Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 134 The Wheel of Life and Death, Reversing the Universe, Endless Wonderland (Additional chap

I heard that this tree is needed to deal with the Hydra.

Everyone also straightened their bodies and continued to listen.

It has to be said that the owner of this note is indeed very lucky. A momentary thought can make the subsequent journey smoother.

If this sacred tree was destroyed because of a single thought, there would probably be nothing that happened next.

Tang Jian on the side heard that the tree was eating people through the illusion, and for a moment he couldn't help but think of a past event.

"Speaking of which, in the last years of the Qing Dynasty, people were filled with resentment and evil spirits were everywhere."

"In that era, there were many evil monsters who used illusions to eat people."

Hearing Tang Jian suddenly mention this matter, everyone looked at the nearly 150-year-old man.

Zhang Chulan was a little curious and asked for everyone.

"Mr. Tang, have you ever seen something similar like this?"

Tang Jian shook his head.

"I haven't seen it but I've heard of it."

"Based on the current year, it should be before 1900. It is said that a very popular temple suddenly appeared on the edge of the west city of the capital. It has a golden Buddha statue, red lights and green tiles. It is so luxurious."

"Many common people and dignitaries like to go there to worship Buddha and pray to gods."

"On August 15th, every family reunites and celebrates, and one by one goes to the temple to offer incense."

"But suddenly the world began to spin, the temple door was closed, and a huge head swallowed up all the people who came to offer incense."

"Later I found out that the temple door was the monster's mouth and the golden Buddha was the monster's eyes."

"Everyone who went in was gone."

"Later official statistics showed that more than 3,000 people were eaten in this time."

"Compared to this golden and jade tree, it's actually nothing."

Everyone was shocked when they heard this.

This kind of thing actually happened before.

Tang Tingting was a little frightened.

"Grandpa, were there really such vicious monsters before?"

Tang Jian nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, it really did happen before."

"They are all old monsters who have lived for who knows how many years."

"But cultivators have restraint against such old monsters. For an old monster of that level, Chu Lan would probably be scared away if he used a golden light spell."

Zhang Chulan immediately expressed disbelief after hearing this.

"How is this possible? I don't believe it."

"A great demon of that level would be afraid of my golden light spell?"

Tang Jian immediately expressed cheerfully.

"It's like this, you can't help but believe it."

"Otherwise, why would that big demon only do one-time business? Wouldn't it be bad to eat the entire city at that time?"

"Although I don't know the reason for this, as long as there are cultivators around, the evil demon will not dare to be too domineering."

Zhang Chulan nodded with confused eyes.

It seems that I will have to ask Master about this matter in the future.

I don’t know if there are rules set by existence to protect humans.

at this time.

Feng Baobao's voice continued to sound.

[When we were about to leave, Zhang Jiao found that part of the fruit of the golden and jade tree had cracked, seemingly because he had swallowed the flesh and blood of Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang’s two tongues, and there were some fat and white fairy insects coming out of it. Got out from inside. 】

[We were all very surprised by this incident. 】

[I never thought that these fairy insects were all bred from this tree. This is the first time in my life that plants breed animals. 】

[Then I thought, maybe the eggs of the fairy insects had been in this tree for a long time, and now they hatched and turned into this scene. 】

[Newly hatched fairy insects are extremely aggressive and will pounce on living people when they see them. 】

[We have no time to tangle with these fairy insects here, so we walk directly behind the Golden Jade Tree. 】

[As we walked forward, the ground under our feet began to feel soft and sticky. It wasn’t until we kicked a dead man’s head that we discovered that the road we were walking on had been piled up after being thrown into the abyss for who knows how many years. mountain of corpses. 】

[But the corpse mountain has no corpse energy or Yin energy, which is really strange. It should not be the scene of a mass grave at all. 】

[After we left the passage filled with mass graves, we came to a rather fantastic area. 】

[Here, we feel like we have entered a fairyland, surrounded by cranes, auspicious clouds, and flying goddesses. 】

[But after we entered, it did not affect the operation of things around us. These gods were still doing what they wanted to do. 】

[I initially thought this was an illusion, but Zhang Jiao told me that this was what he saw. 】

[Although Zhang Bao and Zhang Liang cannot speak, they nodded repeatedly to my description. 】

[If it were an illusion, what we saw should be a different scene, but what we see now is the same scene. This means that we have really arrived in the endless wonderland that Zhang Jiao said. 】

[Perhaps this Endless Wonderland is a super large-scale multi-person illusion maintained by the Nine-Headed Insect. If you want to get rid of reincarnation and transcend time, you must find the true form of the Nine-Headed Insect. 】

[I don’t know if Zhang Jiao is lying to me or what. He must have been here in previous lives, because he quickly found the true form of the so-called nine-headed worm. 】

[The nine-headed worm is like a python with nine small snakes on its head, and there are nine human heads on the head of the small snake. 】

[At this time, the nine-headed insect is locked by a chain between illusion and reality, and its entire body is wrapped around a strange roulette wheel. 】

[Zhang Jue told me that the wheel that the Nine-headed Insect is wrapped around is called the Wheel of Life and Death. As long as you can let the Nine-headed Insect reverse the Wheel of Life for you, you can return your body to a young state. ]

[At the same time, if you can drink the blood of the Nine-headed Insect, you can temporarily have the ability to travel through time. ]

[But the Nine-headed Insect is free from the universe, and time is just a substance to it. So often before you come into contact with it, it will be teleported back to the previous location by time, and you can't get close to it at all. ]

[We struggled for a long time, but couldn't find a way to get close to the Nine-headed Insect. ]

[It just looked at us there, as if it was looking at a toy, which was really helpless. ]

When everyone heard about the ability of the Nine-headed Insect, their faces were full of envy.

"Being able to use time as a toy is indeed extremely powerful."

"Yes, even if his true body is not strong, with this one move, who can hurt him?"

At this time, Zhang Chulan said: "Don't forget what we said before. The tree we encountered before can deal with this nine-headed insect."

Hearing Zhang Chulan's reminder, everyone remembered.


That tree.

How could I forget that tree?

At this time.

Feng Baobao continued to read.

【We have been unable to get close to the Hydra, and at this time, I remembered that tree. 】

【I don't know if that tree will be useful, but I'll try it out, so I used the Earth-Drifting Centipede to move that tree here. 】

【When I moved the tree here, the nine branches actually formed a protective shield to protect us from the influence of time. 】

【After research, we found that this tree was the former body of the Nine-Headed Insect, but for some reason, the priest of the Quanrong people extracted the soul of the Nine-Headed Insect. ]

[Over time, the Nine-headed Insect grew a new body. ]

[So this tree can grow fairy insects. ]

[It's just that because there is no soul, the fairy insect can only freeze the time of the human body, but cannot make the state of the soul eternal. ]

[Using the blood of the Nine-headed Insect, Zhang Jue wanted to go back to the Three Kingdoms period, and said that after going back, he would come back and transport the treasure back. ]

[I asked Zhang Jue, if he went back, what kind of changes would happen to the other Zhang Jue. ]

[Zhang Jue told me that there would be no changes, and the great virtuous teacher would still exist. ]

[Because he was the reincarnation of Zhang Jue, there would only be a overlap of memories, and there would be no other conflicts. ]

[I didn't follow Zhang Jue immediately, but waited until he came back, and finally confirmed that using the blood of the Nine-headed Insect could indeed achieve a certain degree of time reversal. ]

[But after returning, Zhang Jue told me that his plans in this life were all wrong. 】

【After he returned, if he wanted to make any move that would change the general situation of the world, he would feel an extreme danger, as if he would be punished by God as long as he did it, and he could not change history at all. 】

【But he could change some small things, such as saving a civilian family that was about to starve to death, and letting the county magistrate of a certain place open the warehouse to release grain. 】

【At this moment, I have also realized that my choice after coming to the Qing Dynasty was correct. 】

【If I really want to be the emperor, then no matter what I do, I will fail. 】

【From a certain perspective, there must be some kind of power, some kind of existence that makes rules in this world. 】

【I took a part of the blood of the nine-headed insect and stored it in the swallowing capsule, which is enough for me to stay in the Three Kingdoms for a while and then come back. 】

【And the nine-headed insect, this existence that transcends the rules of heaven and earth, is always a threat to me in this world. 】

【But how to completely eliminate it, I have no idea at all. 】

【The other party controls time. Even if it is destroyed now, it will restart the world. My memory of the Nine-headed Insect will disappear. It will be useless to let time erase it. I can only let it go. Maybe one day I will find a way to destroy it. 】

【It's a pity that the blood of the Nine-headed Insect is limited. It must be used sparingly. 】

【Next, I will go to the Three Kingdoms world to take a look. 】

【See what the era was like back then. 】


Feng Baobao said this in one breath.

And after she finished speaking, the notebook was turned to the last page.

It seems.

This notebook has been finished.

After Feng Baobao finished speaking, everyone showed a look of loss.

Obviously, they haven't heard enough.

I want to know what happened after going to the Three Kingdoms.

Zhang Chulan spoke at this moment.

"The life of the owner of this notebook is really wonderful. After having the blood of the Nine-headed Insect, I'm afraid he can go to every dynasty."

After hearing Zhang Chulan's words, everyone also thought of this possibility.


Yidi Jin said at this time:

"Didn't you hear that the Nine-headed Insect has a limited amount of blood?"

"I'm afraid he can only go to the Three Kingdoms once, otherwise if the Nine-headed Insect dies from bleeding, the world will restart to the time when the owner of the notebook had not yet come into contact with the Nine-headed Insect and continue to reincarnate infinitely."

"But speaking of it, being able to go to the Three Kingdoms period is also a great fate."

"But I don't want to go to the Three Kingdoms period. I want to go to the period when my ancestors lived and see what the world's number one sorcerer was like back then."

Zhang Chulan laughed.

"I don't have so many requirements. If I have the power to travel back in time, I would rather go to 1944 and see what the truth of the Jiashen Rebellion is!"

Hearing the truth of the Jiashen Rebellion, Tang Jian said at this moment:

"I have heard some rumors about this matter, but I was not in the country at that time, so the specific truth is unknown."

Zhang Chulan's eyes condensed.

"Grandpa Tang, do you know some of the truth?"

Tang Jian nodded.

"It was a time of war, and there were wars everywhere."

"To avoid the war."

"At that time, there were also disciples of the Tang Sect who came to the United States to surrender to me, and they told me some of the details on the way."

"That is, there were two people from the Tang Sect who swore brotherhood with the then Quanxing Sect leader Wu Gensheng, and their names were Dong Chang and Xu Xin."

"Later, because the Shuzi Sect dealt with them too harshly, they had to deal with these two people strictly."

Speaking of this, Tang Jian seemed to have some concerns and did not continue.

Tang Miaoxing, who was standing aside, spoke directly at this moment.

"Master Tang, you don't have to hide this from me. I've already made up my mind. I want to learn Danxi!"


After hearing this, everyone in the Tang Sect stood up and looked extremely shocked.

At this time, Zhang Wang, an elder from another family in the Tang Sect, spoke up.

"Well, I didn't expect you to come up with this idea. If you want to quit, I'll be the first to disagree!"

Tang Tingting even ran to Tang Miaoxing.

"Grandpa, that's too dangerous. It's not worth your risk at all!"

"Besides, the Tang Sect doesn't need Danxi now. Why do we have to learn that deadly thing?"

At this moment, Tang Tingting's tears were already flowing everywhere.

She was completely devoid of her previous liveliness.

Other people in the Tang Sect also tried to dissuade her.

"Yes, Master, Tingting is right. We don't need Danxi anymore in the Tang Sect!"

"Why learn this kind of murderous thing?"

Looking at the people around him who didn't know, Tang Miaoxing laughed.

"In that case, you should go with me to Tang Tomb. Then you will know why I did this."

After hearing Tang Miaoxing's words, everyone looked confused.

Tang Tomb?

But Zhang Wang on the side vaguely sensed something was wrong.

"Master, are you saying that you want to take everyone to see that person?"

After hearing Zhang Wang's words.

Zhang Chulan looked quite curious.

Who is that person?

And Tang Miaoxing laughed.

"So many years have passed. I think it's time to break some rules!"

After hearing Tang Miaoxing's words.

Zhang Wang stared.

"Master, don't you know the consequences of doing this?"

"How will other sects view our Tang Sect in the future!"

Thanks to Brother Mo Fei for the large reward. You are my first helmsman. Thank you!!!

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