Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 296 The original Fenghou Qimen, one thousand and eight doors

When Zhou Sheng heard that they went to Mount Kanchenjunga, his eyes flashed with excitement.

"Is it this place?"

"But after sending Old Four to Old Seventeen, why didn't he come back to find us?"

"Did something happen on the way?"

"He was still caught by those sects."

"But I have been secretly asking those sects for so many years, and there is no information about Old Four."

After hearing what Zhou Sheng said, everyone started to think.

This kind of thing really makes people puzzled, and no one knows what happened at that time.

Seeing this, Zhang Chulan comforted:

"Grandpa Zhou, now so much time has passed, no one knows what happened."

"Maybe, Grandpa Wu Gensheng may have become an immortal."

Zhou Sheng curled his lips after hearing this.

"Forget it."

"With Old Four's appearance, he can't even think about becoming an immortal. There are too many causes and effects. I have seen that the cause and effect lines almost wrapped him into a cocoon. There is no chance of becoming an immortal."

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised when he heard this.

"Then Grandpa Zhou, don't you know that Grandpa Wu Gensheng's divine spirit can not only eliminate all Qi, but also cut off all cause and effect?"

"What did you say!"

Zhou Sheng's pupils shrank and his face was full of shock.

"Old Four has such ability!"

Seeing Zhou Sheng say this, Zhang Chulan thought in his heart that it seemed that he had not heard the contents of the notebook.

But he couldn't be sure which notebook Zhou Sheng knew the contents of.

Then Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Yes, it is the ability to cut off the cause and effect line!"

"This ability was recorded by the owner of the notebook himself, there is no mistake!"

Zhou Sheng's eyes suddenly showed a look of sudden enlightenment at this time.

"No wonder, no wonder!"

"No wonder I often entered the inner scene to ask about the information about Old Four in these years, but in the end I got nothing, or even a spark."

"It seems that Old Four has cut off all his cause and effect."

"But in this case, after cutting off all cause and effect, it must be unacceptable to this world."

"How can he solve this problem?"

After speaking, Zhou Sheng fell into thinking.

This question is about numerology.

Once he has a question about numerology, he will never stop thinking.

Seeing Zhou Sheng in this state, Zhang Chulan did not interrupt.

At this time, Feng Baobao continued to read the notes in his hand.

[After changing into Zhao Le's appearance, I did not go to find Ruan Feng immediately, because it would easily arouse Ruan Feng's vigilance. ]

[So I returned to the foot of the Kanchenjunga Peak and recruited some locals to climb the peak together. ]

[There have been many people on Kanchenjunga Peak in recent years, so no one has any curiosity or suspicion. ]

[I gave a lot of money. Even if there is a risk of life on Kanchenjunga Peak, there are still many people who sign up to participate, because even if they die, this money can make the elderly and children in the family worry-free for the rest of their lives. ]

[But I will naturally not increase the cause and effect of killing. ]

[The routes I took them up were all the safest routes. With this group of people, I also successfully came to Ruan Feng's hiding place. ]

[Ruan Feng was very alert at first, but after seeing me, he threw all his vigilance out of the window and came directly to me. ]

[The people I brought were shocked, and I pretended to be surprised and asked Ruan Feng why he was here. ]

[Ruan Feng told me that he was hiding from his enemies, and then asked me why I came here. ]

[And I said that I couldn't stand the wars in my country every day, so I found this place and prepared to take risks. ]

[My reason was very sufficient, and Ruan Feng had no doubts. ]

[After I asked the others to return the same way, I stayed here with Ruan Feng. I was very curious about the fact that Ruan Feng didn't need to eat, so I asked Ruan Feng why he didn't need to eat. ]

Hearing that Ruan Feng no longer needed to eat, Zhang Chulan was a little surprised and surprised.

"How could this be."

"Didn't they say that the ability he obtained made him eat a lot?"

"What's going on?"

After hearing this, Zhou Sheng shook his head.

"No, I don't know. This kind of thing is impossible, because Ruan Feng was just like crazy when he was not allowed to eat."

"There is no human emotion at all."

"But I am really curious about his behavior in the notes."

"Not only did he control his appetite, but his mind became so clear."

"Why didn't this happen in the Twenty-Four Sections Valley?"

Feng Xingtong, who had been listening on the side, guessed.

"If this is the case, does it mean that what Senior Ruan Feng realized at the beginning could not be controlled freely."

"But after a period of time, he can control it freely."

Zhou Sheng nodded after hearing it.


"This is very likely."

"Because when I realized that thing just now, I felt that I was powerless to use it. It was not until ten years later that I could use it freely."

"Maybe we should have given Old Seventeen some time at that time, maybe we should have waited for a while."

Zhang Chulan asked tentatively when he saw this.

"Grandpa Zhou, what did you realize back then?"

"Can you reveal a little bit?"

Zhou Sheng laughed after hearing this.

"Boy, you are trying to trick me!"

Zhang Chulan quickly apologized and smiled.


"Grandpa Zhou, I'm just curious. Besides, you are so strong now, it won't hurt even if others find out."

"Who else can snatch it away from you?"

Zhou Sheng laughed.

"You're such a slippery man."

"It's okay to tell you. The thing I comprehended, I named it "Fenghou Qimen"."

Qimen after the wind?

After hearing the words, everyone immediately started thinking in their hearts.

This was the first time they knew the name of the Fenghou Qimen, and they didn't know what kind of Qimen technique it was.

Zhang Chulan asked at this time.

"Grandpa Zhou, what I want to ask is, what is the difference between the Fenghou Qimen and the Wuhou Qimen of the Wuhou sect?"

"Are the two from the same system?"

Zhou Sheng did not hide anything after hearing the inquiry.

"Of course they are all of the same system. Back then, Zhuge Liang deleted and modified the Fenghou Qimen to create the Wuhou Qimen with only eight doors."

"Fenghou is the ancestor of Qimen magic. There are 1,008 of them, but most people can't learn it in their lifetime."

"Zhuge Liang deleted it and changed it into eight gates, which can be considered a great merit."

"I call what I have comprehended Fenghou Qimen, also to pay tribute to this ancestor of magic."

Everyone suddenly realized that Fenghou Qimen had such an origin.

Feng Xingtong sighed at this time.

"One thousand and eight doors. I really don't know what this Feng Queen's brain is made of. She can actually comprehend so many doors."

Hearing Feng Xingtong's emotion, Zhou Sheng laughed.

"There are one thousand and eight gates. Naturally, only gods can fully understand them."

"But I think that if the owner of the notebook obtains the most primitive Fenghou Qimen, he should be able to understand it."

"One thousand and eight gates can definitely completely simulate this world and control all changes!"

After finishing speaking, Zhou Sheng's eyes flashed with yearning.

Obviously he wants to reach that state.

However, after longing for a while, Zhou Sheng's eyes dimmed.

Because after practicing for so many years, he is very self-aware.

With his ability.

It is simply impossible to grasp the changes in this world!

At this moment, Feng Baobao's voice came.

[Because I had saved Ruan Feng's life, Ruan Feng didn't hide anything from me and told me everything that happened to him in the past two years. 】

[After leaving me, he took the wrong road and came all the way to the Jiangsu and Zhejiang regions. However, this place has been very prosperous since ancient times, so even if there was a famine in the Central Plains, this place would not have much impact. He found a bodyguard job here. It was stable for a while until I encountered Wugensheng later. 】

[Although I found out about this matter from Ruan Feng before, at that time it was intentional or unintentional, so I missed a lot of details. This time, I will fill in all the details. 】

[In the end, it was said that he understood the ultimate method of body refining in a mysterious place. He called him the Immortal Thief of Liuku. Recently, he figured out another name at Kanchenjunga Peak and named him Saint Thief. 】

[The effect of this Liuku Immortal Thief is to create a perfect digestive system, which can instantly decompose the ingested substances and convert the absorbed nutrients into Qi through circulation, without any leakage or waste. 】

[By attaching saliva to one's Qi queen, it can have a fatal corrosive effect on all objects, especially organic substances, and it will also give people endless energy! 】

[Now he has discovered this ability for the time being, but Ruan Feng told me that he had a hunch that this Liuku Immortal Thief is by no means the only one with this ability. 】

[There is definitely more to discover! 】

After hearing what Ruan Feng realized, everyone was shocked.

Is the effect so powerful?

Zhang Chulan spoke at this time.

"If that's the case, then wouldn't those who learn this Immortal Thief of Six Treasures no longer have to sleep? After all, they have endless energy. They are simply the favorites of those workaholics."

"You can also study what you want to study thoroughly day and night."

Zhou Sheng's eyes suddenly revealed extremely crazy desire.

"Old Seventeen actually has such a good thing. What I lack most is energy. You don't know. The time I spend sleeping every day is a waste. If I have endless energy, I don't know what kind of things I can research. come out!"

“It’s unknown whether Fenghou Qimen will be upgraded!”

After hearing what Zhou Sheng said, everyone felt that this technique was very suitable for a research madman like Zhou Sheng.

It's just that everything has advantages and disadvantages, and it's impossible for one person to get all the benefits.

Zhang Chulan looked at Zhou Sheng.

"Grandpa Zhou, can't you sleep well?"

"Besides, this is a technique that can turn a person into a beast that only knows how to eat."

After Zhou Sheng heard this, his feverish mind gradually became sober.

"Well, boy Chu Lan, you are right, I was a little too anxious."

After saying that, Zhou Sheng said nothing more.

Instead, he looked at Feng Baobao, waiting for her to read out the rest of her notes.

Feng Baobao also continued to look at the notes in his hand.

[Ruan Feng finally told me that if I wanted to learn, he could teach me. I might have a strong appetite at first, but it would ease later. 】

【Of course, I would not refuse Ruan Feng's kindness. 】

【Because I am also very curious about this ultimate body refining method! 】

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