Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 175: Thousand-year-old zombie Xuankui, a natural-born zombie, a species different from human

【After arriving in Hong Kong, I first went to find Pei Nantian. Now the Tiandihui has been disbanded and reorganized into Hongmen. Pei Nantian told me that he had asked a Feng Shui master to measure that Hong Kong is the end of a dragon vein and will have a 150-year heyday in the future. Setting up the headquarters here can help Hongmen achieve better development with the help of Hong Kong's spiritual energy. 】

150 years of heyday?

Zhang Chulan was a little surprised. It was the first time he heard of this statement.

"Master, is it really like this?"

The old Tianshi closed his eyes and recalled it, then said:

"I did hear this statement when I went to participate in the International Exchange Conference of Foreigners before."

"Hong Kong can be said to be a place of great fortune, and it is definitely not comparable to any other place."

"It's just that the 150 years are a little off. It should actually be 147 years."

Zhang Chulan suddenly realized it after hearing it.

"By the way, Master, I still remember that many people here moved to Hong Kong. Is it because of this reason?"

The old Tianshi nodded after hearing it.

"Well, you can say that."

"But it's better not to discuss this kind of thing."

After saying that, the old Taoist priest shut up, and Zhang Chulan was confused.

Don't discuss it, is there any taboo?

Xu San suddenly spoke at this time.

"Old Taoist priest, there is something I want to tell you. Didn't the Hongmen have the traces of your father's activities?"

"So I wonder if the company should go to the Hongmen specifically to ask them if they have any news about your father."

The old Taoist priest was a little moved after hearing this.

"Well, that's fine."

Hearing the old Taoist priest's agreement, Zhang Chulan was a little excited.

"If that's the case, then we'll go there after we finish our work here."

Gao Lian said at this time:

"Old San has already told me about this task. How can we ask you from the North China region to help with our Northeast region's affairs?"

"So you don't have to come for this matter, just leave it to us."

Hearing Gao Lian say this, Zhang Chulan felt a little disappointed.

"Wasn't this trip to the Northeast in vain?"

Xu San did not reject Gao Lian's proposal at this time.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you now."

Hearing that Zhang Chulan was a little disappointed, Xu San smiled.

"Won't we have time to go to Lu Linglong Zhijinhua next?"

"See what the situation is in the place they found."

"Have the dinosaur eggs hatched?"

Hearing this, Zhang Chulan nodded immediately.

"That's right, this kind of thing really needs to be seen."

"Otherwise, if you miss it this time, I don't know how long you will have to wait for the next opportunity to come here."

After Xu San finished speaking, he looked at Feng Baobao.

"Baobao, keep reading."


After Feng Baobao nodded, he continued to read from the notes.

【Knowing that I wanted to live in Hong Kong for a while, Pei Nantian was very happy. He bought a lot of properties in Hong Kong and wanted to give me a mansion in the nearby city to live in. 】

【I rejected his kindness because I wanted to find a quiet place, preferably a small town with not so many people. ]

[Pei Nantian recommended Gantian Town to me. This town is small but complete, and the people are simple and honest. There has not been a murder case for more than ten years, which is incredible in the Republic of China. ]

[So I bought a house in Gantian Town accompanied by Pei Nantian and settled down here. ]

[After living here, I heard fewer messy thoughts. ]

[I have to say that the days in Gantian Town made me feel comfortable. ]

[What surprised me was that Mao Xiaofang came to Gantian Town to track down the thousand-year-old zombie Wang Xuankui, and there were rumors that livestock in Gantian Town were sucked dry of blood and died. ]

[The townspeople of Gantian Town can be said to have no way out. They can only go outside to invite those Taoist masters to Gantian Town to subdue demons. ]

[Because I didn't want my peaceful life to be disrupted, and there were no deaths here, I didn't take action to deal with this matter. ]

[Because I know that if I take action to deal with this matter, there will be more trouble in the future. ]

After hearing Feng Baobao say this, everyone understood.


Originally, I came here to avoid the noise. If I help now, I will have to help all the time in the future. This will not help my own safety at all.

Feng Baobao's voice continued.


[After a few days, a female Taoist priest named Zhong Jun came here with several disciples, and said that the livestock here were actually sucked dry by ghosts. As long as she performed a ritual, the ghosts could be driven away. ]

[It must be said that the villagers of Gantian Town are indeed simple and easily paid money for Zhong Jun to perform the ritual. ]

[However, when the ritual was performed, Mao Xiaofang came here and ruined Zhong Jun's plan, and I also saw the thousand-year-old zombie Wang Xuankui who had been following him in the crowd. ]

[This Xuankui is different from the Qingting Qingyao I saw before. It is another thing. Its form is exactly the same as that of humans before it turns into a zombie. 】

【Or, it is another kind of life. It can be said that Xuan Kui is not dead. He is a natural zombie, not a transformation of a human corpse. 】

Everyone was surprised to hear that such a thing happened.

Xia Liuqing murmured to herself at this time.

"I didn't expect that the legend the Liu family told me at that time was actually true."

After hearing Xia Liuqing's words, Zhang Chulan hurriedly asked.

"Mr. Xia, what is a legend and what is true?"

"Is this the Liu family that joined you, Liu Yanyan, before?"

Hearing this, Xia Liuqing nodded.

"Yes, it was Liu Yanyan's family, but the Liu family at that time was much more powerful than it is now."

"I was singing an opera with my master and his troupe in a place in western Hunan. Because I was very interested in the method of driving away corpses in western Hunan at that time, I did not go to the next performance with my master and the others after singing."

"I went to Liu's house and wanted to see with my own eyes how they drove the corpses away."

"I have to say that the Liu family is indeed a corpse-eating family with a thousand-year heritage. Some of the living corpses they control are even invulnerable."

"But just when I was praising the Liu family's corpse exorcism technique, the head of the Liu family told me a legend, a legend about zombies."

After hearing what Xia Liuqing said, Zhang Chu quickly asked.

"Mr. Xia, is this related to Xuan Kui?"

Xia Liuqing shook her head.

"It's related, but at the time I just listened to it as a legend."

"That is, there are many different kinds of zombies in this world. One of them is the zombie that evolved from the corpse of a living person. Generally speaking, its combat power is low. Only through special secret rituals can this kind of living corpse be transformed into a zombie. The strongest ones are almost as strong as those who have practiced horizontal kung fu."

"The other kind is that the head of the Liu family once heard from his elders that there is another type of zombie that is a natural zombie, which is a completely different species from humans."

"Almost equivalent to an intelligent species other than humans."

"But this kind of zombies are rare in number. At that time, the head of the Liu family dreamed of finding one as a collection."

"It's just a pity that the strongest zombie in my collection is called Xishuangbanna Bronze Armored Corpse. Even I can't beat it."

When they heard that there was such a legend, everyone was incredulous.

It turns out that this kind of existence once existed in the world.

Zhang Chulan asked at this time.

"Can this kind of zombie die? Or does it have the ability to reproduce?"

Xia Liuqing shook her head.

"It may be that you will die. As for fertility, I don't know. It may or may not be possible. Just think that what I said is a matter of fun."

Seeing that Xia Liuqing refused to elaborate, Zhang Chulan stopped asking more questions and looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, continue reading."

Upon seeing this, Feng Baobao nodded and continued reading.

[Xuankui seemed to sense something after seeing me and ran away from the crowd. 】

[When I saw this, I chased after him. This was the first time I saw this kind of strange zombie. I didn’t know what kind of zombie it was. 】

[After arriving in a deserted suburb, Xuan Kui told me that he was forced to have no choice but to come to Xiangjiang. Mao Xiaofang's Taoism was too restrained for him, so he could only escape all the way here. 】

[I am not interested in how he got here, but I asked him what his origin was. 】

[Seeing me asking about his method, Xuan Kui did not hide anything. He told me that he was an ordinary soldier in the Yue Family Army during the Song Dynasty. He obtained immortality after being bitten by a strange creature. ability. 】

[From then on, he became extremely powerful, but could no longer eat any human food. He could only rely on blood for food, among which human blood was the most delicious and beneficial. 】

[However, he has never sucked human blood, because he knows that he was once a human. If he chooses to suck human blood, in his opinion, he will be no different from a beast. 】

[At the same time, Xuankui told me that he could sense that there were many similar species, but all of them emitted a foul odor. It was caused by sucking human blood, so he had never actively looked for any human beings. . 】

[Xuan Kui’s encounter made me curious, and I even wanted to go to the Song Dynasty through the blood of the nine-headed worm to see what was going on and what the monster was. 】

[But there is not much blood left in the Hydra, so it does not support my ability to travel through the past at will. 】

[I asked Xuan Kui if he had any plans next, and Xuan Kui told me that he planned to continue to escape, or to escape to a desert island to spend the rest of his time. 】

[I have deep sympathy for this Xuan Kui. In my opinion, this Xuan Kui is a poor person who cannot control his own destiny. 】

[So I told Xuankui to follow me next time. If Mao Xiaofang still wants to come to him, just ask him to come to me. I will protect him! 】

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