Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 267: The Incarnation of Guanyin, the Vairocana Purifying Mantra from the Mouth of Master Mia

【After learning that it was Hong Kong, I immediately understood that Yamamoto Kazuo would definitely go to Hong Kong, so it was meaningless to stay in the island country. 】

【After the hotel check-in time was up, I returned to Hong Kong with Ma Xiaoling. After returning to Hong Kong, I kept asking Wancai Qingsui Gu to follow Yamamoto Kazuo's movements. 】

【Finally, 40 days later, Wancai Qingsui Gu found me and told me that Yamamoto Kazuo was here now, in a hotel, and it seemed that Master Miaoshan had come to that hotel. 】

【After learning about Yamamoto Kazuo's movements, I rushed to the hotel without stopping. 】

【According to Master Miaoshan's rules, every time she appeared to make a connection with someone, she had to queue up in advance. 】

【And each time she would only answer one question for each of the 20 people. 】

【When I arrived here, there were more than a dozen people queuing in front of me, and Yamamoto Kazuo was the last one in line. I heard from these people that there were already 20 people in front of me and in. 】

【So I found a guy who looked unlucky and gave him all the 10 million Hong Kong dollars I got from Ma Xiaoling. In this way, I naturally got the quota. 】

Zhang Chulan was a little puzzled.

"What's going on?"

"Such an important quota, did this guy give it to someone else so easily?"

After hearing this, Zhuge Qing laughed.

"Zhang Chulan, why can't you figure it out until here."

"He looks unlucky, he must be short of money."

"Now that I have this 10 million, I can definitely turn things around."

Zhang Chulan nodded when he heard it.

"It seems so, but I don't know if this Master Miaoshan will appear again."

Zhuge Qing shook his head immediately.

"Don't think about it. Doesn't the notes of Master Miaoshan say that he will only appear once every thirty years to establish a connection with sentient beings?"

"The time recorded in the notes is 2000, which means that Master Miaoshan will not reappear until 2030."

"By that time, I'm afraid we will all be middle-aged people in our thirties or forties."

Hearing Zhuge Qing say this, Zhang Chulan was looking forward to it.

"It's great to be able to ask about something in the future."

"As for how long you have to wait, it doesn't seem so important."

After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, he looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Baoer, please continue reading."


Feng Baobao's voice rang again.

【When it was my turn, I went straight into Master Miaoshan's room. To my surprise, the person standing next to Master Miaoshan was Zhao Li. 】

【I don't know why Zhao Li appeared here. It seems that he was protecting Master Miaoshan. 】

Everyone was shocked to hear that Zhao Li actually existed.

Good guy, this Arhat has come out.

Being protected by the Arhat, he must be the incarnation of Avalokitesvara.

【However, because my disguise skills are so good now, Zhao Li did not recognize me when he saw me, but Master Miaoshan revealed my identity at a glance. 】

【Knowing that I was a person who came here in the past. 】

【Seeing that Master Miaoshan really has some tricks, I began to ask how I could go back to the past. 】

【Master Miaoshan told me that it is very difficult to go back to the past. 】

【Because if you are not careful, you will enter the turbulence of time and space and never return to the present world. 】

【However, since I asked, Master Miaoshan told me that she would not leave Hong Kong during this period, and there might be a chance to go back to the past in a month. 】

【It’s just that I need to give her the Yu Guang Guang before I leave, because this will make this matter smoother. 】

【I didn’t agree to it immediately after learning about this. 】

【Because although the current Yu Guang Guang has generated spiritual intelligence and can no longer be used, it is still a sacred artifact. ]

[Then I asked her if there was a way to erase the wisdom of the Unicorn, and this Master Miaoshan told me that she had already answered a question for me. If I wanted her to answer another question, I would have to wait until thirty years later to line up. ]

[Now the wisdom generated by the Unicorn cannot be burned even by the Samadhi True Fire. ]

[I saw that this Master Miaoshan seemed to have no good solution, so she said such ambiguous words. ]

[Then I was ready to leave, but when I left, Yamamoto Kazuo stopped me, because in his eyes, I was a gambler who followed Ma Xiaoling. ]

[Now that I came here, it is very likely that Ma Xiaoling asked me to do something. ]

[So he asked me what I asked this Master Miaoshan. ]

[For this Yamamoto Kazuo, I naturally have no topic. If this guy keeps chattering, I can test whether the Seven Killing Orders of Gods and Ghosts can kill the first generation of zombies bitten to death by Jiang Chen, or at most change their appearance. 】

When they heard that the owner of the notebook had murderous intentions, everyone was shocked.

This matter.

Could it be that Yamamoto Kazuo was killed by the owner of the notebook in the end?

If so, it would be really fun.

【But Yamamoto Kazuo was lucky, because meeting Master Miaoshan was very important, so he didn't stop me, and I left smoothly. 】

【But I also wanted to hear what questions Yamamoto Kazuo asked, so I attached the Wancai Qingsui to Yamamoto Kazuo. 】

【After returning to Ma Xiaoling's exorcism company, I waited for the Wancai Qingsui Gu to come back. 】

【It was four hours after the Wancai Qingsui Gu came back. I asked the Wancai Qingsui Gu what Yamamoto Kazuo had asked. 】

【The Wancai Qingsui Gu told me that Yamamoto Kazuo had asked three questions in total, and Yamamoto Kazuo had answered each question. 】

When they heard this.

Everyone was shocked.

What privilege did Yamamoto Kazuo have that he could ask three questions from Master Miaoshan.

You know.

The owner of the notebook only asked one.

Could it be that the two of them had reached a deal?

Everyone was puzzled.

【After hearing that Master Miaoshan had answered Yamamoto Kazuo's three questions, I suddenly became interested. I wonder what Yamamoto Kazuo had asked. 】

【Then I asked the Wancai Qingsui Gu to answer. 】

【And the Wancai Qingsui Gu told me that the first question that Yamamoto Kazuo asked was to ask why Miao Shan had to form a bond with sentient beings every 30 years. 】

【Miao Shan answered with a theory of cause and effect, telling Yamamoto Kazuo that cause and effect are sometimes not related, so even if Yamamoto Kazuo turns this world into a world that belongs only to zombies in the future, the cause he planted may not be related to it. 】

【Perhaps it will be borne by others. 】

【This is completely different from the conclusion of cause and effect that I have realized. Perhaps, as the incarnation of Guanyin, Miao Shan will see it more thoroughly. 】

When everyone heard the theory of cause and effect in the first question, they were puzzled.

"What do you mean?"

"Cause and effect, isn't it true that there must be a result for every cause?"

"Whoever creates the cause should bear the result."

"How come in the mouth of this Master Miaoshan, cause and effect are not related?"

"You even have to let others bear the result you created."

Amid the discussion, Zhang Chulan keenly came up with some insights from another perspective.

"Perhaps the cause and effect theory that Master Miaoshan talked about refers to a set of logical systems that form this world."

Hearing that Zhang Chulan might understand, everyone couldn't help but look at Zhang Chulan, wondering what he was going to say.

Zhang Chulan then said:

"You know, reality is illogical."

"Perhaps you have escaped bullets and missile bombings on the battlefield without any injuries."

"But after you go back, you may fall into a gutter and end your life."

"Therefore, it can be said that when a person does something bad, the bad karma produced is randomly borne by other people."

"What I want to say is that the gutter that killed the old soldier was dug by others for drainage, but some small animals may have been killed in the process of digging."

"The bad karma of these people was borne by the old soldier."

"Although it is unlucky, I think this is also a manifestation of the illogical reality."

"Therefore, I conclude that illogicality is the cause and effect of this world."

"What I said may be a bit messy, so just treat it as my random guess."

After hearing these words, everyone was a little surprised.

I didn't expect Zhang Chulan to understand these things.

Zhuge Qing spoke.

"Zhang Chulan, what you said is indeed very reasonable. Illogicality is the most intuitive manifestation of our world."

"Perhaps, we are the most logical existence."

"Now that I think about it, it is really despairing. I really don't know who will be unlucky enough to bear the bad karma created by others in the future."

Zhuge Qing stopped talking after he finished speaking.

And the others were also thinking about the questions just now.


If this world is illogical, does it mean that no one can truly control their own destiny.

Even the immortals and gods can't do it!

While everyone was guessing, Feng Baobao had already continued to read.

【Then Wancai Qingsui Gu told me the second question that Yamamoto Kazuo asked Miao Shan. 】

【That is, whether his next path is a road of life or a road of death. 】

【Miao Shan did not tell him directly, but said that the road of life or death is his own choice. Whether it is a road of life or a road of death, he will only know it after choosing it. 】

【Even if there are gods and Buddhas in the sky, they are just powerless bystanders. 】

【Finally, Yamamoto Kazuo asked Miaoshan, if he wanted to turn this world into a zombie world, what could stop him. 】

【Miaoshan said four things, Kuang Tianyou, Ma Xiaoling, the national stone spirit and the Great Sun Tathagata Purification Mantra. 】

【And she, Miaoshan, had the Great Sun Tathagata Purification Mantra in her hand! 】

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