Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 127 Chen Yulou went down to the wild and observed everything as a bystander

After hearing about the method of the spirit summoner, everyone did not expect to use such a strange method.

Although Tang Jian had not heard of the contents of the previous notes, he had heard of this spiritual summoner.

"I know that this spiritual caller should be named Xue Huai, and he is in the business of buying water. The boss mentioned it to me at the time, but I didn't expect that his relationship with Xue Huai would be so good."

When I heard the name Xue Huai.

Zhang Chulan frowned.

"I seem to have heard similar names somewhere."

"By the way, fourth brother, is that omnipotent grave-weeper named Xue Ban?"

Xu Si nodded.

"I have investigated before and it is indeed called Xue Ban. Grave crying is also a business passed down from ancestors."

"It seems that the soul-caller Xue Huai and the grave-weeper Xue Fan should be related."

Tang Jian said at this time:

"The Xue family could be considered a big family at that time."

"Buying water with banners was a business with a very long history. The Book of Songs specifically records the funeral process at that time, including the purchase of water with banners."

"Buying water is for the deceased to bathe before being buried."

"It is to make the soul of the deceased go smoothly."

"Danban is the soul-drawing banner in the hands of these people, also called the soul-drawing banner. As they walk and cry, they tell God that the person is dead."

"The soul-guiding flag also has the function of guiding the souls of the dead to ascend to heaven."

"Originally, this was just a very ordinary alien family, and its methods were not very powerful. However, the innate abilities awakened by the soul summoner Xue Huai were famous throughout the alien world at that time."

"If he finds the belongings of the ancient stranger."

"Even the legendary half-immortals can be summoned."

Wang Zhenqiu was very confused at this moment.

"I know Quan Xing, an older generation who lived during the Republic of China, but he has very little impression of this spiritualist. He only knows a name."

Xu Si on the side heard it and answered immediately.

"This spiritualist obviously lived in the late Qing Dynasty."

"Not to mention back then, in this modern era where information and media are extremely developed, how many celebrities do children know who were popular twenty years ago?"

Wang Zhenqiu chuckled.

"That's right. Director Xu is truly worthy of being the person in charge of North China. Who can compare with this level of knowledge?"

Zhang Chulan looked strange after hearing this.

Why did you say my words?

Logically speaking, Wang Zhenqiu shouldn't be the kind of person who likes to flatter others.

Wang Zhenqiu smiled proudly after seeing Zhang Chulan's eyes.

Finally, I have a chance to see this kid in a deflated state.

At this moment, Zhang Chulan remembered that she had not called her master yet, so she finally gave up and asked Sister Baoer to send a voice message to her master via WeChat alone at night.

at this time.

Feng Baobao has continued reading.

[It is a pity that the result of the matter is that the spiritual summoner did not find the information about the person who was spying on me. 】

[After returning from the spiritualist, my mood gradually became calmer. 】

[Although I found no trace of the person who was monitoring me, I figured out that since he was monitoring me, he must be asking for something from me. It would be better to just let nature take its course and wait and see how things develop. 】

[The current situation in the Dragon Kingdom has become increasingly chaotic. Wars are happening all over the land, and warlords from all walks of life are fighting endlessly. 】

[Because Chen Yulou has run out of energy, the Changsheng Mountain he leads and the warlords under him have fallen apart. 】

[After leaving the field, he settled in Shacheng. 】

[I went to see him. Chen Yulou solemnly apologized to me and said that it was because of his ambition that many people died. 】

[Of course, I didn’t blame Chen Yulou. 】

[In today’s troubled times, if you want to survive, you must have something to rely on. 】

[Some people rely on beauty, some rely on money, some rely on power, and strangers rely on strength. 】

[At this time, the Partridge Whistle sent a letter and informed Chen Yulou that he had now settled in the United States and had married several blond and blue-eyed wives. If he could not adapt to the domestic environment after leaving the country, he could come to the United States to find him. 】

[Only then did I realize that Partridge Whistle had always been in contact with Chen Yulou. If it comes to personal matters, Partridge Whistle was indeed a smart man. 】

After hearing about Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou, Zhang Chulan couldn't help but look at Tang Jian.

"Mr. Tang, how much do you know about the Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou?"

Everyone also looked at Tang Jian at this moment.

This is an antique figure who survived the Qing Dynasty. If you ask him anything, it will definitely be much faster to read any notes.

Tang Jian recalled the things about the Partridge Whistle and Chen Yulou at this moment.

"I'm not very impressed by these two people."

"Partridge Shao's family seems to be an archaeological family now. Many foreign ancient civilization relics were discovered by their family, and they are considered well-known figures."

"As for the Chen family, I only remember that we had several stock market cooperations in the 1980s. By the way, they still used foreign exchange coupons at that time."

"The two families should still have a deep connection now. I don't know about Partridge Whistle, but I know that Chen Yulou is still alive today."

When they heard that Chen Yulou had survived until now, everyone blinked in disbelief.

Tang Miaoxing looked at his grandfather.

"Master Tang, is this true?"

"You have the skills left by the owner of the notebook, which can extend your life a lot, but what does Chen Yulou have? Can you live for so many years?"

"Is it possible that the owner of the note also left a technique for Chen Yulou?"

After hearing Tang Miaoxing's words, Tang Jian shook his head.

"No, I don't know."

"But my boss has countless identities in his life, and he has countless ways to improve and create."

"Maybe Chen Yulou has really obtained one of these techniques."

Zhang Chulan hesitated to speak at this moment.

He really wanted to say that this Chen Yulou had indeed obtained the method left by the owner of the notebook.

But think about it.

Finally, he stopped his desire to say something.

After all, there is no point in saying this kind of thing.

at this time.

Feng Baobao has continued to read the notes in his hand.

[I lived here in Chen Yulou for about half a month. During this period, a strange warrior named Liu Baiyuan came over and wanted to place a bet on Chen Yulou, hoping that he could regain power. 】

[I do not mean to remind you that this kind of thing is almost impossible to succeed. 】

[This is a personal choice. I don’t know the way forward yet, so how can I take the initiative to influence the destiny of others. 】

[After coming out of Chen Yulou’s home, I went all the way north to observe the situation from the perspective of a bystander. 】

[Chen Yulou has already explained that without that destiny, even if you are stronger than Xiang Yu, you will ultimately end in failure. 】

[So what I can do is to draw out my sword to help when the road is rough. 】

[Try to smooth out the injustice before my eyes! 】

[And when I was passing by the Yu Family Tomb in Jincheng, I happened to encounter a group of gangsters fighting for territory. This gangster in Jincheng was very famous, so I prepared to observe it and save him if someone died. save. 】

[Most of these gangsters are from poor families, and they can only have enough to eat by gathering together to cook a pot. 】

[Today's world is really neither black nor white, it's a muddy mess. 】

"Pot guy?"

Wang Zhenqiu didn't quite understand this term.

"Let's have a big meal together?"

Zhang Chulan nodded after hearing this.

"Yes, that's right."

"When I was in school in Nanbukai, I heard local classmates in Jincheng tell us about it."

"It's just a group of local gangsters getting together, and then pushing out a leader. During the day, they go around grabbing territory to collect protection fees."

"At night, I go back to the shabby house where I live, set up a big pot, and cook the things I collected or the pumpkins and potatoes bought with protection money."

"Then add some soy sauce and have a bite on a cold day. Not to mention how delicious it is."

Hearing what Zhang Chulan said, Wang Zhenqiu was also a little greedy.

"What you are talking about is like delicacies in the world. When I go out, I will treat you to the authentic Sichuan and Chongqing hot pot, cooked with old oil!"

Although Zhang Chulan didn't know what Laoyoubo meant, he would naturally not refuse free meals.

"Okay! Just don't be afraid of starving you!"

Wang Zhenqiu smiled proudly.

"That hot pot restaurant is opened by a friend of mine from Huo Dezong. How can I be so poor?"

at this time.

Feng Baobao has continued reading.

[Although this group of gangsters and scoundrels have no rules when fighting, each one of them is really brave enough to fight. 】

[A melee involving a hundred people broke out, and three people died immediately. 】

[However, this group of gangsters obviously have their own way of dealing with human life lawsuits. 】

[Drawing lots began on the spot, and whoever won the lottery would be responsible for the lawsuit. 】

[I stepped forward and used Gu insects to revive the three people who were killed. After seeing my method, both parties in the fight respected me as a living god. 】

[They even started to shake hands and make peace. 】

[Before I left, I made a rule for these gangsters, that is, if they want to fight for territory in the future, no physical fights are allowed, only civil fights, anything more than gambling or swearing are acceptable, but they cannot hurt others. 】


Zhang Chulan was a little surprised after hearing this.

"Is this the origin of Wen Dou?"

Wang Zhenqiu's curiosity was aroused when he heard Zhang Chulan's surprised look.

"Why, you also know about Wen Dou?"

Zhang Chulan chuckled.

"Can I not know about this?"

"The gangster from Jincheng behind is very particular about literary fighting."

"First they cursed, and then asked one person to hit another person. During this period, the person who was hit could not give in, and even said that he had to cheer loudly."

"In the end, if the person who beats someone doesn't dare to sue for taking human life, then admit defeat."

"Of course, if the person being beaten cannot bear the beating and is afraid of death, then he has to admit defeat."

"And the most ruthless one."

"That is, each side sends one person to commit suicide. I will cut you, and you will cut you."

"Whoever dares to cut first will have to admit defeat."

Wang Zhenqiu looked very interested after hearing this.

"This note owner has a really profound influence on others. I don't know how many people have survived because of this rule."

"Speaking of which, I have traveled throughout most of the Dragon Kingdom before, but I have never been to Jincheng."

"I'll take a look when I have time."

"Ask those old people what happened in the past."

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