Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 106 Randomly sending out an ancestor of Village Chief Ma

Feng Baobao quietly sneaked into the worship hall of Biyou Village under the darkness of night.

Didn't attract anyone's attention.

But when she entered the room, she was dumbfounded.

Because there are no other items in the entire worship hall except the altar table and the tablets placed on the altar table.

"Where is the treasure hidden..." Feng Baobao muttered in a low voice while constantly rummaging around the room.

But apparently she couldn't find any treasure.

In the end, Feng Baobao turned his attention to the rankings on the altar table.

Next, there was a sound of clattering wood and wood coming from the worship hall...

Early the next morning, Xu Yuan was awakened by the angrily yelling curses from Village Chief Ma.

"Who is it! What bastard!"

"Who stole my ancestor's tablet! That was passed down to me by my great-grandfather!"

"They've all been stolen! There's not even a table left for me!"

The anguish in the voice simply makes the listener sad and makes the listener cry!

Make a wish:? ? ?

Who stole that thing for what?

Except for the power of faith in the ancestral rankings, it has no effect, and it is not even the lowest level magic weapon.

But fortunately, my ten consecutive draws yesterday had already emptied the "Item Refiner" prize pool, and it was of no use to me anymore, so just throw it away.

I don’t care much about making a wish.

But for some reason, when he heard Village Chief Ma's roar in his ears.

A pair of bright and restrained (clear and stupid) eyes will always appear in my mind...

Village Chief Ma's roar spread throughout Biyou Village, and Feng Baobao, the culprit, naturally heard it.

But Sister Baoer was extremely calm, with no look of panic on her face.

As an "assistant" who has been with Feng Bao'er day and night all year round, Zhang Chulan knows Sister Bao'er's character very well.

"Sister Bao'er..." Zhang Chulan turned to look at Feng Bao'er, his forehead was full of black lines. "Don't tell me, you have the ancestral tablet of Village Chief Ma in your hand."

At this time, Feng Baobao was eating breakfast with half a bun stuffed in his mouth.

Hearing Zhang Chulai's words, Feng Baobao nodded naturally.

"Well, yes, I took them. Anyway, these treasures will be destroyed tonight, so I will help Village Chief Ma put them away first." Sister Baoer had a cute look on her face, and she suddenly seemed to remember something, He stood up and picked up a cloth bag beside the table, took out a tablet from it and stuffed it into Zhang Chulan's hand.

"Well, I'll give you one first! I'll give the rest to Wishes and Brother Xiao."

It can be seen that Sister Baoer really thinks there is nothing wrong with her behavior...

Zhang Chulan:......

Zhang Chulan lowered his head and looked at the tablet in his hand. Mozi's name was engraved on it.


Randomly sending out an ancestor of Village Chief Ma?

Zhang Chulan's head is full of black lines.

But he was too lazy to talk about Feng Baobao. Anyway, Feng Baobao didn't do this kind of thing once or twice.

The most important thing now is to hide the bag of tablets they have!

If he waits for the village chief to come over and sees that his ancestral tablets are all at Sister Bao'er's place, I'm afraid that the action against Biyou Village that was originally planned to start in the evening will be advanced or even started immediately!

Zhang Chulan took a deep breath and said to Feng Baobao.

"Sister Bao'er, take your bag of treasures and follow me!"

"Oh!" Sister Baoer responded, and then without asking where she was going, she stood up and followed Zhang Chulan. "By the way, Zhang Chulan, I also brought you a bun. The buns made by Fu Rong are very delicious..."

However, the reality was just as Zhang Chulan expected.

Not long after he took Sister Baoer to "hide the stolen goods", Village Chief Ma, who had lost his ancestral tablet, actually came to the door.

There is no way, now in the entire Biyou Village, only outsiders such as temporary workers are the most suspicious.

Otherwise why had this never happened before their arrival, and why the ancestral tablets were lost as soon as they arrived?

Fortunately, Zhang Chulan was prepared, and Ma Xianhong came over one after another, but found nothing.

In the end, Ma Xianhong could only run back angrily.

Youdao is to catch cheaters and doubles, and to catch thieves and dirty ones.

He is still quite wary of these temporary workers.

Now regarding Chen Duo, we have finally reached a temporary consensus on peaceful coexistence with the other party.

Before there is conclusive evidence, he does not want to fall out with the temporary workers of these companies.

At present, the plan to remake the self-cultivation furnace has not yet been completed. Although he has handed over the practice skills of Shenji Bailian to Qiu Rang, Qiu Rang's practice time is too short and it is impossible to complete it alone, so he still needs to continue to perfect the new system. design drawing.

As for the ancestral tablets...

Let’s talk about it later.

Ma Xianhong also couldn't figure out what the person who stole the tablet had done with those things.

Those tablets are not even the lowest level magic weapons...

The temporary workers did not pay attention to the theft of the ancestral tablet of Village Chief Ma.

They are very busy this day.

Because according to the action plan agreed upon yesterday, almost every temporary worker must make some preparations before taking action.

Even Sister Baoer is no exception.

She was assigned to make Molotov cocktails to cause chaos once the operation began.

When the temporary workers met again, the sky outside had gradually darkened.

At this point they have all completed their preparations before taking action.

"Zhang Chulan, get ready to go."

The black pipe arranged.

According to yesterday's action plan, Zhang Chulan went to find Ma Xianhong and hold him back. This was the first step.

Zhang Chulan nodded, stood up and left the room.

After receiving confirmation from Zhang Chulan that Ma Cunzi had been held back, the others got up and implemented the plan.

Brother Xiao licked his lips, took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Zhao Guizhen.

This piece of information clearly recorded the numerous evil deeds Zhao Guizhen had committed before, all of which were the result of his entrustment by Gao Erzhuang to help him investigate.

He has been eyeing this "delicious dish" for a long time!

It’s finally time to eat!

The most basic respect for food is the proper sense of ceremony!

Mr. Zhao is a qualified patient!

Lao Meng also took his mobile phone and left the room, preparing to go to Fu Rong to collect the debt.

Wang Zhenqiu, on the other hand, looked playful and prepared to find Liu Wukui, who was born a boy.

"Ball!" As the commander of the operation, the clarinet said from behind, "Let's play, don't let it go!"

Among these people, the one he was most worried about was Wang Zhenqiu.

The main reason is that this guy has such a bad reputation in the company and always maintains a smiley and informal attitude.

Wang Zhenqiu patted his chest.

"Don't worry, Brother Guan'er, nothing will go wrong."

He himself also knew the peculiarities of his special destiny. This was the first time he encountered the destiny of a boy.

Just in case, he had already made preparations for the jelly party!

According to his investigation, the reason why Liu Wukui, a special boy, stayed in Biyou Village and was willing to become one of the Supreme Beings.

It was entirely because Liu Wukui's brother, Liu Hongzhong, also had a special destiny. But unlike Liu Wukui, Liu Hongzhong was not only disabled, but also suffered from diseases all year round.

In order to change her brother's problems, she just joined the root device!

His elder brother Liu Hongzhong is Liu Wukui’s weakness!

As long as Liu Hongzhong is controlled, there will be no possibility of accidents!

Make a wish and go out.

His first mission is to cause chaos!

Sister Baoer set fire to the village, but the speed of driving away the villagers was still too slow.

It just so happens that I can try out a hero ability I haven’t tried before!

Make a wish and come to the dense forest outside the village again.

He activated the Godhead Mask and chose the target of becoming a god as [Organ Creation—Luban No. 7. 】

Start your ultimate move directly in the direction of Biyou Village!

【Air Support】

The Qi in Xu Wish's body was quickly withdrawn, and the Qi consumed this time was even more than when he transformed into the gods Mozi and Liu Chan before!

In the sky above the trees above Wishing's head, a large wooden airship in the shape of a puffer fish was rapidly taking shape!

Although the shape of this airship looks like a joke, and the wooden material that makes up the airship looks vulnerable.

But in fact, it can be seen from the huge amount of Qi consumed in the wishful body that this pufferfish airship is by no means as fragile as it seems on the surface!

In just two breaths, the puffer airship is fully formed!

After taking shape, the puffer airship slowly started and flew towards the sky above Biyou Village.

Because it was nightfall at this time, although the puffer airship in the sky was huge, it did not attract the attention of others.

The airship flew silently, and did not emit any mechanical friction or engine roar.

Xu wish watched the puffer airship gradually go away.

Then he quickly sat cross-legged in the woods, practicing the Godhead Mask technique to restore his body's energy.

The appearance of the pufferfish airship did not drain all the Qi from his body in one breath, but it also drained about half of it!

Although he still has about half of his energy left, the intensity of the upcoming battle will definitely not be low!

Not only will you have to face the last "boss", Village Chief Ma, but you may also have a head-on battle with other top-level devices.

It’s better to adjust the condition to the best as soon as possible!

When you make a wish, you don’t want to capsize in the gutter!

As for the power of [Air Support]...

Let’s wait and see!

At this time, in the village, a group of temporary workers were performing their duties.

Zhang Chulan successfully held Ma Xianhong back with his words.

Sister Baoer and "non-staff" Wang also pushed the trolley and prepared to move the village names that were in the way.

Xiao Zizai blocked Zhao Guizhen near the entrance of the village, who was running away with a guilty conscience because of the crime he had committed.

Xiao Zizai gently placed the backpack behind him on the ground, raised his hand and greeted Zhao Guizhen in a soft tone, just like he had done before when he went to the village entrance to confront the temporary workers.


But today is different from the past. Zhao Guizhen, who was already guilty of being a thief, felt even more guilty when he saw Xiao Zizai, a temporary worker in the company.

"Are you here for Chen Duo? I will not interfere, let alone stop you from arresting Chen Duo. If you are still worried, I am planning to leave Biyou Village now."

The smile on Xiao Zizai's face became particularly kind.

He pushed the frame on the bridge of his nose to cover up the bloodthirsty light in his eyes.

"Chen Duo's matter is a trivial matter. I just have some other things that I would like to ask Daozhang Zhao for your advice..."

Immediately, Xiao Zizai told Zhao Guizhen about the clues he had investigated.

Based on the previous seven headless murders that occurred in JS Province and the results of the company's inquiries to the Qing sect in Maoshan.

"...So, the Taoist master of the Qing sect on Maoshan Mountain is you Zhao Guizhen, right?"

At this time, Zhao Guizhen's expression also darkened.

He was now certain that the person who sent him a text message before was Xiao Zizai!

Now that the words have reached this point, it undoubtedly means that the murder he committed in order to practice the evil method of Nomao Mountain has been exposed!

Then there is nothing more to say!

Today, if he wants to escape and ascend to heaven, he must kill Xiao Zizai in front of him!

As for where to go after escaping, the only place Zhao Guizhen can think of right now is Quan Xing...

However, it was obvious that when Zhao Guizhen faced Xiao Zizai, he was no match!

Not even with the defensive magic weapon he possesses!

This middle-aged man wearing glasses is unexpectedly strong!

Zhao Guizhen could tell from the way he walked that he seemed to be from Shaolin...

What Zhao Guizhen couldn't figure out was why he clearly used the enchantment seal in his palm to seduce Xiao Zizai, but it didn't have any effect at all!

No matter how you look at Xiao Zizai in front of you, he doesn't look like a simple-minded person!

Just when Zhao Guizhen took out the evil method he had hidden at the bottom of the box - [Seven Evils Gathering the Body], he was fighting with Xiao Zizai.

Suddenly Zhao Guizhen's heart sounded a warning sign!

Without any hesitation, he directly resisted Xiao Zi's Merciful Palm with his own magic weapon, and used the force to jump out of the battle group!

The protective magical weapon originally hung around Zhao Guizhen's neck was instantly shattered!

What happened next proved that his hunch was not groundless.

A cannonball shaped like a bulging pufferfish fell from the sky and landed at his original position!


There was an explosion!

There was only a radial crater left where Zhao Guizhen had just been!

The sudden shells and explosions startled both Xiao Zizai and Zhao Guizhen!

how? Did the company invite the army to attack Biyou Village?

There is no doubt that Biyou Village has indeed been targeted by the company.

But normally speaking, no matter how excessive the quarrel between strangers is, it will never be enough for the army to take action!

If the military really took action, then the nature of the matter would have changed...

But after a moment, this idea of ​​the two was overturned!

Because when the two of them looked up into the sky, they clearly saw the puffer airship slowly advancing in the sky.

It can be seen from the appearance of the puffer airship that it definitely cannot be the work of the army!

As a member of Biyou Murakami's root weapon, Zhao Guizhen looked at the wooden puffer airship, and he naturally thought of the method of refining the weapon!

Just like Mr. Ma’s flower-like doll, the puffer airship looks as if it is made of wood.

But Zhao Guizhen still couldn't figure out who made the even cute pufferfish airship above his head...

After Xiao Zizai saw the shape of the puffer airship, he immediately thought of Xuanyuan.

After all, the task of creating chaos in Biyou Village was given to Xu wish as the main force, and it is not surprising that anything happened to Xu wish...

But at the moment, Xiao Zizai was not in the mood to pay attention to this. He did not want to interrupt the process of enjoying the delicious food.

Moreover, the bombing of Zhao Guizhen was not over once, but continuous bombing!

He could clearly see the second and third shells hitting Zhao Guizhen's position.

He didn't know how to make a wish, but these bombs could distinguish between ourselves and the enemy!

"The Great Merciful Palm!"

Xiao Zi continued to hit Zhao Guizhen with one palm...

This situation occurred not only on the battlefield between Xiao Zizai and Zhao Guizhen.

As the puffer airship advances, the entire Biyou Village is affected!

However, although the puffer airship has a strong deterrent effect, its firepower covers a large area.

However, very few enemies are actually hit.

After all, for experts, it is not difficult to avoid the bombing from the sky.

However, after those blowfish grenades falling from the sky were avoided by the superiors, they continued to fall on the buildings and ground of Biyou Village!

Although these puffer grenades are made of Qi, their lethality is not as powerful as real artillery shells.

But it can still cause considerable damage to the roads and buildings in Biyou Village!

"Boom, boom, boom..."

After the successive explosions, the roads in Biyou Village that were passed by the puffer airships were all filled with potholes, and the ordinary houses were also blown into ruins!

Okay, now it’s really confusing!

Moreover, driving these villagers away from Biyou Village will make it impossible for them not to leave!

But I also helped Sister Baoer who was setting a fire and Wang who was forcibly moving the villagers.

It saves them a lot of trouble.

It's not like there aren't other superiors planning to attack the pufferfish airship in the sky.

However, now all the temporary workers have found their own opponents. With the offensive of these temporary workers, it is already very difficult for the masters to protect themselves.

Not to mention freeing up your hands to attack the pufferfish airship in the sky!

The puffer airship bombed Biyou Village, causing quite a stir.

Naturally, the temporary workers also noticed it.

As friendly units, they all immediately thought of Xuanyuan.

Later, it was confirmed that the puffer airship would not bomb them!

The clarinet had just finished off his opponent. He looked up at the pufferfish airship that was gradually moving away. He felt a little headache and a little scared secretly.

You were asked to create chaos, and you directly created a bombing zone?

Before making a wish, he only said that the task of creating chaos could be entrusted to him, but he did not say what method he would use to create chaos.

The black tube didn't expect that Xu Wan would not know how to come up with such a thing to bomb Biyou Village!

Although the aliens are powerful, some aliens are not powerless even when faced with small batches of firearms.

But I want to create this kind of bombing zone.

It’s just a fantasy!

Is there any upper limit to the ability to make wishes?

The clarinet officer checked the information of these temporary workers through the person in charge, but there was never any mention of wishing as having this ability in the wishing information!

Not only the black tube was frightened, but even the second high school student Zhuang, who had been observing the place through satellite, was also secretly frightened when he saw that Biyou Village had now become a bombing zone!

At the same time, she was also very distressed.

After all, it is not just temporary workers who are dispatched now. In order to complete the finishing work as soon as possible and ensure that the movements here will not enter the eyes of ordinary people, the South China Region Branch dispatched a large number of staff to surround Biyou Village. of the entire mountainous area.

Gao Erzhuang wanted to hide it for Xu Yuan, but she couldn't do it now.

With the current noise caused by the bombing of Biyou Village, anyone who is not blind may have noticed the constant explosions coming from here!

I can’t hide it anymore!

Ma Xianhong was no exception. He also heard constant explosions and the sound of building collapse coming from outside.

Now he didn't care to continue chatting with Zhang Chulan here, and rushed out of the door in one stride.

What appeared in front of him was the dilapidated Biyou Village. After being bombed, only the devastated Biyou Village remained.

Ma Xianhong felt that the anger and blood pressure in his heart were rising!

"Ah! My village..." Ma Xianhong roared, raised his hand and threw out a magic weapon, heading straight for the puffer airship in the sky!

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