Just as the battlefield outside was gradually heating up.

In the Changbai Mountains.

Xu Yuan and others finally found clues to the fox tribe's territory.

In the woods, there was a piece of broken walls and ruins buried in fallen leaves and soil.

It was found by Feng Baobao.

Although she didn't know what was here in advance, she could sense a special breath in this direction.

Following this breath, she finally found this piece of broken walls and ruins.

Everyone rushed over.

When the strangers saw this broken wall and ruins, their expressions changed from surprise to thoughtfulness, and finally to solemnity.

This piece of broken wall and ruins had obvious traces of human use.

But if you look closely, many details are slightly different from the traces of human use.

For example, there are many fox-shaped statues in the broken walls and ruins...

In the deep mountains and old forests, there is such a piece of broken walls and ruins with traces of life.

Who its original owner is is self-evident.

The biggest possibility is the legendary fox tribe!

Although the fox spirits are not human, after they are enlightened and transformed into human form, most of their living habits are learned from humans.

It is reasonable that various living habits are similar to those of humans.

As for the fox-shaped statues in the broken walls, they can even explain the identity of the previous residents here.

After all, apart from the foxes themselves, I have never heard of any other intelligent races whose totem beliefs have anything to do with foxes!

However, although it has been confirmed that the fox gathering place was here, more doubts have arisen.

Moreover, as a gathering place for the foxes, it is impossible to move away just because they want to. What is the reason that forced these foxes to move away?

Where did the current gathering place of the foxes move to?

Naturally, no one can give them answers to these questions.

So Xu Yuan and others can only try to find clues from these broken walls.

But unfortunately, perhaps it is because the time is too long, or it has been deliberately cleaned up by someone.

So everyone did not find any clues about the relocation of the fox gathering place in this broken wall.

After the search was fruitless, everyone set up camp on the ruins and rested temporarily.

"Xuyuan, what should we do now?"

The speaker was Xiao Zizai.

After this period of crazy killing in this era, his "red eye disease" became more serious.

But fortunately, he has been with Xuyuan, which avoided the risk of losing control.

However, it is worth mentioning that even after so many days of killing, and the risk of losing control at any time.

But Xiao Zizai still keeps his clothes clean and his glasses on his nose spotless...

Hearing Xiao Zizai's question, Xuyuan held a wooden stick and poked the bonfire in front of him.

"What should we do? What else can we do? Keep looking inside!"

"Although it is not clear where the fox tribe gathering place has moved to? But at least it is certain that it has never left the Changbai Mountains. Otherwise, even if the other party's actions are secretive, the outsiders outside the mountains will not be able to hear any news."

This is the result that Xuyuan had thought about a long time ago.

Otherwise, if the fox gathering place has left the Changbai Mountains, it would be useless even if they turned the entire Changbai Mountains upside down.

After hearing Xu Yuan's words, the other aliens present did not raise any objections.

In fact, most people can think of the fact that the fox gathering place has not left the Changbai Mountains.

But the decision to continue searching is only appropriate for Xu Yuan to say.

In fact, it is a good thing to find the ruins of this fox gathering place.

At least it can prove that the Changbai Mountains are the real white mountains mentioned by the nine-tailed fox before, and they are not in the wrong place.

After a simple repair, everyone continued to search in a dragnet style.

Originally, everyone thought that it would take a long time to search.

After all, no matter what the reason is that forces the fox tribe to move the gathering place, the fox tribe cannot be stupid enough to move the gathering place only a short distance.

But what surprised everyone was that they only searched for three more days and found the fox tribe!

The real fox tribe!


On this day, the dragnet search process was in progress.

Xu Yuan keenly captured a figure that flashed in the jungle.

If it were someone else, they might not notice it.

Or, even if they noticed it, their sight could not keep up with the other party.

But Xuyuan's vision distance is far beyond that of ordinary people.

In the dense jungle, Xuyuan saw the other party's figure at a glance.

A little fox!

But unlike normal foxes, this fox moved very fast, and its appearance was particularly handsome, with a white body and a tuft of red hair like flames in the middle of its forehead!

It was obvious that it was not an ordinary creature!

It was a pity that no matter how fast it was, since Xuyuan had discovered it, there was no possibility of escape.

Especially in the jungle.

For those monsters, the jungle might be their home ground.

But for Xuyuan, the jungle was also his home ground.

Xuyuan instantly opened the divine mask and transformed into [Firefly Journey - Sang Qi]

[Set off on the wind]!

A layer of light spots like fireflies appeared on Xuyuan's body, enveloping him and flying forward rapidly.

Sang Qi's ability only works on grass, and there is grass everywhere in the jungle!

Even though the little fox in front is very flexible and moves very fast in the jungle.

But compared with Xu Yuan, it is still not good enough.

The distance between the two sides is closing quickly.

In fact, Xu Yuan could have avoided such an effort to chase in person, Zhong Kui's hook is enough to pull the little fox in front of him.

But after all, Zhong Kui's hook also carries damage.

These foxes have no grudges against him, he just wants to know the gathering place of the foxes through this little fox.

If he accidentally hurts the other party, then the grudges will probably become mortal enemies.


The little fox fleeing in front.

Originally, he was very confident in his speed in the jungle.

No matter how strong those strange humans are, how can they catch up with him in the jungle, his home field?

After all, those humans with muskets were fooled by him before!

Could it be that the humans who came this time are more powerful than those before?

Thinking of this, the little fox looked back subconsciously with mockery in her eyes.

But this one look directly turned the mockery in her eyes into fear!

Because at this moment, she was sure that the human who couldn't catch up with her was chasing her from behind at a high speed.

Still need to fly?

The distance between the two sides was rapidly closing!

Since the little fox was born, its range of activities has always been in the Changbai Mountains, and the only channel for contacting humans is those hunters who go into the mountains to hunt!

Although those old hunters are experienced and can easily deal with ordinary beasts and even some large carnivores, they are still ordinary people after all. Once they face this kind of monster, their experience and means are stretched.

As for the aliens outside...

If the aliens really know the existence of the fox clan, they naturally dare not come alone to the depths of the Changbai Mountains.

And if the aliens don't know the secrets of the fox clan, who would have nothing to do to drill into this deep mountain forest?

So, strictly speaking, Xu Yuan and others are the first group of aliens that this little fox has come into contact with.

Seeing Xuyuan flying low over the grass, the little fox's worldview collapsed instantly.

Is this the human outside?

So scary!

No wonder the ancestors warned them not to go out because it was dangerous!

But at this time, even if the little fox regretted it in his heart, it was useless.

No matter how hard it tried to speed up, the distance between the two sides was also shortened at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Until Xuyuan caught up with it.

Because the heart was filled with fear, the little fox forgot to resist for a while.

Just like that, Xuyuan lifted it up by the back of the neck.

The little fox's eyes were a little dull, and its four legs were still moving forward mechanically.

Xuyuan saw the expression of the little fox in front of him, and for a moment he felt a little funny and helpless.

This fox, why does it look so stupid.

Why is there a clear stupidity in its eyes?

"Hey! Little fox, can you understand what I say?"

Until Xuyuan shook the fox by the back of the neck.

The little fox recovered from the dazed state.

It started to struggle desperately at this time, and its four legs fluttered randomly as if it was drowning.

Unfortunately, Xu Yuan had already firmly grasped its neck skin, and it could not break free no matter how it fluttered.

After struggling for a while, seeing that there was no possibility of escape, the little fox subconsciously opened its mouth in panic, revealing its sharp canine teeth, and bit Xu Yuan's arm fiercely.


A sound like the collision of metal and iron rang out.

At the same time, there was also the wailing of the little fox.

Xu Yuan looked at the little fox in his hand, grinning in pain, and was a little speechless.

At this time, he was more certain that the fox in front of him was not an ordinary beast.

The effect of [Reverse Injury Thorn Armor] on his body has never been turned off!

If it was an ordinary beast fox, it would not be grinning at this time, but looking for teeth on the ground!

"You can't blame me for this! You bit it yourself and it hurts, don't try to cheat!"

Xu Yuan shook the other party again.

"I know you can understand what I say. I don't mean to embarrass you. I just want to know something from you."

"I'll put it down for you now. I hope you don't run away and waste everyone's time. Of course, you can't run away."

With that, Xu Yuan put the other party on the grass.

As soon as the little fox regained its freedom, it rolled back and forth with its two front paws covering its mouth.

It was so painful!

But it didn't run away.

Because it knew that the human opposite was right.

Since the other party was able to catch up with it from behind, it was obviously impossible to escape by speed.

And the bite just now shattered all the luck in its heart!

It couldn't run away, and it couldn't fight.

What else can it do?

It's better to listen to what the other party wants to know first.

Didn't he say he had no ill intentions?

After rolling over and over on the grass for a long time, the little fox felt that his toothache was slightly relieved.

It stopped rolling and sat up on the ground with its two front paws covering its mouth.

Then, Xuyuan witnessed a magical scene.

The body and mentality of the little fox began to change.

During a period of distortion, it gradually turned into a human form!

After two breaths, the change finally ended, and a little girl with white hair sat in the place where the little fox had just been.

At this time, he looked at himself righteously.

Of course, the iconic gesture of grinning while covering his painful mouth remains unchanged.

"Speak! Human! What is your purpose!"

A burst of cute and childish children's sounds sounded.

Even anger is full of cuteness.


Xu Yuan looked at the little white-haired girl in front of her with questions on her face.

If it weren't for the flame pattern in the middle of the other person's forehead, Xu Wish would even wonder if the wild mushroom he picked at noon was poisonous and he was hallucinating after eating it!

Although there has always been a legend among the people that the immortal family blocked the road and asked for a seal.

But that is just a legend after all.

He has been with the company for a long time. Not to mention that he has never seen it. There is not even a single similar real case in the company's records for so many years.

Even Uncle Liu Kunsheng, whom Deng Youfu invited to the Luotian Sect, was only in a snake-like spirit form.

The nine-tailed fox we saw not long ago is also in a spirit state, and even in the spirit state, the iconic nine tails behind it cannot be hidden.

But the little fox in front of me actually transformed into a human form!

The difference may seem small, but in reality it is vastly different.

Didn’t it say that after the founding of the People’s Republic of China, people were not allowed to become spirits?

Oh, I almost forgot, it’s not 1949 yet...

That’s no problem…

No problem!

If you think about it with your butt, you will know that there is a big problem!

Although I don’t know the identity of the little white-haired girl in front of me in the fox clan, it is definitely not simple!

Even the legendary Empress Daji needed the help of Su Daji's body if she wanted to transform into a human form!

Now that I have captured the little fox in front of me, I might become an enemy before I even find the place where the fox tribe gathers!

Xu Wan scratched his head and forced out what he thought was the kindest smile to the little white-haired girl in front of him.

"Little sister, please wait a moment while I call my friends over. Don't worry, they are not bad people."

As he spoke, Xu Wish took out his walkie-talkie, started calling all channels, and asked everyone to gather in his direction.

If he wants to be tough, even if he is the Heavenly Master, he will dare to give it a try.

But the little white-haired girl in front of him was not an enemy, but he really had no experience in dealing with children, so he could only call the others over.

The other aliens are either the leaders of alien forces, or they are already fathers.

You should have a lot of experience, right?

It should be able to save some impression points...

But it's a pity that the little white-haired girl in front of him still has a vigilant and angry look on his face, completely unmoved.

Not long after, other artists rushed to the location where the wish was made from all directions.

"Make a wish, whose child is this you picked up?"

As soon as Zhang Chulan saw this white-haired little girl, she couldn't help but complain about Xu Wish.

Make a wish:…

If the eyes are not needed, they can be donated to those in need.

Which of your eyes sees that the little girl in front of you looks like a human?

On the other hand, Feng Baobao immediately noticed something was wrong after seeing the little white-haired girl and let out a light sigh.

"No, who is she?"

At this time, the leaders of the alien forces also rushed over... (End of Chapter)

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