Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 156 The little man in the bottle handed down from Hohenheim

After hearing that the owner of the notebook wanted to get a Shoggoth maid, Zhang Chulan was a little envious.

"She can change her form at will, and she is extremely powerful. This kind of maid is what everyone wants."

Su Zaiqiao couldn't hold it back.

"Shoggoths should be genderless, why did my grandfather say it was a Shoggoth maid?"

Zhang Chulan laughed.

"Men are all like this."

"I just don't know where the owner of the notebook would put the Shoggoth if he got it."

"After all, it belongs to a very special race."

"Put it at home, it will be a place to settle down and protect the safety of the house."

"But if it is discovered by others, it will not be a good thing. After all, this is a race that overthrew the biological overlord in ancient times."

Hearing this, the people around him also speculated.


The Shoggoth race is a very special one. If it were in the outside world, it would easily cause an uproar.

I don't know if the owner of the notebook controlled a few Shoggoths to bring back.

After bringing it back, where will it be placed...

White said at this time:

"According to my guess, this Shoggoth should be a creature that can reproduce by self-division. As long as they are given enough energy and space, they will soon be able to reproduce a large number of them."

Hearing White's certainty, Zhang Chulan was a little curious.

"Master White, how can you be sure that this Shoggoth is a creature that can reproduce by self-division? Have you seen similar creatures before?"

Zhang Chulan's question immediately aroused the thinking of several other people.


If you have never come into contact with such a creature before, how can you infer this characteristic just by relying on the description and records in the notes?

Looking at the puzzled eyes of the crowd.

White did not hide it.

"I have cultivated the little man in the bottle recorded in alchemy before. This is the theory left by Master Hohenheim."

"It is a way to create a perfect life form."

Hearing the little man in the bottle, Zhang Chulan and others were a little confused.

Because they had not come into contact with this alchemy theory before.

Zhang Chulan asked curiously.

"Is it created out of nothing?"

"Or is it like those ancients, using inorganic matter to create life?"

Hearing this, White shook his head.

"Neither. In fact, this can be regarded as the earliest gene editing technology in history."

"The method is also very simple. That is to put the essence of human men into a transparent glass bottle, and then put in horse manure, various herbs, and their own blood to seal it."

"Then continue the prayer ceremony."

"After forty days of fermentation, a transparent, human-like creature will appear in the bottle."

"If it appears, blood must be fed into the bottle every day, and the temperature must be maintained at 38 degrees. In this way, the humanoid creature will grow rapidly, and after 200 days, it can also break away from the bottle."

"After breaking away, it will be born with the ability to run and walk, speak, and have a lot of knowledge out of thin air."

"And the reproduction method of these little people in the bottle is the same."

"It is to reproduce by self-division."

"However, when self-division and reproduction are carried out, a lot of nutrients and energy are needed to succeed."

"So I think this Shoggoth should be the same as this little man in the bottle, reproducing through self-division."

After hearing White finish talking about the little man in the bottle, everyone felt an extremely strange feeling in their hearts.

I don't know what to say.

Everyone has a very resistant feeling towards this little man in the bottle.

Zhang Chulan asked at this time:

"What will happen to this little man in the bottle later?"

"I heard you say that, why do I feel like you are raising a little ghost?"

"It's just like the evil magic in Southeast Asia."

After hearing Zhang Chulan's statement, everyone immediately felt where this discomfort was.


This little man in the bottle in alchemy is evil magic for them.

After hearing Zhang Chulan's statement, White shook his head repeatedly.

"No, no, this little man in the bottle is definitely not evil magic, and it can't even be considered black magic. Some students at Flamel College are cultivating it, but most people will fail in cultivation."

Barron looked at White at this time.

"Where is the little man in the bottle you cultivated before?"

White shook his head after hearing it.

"They didn't go anywhere. I was captured by the Jade Society and starved to death because no one raised them."

"Because it was too troublesome to cultivate them, I chose not to continue cultivating them."

After White finished speaking, he added.

"But this little man in the bottle is definitely not what you call the evil magic of raising little ghosts. They helped me do a lot of experiments, and I learned a lot of knowledge about black magic from them."

"In my opinion, this little man in the bottle is like the child of the goddess of wisdom and knowledge, and has a lot of wisdom and knowledge."

Hearing White say this.

Everyone couldn't help but become curious.

I don't know what kind of knowledge these little men in the bottle have.

But now is not the time to think about these things.

Afterwards, Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Baoer, keep reading, I'll see what's next."

Feng Baobao nodded after hearing this.

Then he held the notes and continued reading.

[After making up the idea of ​​getting a Shoggoth as a pet, I asked the spiritualist to ask these ancients if there was any way to control the Shoggoth. 】

[The ancients told me that controlling the Shoggoths is simple and simple, that is, it can directly affect the central nervous system of the Shoggoths through telekinesis. 】

[Shoggoths, as creatures that divide and reproduce, only have one set of neurons in their body before they divide and reproduce. 】

[The reason why the ancients lost control of the Shoggoths was because the Shoggoths had split and reproduced too many times. The ancients' telepathy was limited and they could not control so many Shoggoths, so they lost control. 】

[I don’t have the power of telekinesis, but I have a golden light spell. The golden light spell can also act as telekinesis to a certain extent. 】

[As long as the implanted golden light affects its central nervous system, I think this should be no different from telekinesis. 】

Hearing that the Golden Light Curse had such an effect, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but blush, obviously thinking of something inappropriate for children.

"I'll fight!"

When Feng Baobao saw this, he immediately put down his notes and aimed a blaster at Zhang Chulan's head.

"What's going on with Qi? It's very obscene!"


Zhang Chulan felt a little uncomfortable as she rubbed the big bump that had been knocked out.

"Sister Bao'er, I didn't!"

"I just didn't expect that the golden light spell has so many effects, but I haven't practiced it well enough, so I can't use it!"

Feng Baobao put his hands on his hips.

"Don't explain. Explanation is just a cover-up. Your Qi is just so obscene!"

Zhang Chulan didn't care at all when he saw the weird looks in everyone's eyes.

"Hey, Sister Bao'er, I was wrong!"

"Isn't it okay that I was wrong?"

As the energy in his body calmed down, Zhang Chulan also returned to his normal state.

Seeing Zhang Chulan like this, Feng Baobao nodded with satisfaction.

"That's pretty much it."

At this time, Wang Zhenqiu stepped forward and hugged Zhang Chulan's shoulders.

"Zhang Chulan, honestly, what were you thinking about just now?"

After Zhang Chulan heard this, he immediately started talking nonsense seriously.

"What are you thinking about? I'm just thinking about how to simulate golden light into telekinesis. If I can simulate it successfully, won't I be able to control the Shoggoths when I encounter them?"

"A monster with infinite strength, this is a very good assistant."

Wang Zhenqiu winked immediately after hearing this.

"Okay, I understand, I understand!"

While the two were talking, Feng Baobao continued reading from his notes.

[This golden light spell is indeed the foundation of Longhu Mountain. As long as the true energy is enough, it can simulate almost everything in the world. 】

[Soon I figured out how to use the Golden Light Spell to simulate telekinesis. Now everything is ready except Shoggoth. 】

[These four ancients also saw that I did not want to kill them, so they became grateful to me. 】

[As an ancient intelligent creature, the most basic moral concept of repaying kindness is still there. 】

[Following the remaining four ancients, we came to the glacier where they awakened. Behind the glacier, there was an unusually large and spectacular black mountain range. 】

[The black mountains seem a little out of place compared to Antarctica, which is full of ice and snow. As for the origin of this black mountain range, the ancients told us that it was a black mountain range formed from the corpse of a native species of Shoggoth. It is surrounded by black mountains. It was the last city they lived in. 】


When everyone heard that an entire mountain range had been transformed by the body of a Shoggoth, they all had expressions of dull astonishment.

Zhang Chulan muttered to himself at the moment.

"Oh my God, how big is this?"

"Even the lowest mountain peak has to be several hundred meters high, not to mention that this is a mountain range that the owner of the notebook is amazed by."

"I'm afraid this shoggoth is bigger than the Ultraman and monsters on TV in the island country."

Hear this.

White shook his head.

"There is no comparison. There is no comparison between the two."

As he spoke, White pointed to the towering snow-capped mountains in the distance of the Kunlun Mountains.

"I think even if it's not as big as these snow-capped mountains put together, it's almost there."

"If you give this creature enough materials, I'm afraid it can build an entire city in one day."

"It's really hard to imagine that there was such a monster on the earth in the past."

"I don't know what these Shoggoths usually eat. If it is normal food, I am afraid that the world's food reserves will be eaten up in a year."

Everyone was shocked when they heard it.

Barron muttered to himself at this time.

"Perhaps these Shoggoths don't need to eat. They can replenish their energy by basking in the sun."

"Otherwise, how could it be black?"

Hearing what Barron said, Zhang Chulan also quite agreed.

"Indeed, if we really let these Shoggoths eat with open bellies, how much would it take to satisfy them?"

"Sister Bao'er, please continue reading and see what happens next."


Afterwards, Feng Baobao continued to recite to the notes in his hand.

[I can’t imagine how huge the Shoggoths were back then. No wonder they could build so many huge and spectacular cities for the ancient ones. 】

[Following the holes in the black mountains, we came to a huge underground cave. 】

[In this grotto, we saw densely packed and almost countless animal fossils. 】

[These fossils are from ancient times to the present, including ancient shellfish, ancient dinosaurs, Archaeopteryx, medieval sharks, mammoths, emperor penguins, etc. ]

[Most of them are now extinct species. ]

[But what surprised us is that there are still some fresh bones here, indicating that some shoggoths have come here to eat recently. ]

[One of the biologists in the expedition team told us that these animals were squeezed by great force when they were alive, so their bones are full of cracks. ]

[The ancients told us that this place was once a place for shoggoths to eat, and shoggoths will perfectly absorb every nutrient of organisms except bones. ]


Barron was a little unbelievable.

"Is this shoggoth a carnivore?"

"If so, how many animals are needed to satisfy the appetite of these shoggoths?"

Wang Zhenqiu analyzed it based on the knowledge he learned in school.

"Isn't it said that in ancient times, oxygen was abundant and the size of animals, plants and insects was huge?"

"If so, it seems acceptable to use dinosaurs to feed these shoggoths."

Barron's eyes flashed after hearing this.

He didn't say that the most shocking thing was actually the 100% absorption of nutrients.

Although the bones cannot absorb it, it is actually not much different from the six-storehouse thieves he practiced.

So in ancient times.

Did such creatures exist?

I wonder if the six-storehouse thieves that person practiced were learned from these creatures.

While Barron was thinking.

Feng Baobao had continued to read.

【After we left the cave, we passed through the black mountains and saw the huge stone city that was wrapped by the black mountains and prevented outsiders from peeping. 】

【Perhaps because of the strange body shape of the ancients, the buildings here are built in all kinds of strange ways and are completely unsuitable for human habitation. 】

【It's just like the kind of radiation geometric buildings that completely violate the common sense of physics that we dream of sometimes. ]

[The ancients told me that they have been frozen since the cold wave came a million years ago. They are not sure how many Shoggoths have bred in the city. ]

[Some of their ancestors in their heyday could even absorb ether to travel in the universe. They didn't need to breathe, eat or keep warm, so they were naturally not afraid of these Shoggoths. ]

[But now they not only need to breathe, eat and keep warm, but also die if they are hit by violence. ]

[Through the narration of these ancients, I can now almost 100% determine that these ancients not only had powerful technology in ancient times, but also had a magical practice method to practice themselves. ]

[It's a pity that life on Earth is too comfortable. Not only has the science and technology been lost, but this magical practice method has also been lost. ]

[If possible, I even want the practice method of these ancients to see if it can be improved so that humans can practice! ]

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