A figure appeared in front of the villa where she made a wish, and quietly stole the sealed plastic bag containing Liao Duoduo's excrement.

No one expected that the aliens had tried not to affect ordinary people, but someone took advantage of this and reversed the situation. It has to be said that the person behind the scenes did have something.

This time, as long as the person who came to do this was a stranger, even if these temporary workers fell asleep, their perceptions would not completely disappear.

Only ordinary people without any sense of energy will be subconsciously ignored by the perceptions of these temporary workers.

After this figure took away the sealed plastic bag in front of the villa, he immediately fled the scene according to the employer's instructions and headed to the transaction location.

"Boss, I brought you what you asked for. How do you think you'll pay for it?"

Holding a sealed plastic bag in his hand, the man finally saw the boss behind the transaction - a mysterious man wrapped up tightly, even with a pair of sunglasses stuck on the bridge of his nose.

The man was originally just an ordinary little thief, who usually made a living by sliding doors and picking locks to steal.

Just today during the day, this mysterious man approached him and hired him for a thousand yuan to steal the "garbage bag" in front of the villa.

For men, this is simply free money!

Getting money is much easier than sliding in and picking the lock!

The man did not know the identity of the behind-the-scenes boss, nor did he know what was in the garbage bag, nor did he know what the other party wanted for such a readily available thing.

But he doesn't care about that, he only cares about when the man pays himself!

With this thousand yuan, I can go to Lili again tonight to have some fun!

But when the mysterious man took the sealed plastic bag from his hand, he had no intention of paying.

Instead, he suddenly stretched out his hand without saying a word and grabbed the man's neck.

"Uh, uh..." The man looked horrified and wanted to reach out and open the other person's palm.

But at this time, he discovered that the strength of the opponent's palms was surprisingly strong, holding his neck tightly like iron pliers!

The man could only feel that the world in his eyes was gradually dimming. Finally, as the big hands exerted force again, there was a small sound of bones being broken. The man tilted his head and became completely silent.

After dealing with all this, the mysterious man threw the body of the little thief aside.

Then he took off the disguise on his face.

If there are people from Biyou Village here now, they will definitely recognize this mysterious man as Guo Liang!

Guo Liang was the subordinate who followed Ma Xianhong from the very beginning, and was also the first person to be transformed from an ordinary person into an alien through the Self-cultivation Furnace.

Although it is not one of the top weapons, its status in Biyou Village is faintly above that of the top weapons!

It can be regarded as the deputy village chief of Biyou Village!

After Guo Liang took off his disguise, he was ready to open the "garbage bag" in front of him.

All he did was to rescue Ma Xianhong from the company!

Because he was out on business before, he happened to escape. Not long ago, his real leader, Qu Tong, contacted him and asked him to collect intelligence in preparation for rescuing Ma Xianhong!

The garbage bags here right now are the first step!

Yao Xing Club is an intelligence organization, so it naturally knows how to collect intelligence. The garbage bag is actually the first step!

A lot of useful information can be judged from these domestic garbage, so that we can make arrangements in advance to achieve the purpose of rescuing Village Chief Ma.

When Guo Liang opened the sealed garbage bag in his hand, he suddenly froze in place.

Because in the garbage bag...

It turned out to be...

Such filthy things?

A whole bag!


Guo Liang was dumbfounded. He had never thought that someone would put such filthy things into garbage bags and throw them at the door of his house.

Brother, doesn't your house have a sewer?

He spent a lot of time and risked being hunted down by the company to silence an ordinary person, but in the end he stole a bag of shit?

Make a wish, are you okay? (Liu Liu Mei.jpg)

But this is not what makes Guo Liang collapse the most.

What made him collapse the most was that at this time, he actually felt that his body was being corroded by some toxic force!

This toxic force was extremely violent. In just a moment of his daze, it had quickly spread to most of his body!

When Guo Liang woke up, it was already too late. Let alone the strong man's wrist, the only way to stop the spread of poison was to cut off the head!


There is poison in the shit!

Make a wish, you really are not human!

You actually poisoned the shit!

Guo Liang had no time to make any move. His eyes widened with disbelief, and then he fell straight down like a jade pillar pushing down a golden mountain!

At the last moment of his life, Guo Liang finally understood why Sister Qu had told him to be careful when conveying the message...

I'm still not careful enough...

Take all precautions, but if you fail to guard against making a wish, you will actually poison the shit!

After complete death, Guo Liang's body was still rapidly decaying under the influence of the poison, and in the end he could only leave an unrecognizable corpse in this wilderness.

After completely corroding the excessive body, the poison in his body did not continue to spread outwards, but gradually disappeared.

At this time, in the villa where the wish was made, a group of temporary workers were still unaware.

Just like Guo Liang couldn't guess that what he tried so hard to steal was actually a bag of filth.

I never imagined that someone would steal shit even if I made a wish.

However, there was only one person who did not fall into a deep sleep.

Liao Duoduo.

Due to her special physical condition and the fact that most of her cultivation had disappeared, it was difficult to ensure that the poison in her body would not get out of control after she was drunk, so others did not let Liao Duoduo drink.

Liao Duoduo has long been integrated with the original poison, so her control over the original poison is also extraordinary. It is not just controlled by Qi, but more like an instinct.

Liao Duoduo had already sensed it when the sealed plastic bag was taken away in front of the villa.

But she was not in a hurry. It was not until Guo Liang opened the sealed plastic bag that she remotely controlled the original poison and killed Guo Liang!

Although Liao Duoduo has not been in contact with too many people due to her own special reasons, and she is not good at dealing with people.

But she just has a different outlook on things than ordinary people, she is not stupid, and she has also served as a temporary worker in the South China Region.

Although she didn't know why Guo Liang ordered that ordinary person to steal a bag of filth, but...

She knew that this guy must have evil intentions.

Since he has bad intentions, then death is death!

Liao Duoduo's world view is very simple.

To her, those who make wishes are good people, and those who have bad intentions toward making wishes are bad people.

Is there anything wrong with killing a bad guy?

Of course, Liao Duoduo didn't mess around, she didn't want to cause trouble for Xu Wish.

During the day today, she could clearly hear Xu Yuan's conversation with Fatty Zhao, and Xu Yuan was responsible for all his actions.

Therefore, after she remotely controlled the original poison to kill Guo Liang, she controlled the spread of the original poison to be limited to Guo Liang's body.

After doing all this, Liao Duoduo yawned, turned over on the bed, and continued to sleep.

Just killing a "bad guy" was as simple as eating and drinking to her.

On the other side, after Guo Liang completely lost his vitality and his entire body was riddled with holes eaten by poison.

A figure walked slowly from the side.

This is a woman.

Her appearance was so mediocre that she wouldn't leave even a trace of impression among the crowd.

Simply featureless.

And it is precisely because of this extreme mediocrity that proves that this woman is not simple!

"What an idiot..." The woman stopped about ten meters away from Guo Liang's body and cursed in a low voice. "You know that Chen Duo has been taken away by people from the company, but you are still so careless."

This woman is the president of Yao Xing Society, and she is also Ma Xianhong’s “sister”—Qu Tong!

Qu Tong has both hands on the complete version, and it is very easy to change her appearance.

She didn't know when she had changed her appearance and sneaked into Kyoto City!

Qu Tong is now very happy that she followed him.

Otherwise, when the bodies of Guo Liang and the unlucky little thief are discovered tomorrow, it will be difficult if the company invites people from the Lu family to use the soul-clearing technique to trace them!

Qu Tong didn't come close. Although she possessed one of the eight magical skills, she was not interested in experiencing the lethality of the Gu-body Holy Child.

She was now standing ten steps away. Even if the Gu Body Saint Boy controlled the original poison in Guo Liang's body to spread towards her, she would have enough time to evacuate.

Qu Tong stretched out a pair of slender jade hands and activated both hands in the air!

Both hands are divided into red hands and blue hands!

Red hands can change your appearance and heal injuries...

As for the blue hand, it is the Lu family’s current “innate” superpower—the Bright Soul Technique!

You can modify and manipulate a person's memory and cognition, and you can also change a person's character!

A pair of blue palms made of Qi appeared on Qu Tong's hands, and then she controlled the blue gas palms and inserted them into the brain of the long-dead Guo Liang.

When a person dies, it does not mean that the soul will die immediately. Even if Zhang Huaiyi has been dead for more than 20 years, hasn't that guy Lu Liang still found the memory in his brain?

Qu Tong manipulated Lan Shou for a long time before finally clearing all memories of himself from Guo Liang's mind!

There is no way, Guo Liang is her subordinate, and the number of times he comes into contact with her is not necessarily less than Ma Xianhong!

Fortunately, Guo Liang was dead at this time, and his body had long lost consciousness. Otherwise, deleting and modifying so many memories at once would definitely make Guo Liang extremely painful!

After sitting down, Qu Tong looked at the two corpses remaining on the ground. She didn't waver at all, turned around and left here.

It seems that we have to find other ways to get Ma Xianhong out of the company!

It's just that wish, I always feel like he's a bit in the way...

In the midst of contemplation, Qu Tong gradually disappeared into the night. When she reappeared from an alley, her face changed again and turned into the appearance of another person...

The next morning, when Xu Yuan woke up early, Wang Ye took the initiative to say goodbye to Xu Yuan.

"Make a wish, I want to go home. I haven't been home for a long time, and I haven't been back to Wudang for a long time. If nothing happens, I plan to take a look..."

There is no reason to hinder Wang Ye from making a wish. After all, Wang Ye, a good brother, did not sell himself to him.

He still needs to find suitable candidates to join the upcoming inspection team, so naturally he is not suitable to go with Wang Ye.

However, considering that the "Gu Jiating" who had space ability had tried to attack him before, Xu Yuan still reminded Wang Ye before he left.

"Old Wang, if anything happens to you, remember to call me at any time."


Wang Ye responded and turned around to leave the villa where he made his wish.

As for the other people who attended the party last night, they naturally had their own things to do and were preparing to go to the airport to meet with their respective branch heads.

After they successfully passed the review of the company's wide stool system yesterday, they also received notifications from the heads of each branch. The heads of each branch will arrive in Kyoto one after another today to hold meetings about Biyou Village and...

Research the next candidate to succeed Liao Zhong as the head of South China Region!

These temporary workers will also leave Kyoto and return to their respective branches after the meeting with the heads of each branch.

As for why these responsible persons have only come to Kyoto now...

After all, they are the heads of the regions, not temporary workers. They have to deal with the affairs of each region on weekdays. Naturally, they must arrange the affairs of each region properly before setting off to Kyoto.

As the other temporary workers left, the wishing villa once again became deserted.

Only Xu wish and Liao Duoduo were left.

However, Xu Yuan does not have any discomfort with this. He is now looking forward to the members he will invite to join the supervision team...

And Liao Duoduo was as usual, not mentioning what happened last night at all.

To her, it was not a deliberate attempt to hide it, but it was really not worth mentioning.

For Liao Duoduo, what is there to say about a dead person? Along the way, the most common thing she saw was not living people, but dead people.

Xu Yuan made some breakfast and filled up the stomachs of himself and Liao Duoduo, then left the villa with Liao Duoduo and went straight to the base of Tianxiahui in Kyoto!

Tianxiahui is the Tianxia Group in the world of ordinary people.

A new business star who has only emerged in recent decades, Feng Zhenghao, the chairman of the group, is also talked about as the next richest man in Tianjin.

Although the headquarters of the Tianxia Group is located in Jinmen, Feng Zhenghao has been staying in the Kyoto stronghold since he returned from the Longhu Mountain Luotian Dajiao.

This is the information obtained from communicating with Feng Zhenghao before making a wish.

But when Xu Yuan drove the car and took Chen Duo with him through the busy traffic of Kyoto, he always felt that he seemed to have forgotten something.

But he couldn't remember it...

But I thought it wasn't an important issue, so I didn't pay too much attention to it.

When he and Chen Duo parked the car in front of a large courtyard house, Feng Zhenghao, Feng Xingtong and Feng Shayan were already waiting in front of the door.

This is the base established by Tianxiahui in Kyoto, and it is also where Feng Zhenghao and his family now stay.

even more……

Feng Zhenghao was the place where Tian Jinzhong settled after Mr. Tian faked his death!

"Make a wish!"

When Xu Yuan and Chen Duo got out of the car, Feng Zhenghao took the initiative to say hello to Xu Yuan with a smile, without any airs of being a ten guy.

As for Xu Yuan, he actually admires Feng Zhenghao for this.

Worthy of being a hero!

Based on this alone, it is impossible for Feng Zhenghao to be inactive!

Feng Zhenghao extended an olive branch to Xu Yuan, so Xu Yuan was investing in Feng Zhenghao?

"President Feng, long time no see." Xu Yuan also greeted Feng Zhenghao with a smile.

The group of people walked into the courtyard while exchanging pleasantries.

Everyone sat down in the living room.

"Oh, by the way, make a wish, look at my brain." As soon as he sat down, Feng Zhenghao had a look of enlightenment on his face and patted his forehead, "This is your friend, I've prepared a gift for you."

As he said that, Feng Zhenghao winked at Feng Xingtong, and Feng Xingtong took a box from the side, then placed it on the table next to Liao Duoduo and opened it.

A dazzling golden light shone on the faces of everyone present

It turned out to be a box full of gold!


Wishing to see this scene, she couldn't help but chew her teeth.

Feng Zhenghao...

What a good person!

If you say that this was not prepared by Feng Zhenghao in advance, no one will believe it!

I am afraid that Feng Zhenghao also has his own sources within the company, but they are not at the level of board members or division heads.

Just other staff down there.

It is true that gifts should be given according to their preferences, but it is simpler and more crude to give gold directly!

But it works!

Liao Duoduo didn't have any idea about this. She turned to look at Xu Yuan in confusion.

Xu wish quickly nodded to her.

"Thank you, President Feng. This box will make you eat ice cream until you vomit!"

Saying that, Xu Wish also gave Chen Duo a bite bag and told her to put it away quickly.

There are now two bite bags in the wishing hand, one of which Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing helped him get from Ma Xianhong, and the other was given to him by Ma Xianhong when he handed over Grandma Jinfeng.

Chen Duo didn't understand the value of gold, but using ice cream as a currency unit, she completely understood it. Stars suddenly twinkled in her eyes when she looked at this box of gold!

She had also stayed in Biyou Village before, so she was no stranger to the bite bag. After a little luck, she recovered her little energy and put the box of gold into the bite bag.

Seeing this scene, Feng Zhenghao's pupils shrank slightly, but then returned to normal.

Although the incident in Biyou Village was just an operational mission of a group of temporary workers, after the destruction of Biyou Village, the aftermath staff were too busy talking, so some news about Biyou Village was still leaked.

Feng Zhenghao also obtained some information through his own channels, but it was difficult to tell whether the information was true or false.

However, now that he has seen the bite bag that Xu wish took out, he can already confirm that the news he heard is basically true!

Make a wish...become stronger again!

Both parties, including Feng Xingtong and Feng Shayan, are no longer strangers, especially because of the existence of the common enemy Wang family, the two parties have reached an alliance.

After some polite exchanges, Xu Wan simply got straight to the point and extended an invitation to Feng Zhenghao.

"President Feng, the company will soon set up a secret supervision team to monitor each branch of the company. In emergencies, it can handle matters as appropriate and enjoy the right to kill first and then report..."

Make a wish and believe that Feng Zhenghao will make the right choice.

However, the result was just as expected.

After listening to his story, Feng Zhenghao just pondered for a moment before nodding his head and agreeing to join the wish-making inspection team!

Feng Zhenghao, a veteran, knew very well what Xu Yuan said about the supervision team.

In today's alien world, the biggest force is the omnisexual monster that everyone always calls for beating? Or the Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion as the leader of the righteous path?

No, no, no, none of that!

The biggest force is the Nadoutong Company!

Once the company passes the proposal to set up an inspection team, then for the leader of the inspection team, it will be a done deal!

In ancient times, wasn't this the imperial guard who made all civil servants and military generals frightened?

Although the rights of the supervision team will still be controlled by the company, by then I am afraid it will only be controlled by the company!

The reason why Xu Yuan dared to trust Feng Zhenghao completely was not because he had the same confidence in Feng Zhenghao's character as the temporary workers.

But he believed that Feng Zhenghao knew what to do from the perspective of the tycoon Feng Zhenghao!

betray? For the entire Feng family, it’s all harmful and no good!

However, Xu Yuan's visit to Tianxiahui and bringing Feng Zhenghao into the supervision team was just a side purpose.

The real goal of making a wish is... Tian Jinzhong!

"President Feng, is it not convenient for Mr. Tian now? If it is convenient, I would like to pay a visit to Mr. Tian..."

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