Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 30 The corner of the mouth is harder to press than an AK

After paying the ticket and cable car fees in accordance with the rules, Xu Wan was allowed to enter the Longhu Mountain Scenic Area.

It's just that a new bill has been added to the wishing expense notebook.

Like the Lingyin Temple Scenic Area he visited, the real Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion is located in the back mountain of the Longhu Mountain Scenic Area, while the front mountain area is a commercial scenic spot open to the outside world.

This can reduce the probability of being discovered by ordinary people to a certain extent.

There are two types of Luotian Dajiao. One is a traditional Taoist fasting ritual activity. It is just a Taoist ceremony. It is what ordinary people see as Luotian Dajiao. It is held in the front mountain scenic area of ​​Longhu Mountain!

And the other kind is the real Luotian Dajiao!

The candidate for the next Heavenly Master will be decided through the Luotian Dajiao!

Therefore, the attention of all ordinary people who come to the Longhu Mountain Scenic Area is attracted by the Taoist rituals in the front mountain, but no one cares about the back mountain.

Only people from the real outsider circle will go to the back mountain to participate in the Luotian Dajiao!

Wishing is no exception.

He walked through the crowds in Qianshan Scenic Area and arrived at the cable car station.

The cable car station was extremely deserted at this time, with no one else except a fat and sleepy Taoist priest.

Xuyuan stepped forward, knocked on the glass of the station, and said to the fat Taoist priest.

"This Taoist Priest, a temporary worker at the Kyoto headquarters of the Nadutong Company, has made a wish to come to participate in the Luotian Festival. Could you please start the cable car?"

The wish was astonishing, and it directly revealed one's identity to the other party!

Because from the first moment I saw this fat Taoist priest when I just made a wish, I noticed the Qi in him!

Although it is weak, it can prove the identity of the other party's Tianshi Mansion disciple!

And this fat Taoist priest's drowsiness was just a matter of breathing in and practicing Qi.

Since we are both different people, there is nothing to hide.

The fat Taoist priest raised his eyelids after hearing the sound of making a wish, and looked at the wish with a strange look.

"Can weirdos also join state-owned enterprises? Is Nadutong really a regular company?"

The fat Taoist priest only said an incomprehensible word to Xu Yuan, then said no more, then shook his head and started the cable car for Xu Yuan.

Xu Wan was also confused by the fat Taoist priest's words.

wack? Me?

What's wrong with me?

However, he heard another message from the fat Taoist priest's words.

That is, he came to Longhu Mountain before Zhang Chulan, Feng Baobao and others.

Otherwise, the title of weirdo will never fall on him!

But when Xuanyuan got on the cable car and headed to the back mountain of Longhu Mountain, he finally understood why the fat Taoist priest said he was a weirdo.

Because just below the cable car in the jungle, there are several figures shuttled through the jungle, rushing to the back mountain!

It can be seen from their speed and the energy that permeates their bodies that these people are also strangers.

At this time, the cable car passing through the sky also attracted the attention of the strangers in the dense forest below.

These strangers all raised their heads to look at the wishing on the cable car, and then all showed provocative looks.

Although they don't know Xu Wish, since they can go to the back mountain now, the other party must also be a strange person!

Make a wish:…

After a moment of silence, a word came out of the wishing mouth.

"Silly Bo Yi..."

Isn’t it tiring to go up the mountain on two legs even though there is a cable car?

Who is the weirdo?

The rules of Luotian Dajiao don’t say that you are not allowed to take the cable car up the mountain, right?

Then he made a wish and sat down on the cable car again, without even looking at the provocative strangers below. These strangers were probably not experts.

Don't bother!

After all, they didn't provide themselves with any world compatibility!

More than ten minutes later, Xuanyuan finally arrived at the back mountain.

The real Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion!

The Longhu Mountain Tianshi Mansion located in the back mountain is also a complex of ancient buildings, just like Lingyin Temple.

But at this time, there was a commotion in front of this ancient building complex.

After all, the Luo Tian Dajiao is a major event that affects the entire alien world.

without any exaggeration.

Crowds of people!

The number of tourists is no less than that of tourists who come down from the mountain to watch Taoist rituals.

The only difference is that the people gathered here are all strangers!

Although Wishes is one step ahead of the main group, he is not the first to arrive here.

He looked at the noisy crowd and knew clearly.

I'm afraid there are many Quanxing disciples among these people!

However, Xu Yuan couldn't tell which of these people were disguised as members of the Quanxing Sect, and which ones were really contestants who came to participate in the Luotian Dajiao.

After all, among Quan Xing disciples there is a Yu Hua Du known as the Thousand Faced Man, who can use Qi to complete the disguise technique.

Trying to find all-sex disciples among the crowd is tantamount to wishful thinking.

But you don’t have to worry about this when making a wish. Anyway, when Quan Xing makes a big fuss in Longhu Mountain, those Quan Xing disciples will jump out on their own!

His attention was instead on the others.

For example……

Feng family!

Wang family!

Lu family!

The Lu family!

In the crowd, you can see people from these four major families at a glance!

Feng Zhenghao, Feng Xingtong, Feng Shayan, father and daughter!

Wang Ai, Wang Bing and his grandson!

Lu Jin, Lu Linglong’s grandfather and grandson!

as well as……

The head of the Lu family, Lu Ci!

These four major families all came to Longhu Mountain in advance!

Just as expected before making the wish, many key figures came to this strange gathering on Longhu Mountain!

It was also from this moment that the compatibility of the wishing world began to beat non-stop!

The corners of Xu Wish's mouth twitched crazily, and he tried not to laugh out loud. For the first time, he personally experienced the meaning of this sentence, which was harder to suppress than AK!

At this time, in Xu Wish's eyes, how could these people be his opponents in the Luotian Dajiao? They were clearly just walking numbers of draws!

And this is just the dessert before the meal. After the Luotian Dajiao officially begins, these contestants will provide him with more world compatibility!

Just as Xu Yuan was trying hard to suppress the smile on his lips, a voice suddenly sounded next to him.

"Sir, are you okay?"

"Ah?" Xu Yuan quickly stopped his smile and turned to look at the place where the sound came from.

He saw a little Taoist priest wearing Taoist robes looking at him with concern.

"Sir, I am responsible for the reception of this Luotian Dajiao. If you have any health problems, you can tell me in time. Our Tianshi Mansion has prepared a medical team..."

Although the little Taoist priest's face was filled with concern, he understood the underlying meaning of the wish.

That is, sir, if you are sick, you should tell us early. It is best not to think about blackmailing our Tianshi Mansion. It is bad luck!

Make a wish:…

Good guy, as soon as I arrived at Longhu Mountain, I felt the ancestral evil of Tianshi Mansion!

Of course, making a wish is not something you have to worry about with a little Taoist boy.

He shook his head and calmed down. The degree of compatibility with the world was still slowly and steadily increasing, and it was definitely not a good time to draw a lottery here.

"I'm fine, Taoist Priest."

"Okay, sir, since you are fine, please come with me and I will arrange accommodation for you."

Xu Yuan carried her luggage and followed the little Taoist boy into the Tianshi Mansion.

Until the little Taoist boy arranged a private room for Xu Yuan and watched Xu Yuan unpack his luggage. The luggage was filled with a large amount of self-heating hot pot, self-heating rice, and even mineral water!

Xiao Daotong finally couldn't hold himself any longer.

He said to Xu Yuan with a helpless expression.

"Mr. Wishing, our Tianshi Mansion in Longhu Mountain is just for repairs, not in the wilderness. Even if you want to eat meat, you can eat meat. The prices in the canteen are also very reasonable. You don't have to do this at all..."

What kind of weirdo did Senior Brother Lingyu invite to Luo Tianjiao?

Who knew that this time, Xu Yuan firmly shook his head.

"No, I won't bother you anymore, I'll just eat these!"

Xu Wish was not afraid of Longhushan Canteen robbing customers. Anyway, he was "investigating the case under orders" and he could ask Fatty Zhao for reimbursement no matter how much he spent.

He was afraid that Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei would give him laxatives to induce Yin!

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