Under One Person: The layout of the Qing Dynasty has been exposed

Chapter 119: Received the Imperial Title, the Underground Qing Palace in Suolong Ridge

"Receive the imperial title?"

"What is this?"

Zhang Chulan was a little curious.

"Can the fairy elves receive this imperial title?"

Hearing Zhang Chulan's doubts.

The old Taoist priest on the side said:

"When I was with the Mu family, I learned some inside stories about these fairies."

"During the Qing Dynasty, some fairies trusted by the Qing court would be canonized by the emperor."

"Therefore, they have many privileges and can share the national destiny in the dark, which they call salary."

"The fairy elves who have received the imperial title will also increase their realm and cultivation faster."

"It can be said that this is the grace that most fairy elves dream of."

"Of course, if the emperor withdraws the imperial decree, they will lose their fairy position salary and privileges and become ordinary fairy elves."

After hearing this, Wang Ye was a little curious.

"The Qing Dynasty was already extinct at that time, so how could it still bless these fairy elves who received the imperial title?"

The old Taoist priest nodded.

"Yes, there are still blessings."

"Because the emperor did not withdraw the imperial edict to them."

"Since the emperor at that time could become the emperor, it means that he was in harmony with the destiny of the heaven at that time."

"Although the power of the imperial seal may decline due to the demise of the dynasty, it will not decline too much."

"Of course, these are what the Mu family told me at that time, and they are not guaranteed to be true."

After hearing this.

Wang Ye touched the back of his head.

"Old Tianshi is joking."

"What you said must be true."

At this time, Zhang Chulan felt a little regretful.

"It's just that we don't have disciples of the immortal family here, otherwise we can ask them if there are any immortal spirits who have been granted imperial seals."

After saying this, Zhang Chulan was suddenly startled.

"By the way, there is one more thing I forgot."

"That is, since there were immortal spirits who were granted imperial seals in the Qing Dynasty, if we count back, were there any in the Ming Dynasty or the Yuan Dynasty?"

Hearing Zhang Chulan say this, Wang Ye laughed.

"Of course there is."

"Otherwise, where did the Zhenwu Emperor we worship in Wudang Mountain come from?"

"Emperors of all dynasties have conferred titles on this Zhenwu Emperor."

"It is said that Zhu Yuanzhang escaped the pursuit of enemy soldiers with the protection of Zhenwu Emperor, and after ascending the throne, he conferred him the title of Xuantian Emperor."

"Although I have never seen this legendary Zhenwu Emperor, I think he must exist."

"If these immortal spirits conferred titles by the Qing Dynasty are given titles continuously for hundreds or thousands of years, they may also become immortal gods!"

Zhang Chulan laughed.

"It's a new era now, and this is not popular."

"Sister Baoer, please read on and see what will happen next."



Feng Baobao continued to read the notes in her hand.

[The Black Water Seven Sages are led by Tiger Mother. I asked her to take me to the immortal spirits who stopped them at the beginning. 】

【Seeing that I was going, the seven black water sages were very excited, because they all knew that as long as I went, I would be able to beat the fairy spirit to death. 】

【On the way, according to the tiger mother among the seven black water sages, they had asked other old fairy spirits nearby how this fairy spirit who was conferred by the emperor came from. 】

【According to those old fairy spirits, during the Guangxu period, a team of Qing soldiers escorted something to Chulongyin in Suolongling. Since then, there has been an fairy spirit blocking the road on the suspension bridge on the mountain stream. 】

【Because there was nothing worthy of these elves on the other side, they let the fairy guard the suspension bridge for decades. 】

【Soon, we came to a suspension bridge built in the Qing Dynasty, but the bridge was covered with fog, and it was impossible to see what was on the other side. 】

【The tiger mother told me that the fairy guarding the bridge was in this bridge, and as long as I entered, I would be attacked by the fairy guarding the bridge. ]

[Daji stepped forward and blew away the fog. ]

[On the bridge, a Qing Dynasty man wearing an official hat appeared. ]

[This Qing Dynasty man came towards us with a knife in his hand and claimed that he was the imperial guard of the Qing Dynasty. However, Daji told me that he was just a fish monster. Because he was granted an imperial title, he had an official position and could obtain many incredible and strange abilities. ]

[This was the case when Daji was the imperial master of the Shang Dynasty. I asked her what abilities she had gained when she became the imperial master of the Shang Dynasty, but she refused to tell me. ]

[When I easily subdued this Qing Dynasty man, the fish monster revealed its true form. It seemed to have been intoxicated by the vanity of the imperial title. It kept muttering "How dare you attack the imperial officials." ]

[I told the fish monster the truth. Its true form was just a fish monster. ]

[But the other party was too immersed in the play, and kept muttering that the emperor had granted it the title of imperial guard of the Qing Dynasty. 】

【And claimed that the emperor would avenge him. 】

【After feeding the fish monster to Tiger Mom, I couldn't help but sigh that secular power could even influence such immortals. 】

【What kind of official is it? Isn't it good to be a free fish monster? 】

【I quickly put this matter behind my mind and continued to walk inside with Daji and the Seven Sages of Black Water. 】

【After we crossed the bridge, a group of zombies blocked our way. 】

【And I know the leader of the zombies. 】

[It was the Qing Dynasty priest who brought me in when I was lurking in the Qing Dynasty. ]


When Zhang Chulan heard this, he couldn't help but exclaimed.

"Is this the Qing Dynasty priest?"

"It's incredible."

"After these Qing Dynasty priests disappeared, did they all come to this Dragon Locking Ridge?"

"Isn't Xitala Qingyue also here?"

Huang Boren, who knew the specific contents of the notes, nodded.

"It's really hard to imagine that after the demise of the Qing Dynasty, there are still such crazy actions."

Wang Ye was confused at the moment.

"What? Zhang Chulan, what's going on in this place?"

Zhang Chulan sorted out his thoughts and spoke slowly.

"The owner of this notebook once lurked in various major sects to learn hundreds of martial arts, and even the shaman priests inherited from the Qing court had lurked in them."

"And one day all the Qing priests disappeared, and even the owner of this notebook didn't know where he went."

"Now I didn't expect to meet him in this Dragon Locking Ridge. I really don't know what the Qing court is planning!"

Wang Ye was also a little surprised after hearing the whole story.

"There is such a thing."

At this time, Feng Baobao has continued to read.

【My current appearance is not the same as when I was in the Qing court, and the priest didn't recognize me. 】

【At the same time, the priest didn't know what kind of evil magic he used, his skin was ashen, and he looked like he had turned himself into a zombie. 】

【And the priest was very afraid of our intrusion. 】

【And told us that as long as we can go back, he will confer official positions on all the immortals and elves present. 】

【Because the Seven Sages of Black Water were too eager for official positions, they actually chose to turn against us and join this group of Qing monsters to deal with me and Daji. 】

After hearing this, Zhang Chulan fell into a speechless expression.

"Is this official position so good?"

"He was tempted to turn against me on the spot."

"He is simply throwing his life away."

Wang Ye now understood a little.

"According to what the old Taoist said before, the lives of these elves who are not worshipped and make a living in the mountains and forests are actually very hard."

"If they are given a royal title, I am afraid they will directly change their fate against the will of heaven."

"It is absolutely different from the previous status."

Zhang Chulan rubbed his eyebrows.

"If that is the case, then the owner of the notebook and Daji are the disasters on their way to change their fate against the will of heaven?"

The old Taoist felt something at this moment.

"Yes, this is the human calamity of the Seven Sages of Black Water."

"It is difficult to obtain a human body, and it is not easy for animals to become spirits. The heavenly calamity is the thunder calamity, the earthly calamity is the earthly fire, and the human calamity is the calamity of seeking a title or killing these immortals by humans."

"It can be seen that cultivation is not easy."

"Once it fails, thousands of years of Taoism will be destroyed, or even turned into ashes."

"The time recorded in this notebook is when the Seven Sages of Black Water are about to face the calamity. They are directly confused by the benefits brought by the imperial title and do not care about the gap between them and my father."

"It seems that the Seven Sages of Black Water should die."

Hearing the words of the old Taoist priest, Zhang Chulan's eyes were a little sad.

"It's just a pity for these spirits who have cultivated in the mountains and wilds."

"It's difficult to obtain a human body."

At this time, Feng Baobao has continued to read.

[I don't want to kill this Qing court priest, but the Seven Sages of Black Water are too annoying. Fence-sitters will always be killed first. 】

【So I didn't hold back on the Seven Sages of Black Water and directly used the Samadhi True Fire that was specifically designed to burn the souls of all things. 】

【The Seven Sages of Black Water were burned to death by me in an instant, and the living dead subordinates of the Qing court priest were also burned together. 】

【I asked him what this place was used for. 】

【Is it true, as the folk legend says, that some people in the Qing court transformed themselves into immortal Qing monsters, attempting to emerge and seize power when the world is in chaos? 】

【Under the attack of my Samadhi True Fire, the Qing court priest was in a state of confusion, and he actually told me the cause and effect directly. 】

【Before her death, the Empress Dowager Cixi issued two imperial decrees, the open one was that Xuantong would succeed to the throne, and the secret one was to send another prince Fuduo to the underground Qing Palace. 】

When they heard that the legend was true, everyone's pupils couldn't help but tremble.

It actually happened?

Huang Boren was even more frightened.

"If the owner of the notebook hadn't solved the problem of the underground Qing Palace, wouldn't the Chu Longyin in Suolongling still have the underground Qing Palace now?"

Zhang Chulan saw Huang Boren's big reaction and couldn't help but be curious.

"What's wrong, Mr. Huang, is this serious?"

"I think it's just a group of living dead hiding underground, so let the people of Xiangxi Liu family go there."

Huang Boren shook his head.

"It's not that simple!"

"If the underground Qing Palace is still there, then the company will have to go all out and eliminate this huge safety hazard!"

"Otherwise, I won't even sleep well!"

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