Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 309 Li Muxuan, I was sent by Li Jinyan, it’s time to fulfill my promise!

Nathan Palace on Nathan Island.

Li Muxuan was standing on the dome of the palace, looking quietly into the distance.

At this moment, the intersection of the only road leading to Nathan's Palace was already filled with strangers from various forces.

Behemoth, Children of the Earth, Emerald Society, Ishikawa Ryu, Ichthyosaurus Kai, Ijinkan, DC, etc.

I've been hanging out on Nason Island for so many years.

It can be said that there are aliens from all over the world who escape here from Nathan Island every year.

He can be said to be well aware of the alien organizations in various countries around the world today.

Just don't know why.

There is no one who knows everything.

This made Li Muxuan a little disappointed. He also wanted to see if there were any young talents among the younger generation of Long Kingdom.

There was nothing to see now.

Just then.

Someone from an unknown organization couldn't help it and cut off one of his arms. The arm turned into a tentacle and began to jump on the only road leading to Nathan's Palace.

People from other organizations also looked expectantly when they saw this.

I don’t know what obstacles will come next.


Li Muxuan sneered when he saw this.

Immediately sent a yellow scarf warrior towards the tentacle.

The sharp ax in his hand slashed down.

There was a pop.

The tentacles broke off at the sound.

The man who sent the tentacles was so painful that he rolled on the spot and screamed loudly.


Although he was able to cut off the connection between himself and the tentacles.

But if his arm is injured, there is still no way to cut off the connection between the nerves. If the tentacle that the arm turns into is injured, the body will still feel the pain and damage from the arm.

See this scene.

A stranger wearing a crow helmet came directly forward and stretched out his palm to touch the broken part of the man.

The next moment.

The man miraculously felt that the broken part of his arm no longer hurt.

This feeling is simply more pleasant than taking anesthetics.

At this time, an alien from the alien hall spoke.

"Looking at it like this, this road is already guarded by these guards who are glowing with yellow light. I can feel that these guards are just elves. If we go together, we may not be able to break into the palace!"

After hearing the stranger's suggestion, everyone around them also showed excited expressions.

If this is the case.

You can try it.

Thinking of this, everyone turned their attention to the yellow scarf warriors surrounding the palace of Nason Palace.

Although I don’t know the origin of these elves.

But it's not like they haven't met before.

The shikigami of that island country are much more ferocious than these spirits.

Think of this.

Soon there was the first person to take the lead.

He was a burly man with muscles all over his body, and he was heading towards Nanassen Palace with the help of his divine power.

As the saying goes.

A man cannot walk without a head, a bird cannot fly without a head.

People in these various organizations all have tasks to fulfill.

With this first person taking that path, others soon followed.

Li Muxuan was not anxious when he saw this scene.

Instead, they waited for all the yellow scarf warriors to block the intersection to see how strong this group of strangers was.

For the eccentric abilities that may exist in these people.

Li Muxuan was still very interested in observing.

After all, I stayed on Nathan Island all day.

If there is nothing new to do, his spirit will easily become bored.

Just then.

A dark shadow slipped silently from the cliff next to the road.

Even the Yellow Turban Warriors didn't notice it.

Seeing this shadow, Li Muxuan's eyes were stunned. He didn't expect to have this ability to transform himself into a shadow and come into the darkness.

This way.

Except for some Zhiyang Zhigang attacks with light attributes, there is no way to cause damage to it.

Immediately afterwards.

Li Muxuan raised his hand and waved.


A bolt of lightning flew towards the shadow.


In the face of the most powerful lightning, how could the person who turned himself into a shadow withstand such an attack.

While in the shadow state, he was reduced to ashes by lightning!

Everyone was startled when they saw the sudden lightning.

What's going on!

Where did the lightning come from?

I haven't heard of any aliens in Nathan Guard who can use lightning!

Seeing that he could no longer hide, Li Muxuan was no longer prepared to hide anymore, and immediately jumped down from the dome of the palace to the gate.

The Yellow Turban warriors also dispersed from their original gathering state and formed two rows.

It looked like they were welcoming their master.

Li Muxuan's eyes were arrogant at this time, looking at everyone as if they were looking at chickens and dogs.

"Yo yo yo."


"Are you not paying attention, so many outsiders came to the island?"

Looking at the old man with white hair and white beard in front of them, everyone's eyes were very nervous.

Just then.

An island wanderer stepped forward with a knife.

"Old man, don't block our way, you can't bear this!"

"I think you'd better get out of the way obediently."

"Otherwise, I think your life will be in danger!"


Li Muxuan smiled and then walked towards the ronin.

The ronin seemed to have something to rely on. After pulling out the sword in his hand, it turned out to be a red sword exuding a strong evil aura.

The aliens standing around the ronin also took several steps back.

It seemed that they were stimulated by the evil spirit of the sword.

The ronin ignored the others, but looked at the sword in his hand with fanatic eyes.

"Luoyu, I will fight side by side with you again today."

"Come, kill the man in front of you for me, and I will sacrifice you with the blood of King Nathan!"

The ronin's voice fell.

The red sword in his hand instantly burst out with greater evil spirit.

And a stranger in the alien hall was horrified after seeing it.

"It turned out to be the demon sword Luoyu!"

"It is said that those who kill people with this demon sword will have their souls devoured by the demon sword Luoyu. At first, it was just a blunt sword. It is said that the more people are killed, the sharper the blade will be. Judging from the sharpness, at least a hundred people have been killed, but why is the man in front of him okay?"

After hearing this, the ronin slowly turned his head and looked at the alien.

Different from the original normal appearance.

The black and white eyeballs have turned red.

"You are not worthy of calling Luoyu by your name. I will kill you after I deal with this old man."

After saying that.

The ronin attacked Li Muxuan with the magic sword Luoyu in his hand!

But the next second.

Li Muxuan's palm actually grabbed the blade of the magic sword Luoyu directly. The sharp blade that could cut iron like mud did not even leave a white mark on Li Muxuan's palm.

Looking at this scene.

The island ronin's eyes could not stop being horrified!


It was nothing.

And Li Muxuan shook the blade lightly, and with a powerful force, he instantly knocked the island ronin out.

And the magic sword Luoyu.

Just like this, it was held in Li Muxuan's hand.

The magic sword Luoyu seemed unwilling to be controlled by others like this, and began to burst out with black auras, trying to erode the person in front of him who was holding him into his own puppet.


A flash of lightning flashed.

The black evil spirit of the demon sword Luo Yu disappeared instantly, as if it had never existed in this world.

The originally scarlet blade became clean as new, as if it had just been quenched and forged in a furnace.

Looking at this scene in front of him.

Everyone around was speechless with surprise.


What on earth is going on?

The demon sword that looks so strong is now so weak?

Could it be a fake?

At the same time.

Zhang Chulan and his party walked towards the depths of Nasen Island, but they didn't see any strange people stopping them along the way.

Looking at this scene.

Ding Shian was a little confused.

"What's going on?"

"Isn't it said that there are the most aliens on Nasen Island?"

"I also want to see the methods of those aliens?"

"Now there is not a single one left?"

Hearing what Ding Shian said, Zhang Chulan on the side said:

"Brother Ding, maybe they were cleared out by people from other organizations."

"Because there are many organizations coming to the island now."

"Perhaps the first thing they should do in this situation is to clear out the aliens on the island."

Ding Shian nodded.

"I just don't know if Ruan Feng encountered this group of people."

"If he did."

"Our intelligence will be useless."

"Let's go and see if Ruan Feng is still there."



Everyone ran away.

Not long.

They came to the place where Ruan Feng had been staying.

Looking at the white bones around him, Zhang Chulan, who knew the side effects of the Six Treasury Immortal Thief, frowned.

"What on earth is going on?"

"Could it be that my grandfather Ruan Fenggan broke his vows?"

Xiao Zizai, who didn't know the specific situation, looked at Zhang Chulan.

"Chu Lan, what's going on?"

"What do you mean by breaking the vows?"

Zhang Chulan rubbed his brows.

"It's like this, Ruan Feng's Six Treasury Immortal Thief is an ability that can devour all organic matter and digest it perfectly, but the disadvantage is that it has an extreme desire for human flesh."

"Once you eat a person, it's equivalent to my grandfather Ruan Feng breaking his vows!"

"From then on, you can no longer control your desire to eat people, and you are completely dominated by your appetite!"

Hearing this.

Xiao Zizai was very curious.

"Chu Lan, did you know this from the notes?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Of course."

"I just don't know where Ruan Feng is now."

Just as Zhang Chulan finished speaking, there was a rumble, and a thunderous sound came from the central area of ​​Nasen Island.

After hearing this sound,

Black pipe said:

"This should be the thunder method used by Li Muxuan."

"Let's go."

"Let's go to the center of the island."

"Maybe everyone is in the center of the island now, and Ruan Feng may be there too."

After hearing what Black pipe said, the people around him had no objection.

Then he changed his path and ran towards the center of Nasen Island.

After arriving at the center of Nasen Island, Zhang Chulan and the others happened to see Li Muxuan clearing the evil spirit of the demon sword Luoyu.

Looking at this scene.

Zhang Chulan was shocked.

"Is that Li Muxuan?"

"The attainment of thunder method is so high."

"I can feel that the energy he released just now can perfectly offset the evil spirit of this sword!"

"I'm afraid the only one who can compare with him in the world is my master."

Zhuge Qing on the side spoke after hearing it.

"Zhang Chulan, if we talk about it, this Li Muxuan is more powerful than Zhang Jiao during the Three Kingdoms period."

"Can we handle it?"

Zhang Chulan thought for a moment.


"It's okay if I say yes!"

"Look at me next!"

Hearing Zhang Chulan's confident tone, several people also looked curious.

I don’t know what kind of medicine he sells in his gourd.

Just then.

Li Muxuan had already thrown the demon sword Luo Yu into the hands of the yellow scarf warrior behind him.

Then he looked at everyone.

"Go back."

"Today's Nathan Palace, I am here to guard it, no one can go there!"

Just then.

Upon seeing this, Zhang Chulan squeezed through the crowd and came to the front of the crowd.

When he saw Zhang Chulan, Li Muchuan's eyes narrowed slightly.

He could feel Zhang Chulan's aura from Tianshi Mansion.

"People from Tianshi Mansion?"

Li Muxuan asked tentatively.

Zhang Chulan nodded immediately.

"Yes, they are from Tianshi Mansion!"

"But I can work anywhere I work now."

"It's just that that's not what I want to tell you now. We are not here today to fight for the throne of King Nathan."

At this time, I was worried that something might happen to Zhang Chulan.

Feng Baobao, Zhuge Qing, Black Guan, Xiao Zizai, and Ding Zhangan all came behind Zhang Chulan.

Seeing these people behind Zhang Chulan, Li Muchuan's eyes straightened.

"Then what are you doing?"

The next moment.

Zhang Chulan spoke slowly.

"I was sent by senior Li Jinyan!"

"Li Muxuan, it's time to fulfill your promise!"

Li Muchuan's pupils tightened after hearing Zhang Chulan's words.

The whole body is surrounded by thunder and lightning.

"What did you say!"

Li Muxuan's voice was tinged with trembling and panic.

Obviously Zhang Chulan's words hit the mark.

Zhang Chulan took a step forward after hearing this.

"Do you want me to repeat what I said?"

"I told you, senior Li Jinyan sent me here."

When people around him saw this scene, they were shocked and confused.

What was shocking was that the invincible man in front of him was so frightened after hearing the name Li Jinyan.

What I don’t understand is.

Who is this Li Jinyan?

Just a name has so much power.

Is it possible?

Is it a being more powerful than the person in front of me?

To know.

The old man in front of them was so powerful that they had never seen in their lives.

There is actually someone more powerful than this old man.

this world.

Why did the level suddenly rise so much?

It was really hard to accept for a while.

Just then.

Li Muxuan calmed down.

"Have you been hiding for so many years and finally come to your door?"

"In that case, please come in."

"Inside, we'll talk in detail."

After saying that, Li Muxuan walked towards the interior of the palace.

Zhang Chulan greeted Feng Baobao and the others to go in together.

Seeing that Zhang Chulan simply mentioned a name and let them in, the others felt a little unbalanced.

But thinking of the terror of this old man, everyone trembled in their hearts.

never mind.

It's better not to mess with him.

at the same time.

Inside the palace of King Nathan.

Li Muxuan was already sitting on the throne. There were no seats around, so Zhang Chulan and the others didn't have any place to sit.

Looking at Zhang Chulan with a serious look on his face.

Li Muxuan spoke.

"That Li...Senior Li, what did he say?"

"Can you tell me why he asked me to go back this time?"

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