Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 138 Nanhua Old Immortal, the Immortal Who Died of Old Age

After hearing about genetic modification technology, everyone was quite shocked.

This description is indeed too appropriate.

Zhang Chulan murmured to himself.

"Could it be said that genetic modification technology already existed in ancient times?"

Su Zaiqiao on the side said:

"This kind of combination of Gu insects and animals has actually been experimented by the Five Immortals Sect before."

Hearing that the Five Immortals Sect had also conducted this kind of experiment, everyone looked at Su Zaiqiao in shock.

Is the Five Immortals Sect so defiant?

Do you dare to do such an experiment that is harmful to Tianhe?

Zhang Chulan asked quickly.

"So was this experiment successful?"

Su Zaiqiao nodded and then spoke.

"Actually, the experiment at that time was conducted with a kind of Gu refined from a different species of leech. Our Five Immortals Sect calls it Black Blood Gu. It can easily penetrate flesh, attach to bones, and invade the bone marrow. Those who are infected will be covered in blood. According to current theory, if your blood becomes dark and you die, it means destroying your hematopoietic system.”

Hearing such a vicious Gu insect, everyone felt a chill in their hearts.

Zhang Chulan asked again: "What happened next? What animals were used for experiments?"

Su Zaiqiao heard this and said:

"For this experiment, we used a type of five-black dog that is relatively popular in Yundian. It has black hair, a black head, a black tail, black feet, and a black tongue. It is considered a kind of pastoral dog and has a very strong vitality."

"That experiment happened when I was a child, probably in the 1990s. At that time..."


Zhang Chulan looked at Su Zaiqiao, who looked no different from a high school girl in front of him, and couldn't help but be curious.

"When you were a kid?"

"The nineties?"

Everyone looked at Su Zaiqiao in disbelief at this moment.

Xu Si even said:

"I'll go, then you are about the same age as me and the third child!"

Su Zaiqiao smiled after hearing this.

"Yes, I was born in 1990."

"Actually, this has something to do with the exercises I practice."

Zhang Chulan blurted out at this time.

"Is it the Ice Muscle Jade Bone Kung Fu?"

Hearing that Zhang Chulan actually knew, Su Zaiqiao's eyes flashed with surprise. It seemed that the company had seen quite a lot of notes.

"Well, that's right, it's the Ice Muscle and Jade Bone Skill."

"It's just that I haven't mastered this skill yet, and now I'm just getting a glimpse of it."

Seeing Su Zaiqiao's youthful appearance, everyone present was envious except Feng Baobao.

The Ice Muscle and Jade Bone Skill is really amazing.

It's a pity that only women can practice it.

I don’t know how the owner of the note created this technique.

After finishing speaking, Su Zaiqiao continued to talk about the previous experiments.

"At that time, we purchased about 5,000 Wuhei dogs, all of which were adult dogs and were very strong."

"Then try to use legendary methods to fuse the two."

"But the consequence of this is that only two of the 5,000 Wuhei dogs survived, and their bodies also underwent horrific mutations, which was extremely ugly."

When he said this, Su Zaiqiao's eyes clearly showed a hint of fear.

"So I admire those beings who modify their bodies in order to gain immortality."

"It looks so ugly, I simply can't accept it."

When Su Zaiqiao said this, everyone felt the disgust in her heart.


After this transformation, he completely lost his human form and joined the ranks of monsters.

Dr. Xia started to popularize science at this time.

"In recent years, some things recorded in the Book of Mountains and Seas have been confirmed one by one. Does this mean that the gods recorded in this book are also true?"

"It's like Lingshou. According to legend, he has a unique appearance, like an ordinary cow, but with eight legs and two heads, and dragging a horse's tail."

"There is also Zhuyin, who is said to be a human-faced snake god with a red body who lives under Zhongshan Mountain."

"Yingzhao combines the four shapes of human, horse, tiger and bird into one body, with human face and horse body, tiger pattern and bird wings."

"Others include Xingtian, Queen Mother of the West, Jumang, etc."

"Aren't these all transformed by that mysterious bronze?"

"But I think this kind of bronze must be rare, and the number of people who can participate in the transformation is also very small, so it was specially recorded and passed down in the Book of Mountains and Seas."

Zhang Chulan murmured to himself.

"It seems that in ancient times, this kind of transformation of oneself was very common, just as common as plastic surgery today."

"I don't know how many years ago it was. Compared with the Three Eyes Kingdom, which one has a longer history."

Dr. Xia said at this time:

"I also looked at the photos you took there and the things you brought back."

"Everything about this civilization is similar to the Vedas civilization 6,000 years ago, but today the scientific community does not agree that the Vedas civilization exists, so it is most likely because these people have destroyed all their cities and races. Hiding in that mysterious space."

"If we talk about it, this civilization must be even longer."

"It's just that civilization depends on the time span."

"This civilization only lasted a few hundred years, so it's nothing. There are many similar civilizations around the world."

After hearing what Dr. Xia said.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh.

There are too many secrets buried in the past time.

at this time.

Feng Baobao has continued reading.

【But there are too many oracle bones, and I found another document from them, that is, this cockscomb snake is actually a species cultivated by the Queen Mother of the West. 】

【The Queen Mother of the West once used it and the meteorites that fell from the sky to form an immortal alien army. 】

【But time flies and time is ruthless, and this so-called alien army is also buried in the long river of history. 】

I heard that the Queen Mother of the West had actually formed such an army.

Everyone also showed a curious and yearning expression.

I don’t know what kind of army it is. If it was placed in the past, it would probably be like a god from the sky.

【After examining these oracle bone documents, I found that the Queen Mother of the West found the immortality technology left by Fuxi and Nuwa in Kunlun Mountain, and found a meteorite that fell to the ground in ancient times in a basin, and that basin was also caused by the impact of the meteorite. 】

【This meteorite has a very strange place, that is, there is no impurity in the whole body, and it is not metal, but a kind of black jade. 】

【After the Queen Mother of the West's research, this piece of jade can replace the ancient bronze used by Fuxi and Nuwa to transform herself. 】

【So after the Queen Mother of the West transformed her body, she gained a long life like Fuxi and Nuwa. 】

【But doing so will turn people into monsters, so the Queen Mother of the West hopes to find a perfect longevity technique that can make people immortal without changing their appearance. 】

After hearing this, everyone was surprised.

If there is such a perfect longevity technique, wouldn't it be the same as a god?

【The Queen Mother of the West began to experiment, and the first thing she cultivated was the cockscomb snake poison worm. The specific method and details are not recorded in the oracle bone documents. 】

【But it can be roughly divided into three steps. 】

【First, the cockscomb snake can be resurrected by shedding its skin, some poison worms can parasitize in the human brain to retain memory, and the black jade can ensure the immortality of the body. 】

【The final step is to wrap a person with the skin of a crested snake when he is about to die, and then let the poisonous insect parasitize in the person's brain, and finally go through a long period of molting in the black meteorite, so that he can obtain an immortal body and eternal memory. 】

【At the same time, the Queen Mother of the West also gave this method to King Mu of Zhou, and King Mu of Zhou made a golden jade suit with black meteorite jade and put it on himself, which is equivalent to staying in the meteorite forever. 】

【As long as we find King Mu of Zhou's tomb, we may be able to solve the secret. 】


Everyone was surprised to hear that King Mu of Zhou actually used this method.

Dr. Xia muttered to himself at this moment.

"If King Mu of Zhou's tomb has not been destroyed, doesn't it mean that he is still alive now, or that he has successfully molted and obtained an immortal body and wandered in the world?"

After hearing what Dr. Xia said, everyone was also shocked.

Zhang Chulan spoke at this time:

"Don't say it, it's really possible!"

"Even if there has been no shortage of tomb robbers from ancient times to the present, no one knows whether King Mu of Zhou's tomb has been robbed."

"If someone was pulled out of the golden jade suit before the molting was completed, I don't know what the end would be."

Dr. Xia looked thoughtful.

"The end, it will definitely not be a good end."

"The owner of the notebook said that the function of this meteorite jade is to keep the human body immortal, and immortality means not decaying."

"After being pulled out of the golden jade suit in the middle of the journey, the body will definitely not be preserved."

"If the body can't be preserved, how can we talk about immortality?"

After hearing this, everyone was silent and thinking.

Zhang Chulan even said:

"If you don't have great luck, I'm afraid it's impossible to achieve immortality!"

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this.

Everyone nodded.

Indeed, it's impossible to accomplish such a thing without great luck.

At this time.

Feng Baobao continued to read.

【After deciphering all the documents, I found that the Zhang family seemed to be the descendants of the alien army created by the Queen Mother of the West, but there was no specific special information. 】

【The traces of the Zhang family are not obvious in this era. It seems that I can only wait until I go back to explore it later. 】

【When I went to Youzhou from the Five Immortals Sect, Zhang Jiao's reincarnation found me in some way and told me that his master, Nanhua Old Immortal, wanted to see me. 】

Nanhua Old Immortal!

Everyone was excited.

Are we going to meet this real immortal?

【I am a little curious about why this Nanhua Old Immortal wants to see me. Could it be that Zhang Jiao's reincarnation found that he could not change history and went to his master to talk about me? 】

【I told Zhang Jiao's reincarnation my doubts, but Zhang Jiao's reincarnation told me that he had not mentioned this matter in front of his master. 】

【Instead, he took the initiative to talk about me. 】

【The most important reason is that Nanhua Old Immortal's life span is about to end. 】

【Although the immortal can know the future, he can only influence the present and the past, and cannot change the future, so he wants to ask me to do something to guide his reincarnation in the Republic of China to the immortal path! 】

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