Everyone came to the urban area at the foot of the mountain.

Chen Duo was very uncomfortable with the busy traffic in front of him.

After all, before she went out, she had to be under the control of the company, and she couldn't even go out during the Yaoxian Club.

But in this inappropriateness, Chen Duo finally seemed to have opened up a new world, watching the prosperity of the world on the busy streets.

The others followed her silently.

Except for Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, everyone had already acquiesced in their hearts that this poor girl was going to die soon.

Even Chen Duo himself thinks so.

Chen Duo's pace gradually changed from cautious testing to a trot.

During this period, these temporary workers showed gentleness and patience that was completely contrary to their appearance.

The clarinet even personally guided them in choosing beautiful dresses for Chen Duo and Feng Baobao, the only two girls in the team.

However, for some reason, Feng Baobao was inexplicably afraid of high heels, so in the end he only chose a pair of beautiful high heels for Chen Duo.

Of course, under the strong request of making a wish, the person who ultimately paid the bill was still Wang Ye, the third son of the Wang family, the richest man in the capital.

Chen Duo also had an unprecedented bright smile on her face, wearing a white skirt and a pair of high-heeled sandals.

At this time, Chen Duozhen was just like what Lao Meng said before, like a carefree girl of about eighteen years old.

Even the merciful Xiao Zizai couldn't help but smile after seeing Chen Duo like this.

But when he thought that Chen Duo was about to die, the smile on his lips disappeared again.

Until everyone wandered all the way to an ice cream stall.

At this time, Chen Duo's condition had obviously weakened a lot, and the primitive Gu had invaded the four meridians and eight meridians in her body.

Even the skin exposed outside the clothes began to show obvious signs of corrosion.

Chen Duo shook his body and continued walking towards the ice cream stall.

But at this moment, Xu Yuan reached out and took hold of Chen Duo's arm.

"Chen Duo, wait a moment."

Chen Duo turned his head and looked at Xu Yuan in confusion.

Xuanyuan smiled at her.

"As promised, we are just going to experience how to die. Now it's time to go back." Xu Yuan pointed at the people eating melons around him. "There are too many people here."

Because the injuries on Chen Duo's body corroded by the primitive poison were too terrifying, any passerby who passed by them would subconsciously look at Chen Duo.

Chen Duo was once one of the company's temporary workers.

Naturally, I also know some of the company's regulations.

For example, it is not allowed to use alien methods in front of ordinary people.

And the increasingly terrifying corrosion damage on her body may also cause some trouble.

Chen Duo doesn't want to cause trouble to these good people.

That's right, in Chen Duo's mind, these temporary workers, including Wang Ye, Zhuge Qing and others, have become good people.

After all, this period of time was simply the happiest time in her life!

"Okay, but I want to buy an ice cream to eat..."

Chen Duo bit her lip and hesitated for a moment, and finally glanced at the ice cream stall in the distance with reluctant eyes and made her final request.

But Xu Yuan did not agree to her this time, but shook his head firmly.

"It won't work this time. You can buy it yourself next time."

"Make a wish! If you don't buy it for her, I will buy it for her!"

When Lao Meng saw the pitiful Chen Duo, the middle-aged man couldn't bear it anymore. He burst into tears and rushed to buy ice cream to fulfill Chen Duo's last wish.

But making a wish stopped him.

"Lao Meng! Trust me!" Xu Yuan looked at Lao Meng with serious eyes and said the words "believe me" again.

Making a wish to make this decision is actually very simple. It is nothing more than planting a realistic anchor for Chen Duo again!

Only if there are enough things that you can't let go of, can you not let go of this world.

Bad habits may be the main reason for loving life.

Besides, it's not easy for him to display his abilities in public in the downtown area...

Lao Meng froze on the spot.

In fact, not only him, but also everyone else noticed the strangeness in the wishing words.

Next time you buy it yourself...

I said trust me twice in a row...

Is the wish really meant to keep Chen Duo?

They do sympathize with Chen Duo.

But let’s not talk about how to save Chen Duo, whose body has long been corrupted. Even if Chen Duo can really be saved.

Then how should Liao Zhong's fate be calculated, and how should the company explain it...

Human hearts are complex.

Just like people are made up of both good and evil sides, there are no purely good people and no purely evil people.

The basis for distinguishing good people from bad people is simply whether the good side is more present or the evil side is more present.

In this matter, they have more of a good side in their hearts, and they hope that Chen Duo can survive, but these problems are real.

However, for the parties involved, whether it is Wishes or Chen Duo, there are no such complicated thoughts.

There are some things that you want to do just because you want to do it, without too many reasons.

"Okay, but I still want to thank everyone today." Although Chen Duo still wanted to try the colorful ice cream at the stall, it was an experience she had never had before.

But she didn't make things difficult for these good people, but obediently followed Xu Yuan and walked forward again.

The other temporary workers looked at each other, and then followed the two of them silently.

They couldn't guess what the wish was for, but the current situation was obviously beyond their control.

As for whether Chen Duo lives or dies, it all depends on the wish...

Xu Yuan took Chen Duo to a dense forest outside the city.

At this time, Chen Duo was already out of breath. The original poison in her body had invaded 90% of her body. Even reaching this point was the limit of her strength!

Chen Duo sat directly on the ground, and at this time, her long hair had begun to fall off.

People who died from the original poison all died miserably, even Chen Duo, the holy boy with a poison body, was no exception.

Xu wish first took out his mobile phone and sent a message in the group chat.

[Wish from Kyoto Headquarters: Erzhuang, please help me block all electronic devices around me that may monitor this place. 】

Then, among the expectant eyes of other temporary workers.

Xu Wan took out a body bag from the bag - this was what he had just asked the staff of the South China Branch before leaving Biyou Village.

Then he activated the Godhead Mask.

The target of becoming a god was Taiyi Zhenren.

Seeing the act of making a wish, even the king, who had always had faith in making a wish, couldn't help but frown.

Back on Longhu Mountain, he had followed the "self-destruction truck" of Wishes and killed many members of the whole sex.

Although Xu Wish didn't say it, he could naturally guess the truth that Xu Wish could gain cultivation level improvement from the death of strangers.

But now when it comes to Chen Duo...

Is this too much? Eating human blood steamed buns?

"Make a wish..." Wang Ye opened his mouth to say something, but Zhuge Qing pulled him aside and asked him to swallow the rest of his words.

Xu Yuan ignored everyone's different thoughts and just stood on the stove of Master Taiyi, quietly watching Chen Duo move toward death little by little.

Chen Duo just sat quietly on the ground with his back against a big tree, enjoying the last peace in his life and feeling that his vision was getting blurry.

The other temporary workers didn't say anything, they just stood aside silently.

They don't know what they want to do, and they don't know whether the wish will succeed.

But they knew clearly that with the current development, Xu Wish at least won Chen Duo a dignified death.

The aura on Chen Duo's body became weaker and weaker.

Until the last moment, she forced herself to open her eyes and spoke weakly but extremely sincerely to everyone present.

"Thank you... thank you, everyone, I'm very happy..."

This sentence completely consumed Chen Duo's last bit of vitality.

After finishing speaking, Chen Duo tilted his head and became completely silent.

At this time, the temporary workers present, as well as Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing, all looked at Xu Yuan with surprise and suspicion.

Because just a second before Chen Duo died, a faint green light burst out from the stove under Xu Yuan's feet, covering Chen Duo's body.

Originally, these temporary workers thought that Xu Wish had used some kind of healing ability. After all, he had treated Xia Liuqing's injuries before.

But now there is still no movement from Chen Duo.

Could it be——failed?

Wishing has just activated Taiyi Zhenren's [Great Transformation into Living Person].

This is the second time Xu Wish has used the ability of [Great Transformation into a Living Person]. The last time he used it against Tian Jinzhong.

However, based on the last experience of using it, I know exactly when to activate the wish and when it will take effect!

It will take some time for [Great Transformation of Living Person] to take effect.

It was during this period that Xuyuan bowed his hands to the temporary workers.

"Everyone, I want to ask you something here. I have used a secret technique of surrogate death on Chen Duo. Please help me keep it a secret."

The wish made everyone present fall into astonishment.

The secret technique of scapegoating?

Is there really such a magical magic in the world?

Especially Wang Zhenqiu, he fell into a state of doubting life.

After all, both he and Xu Yuan learned the skills of the Godhead Mask, and they both evolved into Nezha. Xu Yuan was able to defeat him in terms of combat ability.

Not only that, he doesn’t have the healing method that he made a wish for a while ago, nor does he know the secret technique of scapegoating...

Did Old Man Xia hide something secret while teaching him?

However, when everyone recovered from their shock, no one doubted the wish.

After all, this is not the first time that Wish has done something beyond their imagination.

On the contrary, a kind of temporary workers were deeply touched.

Although they do not know the specific secret of the secret technique of making a wish, they also know the gold content of this secret technique!

Even if there are various restrictions, the supreme principle of heaven that can reverse the cycle of life and death is enough to defy heaven!

In order to save Chen Duo, a poor person who had little relationship with him, Xu Wan exposed this heaven-defying magic in their eyes.

This is enough to prove Xuanyuan’s kindness and trust in them!

Even the Eight Wonders that caused the entire alien world to be hunted back then had no miraculous effect in reversing the cycle of life and death!

"Okay! Make a wish! I promise you!" Lao Meng, who had always regarded Chen Duo as his nephew, was the first to promise it.

"Me too!"

"me too!"

"I agree too!"

Other temporary workers also followed suit and agreed.

Zhang Chulan naturally nodded in agreement.

He looked at the temporary workers and slightly raised the corner of his mouth.

His plan worked!

These temporary workers form a unit!

When certain people in a group know each other's shady secrets, the probability of the group falling out will be greatly reduced, almost to zero!

Zhang Chulan clearly knows that his calculations may not be hidden in the eyes of these temporary workers who are people's managers, and they are also not pleasing to the eye.

But for Sister Baoer, he had no choice.

Zhang Chulan clearly realizes that he does not have the power to dominate the world, nor does he have the wisdom of a demon. If there comes a day when he becomes the enemy of the world, he will not be able to protect Sister Baoer!

Wishing looked at the temporary workers who were greatly touched.

"Everyone, you don't have to carry it to your death." Xu Yuan smiled and shook his head, "If it really comes to the point where nothing can be done, everyone can tell the truth."

If these temporary workers are on the first floor, Zhang Chulan is on the second floor.

Then he is on the third floor!

Keep it secret?


Even if these temporary workers deliberately concealed this secret for him, after the mission is over, except for the second high school student Zhuang who is in a special situation, everyone related to this Biyou Village mission will have to go to the Kuanbei!

Even Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing could not avoid it.

No secrets can be kept!

It is better to take this opportunity to reveal some information to the company and increase the chips in hand to facilitate the next plan.

At best, Zhang Chulan had plotted against these temporary workers, but he had even plotted against the company!

And tell the truth.

Taiyi Zhenren’s [Great Transformation Man] reverses the cycle of life and death, although it sounds outrageous.

But Wishes is well aware of the many limitations of this ability.

First of all, the ability must be used in a very short period of time before the target dies, and after the target is resurrected, his cultivation level is completely gone!

No matter how powerful the alien master is, he will become an ordinary person and start over!

There are really not many applicable scenarios!

As for the wish itself, he really has the resurrection artifact [Sage's Protection], and he will not lose all his cultivation after resurrection!

The effect is overwhelming [big transformation into a living person]!

It’s not that Xu Wish deliberately plotted against these temporary workers, but just followed the trend and accumulated as many advantages for itself as possible without harming these temporary workers...

While everyone is talking.

The effect of [Great Transformation into Living Person] has begun to take effect.

Just like the effect it had on Tian Jinzhong.

A green light bloomed from Chen Duo's body, then left Chen Duo's body and landed on the ground beside him.

And this green light gradually turned into a human form after landing, and then the material also turned into flesh under some magical power.

It's suddenly another Chen Duo!

Chen Duo before the poison attacks!

Seeing such a magical scene, Wang Ye felt his face getting hot.

I have known Xu wish for so long, don’t I still know who Xu wish is?

Xu Yuan trusted them completely and showed such a heaven-defying magic in front of them, but at first he doubted Xu Yuan about eating human blood steamed buns...

Damn me!

Fortunately, Lao Qing held him back just now and didn't say anything out loud.

Thinking of this, Wang Ye turned his head strangely and looked at Zhuge Qing beside him.

"Eh? Old Qing, how did you know about the ability to make a wish just now?"

"Ah?" Zhuge Qing's face was confused. "I do not know."

"Then hold me..."

"Ah, this guy's bad taste is just to slap him in the face. I'm used to it. I can't give him this chance, or I'll let him pretend again..."

Wang Ye:......

Lao Qing, you really deserve to die!

Watching the green light gradually transform into another Chen Duo.

The temporary workers also thought of Village Chief Ma inexplicably.

I wonder what Village Chief Ma will think when he sees this scene...

However, Village Chief Ma is destined not to see this scene now. He has been pushed to the Kyoto headquarters by the staff of the South China Branch. He must have already taken the expressway...

When the green light faded completely, Chen Duo on the ground slowly opened his eyes.

Her eyes were a little confused, and she looked around at the excited expressions of everyone.

"Am I... not already dead?"

Xu Wan walked forward with a smile.

"Chen Duo, I said, you can choose to experience death, it's an experience!"

Xu Yuan pointed at the already decayed body of another Chen Duo next to him.

"Look, that's what you'll look like after death. How does it feel? Now that the choice is up to you, will you still choose to die?"

"If you're not dead, you can go eat ice cream."

Chen Duo was confused when he heard it, but he almost understood it.

She looked at the rotting corpse in the distance.

After thinking for a moment, he shook his head firmly.

"No, I don't want to die." Chen Duo had a serious look on his face, "The experience of death is not good. I seemed to see Uncle Liao in a burst of white light. I wanted to run over, but he seemed very angry at my appearance. He asked me why I didn’t live well..."

Chen Duo muttered in a low voice.

"Yes! I want to live! Live well!"

Chen Duo finally shouted loudly.

Hearing Chen Duo's shout, everyone present couldn't help but smile.

Since Chen Duo wants to live, the problem can be solved!

The most difficult people to save in the world are those who have given up hope!

Especially Lao Meng.

Among these temporary workers, apart from Chen Duo, he has the best relationship with Liao Zhong.

When he was chatting with Lao Liao before, Liao Zhong mentioned more than once that he hoped Chen Duo could live a good life as a person.

Making a wish now can be regarded as helping Lao Liao fulfill his last wish.

Xu Yuan pointed to Chen Duo's body in the distance and said to Zhang Chulan.

"Zhang Chulan, Chen Duo is dead now. Whether he kills someone to pay for his life or his debt is canceled after his death, I think this body should be enough to give the company an explanation."

"As for the remaining issues, I will explain them to Director Zhao personally after returning to the Kyoto headquarters."

Zhang Chulan laughed dryly and said nothing.

The reason why he said those inappropriate words before was just to promote the united front of these temporary workers.

Now it really makes sense to make a wish and give Chen Duo an explanation to the company.

Everyone is dead, what else?

As for Chen Duo after his resurrection? That has nothing to do with him. That is an issue that the leaders at the top of the company should consider.

Just when everyone was enjoying themselves.

Chen Duo felt a little depressed and made a wish.

"Make a wish, I..."

"What's wrong?" Xu Yuan asked curiously, looking at the level of disappointment on his face.

Now that Chen Duo's mental problems have been solved, and his physical problems have been restored to the original state through the ability of [Great Transformation into a Living Person], is it possible that there will be other problems?

What Chen Duo said next also proved that accidents will always come before tomorrow.

"I...seem like I can't live anymore..."

"The primitive Gu still exists in my body, and if the primitive Gu is suppressed, the primitive Gu will still eat the organs in my body..."

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