With the roar of Grandma Hu San, a lot of rustling sounds came from the woods.

Immediately afterwards, a large number of wild animals rushed out of the woods, aggressively!

Foxes, weasels, mice, snakes, hedgehogs...

These animals are not only huge in number, but also extraordinary in body.

Either the fur of the body is as smooth as silk, or the size is completely beyond the expected size.

Especially one of the giant pythons, it is more than two meters thick and more than twenty meters long!

Seeing so many wild animals rushing out, especially the giant python, everyone's faces changed color.

In the face of absolute size, the role of skills and means has actually been weakened to the extreme!

Fox, yellow, white, willow and gray, the five major immortals of the Northeast Chu Ma Xian are all gathered together!

Let's not talk about whether we can win or not, the key is that there is no need to fight this battle at all.

If we really fight, the relationship between the two sides will not be eased!

Seeing that the situation was about to break out, Xu Yuan didn't care to say so much in an emergency. The most urgent thing was to avoid this battle.

Xu Yuan instantly changed his goal of transformation to [Enchanting Fox - Daji].

Although he had sworn more than once that he would never dress as a woman again even if he died.

But now it seems...

It smells so good!

If the wind is favorable, change into men's clothes, and if the wind is unfavorable, look at the beast costume. If you really want to solve the problem, you have to look at women's clothes in the end!

The gorgeous palace robe appeared on Xu Yuan again, and the beast ears and fox tail also appeared on Xu Yuan.

Although it was a bit ridiculous to see Xu Yuan transform into such women's clothes every time, other people didn't want to laugh at Xu Yuan at the moment.

Facing the army of beasts swarming in like a flood.

Although the other aliens present were nervous, they did not act rashly out of trust in Xu Yuan.

Of course, it was not that they gave up resistance and wanted to die.

They just stood there, tense at any time, ready to take action.

If Xuyuan's method doesn't work, it won't be too late for them to take action again!

However, Xuyuan didn't disappoint their trust.

After completing the transformation, when Grandma Hu San saw Xuyuan's appearance, her eyes changed instantly!

A series of emotions flashed across her, such as shock, confusion, and disbelief.

The nine-tailed fox, who had long been expelled from the fox clan, could recognize Daji, so Grandma Hu San, the orthodox clan leader, could naturally recognize her!

Although Queen Daji ended up in failure, her prestige and popularity within the fox clan definitely exceeded that of ordinary clan members!

After all, it was a fox clan that had done great things...

So much so that when Grandma Hu San saw Xuyuan's changes, her expression was actually dazed for a moment.

And a large number of wild animals that rushed out of the woods still did not stop at this time.

The distance between the wild animal group and the aliens was getting closer and closer.

The atmosphere was getting more and more tense.

Even the aliens could faintly smell the fishy smell coming from the mouth of the python.

Seeing that the strange people present were about to take action without restraint,

Grandma Hu San, who had been in a trance, finally came back to her senses.

Although she didn't know what the relationship between Xu Yuan and Daji was, she knew that since Xu Yuan could obtain such means, he must not be an enemy of the fox clan.

Grandma Hu San hurriedly shouted to the large number of wild animals.

"All immortals, stop! It must be a misunderstanding, he is not an enemy!"

Although the fox clan is now in decline, and even no longer calls itself the fox clan, but merges with the other four clans to become the Chu Ma Xian clan.

But the foundation of the fox clan is there.

Therefore, the five clans of Baojia Xian have always regarded the fox clan as the leader.

With the order of Grandma Hu San, the wild animals that were running wildly in this shoe immediately tried their best to stop their steps.

But it is not that easy.

The huge size brings not only the advantage of force, but also the inertia that cannot be ignored.

Although the existence of spirits is already very unscientific, in terms of inertia, it still has to follow the rules of physics.

Dust flew everywhere, and many of the Ma Xian clan were in a mess.

Although there were some twists and turns, fortunately, at the last moment, these large numbers of wild animals stopped and did not cause any casualties.

After the largest python stopped moving forward, it coiled up, spitting out its tongue and turning its head to look at Grandma Hu San.

"Hu Suxia, what do you mean?"

A deep male voice came out of the python's mouth.

Obviously, this python is definitely a monster with a high level of Taoism. At least the fact that it can speak human words is enough to prove that it has cut off the transverse bone in its throat.

"Liu Kunsheng, are you questioning me?"

Grandma Hu San narrowed her eyes, then raised the cane in her hand and paused on the ground.

Xu Yuan was also a little surprised when he heard that this one was actually Liu Kunsheng.

Whether it was the voice or the image, this person was completely different from the one he showed when he was summoned by Deng Youfu at the Luotian Dajiao.

Actually, it was reasonable.

After all, it has been several decades since the Luotian Grand Ceremony in the future. Who knows what will happen in the past few decades, especially in the current chaotic world.

It is not surprising to have some changes.

On the other hand, Liu Kunsheng heard the light question from Grandma Hu San.

"No, I don't mean that, Sister Hu." Liu Kunsheng gently shook the snake's head, "I just want to ask what the identity of this human being is, is it an enemy or a friend?"

From the conversation between a fox and a snake, you can hear the distinction between high and low status.

Hu, yellow, white and willow ashes, it is not unreasonable for the word "Hu" to be ranked first.

"Wait a mininute."

Of course, Mrs. Hu is not overly naughty.

Nowadays, the Chumaxian clan is composed of five groups, which are connected with the same spirit.

As long as the leadership of the Fox Clan can be determined, the rest is not important.

Immediately, Mrs. Hu Santana turned her attention to the woman in palace robes who made a wish.

For humans, it is a bit weird for a man to wear women's clothing.

But what Hu Santai obviously cares about is not gender.

"Human, is this your godhead mask?"

"That's right."

"Daji from the Shang Dynasty?"


The original conversation between Wishes and the Nine-Tailed Fox happened again.

It's just that the nine-tailed fox used to address Daji with honorifics, but Madam Hu Santa called Daji by her first name.

Xu Yuan's eyes flashed, and he vaguely caught a hint of information.

This Mrs. Hu, it seems, is not simple!

At least the seniority is not simple...

After a brief questioning, Madam Hu Santa made a wish, and silence fell between the two.

"Human, what is your name?"

After night, Grandma Hu Santa spoke to Xu Yuan again and asked.

But the attitude is somewhat different.

Obviously, the golden signboard of Daji is almost universal among the Hu people!

I felt relieved after making a wish.

"Mrs. Hu, let me make a wish."

"Okay, make a wish. Just now you said you had something to discuss at the Fox Clan's gathering place? What's the matter?"

Different from the nine-tailed fox.

Although Hu Santai had also confirmed that making a wish could transform the god Daji, he did not point it out.

It's not that she's doing it for her own selfish reasons.

But for the stability of the entire Fox Clan and even the Baojiaxian Clan.

Now she leads the entire Fox Clan and the Baojiaxian Clan.

Although it is not entirely due to seniority, if a higher-level person suddenly appears, it will definitely bring instability to both the Fox clan and the Baojiaxian clan.

Seniority can be high, but seniority can only exist in legends and beliefs.

Once implemented, there will be too many uncontrollable factors!

This is the same as at the Luotian Dajiao in later generations. In terms of seniority, one can make a wish on par with the Taoist ancestors.

But at that time, the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei and some of the older generation Taoist seniors were very embarrassed.

Xu wish and Mrs. Hu Santai also had a tacit understanding of this.

"I was entrusted by a nine-tailed fox who wanted to return to the fox clan and China."

"Nine-tailed fox?"

Grandma Hu Santa frowned.

In recent years, the Fox Clan has declined, and she has kept almost every member of the Fox Clan in mind, but in her impression, no one from the younger generation can once again reach the level of the Nine-Tails.

Not to mention reaching the realm of the Nine-Tails and being expelled from the Fox Clan.

How is it possible?

The nine-tailed fox is not just a single type of fox.

But the realm of Taoism.

After the fox clan has cultivated to the point of opening their spiritual wisdom and refining the crossbones between their throats, their realm is defined by the number of tails.

Depending on their talents, the time it takes for each Fox Clan member to cultivate an additional tail is completely different.

But those who can reach the number of nine tails are considered to be very powerful in the entire history of the Fox Clan and even the Fox Clan!

As for going higher, it is the realm of Daji in the Shang Dynasty.

When you reach that state, you can no longer reach it just by relying on hard work and time.

What is needed is great opportunity.

He made a wish without being secretive, and immediately told the story about the nine-tailed fox that had become an evil god in the island country.

After hearing the explanation of the wish, Mrs. Hu Santa's eyes also shone!

No wonder he didn't know anything about it.

The co-author is that Daji and his family survived after escaping overseas, and even embarked on the "Shinto"!

Shinto is actually the way of faith.

Regardless of whether they are good or bad, whether they are good gods or evil gods, they can all be called Shinto.

The cultivation of that nine-tailed fox is extremely precious to the entire fox clan!

This is truly top combat power.

Among the current fox tribe, there are only two members of the older generation who can reach the Nine-Tails realm, including Hu Santana herself.

The younger generation even thought that the Nine-Tails realm was just a legend.


Hu Santai glanced at the other members of the Baojiaxian clan around her from the corner of her eye.

She could clearly see the different expressions on the faces of other members of the Baojiaxian clan except the Fox clan.

Wherever there are people, there are rivers and lakes, and so are these wise monsters!

Although the current strength of the Fox clan still has the upper hand among the Chumaxian clan, it can barely maintain a balance with the top combat power of the other four Chumaxian races.

But if the nine-tailed fox returns to the Fox Clan, then the top combat power of the Fox Clan will far exceed that of the other four tribes!

Now I'm afraid it's not that simple to let the nine-tailed fox return to the fox clan like this!

However, Mrs. Hu Santai already has a plan in mind, and now she just needs to make a wish and cooperate.

"Make a wish, do you know enough about Shinto?"

Hu Santana's painting style changed and she jumped directly from the nine-tailed fox.

Xu Wish also looked confused.

Isn’t the span of this topic too big?

However, after seeing the look from Grandma Hu San, Xu Yuan knew that the other party must have other intentions.

Although he didn't understand what Grandma Hu San wanted to do, it was not a bad idea to make a good relationship with her.

"I dare not say that I know too much, I can only say that I know a little."

Xu Yuan continued with Grandma Hu San's words.

"Do you know why the nine-tailed fox's realm progressed so quickly?"

Xu Yuan scratched his head.


From the Shang Dynasty to now, thousands of years have passed, and it has only cultivated to the nine-tailed realm. Is this fast?

If the nine-tailed realm is placed among human beings, it is the same realm as the old Tianshi Zhang Zhiwei in the later generations.

And it is just the same realm, and the power of thunder has not yet been counted to restrain these monsters.

Xu Yuan himself is naturally not in the comparison. He is in a special situation and has a golden finger to rely on.

It took thousands of years to cultivate, not to mention the peerless genius of the old Tianshi Zhang Zhiwei.

Even if Ru Hu and Ding Shian were allowed to practice for thousands of years, their cultivation would have already reached the sky!

This is the gap between humans and monsters.

One has a slow progress in cultivation but a very long lifespan, while the other has a faster progress in cultivation but a short lifespan.

The way of balance between heaven and earth is fully demonstrated.


Actually, Grandma Hu San didn't expect Xu Yuan to answer, or it didn't matter to her how Xu Yuan answered.

"The reason why the fox tribe member can practice so fast is because of the Shinto!"

"The power of incense from the human world."

"I have been exploring this path before, wanting to find a way out for the Chu Ma Xian tribe, but unfortunately I have never been able to find the key."

"Now the nine-tailed fox may have found this way."

"Make a wish, I have a condition."

"I can agree to let the nine-tailed fox return to the fox tribe and China, but the exchange condition is that after she returns to the fox tribe, she will contribute the Shinto practice method to the Chu Ma Xian tribe. Please convey it on her behalf."

Then Grandma Hu San turned her head and looked at the other members of the Chu Ma Xian tribe present.

"What do you think?"

Make a wish:...

No, buddy, you didn't give me a chance to speak at all...

So you are using me to pass on the message to others, right?

After hearing what Grandma Hu San said, the other members of the Chu Ma Xian tribe looked at each other.

The eyes of various animals were very smart, and it can be seen that they were quite interested.

If they just wanted the nine-tailed fox to return to the fox clan, they might not be willing to do so.

Although the nine-tailed fox returning to the fox clan might not cause any harm to them, it would not be good for them either.

But now that Grandma Hu San said so, it was different.


A way to speed up the growth of cultivation...

If they could also have this way, then the tribe that was gradually going downhill might have a high probability of prospering again!

It was a wish.

What did he suddenly think of?

The horse-riding immortal...

Is that how it came about!

China does not keep idle gods, especially this kind of "god" that is still alive!

In order to obtain the power of faith in China, these horse-riding immortals must make some interest exchanges.

For example, the treatment, breaking of evil, and rituals of the horse-riding...

But the concept of the horse-riding fairy is not new. How did these spirits cooperate with human disciples before and use those beliefs...

And she has already confirmed with her own eyes that the strength of the fox tribe is not weak. Why were they forced to move their gathering place before?

Xu Yuan had more and more doubts in his heart.

The horse-riding fairy tribe was a completely unfamiliar field for him.

Seeing that other members of the horse-riding tribe did not raise any objections, Grandma Hu San smiled with satisfaction.

She also saw the doubts on Xu Yuan's face.

Then she smiled and said to Xu Yuan.

"Xu Yuan, I know you have a lot of questions in your heart. Haven't you been looking for the gathering place of the fox tribe? Come with me now."

"When we get to the gathering place of the fox tribe, I will answer your questions one by one..." (End of this chapter)

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