It can be said that Wanli Qiyunyan is a universal cheating device. No matter what kind of difficulties you encounter, you only need to activate Wanli Qiyunyan to get through it."

"In addition, the setting is just a dream, and it will not cause any physical harm to the person involved, but the psychological damage is more difficult to heal."

"Even if it seems that some problems have been solved for the time being, if you stretch out the entire time span, you will find that this is harmful to spiritual practice and only increases troubles."

Zhang Chulan nodded quietly.

"It turns out to be like this. I just don't know what the owner of the note will choose next."

"Being able to control people's hearts and change their perceptions will evolve into distrust of everyone, leading to nihilism in which everything is false."

"Thinking it all means nothing."

"Look at it this way."

"For spiritual practice, it is indeed harmful and useless."

"After all, I think it's false, so how can I seek the truth?"

After finishing speaking, Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, please continue reading."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this.

Then he continued reading the notes in his hand.

[In the end, Pluto Chacha woke up directly from this dream after experiencing ten thousand years of dreams. 】

[After waking up, Pluto Chacha still has a long aftertaste of everything in the dream, because the dream I set for her can be regarded as a beautiful dream except for the frustration of love. 】

[Because in the dream, her brother Chi You, whom she had always longed for, became the world and dominated everything. 】

[On the other hand, it made up for the regret in her heart. 】

[It’s just that for me, this Pluto Chacha is not ready yet, and it’s not time to show up to meet me, so I continue to hide it. In the remaining month, I make this Pluto Chacha make 10,000 yuan every day. year's dream. 】

[As long as she takes a nap, it will be ten thousand years. By the end, Pluto Chacha has begun to be unable to distinguish between dreams and reality, and her desire for me has changed from obsession to instinct. 】

[I believe that once she sees me, this instinct will emerge, and she will desire to get me at all costs. 】

[So at the right time, I appeared directly in front of Pluto Chacha. Pluto Chacha also immediately came over to hug me. I pretended to be unaware and avoided it. 】

[At the same time, I also sighed in my heart. To deal with an immortal creature like Pluto Chacha, it is easier to deal with the mind. 】

[But I have not forgotten my purpose, which is the five-color divine light under the Netherworld Lamp. 】

[This Pluto Chacha easily agreed to my request, but she has one request, that is, I sleep with her. Only after we sleep and serve her to satisfaction, will she agree to my request. 】

[Although I deliberately refuse, the five-color divine light is of great importance, and I will risk it all in order for all living beings to escape the control of fate. 】

"Ah this!"

Wang Xiaoming's face was a little embarrassed, but he didn't expect that the owner of the note would be so upright.

Zhang Chulan spoke immediately after seeing this.

"Actually, this kind of operation is nothing to us, so you don't need to be so shocked."

"It's because the character of the owner of this note is so cynical, and he even says he doesn't care about anything."

"Of course, with the level of this note owner, he doesn't need to care about anything."

Wang Xiaoming nodded.

Then a trace of envy flashed in his eyes.

Although he has now become the head of Hongmen, he still needs to be under the jurisdiction of the company. If there is any decision that makes the company dissatisfied, then he, the head, will have to step down.

If there is such strength as this note owner.

Why care about any company.

At this moment, Feng Baobao's voice continued to come.

[After using all my strength to please the King of Hades, I successfully received the five-color divine light suppressed under the Netherworld Lamp into Cui Laodao's big gourd of thunder, earth and fire. 】

[But these five colors of divine light are really magical. After being put into the gourd of thunder, earth and fire, these five colors of divine light make the gourd of thunder, earth and fire become extremely heavy. 】

[If I hadn’t put this huge gourd of thunder, earth and fire into my bag, I probably wouldn’t have been able to transport this huge gourd of thunder, earth and fire out. 】

[After leaving the underworld, I successfully came to Cui Laodao, Dou Zhanlong, and Feng Dapang. 】

[Seeing that I successfully brought back the five-color divine light, Dou Zhanlong was also gearing up and immediately began to prepare for the matter of eliciting this heavenly book. 】

[The first thing is to use the golden lotus of Yuanshi Tianzun to change the cause and effect in this world, so that a major event that should have happened can change its original cause and ending! 】

[And now among the four, only I can do it! 】

[The next step is to take a closer look and see if there is anything worth changing! 】

I continue to feel low energy. I promised to add a chapter to my brother yesterday and I can’t do it today. I will try my best to write it out tomorrow and I will definitely write it down!

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