Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 307: Notes in Haruman's hand, method for mass production of Philosopher's Stone

Seeing this scene, Haruman's pupils narrowed.

How could it be!

How could this happen!

My own death curse was actually ineffective against the person in front of me!

This has never happened since I created this death curse!

Looking at Haruman in front of him, he looked like he had eaten shit.

Li Muchuan laughed loudly on the side.

He just likes it like this!

Haruman was already a little angry at this moment and could no longer maintain his original calm demeanor.

"Damn it!"

"Who are you!"

After saying that, Haruman's whole body turned into black mist again, as if he wanted to escape, but the next moment, Haruman was forced back again by Li Muxuan.

Countless electric lights intersect in the throne room at this moment.

If you look at it from the outside, it looks like the legendary thunder prison where immortals were punished and imprisoned.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Haruman's eyes flashed with panic.

He didn't know who this person was!

Just then.

All the thunder and lightning in the entire space condensed into a ball, directly penetrating Haruman's entire body, and Haruman also turned into ashes amidst painful wails.

Looking at this scene, Li Muxuan felt proud.

No matter how powerful it is.

It's not like he's going to be reduced to ashes by my thunder method.

Just one second.

Before Li Muxuan could rejoice, Haruman's broken soul was reorganized and he fled directly to the sky.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Li Muxuan's eyes were shocked.

What's going on?

His own thunder method did not annihilate his soul!

Let this guy escape!

Li Muxuan looked at this scene and was puzzled. Then he sat on the throne and entered the interior scene, asking what the reason was!

As time passes.

Li Muxuan also exited from the interior scene.

After some questioning, he also got information about what happened to this person.

Then muttered to himself.

"Are there actually seven life-protecting magic weapons?"

"It seems that this person must have a lot of background."

"I just don't know the specific origin."

Thinking of this, Li Muchuan sighed softly.

"It seems that the chaos this time is much bigger than any chaos in the past few decades!"

After Haruman escaped, he went all the way north to a reef near the coast of Nathan Island.

At this moment, he was at the end of his strength.

He had to save a breath to activate the sacrificial formation of the Philosopher's Stone to prevent his body from collapsing.

The most powerful Lei Fa is his greatest nemesis.

He even said that without the seven Horcruxes made by his mentor back then, he would have been completely destroyed now!

Think about this.

Haruman's face showed a little sadness.

turn out to be.

Until now, can I still not get out of your shadow?

over the years.

It can be said that Haruman has been considering gathering all his soul back from the seven Horcruxes. Only in this way can his strength be further improved.

But after today's incident.

Haruman understood.

The souls inside these seven Horcruxes must never be withdrawn.

Because he knows.

Once he withdraws, his only means of saving his life will disappear.

If you encounter similar things again in the future.

Then him.

It's impossible to escape!

Just when Haruman was secretly rejoicing, he saw two people wearing some kind of combat clothing walking out of the jungle in the distance.

The feeling one of them gave him made Haruman feel like a man who had been thirsty for an unknown amount of time and saw a clear spring in the desert.

Looking at this scene.

Haruman immediately forced himself to cast a healing magic.

After feeling some improvement, Haruman immediately walked towards the two people in combat uniforms.

He wanted to see it.

Underneath this weird combat uniform.

What kind of person is he?

Why did it make him feel so hungry?

Just then.

Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao were safe and had exited the jungle on Nathan Island.

In the jungle of Nathan Island, there are too many hidden dangers, and you will lose your life if you are not careful.

So in Zhang Chulan's opinion.

I haven't contacted the company before.

It was safer to go back to the beach.

at this time.

Zhang Chulan suddenly saw a black shadow walking towards them in the distance.

He immediately cast the Nine-Star Golden Light Spell, using the power of the moonlight to activate it in the dark night, and a moon-white shield suddenly appeared around him.

Then, he turned to look at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, wake up Zhuge Divine Machine."

Feng Baobao nodded.

Then Zhuge Shenji was awakened, and Zhuge Shenji also quickly changed its form, piercing the combat uniform and turning into an arm guard.

"Don't do it, don't do it!"

"I mean no harm!"

"I am a member of the Jade Society, and I came to Nathan Island this time just to brush up on my resume."

While Haruman was talking, he walked towards Zhang Chulan and the others.

Zhang Chulan waved his hand.

A moon-white fragment hit the beach in front of Haruman's feet.

Shards are very powerful.

A hole was formed directly on the beach.


"Don't go any further!"

"Whether you are a member of the Jade Society or not, we will be able to tell!"

Seeing this scene, Haruman stopped acting rashly.

And Zhang Chulan also saw the whole person in front of him through the moonlight.

This was a rather handsome young man, but his face was too pale, without any blood, and his lips were all green.

Just like a zombie.

Thinking of the description in the previous notes, Zhang Chulan was curious.

I don’t know if the person in front of me is a zombie.

To know.

There are many descendants of zombies in this world.

At the same time, he also said in his notes that he was no different from ordinary people.

If it's a zombie, then you have to be careful.

Seeing the vigilant looks of Zhang Chulan and the other two, Haruman also knew that he could not act too hastily.

Then he took out a certificate.

The certificate was from the Jade Society, and the young man's appearance on it could be said to be exactly the same as his current appearance.

"You can check it now."

"I'm really from the Emerald Society!"

"As you all know, Nathan Island is extremely dangerous. I have no qualifications in the Emerald Society, so I need to brush up my qualifications before I can go further."

After saying that, Haruman threw the Jade Society's certificate to Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan took it over and identified it carefully.

When he was in the company, he had been trained in this area of ​​skills to facilitate his future missions abroad.

I just didn't expect it to come in handy so quickly.

After some confirmation.

He felt it was real.

Just to be on the safe side.

Zhang Chulan handed the certificate to Feng Baobao again.

"Sister Bao'er, look, this document is incomplete."

After Feng Baobao heard this, he immediately looked at the certificate handed over by Zhang Chulan. After checking it carefully, Feng Baobao nodded.

"Yes, that's right."

"The person in front of us is obviously a dead man, why do we need to see his ID?"

When Feng Baobao said these words, Zhang Chulan was shocked.

"Sister Bao'er."

"What did you say?"


Feng Baobao nodded and then looked at Haruman.

"Yeah, just a dead man."

"I thought you saw it?"

After hearing what Feng Baobao said, Zhang Chulan lost his composure at all.

"Sister Bao'er, don't say this nonsense."

"I don't think this man is alive and well?"

Haruman, who was opposite him, burst into laughter.

"Special, really special, you can actually see it."

"It's just a pity."

"My current condition is not good. Otherwise, I would really want to capture you and study you."

And just after Haruman finished speaking, Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er."

"You are so right, this man is a dead man."

"But it's unbelievable that dead people can still walk and talk."

Feng Baobao did not answer Haruman's words, but looked at Zhang Chulan aside.

"Next, let's go."

"He is a dead man and there is no way we can continue to kill him."

Zhang Chulan saw Feng Baobao say this, and then nodded.


"If that's the case, then we don't care about him."

"There are really all kinds of weird things on this island, and even the dead can talk."

After speaking, Zhang Chulan waved towards Haruman.

"Deathhead, I say goodbye to you."

After saying that, the two of them walked towards the coastline on the other side.

There was a speedboat they parked on the shore. The weather was strangely cold, and there were beds in the speedboat cabin.

It would be nice to get out of the wind.

When Haruman saw this scene, his eyes were fixed on Zhang Chulan.

He was obviously very angry at Zhang Chulan's words.

If you are still at your peak now.

This kid must pay the price!

Thinking of this, Haruman suppressed his anger.

After the heart-protecting stones in the seven Horcruxes bore the price of death for him, the function of suppressing the emotions in his heart also disappeared.

Now it has brought a lot of inconvenience.


Haruman directly used the wish technique to see what the young man wanted most in his heart now.

But when he saw it was a book, Haruman lost his mind.

Because of this book.

It was a book that his mentor had left to him.

Because he couldn't understand the symbols on it, he kept it in his portable space. But now, it's obvious that these two people have the ability to decipher the notes on it.

Think of this.

Haruman shouted directly towards the two Zhang Chulan who were about to leave in the distance.

"Walk slowly, I have something to ask you."


Haruman floated towards Zhang Chulan and the others without touching the ground.

When Zhang Chulan saw this scene, he also realized that it would be difficult to sleep well if he didn't deal with this guy today.


Zhang Chulan rubbed his neck and asked in a rough voice.

"What's up!"

Seeing Zhang Chulan's slightly unfriendly tone, Haruman said directly:

"I once got a book written with Long Guo ink and Long Guo pen before, but I couldn't see the symbols on it clearly."

"I heard that your language is Chinese, so I want you to help decipher it and see what is recorded on it."


Haruman opened his personal space, and the next second, a book that Zhang Chulan was very familiar with appeared in front of Haruman.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Zhang Chulan's eyes were extremely shocked.

"This, this!"

"What the hell is going on!"

"Where did you get it from?"

But the next second, Zhang Chulan realized that his reaction was a bit too much.

How did the person opposite know that he wanted this thing?

Could he read minds!

At this time, Zhang Chulan's head was still in the hood, so Haruman couldn't see the changes on Zhang Chulan's face.

Just based on the breath.

He knew the inner unrest of the guy in front of him.

"Friend, can you translate it?"

Zhang Chulan turned his head and looked at Feng Baobao, and Feng Baobao's eyes were obviously attracted by the notes in Haruman's hand.

Looking at this scene.

Haruman understood immediately in his heart.

This matter is settled!

Thinking of this, Haruman said directly:

"If you can decipher it, please decipher it now, because this book is actually left to me by my mentor."

"After my mentor disappeared, this book has been kept in my personal space, and I don't know what the origin of this notebook is."

Hearing Haruman say this, Zhang Chulan immediately spoke.

"I don't know, but the organization behind us has been looking for this kind of book, so the reaction to this kind of book is really a bit big."

After saying that.

Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao, and Feng Baobao nodded.

"Yes, that's right."

Haruman looked at the two of them. Although he knew they were fooling him, he didn't expose them.

"If I can't decipher it, I'll take it back."

After saying that, Haruman pretended to take back the notebook in his hand, and Zhang Chulan kept thinking in his mind, feeling that it would be okay even if the person in front of him knew the contents of a notebook.

Then he said:


"My sister Baoer can decipher this notebook!"

After saying that, Zhang Chulan stretched out his palm.

The true Qi shield transformed by the power of the moon tightly protected his palm.

"Just leave it to us, we can decipher it for you now."

"But the premise is that you need to give us this book and let us take it back to the organization."

Zhang Chulan didn't say anything after saying that, but waited for the handsome young man in front of him (the dead man) to make a decision.

Haruman was also happy to see that things were going so smoothly.


"In that case, I will give you this book!"

After saying that, Haruman put the notebook in Zhang Chulan's palm.

Zhang Chulan was very cautious.

In order to prevent the person opposite from doing anything, he directly cleaned the book inside and out with the power of the moon.

After finding nothing abnormal.

Zhang Chulan handed the notebook in his hand to Feng Baobao.

Looking at this brand new notebook, Feng Baobao showed curiosity, and then opened the notebook and began to read.

[Haruman, do you know? After this period of research, I finally found the method of making the Philosopher's Stone. ]

[It turned out to be so simple. If you find enough raw materials, can't you mass-produce the Philosopher's Stone? ]

[It's a pity that the raw material Dream Mark is too rare. If you want to collect Dream Mark, you must enter the dreams of some people! ]

When Haruman heard about mass production of Philosopher's Stone, his heart was shocked.


Is this the letter and research notes that the mentor left for him?

He even found a way to mass-produce the Philosopher's Stone, which is too outrageous!

Isn't the Philosopher's Stone the only one?

It can be mass-produced now, which is too unacceptable!

Then what is my Philosopher's Stone?

Is it a mass-produced garbage?

Thinking of this.

Haruman sneered in his heart.


You knew that I couldn't understand the words on it, but you still wrote the content for me on it.

If it weren't for the coincidence today.

I'm afraid I would never know the content in this life!

Thinking of this.

Haruman's chest was filled with anger and anger.

But he now understands.

Losing the Heart Stone.

His ability to control emotions is probably not as good as a child...

And Zhang Chulan was also a little shocked after hearing it.

I don't know when this note was written by the owner of the note, but it was actually written to Haruman, and there is a way to mass-produce the Philosopher's Stone!

If this is the case.

Doesn't that mean that there are still many Philosopher's Stones in the world today?

After all, I have heard about it before.

Haruman has escaped from the underground seal of Flamel College.

If Haruman can also understand this kind of notes.

Mass production of Philosopher's Stone is not a problem at all!

Thinking of this, Zhang Chulan held his breath and continued to listen carefully to Feng Baobao's notes.

[I don't have anything to do now. After finding this method, I will continue to collect dream marks all over the world. ]

[Dream marks are the materialized product of dreams. It is difficult to produce dream marks unless you are born with strong mental power. I have to say that the first person who found a dream mark and made it into a Philosopher's Stone is simply a genius. ]

"Dream marks?"

"I have seen it before. I didn't expect that this is the material for making Philosopher's Stone."

Haruman's muttering was heard by Zhang Chulan.

Zhang Chulan immediately began to ask.

"Do you know dream marks?"

"Or have you seen dream marks?"

Haruman nodded after hearing Zhang Chulan ask him about this.

"I've seen Menghen, but I didn't know that thing was Menghen."

"Speaking of which, that was when I massacred the city. Those who were still sleeping were swallowed up by nightmares. Some of those who disappeared would leave some black crystals in front of their beds."

"These black crystals can only exist in the world for half an hour at most."

"Now I know that this is Menghen."

"I don't know how much of such a precious thing I wasted."

Listening to the understatement of the young man in front of him, Zhang Chulan shuddered.

Massacre the city?

Has he massacred a city?

What has this person done in his life?

And what is his identity?

There are only a handful of strangers in this world who have the ability to massacre a city!

At this moment, Feng Baobao also continued to read.

[After a long period of investigation and research, I found that even if it is a dream mark, there is a huge difference between a dream mark and a dream mark. 】

[Among them, the best quality dream marks are nothing more than the condensation of beautiful dreams by people with strong innate mental power. This kind of dream marks are as warm as jade and crystal clear. It can be said to be the top grade for making the Philosopher's Stone. 】

[The second-level dream marks are condensed by ordinary dreams of people with strong mental power. This kind of dream marks have many impurities and are blue and white in color. Although the Philosopher's Stone can also be created, it will not absorb the energy of the sacrifice. The time is always a little different. 】

[The worst kind of dream marks are those caused by nightmares. The color of the dream marks varies according to the depth of the nightmare, ranging from blue to purple to black. 】

[If the Philosopher's Stone is made from this kind of dream scar, after you make a wish, your wish will be realized in a way that you never expected. 】

[This is like a person who wants a sum of money to relieve his immediate urgent needs. After he makes a wish, his relatives may have an accident and receive a large amount of compensation. 】

[If a girl doesn’t want a bully to take over her and makes a wish, she will become the ugliest woman in the world. 】

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but feel a chill after hearing how the Philosopher's Stone could fulfill wishes.

"Is it really like this?"

"It's so disgusting."

Haruman on the side listened carefully to all the details in the notes.

It turns out that the philosopher's stones produced by different dream marks have different effects?

I don’t know what kind of effect the Philosopher’s Stone made from the highest-grade Menghen will have.

And this is the philosopher's stone in my body.

What grade of dream marks was it made of?

Think of this.

Haruman felt a little itchy.

Make up your mind at the same time.

That is to wait until he finishes reading the notebook left by his mentor, and then sacrifices the entire Nathan Island, and then uses the method left by his mentor to create the Philosopher's Stone.

But now we are just talking about raw materials.

There is no manufacturing process.

I don't know what it will look like in the end.

Just then.

Feng Baobao's voice continued to come.

[For this kind of Philosopher's Stone, I call it the Demon's Stone, because it not only makes you pay the equivalent price, but also produces more indirect costs! 】

[But even this devil's stone has its uses. 】

[It can be considered an interesting thing to let these evil people get this kind of devil's stone. 】

[Haruman, if you can understand the notes now, it means that your character has completely changed. Then I can safely tell you the method of using a large number of Philosopher's Stones to become a god. 】

[If your xinxing is not up to standard, your life will be in danger. 】

When hearing this sentence.

Haruman was shocked.

What's the secret to using the Philosopher's Stone to become a god?

Do you still need xinxing?

What would happen if there was no xinxing?

Think of this.

Haruman felt nervous. It turned out that only after his xinxing reached the standard could he understand the words on it?

This is really unbelievable.

It turns out that my mentor has never given up on me. He had this same mentality when he came to seal and hand this notebook to me.

Think of this.

Haruman felt a little moved in his heart.

For a moment, I remembered that my mentor gave me the power of revenge nearly a hundred years ago.

At this time, Zhang Chulan saw that the mood of the young man in front of him suddenly felt a little wrong, and he kept guessing about the identity of the person in front of him.

Who is it?

Just then.

Feng Baobao also continued to read his notes.

[Before I tell you this method, I will first tell you how to use Dream Mark to make the Philosopher's Stone. 】

[First, the collected dream marks are piled together, and then all the dream marks are forced together with strong pressure. During the squeezing process, these dream marks will automatically condense into a philosopher's stone. 】

[Try it once, I believe you will master it soon! 】

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