Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 143 The scarred man sent a brocade box, Zhang Chulan's godfather

After Wang Zhenqiu chatted with Du Xinwu for a long time, he chose to go back.

Since there are acquaintances.

There is no point in exploring now.

And looking at this situation, the other party can definitely become his internal agent.

Du Xinwu became more and more excited as he talked later.

He even proposed that if the company could support him in his promotion, then he would select 100 elite Tantric disciples to serve in the company, and they would all be top-notch experts.

Regarding this matter, Wang Zhenqiu naturally did not dare to neglect it.

You must report it to the company after you return.

If Tantric is really allowed to join the company, it will not be a great achievement that can be described as great!

Think of this.

Wang Zhenqiu's steps were a little faster.

It was already three o'clock in the morning when he quietly returned to the yard, and everyone was still waiting for him here.

After seeing Wang Zhenqiu return, several people were obviously relieved.

It would be nice to come back.

Zhang Chulan quickly stepped forward to ask.

"How are you now? Have you heard anything?"

Wang Zhenqiu smiled proudly, and then told several people what he had learned in the back of the Tantric Sect.

When they heard this, everyone didn't know what to say.

Zhang Chulan opened his mouth even more.

"Is this actually happening?"

"Can we meet acquaintances again?"

Wang Zhenqiu smiled proudly.

"No, after all, these are all my connections."


Zhang Chulan praised a few people and then looked at them.

"Then what should we do next? Should we wait and see what happens or go to Death Valley now?"

"Although Death Valley requires a warlock to open a way, no one knows what the back-up plan of Dharma King Lanka is. It would be bad if Dharma King Lanka can open a way."

"At that time, if he gets help from the Three Eyes Country, even the company may not be able to stop him."

After hearing what Zhang Chulan said, everyone realized the seriousness of it.


With the help of the Three-Eyed Kingdom, the power of Dharma King Lanka will expand to an unparalleled level.

The black manger looked at Zhang Chulan.

"But now do we have a way through Death Valley?"

"According to you, this Death Valley requires a warlock and knows the specific method to get over it."

Zhang Chulan was stunned when asked.


Now there is no way they can get through Death Valley.

Zhang Chulan was a little discouraged.

"Does it mean that now we can only wait for Dharma King Lanka to find the Three-Eyed Kingdom?"

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Xiao Zizai on the side said:

"No matter what, you still have to fight for it."

"But it's too late today. Driving will definitely attract the attention of these lamas. It's up to you whether you can leave or not. Let's drive to Death Valley tomorrow to see what's going on."

Hearing what Xiao Zizi said, everyone nodded.

"Okay, in that case, let's wait until tomorrow to go to Death Valley."

Afterwards, everyone went back to their rooms to sleep.

Everyone got up at six o'clock.

At Zhang Chulan's suggestion, everyone had a good meal in the cafeteria.

After all, you can only carry out high-intensity activities throughout the day when you are full.

The Death Valley in Kunlun Mountain is four hundred kilometers away from here, and the journey is difficult, so even with full power, it will take a day and a night.

The news of everyone's departure soon reached Lord Tudeng and Lord Ani.

Tudeng Zun laughed.

"These guys are really smart. They knew that continuing to investigate here would yield no results and left."

Master Ani is very strange.

"Why did this group of people categorically say in Jiaming yesterday that they would stay here until senior brother comes back?"

"Choose to leave after just one night?"

"Does that mean they discovered something?"

Lord Tudeng felt relieved after hearing what Lord Ani said.

"Of course not. What can they find out in just one night?"

"Don't worry, these people just gave up when they saw there was no hope."

"It's not like you don't know that the people in the company are all young people, and they don't have the composure of the old people at all."

After hearing these words, Master Ani nodded.

"I hope so."

Death Valley.

Two off-road vehicles have arrived.

The person who got off the car was none other than Dharma King Naranga.

A young lama respectfully invited Dharma King Lanka out and said:

"Dharma King, this is the Valley of Death."

"You can't pass if you go any further, or you'll be in danger of being struck down by lightning."

Dharma King Lanka nodded.

Then he took out the round green bead while mumbling something.

Seeing the legendary Buddha's relics, the lamas accompanying him quickly fell to their knees.

I saw a green ray of light shooting out from the hands of Dharma King Lanka and heading straight to the entrance of the Kunlun Mountains in the distance.

Under the illumination of this green light, Dharma King Lanka walked slowly forward.

Death Valley's magnetic thunderstorms had no effect on him either.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Dharma King Lankavatara felt relieved.


It’ll be great if you can get there!

Afterwards, Dharma King Lankavatara walked towards the distance.

When a young lama behind him also wanted to pass, suddenly the sky flashed, and a bolt of lightning struck directly on the young lama!


With a burst of scorching on the outside and tender on the inside, the young lama was directly chopped to the ground.

Fortunately, the young lama had the magical power to protect his body, and a thunderbolt did not kill him.

Seeing this scene, other lamas quickly pulled the young lama out of the thunderstorm-covered area of ​​​​Death Valley.

Looking at the young lama who was completely charred.

No one dared to move forward.

Dharma King Lankavatara spoke immediately after seeing this.

"It seems that Buddha can only protect me. You can wait outside."

"Yes, Dharma King!"

Not long after, Dharma King Lanka continued walking towards the entrance of the mountain he was going to.

Looking at the scene in front of me.

The lamas began to treat the lama who had just been struck down by lightning.

It didn't take long.

Dharma King Lankan successfully passed through the thunderstorm area.

Immediately afterwards.

The green ball in his hand instantly emits a green light.

A space portal opened directly in front.

The scene behind the door surprised King Lanka.

He didn't expect that there was such a space hidden here.

It seems that Buddha did not lie to him.

It’s really there!

Thinking that he would soon receive help from the three-eyed kingdom, Dharma King Lanka was filled with excitement.

This is a super powerful force that is unmatched by all the forces in the alien world today!

But just as he was about to step forward, a figure flashed past and grabbed him.

A buzzing sound.

Dharma King Lankavatara shone with brilliance.

The huge zhenqi blowing caused the surrounding valleys to turn into flying sand and rocks.


But no one responded at all, and the green ball in his hand simply disappeared.

He looked at the Buddha's relic that suddenly disappeared from his hand.

Dharma King Lankavatara was stunned.

What followed was an unparalleled roar.

"Damn it!"

"Who is it?"

But there was no one around.

At this moment, Dharma King Lanka saw that the space channel opened by the relic was about to heal and disappear. He was so angry that he had no time to think about it.

Drilled into the space passage!

As the space channel disappeared, everything around him returned to calm.

It didn't take long.

A scarred man wearing a jacket appeared from the void.

He looked at the green bead in his hand with curiosity.

"Is this Muchen Bead?"

"Haha, that little girl Qu Tong's intelligence network is really strong. She actually knows that the Muchen Bead is in the body of Dharma King Lanka. My trip here is not in vain."

It seemed a little unwilling.

A circle of pupils suddenly appeared in the center of the Muchen Bead in the scarred man's hand.

The pupils looked at the scarred man with extremely strong malice.

Obviously very dissatisfied with Scar Man's plan to destroy it.

The scarred man chuckled after seeing it.

"I'm afraid you can't get out of the imaginary number space now, and I'm still thinking of relying on this guy Linga to collect your soul."

"Next, just be a tool for me to complete my plan safely and honestly!"

After saying that, the scarred man took out a capsule and easily took the Muchen Bead into it.

And with the sac cut off, the snake god cannot project his consciousness onto the Muchen Bead.


The scarred man took out a brocade box.

The brocade box is gorgeous in shape, and the patterns look mysterious and inexplicable.

It was the brocade box that Zhang Chulan and the others had been searching for.

The scarred man looked at the brocade box with envy in his eyes.

"It's a pity that I can't open it and I can't read the words inside."

"We can only let those little guys come."

next moment.

The scarred man disappeared on the spot.

At this time, Zhang Chulan and his party had been driving towards Death Valley for a whole day.

When we were still one hundred and fifty kilometers away from Death Valley, it was completely dark.

It's extremely dark today.

The sky was full of dark clouds, and the stars and moon were covered.

As a last resort, everyone had to camp on the spot to prevent driving into any deep ditch.


Everyone lit a fire in the center of the tent and began to heat the food they brought.

Wang Zhenqiu couldn't help but sigh at this moment.

"Fortunately, Zhang Chulan suggested having such a good meal before leaving, otherwise I wouldn't be able to survive the entire day."


"I slept all the way during the day, and I'm here to keep vigil tonight."

"There are a lot of wild wolves in this place."

Feng Baobao also raised his hand at this moment.

"I'm coming too, I'm not sleepy!"

Black supervisor Xiao Zizai and Lao Meng had been driving all day, and now they were a little overwhelmed.

"Okay, you guys stay on guard."

"But we have a fire here, so wild wolves don't dare to come here at night."


Just as the black tube was about to enter the tent, he suddenly noticed someone peeping in the distance.


The next second.

The magical weapon on Black Pipe's arm attacked where he sensed it!

Looking at the scene in front of me.

Everyone was also stunned.

I never thought that they could be spied on in this wilderness!

Could it be that he is a Tantra person?

While everyone was thinking, a voice appeared from a distance.

"Don't worry, I'm not hostile."

The sound came from far to near, as if it were words spoken in their ears.

After hearing this sentence.

Everyone suddenly showed an extremely solemn expression.

Judging from this strength, the opponent is definitely equivalent to some old monster level!

Su Zaiqiao had quietly released the Gu insects at this time.

The clarinet stepped forward at this time.

"Senior, what do you want from us?"

At this moment, a tut-tsk sound came.

"Girl from the Five Immortals Sect over there, please don't let such a dangerous insect come to my side."

Su Zaiqiao's eyes were shocked.

What she just released was the inner demon Gu, which can be said to be invisible and invisible, specifically inducing the inner demons in other people's bodies.

It was created based on the method of the three demon sects to induce three corpses.

But what is going on now?

There was absolutely no movement.

Even if she calls, she won't come back.

At this moment, the man had arrived in front of everyone.

I saw that it was a man with a ferocious face and a scar on his face.

But at this moment, a brocade box in his arms attracted everyone's attention.

Zhang Chulan couldn't help but exclaimed.

"It's a brocade box!"

The scarred man said:

"I learned from Bi Yuan that you can open this kind of brocade box, so I came here to find it. You guys made it easy for me to find it!"

Is it related to Mr. Bi?

After hearing these words, everyone remembered that Bi Yuan was indeed present when Biyou Village opened the brocade box and read the notes.

Zhang Chulan stepped forward at this time.

"You can give us the brocade box, and we can help you open it, and we can also help you decipher the contents of the notes inside."

"But there's something you have to tell us."

"That's who you really are?"

After hearing Zhang Chulan's words, the scarred man laughed.

"Who is it?"

Others were also ready to fight when they saw this.

But the scarred man slowly walked up to Zhang Chulan.

"In terms of seniority, you have to call me godfather."


Everyone's eyes were dull after hearing this sentence.

Chu Lan’s godfather?

Doesn't this mean that the person in front of me is one of the thirty-six people who survived that year!

No wonder it is so powerful.

Then everything makes sense.

Zhang Chulan was also shocked.


"Who are you specifically?"

The scarred man shook his head at this moment.

“I can’t tell you yet because I still have a lot of things that I haven’t finished yet.”

"When the day my plan is completed, I will tell you my true identity!"

Zhang Chulan didn't force it after hearing it.

This man is so powerful that there is no need to deceive him.

"Oh well."

The scarred man then smiled.

"Can you help me turn it on now?"

Zhang Chulan nodded.

"Of course, godfather, although I don't know where you rank, I will definitely help you!"


The scarred man then put the brocade box in Zhang Chulan's hand.

Zhang Chulan looked at the brocade box and asked curiously:

"Grandpa, where did you get this brocade box?"

The scarred man smiled proudly.

"Speaking of which, I found this in a dragon vein, but I can't tell you the specific location. The location of the dragon vein is a secret. If I reveal it, there will be backlash."

Hearing that it was actually found in a dragon vein, Zhang Chulan became even more curious.

The content recorded in the notes here may be a bit powerful.

Putting it in such a secret place as Dragon Vein, the owner of the note must have put it there because he didn't want others to see it.

Think of this.

Zhang Chulan looked at Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, I leave it to you!"

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