Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 259: The witchcraft left by Wanyan Wulei, contract with the ancient dragon demon

【However, this ancient dragon demon is not very obedient. If you want it to obey my orders, you need to feed it a pair of boys and girls every day. 】

【Of course, I will not let this ancient dragon demon eat a pair of boys and girls every day. Then I used a witchcraft I learned before to make a pair of lifelike boys and girls with dough and steamed them in a pot. The ancient dragon demon was deceived by me. When he saw the boys and girls made of dough, he felt that what he was eating was exactly the same as the real boys and girls. 】

When everyone heard what the owner of the notebook did, they were all happy.

Originally, they were worried that in order to contract this ancient dragon demon, they would need to do something that was against the will of heaven and earth. I didn't expect that there was such a solution.

I just don't know if this ancient dragon demon will notice any difference in taste when eating.


【After contracting the ancient dragon demon, I began to prepare to do something against Emperor Daoguang, so that everyone would remember the exorcist dragon clan Ma family. ]

[Finally, I decided to let Emperor Daoguang be troubled by nightmares all day long, so I used the Wanli Qiyunyan every day to trap Emperor Daoguang in nightmares. ]

[No matter who it is, as long as they fall into this nightmare, they will recall the things in the dream all day long. ]

[After seven days, Emperor Daoguang couldn't stand it anymore, so he invited a shaman to let him sleep well. ]

[And this shaman was from the Xitala lineage. ]

[After the ritual to invite the gods was over, Emperor Daoguang fell asleep. ]

[These shamans are naturally not comparable to my Wanli Qiyunyan. Emperor Daoguang still has nightmares every day, and even often sees the monster illusions I set up in his dreams in broad daylight. ]

[The abnormality of Emperor Daoguang also attracted the attention of many powerful aliens, and then a large number of aliens began to treat Emperor Daoguang one by one. ]

[However, in front of Wanli Qiyunyan, even some people with the innate ability to hypnotize Wumeng could not cure the illness of Emperor Daoguang. ]

[But those who are good at fighting do not have great achievements. I did not rush to treat the illness of Emperor Daoguang immediately, but waited for more than a month until Emperor Daoguang became thin, could not eat, and had a mental breakdown before I appeared. ]

[And this time I arranged myself to be the legendary exorcist dragon family Ma Tianxiong. ]

[Because the exorcist dragon family Ma family is essentially a family that goes out to invite gods, after I appeared, the first thing I was questioned and examined by the Xitala lineage. ]

[In their history, they have connections with all the families that go out to invite gods, but there is no exorcist dragon family Ma family like me. ]

[For this matter, I also made up a story that was real enough to tell everyone. ]

[That is, during the Qin Shihuang period, the exorcist dragon clan Ma family existed, but at that time there was no title of exorcist dragon clan, and the ancestor of the Ma family was invited by Qin Shihuang to go overseas to find the elixir of life. ]

[The elixir of life was not found overseas, but a dragon was found instead, which was the ancient dragon demon that I had contracted with. ]

[After subduing the dragon, the dragon became the guardian of the Ma family. ]

[This story was passed down until the Jin Dynasty. Later, the Southern Song Dynasty destroyed the Jin Dynasty, which eventually led to the Ma family hiding. Until recently, it was discovered that it was no longer the Han people who ruled the world, so I came here and wanted to serve the court. ]

[My story was well-reasoned and convincing, and then I began to treat the Emperor Daoguang. ]

[However, I did not make the Emperor Daoguang heal immediately, but adopted a course of treatment to reduce the frequency of dreaming. In this way, the Emperor Daoguang needed a year to heal himself. 】

【A year later, I removed Wanli Qiyunyan's blockade of Emperor Daoguang, and the cured Emperor Daoguang also trusted me very much, so he asked me what reward I wanted. 】

【After a year of observation, I found that Emperor Daoguang was very stingy. When a guard found his lost night pearl, he rewarded the guard with two pieces of shaqima and a plate of spring rolls. 】

【He didn't give anything else. 】

When they heard this, everyone looked at each other in surprise.

Wang Xiaoming couldn't imagine it.

"Is he really that stingy?"

"He is an emperor after all. The guard found his lost night pearl and rewarded him with a shaqima and a plate of spring rolls."

"Are his shaqima and spring rolls made of gold or silver?"

Hearing Wang Xiaoming's complaints, Zhang Chulan suddenly laughed.

"Don't say it, Emperor Daoguang's stinginess is recorded in history books."

Wang Xiaoming was stunned.

"He was so stingy that it was recorded in history books?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.


"I read in a book before that Emperor Daoguang was so stingy that his dragon robe had patches on it."

"And then, he didn't eat anything from the imperial kitchen. His favorite food was sesame cakes. Every afternoon at four o'clock, he would take out two cents and give them to the eunuchs to buy them outside the palace."

"As for why it was four o'clock, it was because the two places were far away, and it was six o'clock when they came back."

"But Emperor Daoguang was so stingy that those who managed money in the palace's Ministry of Internal Affairs could also make a name for themselves. The most famous one was that a patch on Emperor Daoguang's body cost one thousand taels of silver."

"One thousand taels?" Wang Xiaoming was a little surprised.

"Wow, this thousand taels can buy a dragon robe."

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan laughed.

"What's even funnier is what happened later. Emperor Daoguang felt that a patch costing 1,000 taels of silver was too expensive, so he called on the queens and concubines in his harem to learn needlework."

"This way, the 1,000 taels of silver can be saved."

After that, Zhang Chulan stopped talking.

Wang Xiaoming has lived in Hong Kong since he was a child, so he has not been exposed to any history. Now, hearing about Emperor Daoguang's story, he is also somewhat eye-opening.

"I didn't expect there would be such an emperor."

"It's really like a knife stabbing my butt, opening my eyes."

At this time, Feng Baobao continued to read the remaining notes.


[Then I told Emperor Daoguang that I don't want anything else, just fame. ]

[Now the Ma family of the Exorcist Dragon Clan has reappeared, but the world has forgotten the reputation of the Ma family of the Exorcist Dragon Clan, so I now need to make the reputation of the Ma family of the Exorcist Dragon Clan appear again in this world. ]

[When Emperor Daoguang saw that I didn't want anything but fame, he was very happy, because this could just save him some expenses. 】

【So the Emperor Daoguang began to send people to publicize the rebirth of the exorcist dragon family Ma family, and informed all the sects that could be informed. 】

【Let these sects remember and pass it on by word of mouth. 】

【After more than a year of publicity, everyone knew that the exorcist dragon family Ma family had reborn. Seeing that the time had come, I left the Qing Dynasty. 】

【Next, it was time to capture the heavenly book! 】

Just then, Feng Baobao's words stopped abruptly.

Everyone was listening attentively, but suddenly they couldn't hear Feng Baobao's voice, and couldn't help but look over.

Zhang Chulan came over at this time.

"Sister Baoer, what's wrong?"

Feng Baobao was holding the notebook.

"Because the second half of the notebook disappeared."

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised, and hurriedly took the notebook to check, and then found that the second half of the notebook was obviously torn, but because the repair work was done very well, nothing could be seen from the outside.

Zhao Fangxu's face was a little unhappy.

"Wang Xiaoming, what's going on?"

Wang Xiaoming also took the notebook and checked it, muttering in his mouth.

"Impossible, how is this possible?"

Speaking of this, Wang Xiaoming suddenly thought of something.

"Only the head of the Hongmen can access this notebook, so it seems that Pei Laojiu must have done it."

"Only Pei Laojiu can do it."

Hearing Wang Xiaoming say this, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but think of Pei Nantian.

"What is the relationship between Pei Laojiu and Pei Nantian?"

Hearing Zhang Chulan mention Pei Nantian, Wang Xiaoming couldn't help but look at Zhang Chulan, and then said:

"This Pei Laojiu is Pei Nantian's ninth grandson."

Zhang Chulan suddenly realized.

"No wonder Pei Laojiu can become the head of the Hongmen."

"By the way, can Pei Laojiu still contact him?"

"If he can't contact him, then the content of the second half of this notebook will never be known."

Wang Xiaoming nodded.

"I know that Pei Laojiu has been on vacation in Hawaii since he stepped down."

"We can contact him now."

Zhao Fangxu spoke immediately after listening.

"Then contact Pei Laojiu as soon as possible and tell him that the company does not have much patience now and solve this matter within a week."

"Can you do it?"

Wang Xiaoming's forehead was sweating.

"Don't worry, Mr. Zhao, I can definitely do this."

Just then, Xu Si looked at Zhang Chulan.

"Chulan, don't you have 10% of the shares of Tang Group?"

"Foreign countries are the world of Tang Group."

"Tell Mr. Tang now and see if he has any solutions to prevent Pei Laojiu from running away."

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing it.

Then he looked at the old Taoist priest on his mobile phone.

"Master, I will call you again after the second half of the notes are recovered."

The old Taoist priest nodded when he saw this.


"It would be great if I can recover it by then."

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Okay! I'm hanging up, Master. Bye."

After saying that, Zhang Chulan hung up the video call and called Grandpa Tang Jian.

At this time, Tang Jian was recuperating in his own manor.

Recently, he felt more and more that his body was not up to the task. He could handle three or four blonde models before, but now he felt weak even when dealing with one.

I don't know whether these blonde models he trained are more capable or his waist is not good enough.

It seems that I have to be abstinent in the future.

Otherwise, it would be unreasonable to die in a woman's belly.

Just then, Zhang Chulan's international call came in.

Seeing that it was Zhang Chulan, Tang Jian immediately answered the phone.

"Hello, Chulan, what do you want to talk to me about?"

I overestimated my ability, and it's a bit difficult to write that chapter

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