Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 293 Zhang Chulan, the man with destiny

[Shu Fang and I only waited for two hours outside, and everyone who was trapped in the secret realm came out. 】

[And the magician also summoned a cloud of colorful clouds to seal the entrance to the passage. 】

[After everyone saw me and Shu Fang, they immediately came to where we were, and I pretended not to know anything and asked everyone how they were doing. 】

[Zhang Huaiyi told us that they held a ceremony inside, but in the end the ceremony failed. 】

[The failed ritual left one soul and one soul there, and now they have become incomplete people. 】

[Now that the magician has sealed the entrance, there is no way to retrieve it. 】

Zhang Chulan looked at Liu Deshui at this time.

"Grandpa Liu, what did it feel like to lose your whole soul at that time?"

"But what's different now?"

Liu Deshui recalled it at this time.

"Well, how can I put it this way? It didn't feel good. I seemed to have lost all my emotions and happiness at that time."

“And we all discussed it afterwards and found out that everyone’s feelings are different.”

"Maybe it's because we lost different souls."

After hearing this, Zhou Sheng spoke.

"A situation like De Shui is a sign of losing one's soul and soul."

"The human soul determines a person's fertility and interests."

"And Lepo is the happy emotion that governs."

"Speaking of which, it was a really difficult time."

"If the owner of the note hadn't helped us recover that soul later, we would probably have been in a state of confusion for the rest of our lives."

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing this.

"If this is the case, then the owner of this note has really made countless merits."

At this moment, Feng Baobao's voice continued to come.

[Then I asked the magician privately if there was any way for them to regain their souls. 】

[In the end, the magician told me that he could temporarily open this place, but I needed to go in to call the soul. 】

[That is to say, I must personally take risks in order to help everyone recover their souls. 】

[I am a little hesitant about this kind of thing, because this place is so evil, and no one knows what will happen after entering. 】

[After thinking about it, I finally decided to go in. After all, this is considered a meritorious deed for me, especially the Thirty-Six Thieves who have a great influence on the world. 】

When he heard that it had a great impact on the world, Zhang Chulan thought of the knowledge about the warlocks he had learned before.

Then Zhang Chulan looked at Liu Deshui and Zhou Sheng.

"I remember saying that the greater the impact on the world, the same fireball that goes into asking questions about that person."

"Grandpa Zhou, have you ever encountered something or someone that you can't count in your life?"

Zhou Sheng laughed after hearing this.

"Boy Chu Lan, it depends on the angle from which you ask."

"Here is the magician's secret to seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune."

"If you go straight, even if you ask an ordinary person who has not had a great impact on the world, you will not be able to find out the fate of his life. No warlock can pay that price."

"Because the fate of this ordinary person's life is closely related to the future of this world."

"But if you ask this ordinary person when he gets rich, when he gets sick, when he gets lucky, and when he gets unlucky, you won't run into this kind of problem, because this kind of problem is not continuous."

"Same thing."

"You also need to use circuitous tactics when asking other questions."

"For example, if you ask a newborn child whether something will happen in the next few years, you will definitely not be able to tell."

"But if you ask how old this child is when weaned, the question becomes irrelevant."

Zhang Chulan knows everything.

I immediately thought of the meaning of what Zhou Sheng said.

"Grandpa Zhou, you are saying that if the answer is that the child is weaned at the age of three, it means that the child will not be in danger of life before he is three years old."

"It can even be said that his mother's life was not in danger before she was three years old."

Zhou Sheng laughed after hearing this.

"Children can be taught."

"I really want to teach you some magic theory."

Zhang Chulan quickly shook his head after hearing this.

"Grandpa Zhou, the theory of arithmetic seems to require memorizing a lot of things. How old I am now, memorizing things is no longer an expert."

"This probably requires childlike skills."

After hearing this, Zhou Sheng immediately blew his beard and stared.

"Who said that!"

"I also came into contact with martial arts at your age. Before that, Tai Chi was my main business."

The Heavenly Master laughed upon seeing this.

"Chu Lan, just promise him that Yiduo won't overwhelm you."

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing this.

"Okay Grandpa Zhou, but I can't guarantee that I will achieve anything."

After Zhang Chulan finished speaking, he asked Zhou Sheng a question of his.

"Grandpa Zhou, I want to ask one thing, that is, have you ever met the kind of person who can't get the answer even if you ask around and ask in the interior?"

Zhou Sheng's eyes immediately flashed with memories, and he hesitated for a moment before speaking.

"To say that I have encountered it, I have encountered it before."

Hearing what Zhou Sheng said, everyone became extremely interested.

Don't know who it will be.

Looking at the curious eyes of everyone, Zhou Sheng pointed at Zhang Chulan and said:

"I once calculated that even the Heavenly Master is not as big as a fireball like yours."

"It's more difficult to ask you a question than to ask about a person's life."

"That is to say, Zhang Chulan, you are a man of destiny!"

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but open his mouth.

"Grandpa Zhou, how could it be."

"I am actually a man of destiny?"


"I have never encountered any good luck since I was a child, but I have encountered a lot of bad luck. Can I still be a man of destiny?"

"If you want to say that you are a man of destiny, this notebook owner should be the one!"

Zhou Sheng touched his chin.

"I don't see what's so special about you, but the result of divination is like this. Once you encounter something related to you, you can't ask about the inner scene."

"With God protecting you so much, if you are not a man of destiny, who is the man of destiny?"

Zhang Chulan still didn't believe it after hearing it.

"Grandpa Zhou, haven't you calculated the owner of this notebook?"

Zhou Sheng shook his head after hearing it.

A trace of fear and lingering fear flashed in his eyes.

"No, I dare not calculate."

"Because some existences can be calculated, even if nothing can be calculated, it doesn't matter."

"But some existences cannot be touched at all!"

"If you have that thought, you will pay a huge price!"

Zhang Chulan breathed a sigh of relief.

"I told you, the status of this notebook owner is much higher than mine."

Zhou Sheng looked at Zhang Chulan with a complicated expression and didn't say anything.

And Feng Baobao continued to read the notebook at this time.

【Then I found Zhang Huaiyi and told him my decision, and told him that I had a secret method passed down by my master to help them find the lost soul and spirit. 】

【Zhang Huaiyi naturally did not refuse at all, because for him, now that he lost his soul and spirit, he couldn't use the thunder method. 】

【I want to go in, he is willing to do it a million times. 】

【Then Zhang Huaiyi took me to find the rest of the people, and the others did not refuse at all. After the magician secretly opened a crack in the clouds, I broke into it. ]

[Before I heard the story from the magician, I had no interest in this place, but now that I know the specific story, I have become very interested in this place. ]

[I want to see what this Po Xun, born from the head of Gong Gong and the power of the Dark Abyss, looks like. ]

[After arriving in this space, I directly released the goddess Duo Kuo Huo. ]

[As one of the oldest gods in this world, the goddess Duo Kuo Huo naturally would not take this demon god Po Xun, who was born after birth, seriously. ]

[After finding and putting away the lost souls and spirits of the thirty-five people, I and the goddess Duo Kuo Huo found the head of Gong Gong that was blown away. ]

[To my surprise, this head of Gong Gong was not dead, but alive, but it could not be restored without water. ]

[If this head of Gong Gong gets a lot of water, it is unknown whether it will be able to recover. ]

[Then I took out a bag of drinking water and poured it on the head of Gong Gong, and the head of Gong Gong was resurrected as I expected. ]

[After Gonggong was resurrected, the goddess Duokuohuo controlled him, and I also asked Gonggong where the demon god Poxun was. ]

[But what I didn't expect was that Gonggong also looked for the demon god Poxun with hatred. ]

[Because Gonggong would have been resurrected long ago if the demon god Poxun had not parasitized and absorbed most of his power! ]

[Now he just wants to kill the demon god Poxun! ]


Su Zaiqiao looked a little surprised.

"Isn't this demon god Poxun born from the combination of Gonggong and the power of the Dark Abyss?"

"How come the truth is like this now?"

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan said:

"Perhaps, the power of the Dark Abyss is like a parasite. It is not Poxun born from the combination of Gonggong and the power of the Dark Abyss, but Poxun is the dark power itself."

Zhou Sheng frowned slightly after hearing this.

"If that's the case, then we really have to guard against this Dark Abyss."

"God knows how much darkness has been born from this place."

Zhang Chulan didn't feel anything after hearing this.

This Dark Abyss is too far away from him, and he doesn't know what will happen next.

At this time.

Feng Baobao has also continued to read.

[I asked Gonggong how much power the demon god Poxun absorbed from him, and Gonggong told me that the demon god Poxun absorbed 99% of his power. ]

[This 99% power is enough to rival the gods. ]

[With the power of darkness itself, the demon god Poxun has long surpassed the general innate gods. ]

[It is not a simple matter to find and destroy the demon god Poxun. ]

[Then Gonggong asked me if I could take him out with me. As long as he absorbs the water of the four seas, he can restore his peak power and get rid of Poxun easily! ]

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