Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 298 Eat all the demons in the world and return a peaceful world

[This taste is unimaginably sweet. I feel like every cell in my body is nourished. Even if there are tens of thousands more of these golden lotuses, I can eat them! 】

[Cui Laodao was extremely curious about what I was practicing, so I told Cui Laodao about the effects and functions of Liuku Immortal Thief. 】

[After a brief analysis, Cui Laodao told me that the reason why I longed for Yuanshi Tianzun’s golden lotus was because Yuanshi Tianzun’s golden lotus had killed hundreds of people. 】

[The energy of hundreds of people is stored in it. Isn’t it more effective than cannibalism? 】

[After learning about this incident, I immediately came up with a bold idea from the bottom of my heart, that is, to eat all the demons in the world. Today is a troubled time. Taking advantage of this period, they have eaten countless people over the years. For me, Those are the great tonic pills. 】

[Not only can it eliminate harm for the people, but it can also benefit itself, so why not do it! 】

After hearing the purpose of the note owner, everyone opened their mouths.

Never expected it.

In the end, the side effects of golden lotus were offset by this method!

Feng Xingtong spoke at this time.

"There was a legend before that people were not allowed to become spirits after the founding of the People's Republic of China."

"But according to what the owner of the notebook said, it is not allowed to become a spirit. It is clear that the owner of the notebook has eaten all the demons in the world!"

"In addition, the so-called Northeastern Spirit Kingdom is holding those immortals captive. In this case, where can there be any living space and opportunity for these monsters to appear?"

Feng Xingtong's words immediately resonated with everyone.

Zhang Chulan spoke immediately.

"Indeed, judging from this situation, the disappearance of those demons may not have occurred on their own initiative."

After Zhang Chulan finished speaking.

A picture suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.

That was when the owner of the note stood in front of those monsters and spoke loudly.

If you don’t want to be decent, then I will help you be decent!

While everyone was fantasizing, Feng Baobao continued to read the remaining notes.

[Then I asked Mr. Cui if he knew where there were man-eating demons. 】

[Cui Laodao told me that he really knew where the man-eating demon was. Speaking of which, he accidentally released the demon. 】

[This monster is called the Golden-Eyed Hundred-Eyed Monster, and it was once suppressed under the temple of Nezha, the great god of the Santanhaihui. 】

[It was just that at that time he mistakenly thought that there was an immortal magic weapon under the temple, and accidentally broke a porcelain tower inside, allowing the golden-eyed hundred-eyed monster to escape. But in the end, because of the golden lotus of Yuanshi Tianzun, Cui Laodao did not There was no time to find and seal it. 】

[And after this golden-eyed hundred-eyed monster escaped for so long, he would definitely go around eating people in order to restore his vitality. Cui Laodao calculated through his destiny calculation that this golden-eyed hundred-eyed monster was in the land of Sanqin. It can still be caught in the past. 】

[It’s just that I can’t go alone. For example, he has to resolve the cause and effect himself, otherwise he will encounter murder again! 】

[Lao Dao Cui has already said this, and I won’t say anything more. 】

[So I followed Cui Laodao on foot to the land of Sanqin. 】

[However, walking on foot also has the advantage of walking on foot. Not only can it slow down my mood, but it also allows me to find a lot of little monsters that are harmful to others. 】

[Although these little monsters are of low moral character, because they have not shed their true nature, they have no mercy at all. It can be said that they eat people when they catch them, and the degree of harm is much greater than those of the big monsters. 】

[Eating these little monsters is also a good benefit. 】

[After eating all the way, Cui Laodao and I came to the land of Sanqin. Speaking of which, I also worshiped the Hanging Horned Dragon here for a long time. 】

[It’s a pity that because I went against the will of heaven, the Horned Dragon has been destroyed, but it’s a headache to have saved millions of lives. 】

After hearing that the Horned Dragon had been destroyed, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but shook his head.

"I really didn't expect that this horned dragon was destroyed in the end."

"I remember that the notes at the time just said that there were some cracks in the body of the dragon, but I didn't expect it to be so serious!"

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Feng Xingtong on the side spoke curiously.

"What happened before?"

Upon hearing Feng Xingtong's inquiry, Zhang Chulan told all the things the note owner had done to save the Central Plains from famine.

Feng Xingtong's eyes flashed with admiration after hearing this.

"I admire you, I really admire you."

"This note owner really understands justice."

"But what I didn't expect was that such a powerful magic weapon, no, it can even be said to be a divine weapon, can be dispensed with."

"If it were me, I might not be willing to give it up."

Zhou Sheng laughed.

"Some things, even if you know you can't do them, you can't help but do them."

“Once your emotions get the better of you, you will do things you would never do if you were rational.”

Hearing what Zhou Sheng said, Liu Deshui was stunned.

"Big Monkey, so you regret your sworn vows?"


Zhou Sheng was a little anxious when he heard what Liu Deshui said.

"What nonsense are you talking about? When did I say I regretted it?"

"That's what I said, and you think of that place. I think you regret it!"

"Yes, I regret it."

Liu Deshui blurted out.

"If I had a choice, I would never have kept the appointment!"

After Liu Deshui finished speaking, the air in Feng Zhenghao's office became still.

People around him could be said to be afraid to breathe.

Zhou Sheng narrowed his eyes slightly.

He looked like he was going to kill someone.

"Are you serious?"

"I regret becoming sworn brothers!"

Liu Deshui nodded with his neck stiff.

"Of course I regret it. What did we get from this sworn brotherhood?"

"It was just because I was young and ignorant, and I hastily decided my own fate. Let me tell you this. I have dreamed of that sworn brotherhood more than once, and in my dreams I made the opposite decision!"

"Do you know!"

"Also, do you dare to say that you have never regretted it!"

Liu Deshui's words were sonorous and powerful, as if he had been holding this matter in his heart for a long time.

After hearing him say this, Zhou Sheng's eyes were no longer firm.

But he didn't give a direct answer.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this. It's been so many years. What's the use of regretting it."

After speaking, Zhou Sheng looked at Feng Baobao on the side.

"Bao'er, keep reading."


Feng Baobao nodded after hearing that.

Then he continued to read the notes in his hand.


[After arriving in the Sanqin area, Cui Laodao came directly to Anxi City and told me that the golden-eyed hundred-eyed monster was in this Anxi City. ]

[But now there have been many wars and deaths, even if the golden-eyed hundred-eyed monster eats dozens of people in Anxi City in a day, it is difficult for people to find it. ]

[After arriving in the city, Cui Laodao told me that he could not subdue the golden-eyed hundred-eyed monster by his own strength, and the golden-eyed hundred-eyed monster hid in the city and transformed into a human, so it would be impossible to find him for a while. ]

[And if you want to lure the golden-eyed hundred-eyed monster out, you need the help of a treasure lamp. ]

[This treasure lamp is called the demon-illuminating lamp, which can illuminate the world of all directions. No matter which demon it is, once this lamp is illuminated, clues will appear. ]

[It's just that he couldn't bear the illusion test of Wujin Mountain, so he needed me to get it for him. ]

[I think this old Taoist Cui is honest, because in my opinion, this old Taoist Cui is a greedy and lustful man. If I let him go, he will definitely sink into the illusion. ]

[So I followed the instructions given by old Taoist Cui and flew towards Wujin Mountain, and by the way, I looked for any demons that could harm people to fill my stomach. ]

[After arriving at Wujin Mountain, I really saw a cave halfway up the mountain. After arriving at this cave, I found that there were countless jewels piled up at the entrance of the cave. It seems that this is the test that old Taoist Cui said, but this test is not a test for me. After all, I have seen it before. ]

[Even if old Taoist Cui finds a rich young man, he can probably pass it easily. 】

【Then I came to the depths of the cave, but unexpectedly found that there was a bridal chamber in the depths of the cave. A bride with her veil half uncovered was standing there waiting for me. This bride can be said to be as beautiful as a fairy, even compared with Yu Shu. 】

【This kind of temptation of beauty is very impactful. 】

【If I were still young, I would probably really be unable to resist sinking under this woman's skirt. 】

After reading this test, Feng Baobao couldn't help but look at Zhang Chulan.

"Zhang Chulan, if you had encountered this test at that time, you would definitely not have been able to pass it."

Zhang Chulan's heart tightened when he saw Feng Baobao suddenly talking about this.

Immediately understood that his sister Baoer was talking about the incident when he was seduced by Liu Yanyan.

But this matter can't be blamed entirely on him.

Who among the contemporary male college students doesn't want to lose his virginity.

If you meet such an intellectual beauty throwing herself into your arms, how can you have any self-control.

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan's face begged for mercy.

"Okay, Sister Baoer, don't talk about this anymore."

"Keep reading."

"Oh, okay."

Seeing this, Feng Baobao continued to read from the notes in her hand.


[Although Master Cui told me not to pay attention to this woman, this woman is so beautiful and must have harmed many people over the years. ]

[So I directly let this woman show her original form, but in the end I was surprised to find that this woman's original form was actually a mountain ghost. ]

[Legend has it that mountain ghosts will transform into women and lure men who enter the mountains to their nests to eat them. This mountain ghost's transformed woman is so beautiful that I don't know how many people she has eaten. ]

[Thinking of this, I suddenly had a big appetite and swallowed this mountain ghost into my stomach. ]

[I have to say that the sweetness of this meal is even better than the golden lotus of Yuanshi Tianzun. ]

[After doing all this, I came to the deepest part of the cave. 】

【The deepest part of this cave contains more treasures than the entrance. In the center of the two golden lamps is a stone lamp. This stone lamp is the magic lamp that Master Cui is looking for, which can illuminate the world! 】

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