Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 305: The old celestial master becomes an immortal, Zhang Lingyu refuses to inherit the celes

Seeing this scene, Tao Shangong felt bitter.

How come a Cheng Yaojin showed up halfway!

But even if the person who came here has bad intentions, Ruan Feng must be taken away today.

Thinking of this, Tao Shangong summoned everyone to stand behind him to confront Ruan Feng and the mysterious man who suddenly appeared.

And the mysterious man couldn't help laughing at this scene.

"Interesting, interesting, I didn't expect that you wouldn't be afraid."

"I didn't feel any fear in your soul."

"That's not right."

"No, no, it's very wrong!"

As he said that, the mysterious man in the black magic robe slowly landed on the ground.

Looking at the scene in front of him.

Tao Shangong and others immediately took a fighting stance.

Ruan Feng on the side sneered.

"Your body is really smelly!"

"But I can eat you reluctantly!"

The next moment.

Ruan Feng's figure flashed and rushed straight towards the black shadow.

With a crunch.

The black shadow disappeared instantly.

There was already a squirming black gas in Ruan Feng's mouth, and he was chewing it non-stop.

Seeing this scene in front of them, everyone was a little surprised.

Can he even eat Qi?

This is much more powerful than the intelligence.

The mysterious man who was eaten by Ruan Feng had returned to the treetops again.

He looked at Ruan Feng and the others and snorted coldly.

"I'll settle the score with you later!"

After saying that, the mysterious man flew straight to the center of Nasen Island in the distance.

After Ruan Feng digested the black gas, he looked at Tao Shangong and others on the side.


"Do you want to try it?"

Tao Shangong's eyes did not shrink back or hesitate.

"Master Ruan Feng."

"I came here today to invite you over. We have no ill intentions."

"So if we can avoid it, we will never want to do it."

Ruan Feng's eyes were arrogant.

"You bunch of scum."

"Go back to where you came from!"

"I just had a full meal, so I won't bother with you!"

Tao Shangong was surprised when he heard this.

Who was the mysterious man who just left? He was full just by biting off a breath?

At this moment.

A woman behind Tao Shangong spoke at this time.

"Why should we waste our time on him?"

"The president has already explained that all we have to do next is to take him back. As for what method to use, it all depends on us!"

Tao Shangong nodded slowly after hearing this.

His eyes gradually became firm.

Because he knew from Ruan Feng's eyes and tone that conventional means would not work.

"Let's go!"

As he said this, the twelve superiors led by Tao Shangong slowly surrounded Ruan Feng.

Ruan Feng did not stop him when he saw this, but quietly waited for these people to make a circle.

On the eve of the attack.

Tao Shangong reminded everyone publicly.

"Ruan Feng's true qi can dissolve some organic matter."

"Even the air shield generated by our protective magic weapon cannot resist for too long."

"Everyone be careful!"

After saying that, Tao Shangong was the first to attack Ruan Feng.


When Ruan Feng heard that Tao Shangong knew all his methods, a trace of doubt flashed through his mind.

He really didn't know.

Who on earth was so familiar with his abilities!

Could it be Senior Zhao Le?


As soon as this thought came up, Ruan Feng rejected it.

Because Senior Zhao Le would never be such a person.

Even if he wanted to see him.

He would never use this method.

And now the situation is obvious. This group of people got some diaries of Senior Zhao Le from somewhere.

From those diaries!

When he was with Senior Zhao Le, Senior Zhao Le liked to record some of his experiences.

Thinking of this.

Ruan Feng was filled with anger.

"How dare you come to me in the name of Senior Zhao Le."

"I think you really don't want to live!"

Ruan Feng finished speaking.

He kicked Tao Shangong who was in the front!

Tao Shangong twisted his body and changed the direction of his body with his strong physical strength.

He managed to avoid Ruan Feng's powerful kick.

Ruan Feng couldn't control his kick and landed directly behind Tao Shangong.


He kicked a big hole in the ground!

The flying gravel directly knocked out the protective air shield of everyone.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Tao Shangong swallowed a mouthful of saliva.

Good guy.

If this kick landed on me, it would be equivalent to being hit by a heavy truck.

Don't think about living next.


Tao Shangong directly shot out a ball of Qi in his hand.

After this ball of Qi was shot out, it happened to fall on Ruan Feng's arm. Ruan Feng also felt a ball of Qi rushing through his arm meridians.

Feeling this scene.

Ruan Feng looked curious.

Ruyi Jin?


Ruyi Jin is not like this.

I don’t know where this weird guy learned this weird Kung Fu.

After thinking about it, Ruan Feng swung his arm violently.

The energy hidden in the arm was thrown out in an instant, and it fell to the ground with a bang, making a small pit.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Taoshangong looked surprised.

Did it actually bounce back?


Ruan Feng fought with the new twelve superior weapons.

During this period, these superior weapons continued to use various magic weapons, such as ropes for binding people, strange tools for swallowing the true energy, etc. This also caused Ruan Feng to have great doubts in his heart.

"Another magic weapon."

"So many magic weapons!"

"Is it possible that your master's surname is Ma?"


Ruan Feng's offensive was even more fierce, dazzling everyone, unable to keep up with Ruan Feng's rhythm, and could only passively defend against these attacks.

Even if he released the evil spirit to assist the attack, Ruan Feng swallowed it in one bite!

Seeing that he could not attack for a long time, Tao Shanggong immediately looked at a man wearing a peaked cap in the Shanggenqi.

"It's your turn!"

"If it doesn't work, we will all die here today!"

The man nodded quietly after hearing this.

Then he quit the battle and recited silently with his knees crossed.

"Emperor Namu Moro..."

As spells were shouted one after another, Ruan Feng was suddenly stunned.

Such a familiar spell!

And the next second.

Many people and scenes that he most wanted to see appeared in front of Ruan Feng.

It was the day when thirty-six of them worshiped in the Twenty-Four Festival Valley.

Looking at everything familiar in front of me.

Ruan Feng stood still.


Why did you come back?

And the people in the fantasy were constantly waving to him at this moment.

"Come on, come on!"

"It's just you!"

Ruan Feng's heart moved slightly as he heard the words ringing in his ears.

Then he walked forward involuntarily.

But the next second.

Ruan Feng realized something was wrong.

Something's wrong, something's wrong!

how so!

These people are all fake! It's all fake!

Only I am real!

"He turned into the magic spell of freedom!"

"How did you learn this thing!"

Ruan Feng roared and broke free from the illusion. In reality, Tao Shanggong had already punched him in the abdomen.

The energy belonging to the Vigorous King Kong instantly exploded in the abdomen, a large amount of blood spurted out, and the internal organs could be vaguely seen.

Feeling the severe pain, Ruan Feng gritted his teeth.

"Damn it, you're all okay!"

Tao Shanggong sneered.

"We have all been reborn and are not affected by external objects!"

After saying that, Tao Shanggong wanted to step forward and repeat his old trick.

It's just that Ruan Feng got smarter this time, and white gas started to leak out from his body.

These white gases spread out instantly and very quickly.

Seeing everything in front of him, Tao Shanggong immediately stepped back quickly, and then looked at the others.

"Everyone retreat!"

"Back off!"

However, there were still three high-end devices that did not react. They were shrouded in white mist, and their bodies seemed to have been dropped into strong acid, which was instantly corroded and only their bones were left.

Others showed no sadness at seeing the combat attrition.

In their opinion, completing that person's mission is the most important thing to do!

As for this small sacrifice.

It is simply insignificant.

At this moment, the man in the peaked cap came to the blood that Ruan Feng had shed just now, and slowly wiped it with a piece of cloth.

Looking at the blood on it, the peaked hat was confident.

"Don't worry, he can't run away."

Meanwhile, outside Nathan Island.

It can be said that the temporarily calm waters are full of warships from various countries.

Zhang Chulan stood on the deck and kept looking around, trying to see someone who could get anywhere.

After looking at it for a long time, Zhang Chulan didn't find any familiar faces.

Seeing this, Zhang Chulan was a little discouraged.

Then he looked at Feng Baobao on the side.

"Sister Bao'er, has Fourth Brother told you anything? Why can't you see anyone now?"

Feng Baobao shook his head after hearing this.

"I have no idea."

"The fourth child didn't tell me about this."

"Maybe he has his own plan."

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing this.

"I can only hope that senior Ruan Feng can be picked up smoothly this time."

At this time Ron Keller came over with a group of soldiers.

These soldiers are fully armed, and you can't see what their faces look like behind the protective clothing.

Ron Keller was beaming with pride.

"Mr. Zhang, these are our soldiers."

"They are wearing the latest combat uniforms, which can be said to be fireproof, waterproof and bulletproof. Even if they accidentally fall into the water, they can move freely under 300 meters of water."

"You don't have to worry about oxygen loss at all."

"Facing attacks from strangers, the damage will be greatly reduced."

Zhang Chulan looked a little surprised when he saw this.

"Is that really what happened?"

"This equipment is so good."

"Do you have any extra? Give me and my sister Bao a set too."

Ron Keller couldn't help but look stunned after hearing this.

"We can just take command here. Is it possible, Mr. Zhang, that you want to go to the front line to fight in person?"

Zhang Chulan nodded immediately.

"Of course."

"We just want to fight on the front line."

"Otherwise, it would be boring to stay on the ship."

Ron Keller nodded quietly after hearing this.

"So that's how it is."

"You like an adventurous and exciting life."

"Okay, I'll have someone bring you two sets."

"By the way, do you need a gun?"

Zhang Chulan shook his head immediately.

"No need for that stuff."


After that.

Ron Keller looked at the person behind him and motioned him to get two sets of combat uniforms.

After getting the combat uniforms, Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao quickly put them on.

Zhang Chulan felt that this set of combat uniforms was extremely convenient and breathable, and he couldn't even feel that he was wearing clothes.

Faced with this black technology, Zhang Chulan took off his hood and was very curious.

"Mr. Ron, what material is this made of?"

"It's so convenient and easy."

"I feel like I won't feel too much pressure even if I wear it to sleep."

Ron Keller smiled proudly.

"Mr. Zhang, this is made with our latest nano-scale robot textile technology."

"Don't look at the heaviness of this combat suit. In fact, it doesn't weigh too much because of its special structure."

"We spent a lot of effort to develop this equipment."

"Each piece of clothing costs about 1.3 million US dollars."


Zhang Chulan took a breath of cold air.

"In other words, it costs nearly 10 million per set!"

"Can I take it away after this mission is completed?"

Ron Keller nodded.

"Of course!"

"Not only can you take it away, we can also send people to replace your combat suit regularly, and we will send you new combat suits after developing a new generation of combat suits."

"After all, you will be the 22nd director of our Behemoth in the future."

"You will find out later."

"How much power will you enjoy as a director of Behemoth!"

Looking at Ron Keller bragging there, Zhang Chulan looked curious.

"Mr. Ron, I wonder what your ranking is on the board of directors."

Ron Keller smiled awkwardly after hearing this.

"I'm so ashamed. I used to be at the bottom. Maybe after you come, I will go from the bottom to the 21st."

"Oh, so that's how it is."

At this moment, many speedboats appeared under the warship. You can climb down the warship through the rope ladder, and then sit on the speedboat to land on Nasen Island.

Zhang Chulan put on the hood again.


"Sister Baoer, let's go."

"Then let's see if we can see the fourth brother and the others."


At the same time, inside Nasen Island.

Haruman strolled here. This is a market, surrounded by Nasen Island residents.

Looking at the living humans around.

Haruman's soul couldn't help trembling at this moment.

"What a living human!"

"And there are so many aliens on the island. If all these people and the sacred tree are sacrificed to the Philosopher's Stone, I don't know how powerful the Philosopher's Stone will give me!"

"But before that, let's set up the alchemy array first."

Haruman muttered to himself at this moment.

And a light flashed between his eyebrows.

A small hexahedral stone inside was slowly rotating there.

Longhu Mountain, Tianshi Mansion.

In front of the old Tianshi, a jade cabbage was slowly floating. The brilliance of this jade cabbage was dim at this time.

And now the old Tianshi's Qi is even more unfathomable.

Looking up at the sky.

The old Tianshi seemed to be able to see through the bricks and tiles of the Tianshi Temple. Nothing could escape his control.

"Brother, have you become an immortal?"

At this time, Tian Jinzhong slowly emerged from the darkness of the Tianshi Mansion.

Looking at the scene in front of him.

Tian Jinzhong's heart can be said to be surprised!

Because at this moment in his eyes.

The figure of the old Tianshi is no longer visible.

Only a group of clear Qi is left floating there.

It's like transcending the world, making it impossible to lock the specific location.

After hearing this, the old Tianshi slowly nodded.

"I don't know, but I feel like I have entered a new realm."

"This realm can be said to be extremely wonderful. Things that I couldn't understand before have now been completely figured out."

"Now I can no longer feel sadness or joy, just like everything in the world is insignificant."

Hearing the old Taoist priest say this.

Tian Jinzhong sighed on the side.

"Brother, you have accumulated too much, it can be said that your foundation is solid and your Tao is overflowing."

"Now that you have obtained the power of the dragon vein to help you go a step further, what else can you do if you are not an immortal?"

The old Taoist priest sighed softly.


"It's just that I didn't feel the call of heaven."

"Even in my father's notes, the moment Lu Su became an immortal, he immediately felt the call."

"But my situation is different from the records in the notes."

Tian Jinzhong pondered for a moment at this time.

"If this is the case, is it because you, brother, have the degree of the Taoist priest?"

"There are restrictions on the degree of the Taoist priest, so I have not been called by heaven."

Hearing this, the old Taoist priest nodded slowly.



After saying that, the old Taoist priest waved his hand and a golden light flew from afar.

As the golden light landed on the ground.

Zhang Lingyu was standing in the Taoist temple in dishevel at this moment.

Since the last time he met Xia He, Xia He rented a house at the foot of Longhu Mountain, and the two met every day. The fellow Taoists on Longhu Mountain all complained.

But the old Tianshi didn't care, and they couldn't say it.

Zhang Lingyu was shocked at the moment.

He was still there with Xia He, but then his body started to move uncontrollably and came to the Tianshi Hall in a blink of an eye.

But he looked left and right, and only saw his uncle Tian Jinzhong here.

Zhang Lingyu's chest was beating.

He tentatively said:

"Uncle, how did I get here?"

Seeing that Zhang Lingyu couldn't see him, the old Tianshi no longer maintained this magical state and turned himself back to his previous appearance.

"Lingyu, I'm calling you."

After saying that, the figure of the old Tianshi appeared in front of Zhang Lingyu.

Looking at this scene, Zhang Lingyu was terrified.

"Master... Master, what are you doing!"

"I just..."

For a moment, Zhang Lingyu stuttered and couldn't speak.

Seeing Zhang Lingyu's shocked eyes, the old Tianshi spoke immediately.

"Lingyu, I have become an immortal."

"Next, I think it's time to pass the Tianshi degree to you."

Hearing that the old Tianshi was going to pass the Tianshi degree to him, Zhang Lingyu's head shook like a rattle.

"No, no, Master!"

"Lingyu hasn't served you enough!"

"After passing on the Tianshi degree, will you ascend to heaven?"

"Disciple can't bear it!"

Seeing Zhang Lingyu's performance, the old Tianshi felt a warm current in his heart.

But he immediately pretended to be serious and said:

"Lingyu, serve me?"

"I see you are serving that little girl Xia He all the time now."

"Also, do you feel that you can't get married or have funerals after becoming a Tianshi, so you can't bear to leave her?"

Zhang Lingyu was shocked when he heard it.

And then he felt embarrassed.

"Master, I didn't..."

But the voice was as thin as a mosquito's, and it was vague.

It didn't sound confident at all.

Looking at Zhang Lingyu like this, the old Tianshi sighed helplessly in his heart.

It seems.

Chu Lan still needs to take this responsibility!

Or, let Lingyu go down the mountain to experience it, maybe he can change his mind.

Thinking of this.

The old Tianshi waved his hand gently.

"Lingyu, you go."

"Oh, okay."

Zhang Lingyu turned around and was about to leave after hearing this.

But after taking a step outside the Tianshi Hall, Zhang Lingyu suddenly turned his head and looked at the old Tianshi.


"Where am I going?"

The old Tianshi slowly closed his eyes.

"Go down the mountain, from now on, you have nothing to do with Longhu Mountain."

Zhang Lingyu's heart trembled after hearing this.

I knelt down immediately.

"Master, how can I leave without repaying the great kindness you have taught me!"

The old Tianshi looked neither happy nor sad.

"What's the point of repaying a favor? As long as you can successfully marry and have children, it will be considered as one of my wishes."

"It depends on whether that little girl Xia He is willing to marry you."

After saying this, the old Taoist priest disappeared.

Only Zhang Lingyu was left looking at the spot in a daze.

Is this the realm of immortals?

And Tian Jinzhong on the side came forward.

Controlling the golden light, he handed Zhang Lingyu a bank card.

"This time when you go down the mountain, if you can successfully marry and give birth to a son according to your master's wish, I think things are not hopeless."

"Here are two million, all of which are some of your uncle's family assets."

"I have no use for it on the mountain, you take it, the password is six zeros."

"You can't get married without money!"

Zhang Lingyu was in a state of confusion at this time.

Was he driven down the mountain?

He took the bank card stupidly, and even forgot to say thank you, and left the Taoist temple in a daze.

Looking at Zhang Lingyu who had already left, the figure of the old Taoist priest appeared again.

Tian Jinzhong was a little puzzled at this time.

"Brother, why did you drive Lingyu down the mountain?"

"In my opinion, even if Lingyu wanted to marry that Xia He, she would not agree."

"But why do you still do this, brother?"

After hearing what Tian Jinzhong said, the old Taoist priest laughed.

"It depends on how Lingyu will grasp it next."

Seeing the old Taoist priest like this, Tian Jinzhong immediately understood what he meant.

"Brother, so this is what you think..."

After Zhang Lingyu went down the mountain, he went straight to his and Xia He's nest.

At this time, Xia He was shocked by what happened just now. She didn't know why her lover in her arms suddenly turned into a golden light and flew away.

After waiting for a long time.

The soul-destroying Zhang Lingyu came back here.

Seeing that Zhang Lingyu's state was a little wrong, Xia He hurried forward.

"Lingyu, what happened?"

Zhang Lingyu didn't say anything, but returned to the house and poured himself a glass of water and drank it.

After sitting on the sofa.

Zhang Lingyu looked at Xia He.

"Xia He, do you want to marry me?"

Xia He's eyes suddenly flashed with a trace of unnaturalness.

"Lingyu, why are you talking about this suddenly?"

"Why are you talking about marriage?"

Zhang Lingyu's heart sank when he heard this.

If it were a normal couple with a good relationship, the reaction would not be like this.


Zhang Lingyu spoke slowly.

“My master has just expelled me from Longhu Mountain.”

“And now, I am a lone man!”

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