Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 286 Wu Gensheng's plan to sacrifice thirty-five people to become immortals

Hearing the word sacrifice, Zhang Chulan's eyes widened.


"This Wu Gensheng wants to sacrifice my grandfather!"

"How can that be possible!"

Hearing that Zhang Chulan was a little anxious, Su Zaiqiao on the side spoke to comfort him.

"Chu Lan, don't worry. If your grandfather is sacrificed, how can you be there later?"

Zhang Chulan smiled awkwardly.

"I am too concerned."

"Let Sister Baoer continue reading."

Just then, Feng Baobao's voice continued to come.


[However, this sacrifice is not a blood sacrifice. Wu Gensheng needs to lead these people into the Tao, and then extract all the thoughts of the human world before he can complete his sacrifice. ]

[This Tao thinking, from another perspective, can also be said to be the perception of the Tao. This mysterious place is like a place that specializes in absorbing the perception of cultivators. ]

[However, I did not remind others because I wanted to wait until the last moment to destroy Wu Gensheng's plan. ]

[Then, I followed the others and Baoer to the mysterious place. 】

【This mysterious place, like Penglai Island, belongs to another independent space that does not exist in the world. At the same time, it is very large, with an area almost ten times that of Penglai Island. 】

【After following everyone inside, Wu Gensheng was worried that there was a Qi Bureau around, so he opened the God Spirit to explore everywhere to see if there was any Qi Bureau. 】

【And we stood there, looking at the specific environment around us. 】

【I don’t know what this mysterious space has experienced. Unlike the vibrant appearance of Penglai Island, this place gives people a feeling of autumn wind bleakness and withered things. 】

【The black and red soil that can be seen everywhere is like a lot of blood soaked in it to produce some kind of chemical change. 】

【Wu Gensheng waited for a long time before coming back. 】

【After his exploration, there is no Qi Bureau here, and there is a town at the end of this world. It’s just that the people in it don’t look like living people, but they are almost the same as ordinary people, and their daily routines are extremely similar to those in the outside world. 】

【After hearing this, we immediately realized that the most special or valuable place in this space might be that town. 】

【Then the thirty-six of us set off towards the town in the distance. 】

【When we passed the archway and arrived at this town, the people around us seemed to have not noticed us and were busy with their own activities. 】

【Zhou Sheng of Wudang Sect, who had a somewhat bad temper, directly opened the Qimen Bureau to see who these people were. 】

【However, after Zhou Sheng entered the Qimen Bureau, his consciousness instantly fell into the inner scene and could not get out. 】

【After seeing this, Gu Jiting used the family-inherited technique of helping others get out of the inner scene, and reluctantly helped Zhou Sheng get out of the inner scene. 】

【After walking out of the inner scene, Zhou Sheng was very panicked, as if he had seen something terrible. 】

【We asked Zhou Sheng what he saw, and Zhou Sheng told us that in the inner scene he saw the town in front of him, and this town was completely different from what we saw. ]

[Every house is a palace, and every resident in it is an immortal. ]

[The archway we walked past before is the legendary Nantianmen! ]

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan's eyes were surprised.

"If this is the case, then the place where the owner of the note and my grandfather walked into is not the fairyland."

Su Zaiqiao murmured to himself.

"But the fairyland may also be a trap."

"Let's see what will happen later."

At this time, Feng Baobao's voice continued to come.

[After learning what Zhou Sheng saw, Gu Jiting, a sorcerer, also wanted to go in and take a look, so he taught Zhou Sheng on the spot how to help others get out of the inner scene. ]

When talking about this, Feng Baobao's eyes suddenly flashed with a trace of confusion.


"I seem to have some impression of this matter."

"But it's intermittent, and there is no way to remember the specific content."

Zhang Chulan was shocked when he heard it.

"Sister Baoer, what is it, can you tell me?"

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing it.


"I can't remember what happened specifically, but I seem to know how to help others get out of the inner scene."

Zhang Chulan's eyes lit up.

"In other words, Sister Baoer, have you mastered the family magic of Gu Jiting?"

Feng Baobao hesitated for a moment and nodded.

A hint of uncertainty flashed in his eyes.

"I, I don't remember it all, and I don't know if it will work."

Zhang Chulan's tone was regretful.

"It's a pity, if there was a sorcerer here, I could enter the inner scene and see if Sister Baoer can pull you out."

"It seems that I can only wait until I meet other sorcerers in the future to test it."

After hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Su Xiaoli raised her hand quickly.

"Me, me!"

"I am a sorcerer!"

"You have mastered the Samadhi True Fire, how could you forget me?"

After hearing what Su Xiaoli said, Zhang Chulan was a little surprised.

"What, you even mastered the Samadhi True Fire of the Wuhou School?"

"Your talent for magic is so high?"

Su Xiaoli proudly put her hands on her hips.

"Of course, I mastered the Samadhi True Fire when I was sixteen, so I'm not afraid at all."

"I'm going to go inside now, Aunt Baoer, please be gentle when you pull me!"

Feng Baobao nodded.

"Don't worry, it will be very light."

After hearing Feng Baobao's promise, Su Xiaoli felt relieved, then sat on the sofa and closed her eyes.

The next moment, the Qimen game begins.

Everything around her is under her control.

With a slight breath, Su Xiaoli had successfully entered the interior scene.

The warlock who entered the inner scene was the most vulnerable, so Feng Baobao stepped forward cautiously.

The next second.

Feng Baobao directly lifted Su Xiaoli and kept swinging her body, and finally put her head on her butt.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Zhang Chulan was a little stunned.

"Sister Bao'er, is this what you know?"

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this.


"After the warlock enters the inner scene, some meridians will be blocked. As long as these meridians are unblocked, they can come out of the inner scene."

As soon as Feng Baobao finished speaking, Su Xiaoli woke up from the interior scene and couldn't help but blush when she saw that she was placed in such a weird posture.

"Aunt Bao'er, is this the way to pull people out of the interior?"

After saying that, Su Xiaoli returned to her normal posture.

"Not to mention, some of the Qi in my body is much smoother. It's as easy as after the enlightenment."

Hearing that there was such an effect, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but be eager to try it.

"Sister Bao'er, can you give me a trim too?"

Feng Baobao immediately shook his head like a rattle.

"Definitely not. You're not a warlock. What if it breaks you!"

Zhang Chulan let out a disappointed sound after hearing this.

"Okay, Sister Bao'er."

Feng Baobao continued to pick up the notes in his hand and read them.

[After getting ready, Gu Jiting also entered the interior to see the most realistic appearance. After waiting for about thirty minutes, Zhou Sheng pulled Gu Jiting out. 】

[As expected, Gu Jiting also looked frightened. 】

[Obviously he encountered the same scene as Zhou Sheng. 】

[We asked him what he saw inside, and the Gu Ji Pavilion told us a different experience from Zhou Sheng’s. 】

[That is, he did not stay in the town, but went to other places. In the interior scenes, other places seemed to not exist in this world, and their existence violated all common sense. 】

[Except for the heaven transformed from the small town, the other spaces are like fairyland everywhere. You can see whatever you want to see here. 】

[It’s like automatically falling into greedy Zen, lingering in it without thinking about going back. 】

[After learning about this, I immediately realized that this was definitely not a private cave created by an immortal, but more like a trap created by some kind of devil to capture outside geniuses! 】

Zhang Chulan was shocked when he heard the note owner personally say that this place was a trap.

"It seems that what you said before, Sister Qiao, is true."

"This place is a trap."

"I just don't know how to get out of this trap."

Su Zaiqiao shook his head.

"This level is too high, and we have no way to make any guesses."

"But since my great-grandfather can learn from this that Wugensheng is going to be sacrificed to everyone, there must be a way."

Su Xiaoli was not worried.

"My father will take Aunt Bao'er back to the Northeast Ling Kingdom later on. There is no need to worry so much."

After saying that, Su Xiaoli looked at Feng Baobao.

"Aunt Bao'er, please continue reading."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this, and then continued reading the notes in his hand.

[Perhaps this place was originally sealed by an immortal, but was later released by Bao'er who had the body of an immortal. It can only be said that all causes and effects were at work. 】

[And the reason for all this is that I brought Bao'er back from the Song Dynasty. If I want to end this cause and effect, I have to rescue these people, stop the rootless sacrifices, and then destroy this place. OK. 】

[After thinking about this, I started to look for the weak points of this space. 】

[But at the beginning, the immortal only sealed this place. It was not easy to destroy it. 】

[Wu Gensheng, on the other hand, is preparing to continue to take a look inside this small town. Others are not aware of the dangers involved, so naturally they will not refuse. 】

[And I tried to stop him, saying that there was great danger here. 】

[The friendship between the others and me was not that deep. Among them, only Zhang Huaiyi could listen to me, so he asked me what was going on. 】

[I told Zhang Huaiyi that I had the method of seeking good fortune and avoiding evil taught by my master before his death. This place made me feel very uncomfortable, so I wanted to leave immediately. 】

[After learning my reasons, Zhang Huaiyi also hesitated, because there are too many secrets in me, especially Guishenxia, ​​which is simply not the law of the world. 】

[What I say now naturally carries a very large weight in his heart. 】

[After hesitating for a moment, Zhang Huaiyi approached Wu Gensheng and told Wu Gensheng that he attached great importance to my words. Since I said there is a great danger here, it means that there is really a great danger. It's dangerous, so now he really wants to leave here. 】

[After Wu Gensheng learned that Zhang Huaiyi paid so much attention to my words, he immediately came to me and asked me why. Because his understanding of this place was that he could sacrifice other people's Humanity Fruit to become immortals, but he never felt that there was any risk. 】

[And I told him that it was all because he had learned the magic spell of the Heaven of Transformation, and everything was guided by the demon god Po Xun! ]

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