"The Luotian Dajiao Championship begins now!"

As the high-ranking Taoist priest from Tianshi Mansion loudly announced, the battle between Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan officially started!

"Xuanzong of Heaven and Earth, Wan Qi's roots..."

Today's opponent Zhang Chulan and yesterday's opponent Zhang Lingyu also chose to start with the Golden Light Curse.

In other words, for most members of the Tianshi Mansion, the Golden Light Spell is not only a basic skill, but also a starting point, which can increase all-round attributes such as strength, defense, and speed.

After casting the Golden Light Spell, Zhang Chulan did not use any useless probing attacks, but directly circulated Qi in the five internal organs, leading the Qi of the Golden Lungs with Heart Fire to trigger thunder!

"Yang Wu Lei method! Thunder in the palm!" The standard starting move of Yang Wu Lei!

A bright and dazzling thunder and lightning, accompanied by bursts of sounds like birdsong, struck at the wish!

Just from the form of expression, you can see the difference between Yang Lei and Yin Thunder. Yang Thunder is manic and hot, while Yin Thunder is cold and silent.

On the wishing side, the Divine Mask was also activated.

The hero he chose to become a god was still Sikong Zhen.

"Wherever the thunder strikes, everything will be destroyed!"

Only the power of thunder can resist the power of thunder!

"Tian Lei Yin!"

When he raised his hand to make a wish, a bolt of thunder instantly exploded!

The power of the sky thunder came out of his hand and collided with Zhang Chulan's palm thunder!

The wishing location is on the right side of the ring.

Although the left side of the wave has been defeated since ancient times, when the thunder and lightning from both sides collide, the difference between the two opponents, Zhang Chulan and Zhang Lingyu, can still be seen.

Zhang Chulan's palm thunder also canceled out the power of the sky thunder, but the effect was much more powerful than Zhang Lingyu's attack!

It's not that Zhang Lingyu's thunder skills are weak, but Zhang Lingyu's thunder skills are much stronger than Zhang Chulan's!

It's just because Zhang Chulan chose a move suitable for Yang Wulei.

Of course, Zhang Chulan's Yang Wu Lei is still not as powerful as the wishing Sky Thunder.

The palm thunder of Daoyang Wu Lei probably only offset 50% of the power of the sky thunder, and then it was completely consumed. The remaining power of the sky thunder still flew towards Zhang Chulan!

Although the old Heavenly Master in the stands was not as surprised as he was yesterday, his half-closed eyes were still staring at the power of thunder emitted by the wish.

He thought about it all night yesterday, but he still couldn't figure out how Xu Wish could control the power of thunder freely!

He can indeed use the power of heavenly thunder, but that was only possible after he inherited the position of Heavenly Master and obtained the two thunder methods of Yin Wu Lei and Yang Wu Lei to form the complete Five Thunder Zhengfa!

And you also need to use your own Five Thunder Methods to induce the power of heavenly thunder!

Make a wish and directly skip the whole process and get the result...

The current wish list is the same as him, the heavenly master, in terms of the nature of the thunder method!

The yin and yang stimulate each other, and the thunder shakes thousands of miles...

Although they are both the power of thunder, the power of heavenly thunder that combines yin and yang is undoubtedly a superior power than the five yin and five thunders!

Zhang Chulan must be defeated!

Just at the moment when the two sides fought, the Heavenly Master had already made a conclusion in his heart!

But when the old master saw the determination in Zhang Chulan's eyes, a trace of doubt arose in his heart again.

Maybe this disciple can create a miracle?

The battle between Xu Yuan and Zhang Chulan continues.

"Full power, Thunder member!"

"Ben Lei Ji!"

Seeing that Zhang Chulan could not threaten Xu Yuan with long-range attacks, he actually forced lightning into his body, and then started a close combat with Xu Yuan!

I have to say that Zhang Chulan’s idea is very correct.

But unfortunately, his opponent is Make a Wish!

Sikong Zhen is not a long-range mage in the traditional sense, but has two combat forms at the same time.

Melee and long-range all-rounder!

The only way to defeat Wishes is through hard power!

Xu Wish also instantly switched to melee mode and fought with Zhang Chulan.

Although according to the old Heavenly Master, the golden light produced by the Golden Light Curse is just a by-product of life-enhancing practice, under the cover of the Golden Light Curse, Zhang Chulan's strength has indeed been enhanced!

However, it is a pity that his opponent is Make a Wish.

Although Wish cannot do the golden light spell, after Sikong Zhen switched the combat mode to melee combat, his speed was also enhanced!

And not only that, Xu Wish can also continuously summon thunder to strike at Zhang Chulan during the close combat!

Zhang Chulan suffered terribly from being beaten by Xu Wish. He didn't expect that Xu Wish was also so strong in melee combat!

"Ben Lei Ji!"

"Crazy lightning strike!"

Zhang Chulan could clearly feel that he was getting closer and closer to defeat. With a thought in his mind, he finally used his trump card.

"Little white long worm!"

During the battle, Zhang Chulan kept deliberately spreading his thunder power, and after once again resisting the wishing fist with difficulty, he finally activated his ability!

A long snake composed of pure white arc-shaped lightning appeared quietly behind Xu Wish.

Then, under the control of Zhang Chulan's gestures, he flew towards the wish!

When the audience in the stands saw this scene, they all subconsciously held their breath!

Although the strength that Wish has shown so far has far exceeded their previous expectations, if it becomes solid now, I am afraid that even Wish will capsize in the gutter!

That’s right, it’s a boat capsized in the gutter!

Wishing now in the hearts of the audience has changed from the player who relied on fishing to advance to a young player who is among the best or even the strongest!

However, Xu Yuan, as someone who has read the script a long time ago, naturally knows Zhang Chulan's move and has been on guard for a long time!

Zhang Lingyu and Zhang Chulan are completely opposite in their thunder skills and personalities. The one who uses Yin thunder is honest and upright, while the one who uses Yang thunder is full of underhanded tricks and calculations!

"Ben Lei Ji!"

With a thought in his mind, Xu Yuan gave up his position to the side, just in time to avoid the long white arc snake coming from behind him.

But the next second, the arc snake changed direction and continued to chase the wish!

At the same time, Zhang Chulan also gave up controlling the little white Changchong and allowed the Little White Changchong to track and make wishes on its own!

He also took the opportunity to attack Xu Yuan again!

The Arc Snake and Zhang Chulan were one behind the other, flanked by two sides.

Seeing that there was no way to escape the wish, when everyone thought that the wish would capsize in the gutter.

Xu Yuan stood there and grinned at Zhang Chulan, his smile very cheerful.

He was so cheerful that the hairs on Zhang Chulan's back stood up subconsciously.

"Zhang Chulan, you are indeed much more difficult to deal with than Zhang Lingyu, but... who said I must hide?"


After scoring twice, Xu Wish's body once again erupted with intense and dazzling lightning, and then slowly rose into the air.

He turned a blind eye to the small white long insect attacking from behind him and paid no attention at all!

Just like that, under the astonished gaze of all the audience, the little white long insect actually hit Xu Yuan's back firmly!

Then it exploded into a sheet of thunder, which mixed with the power of thunder erupting from Xu Yuan's body, completely covering up Xu Yuan's figure!

No one could see clearly what was happening in the lightning, but everyone felt that the wishing might be overturned this time!

Only Lao Tianshi and Feng Baobao can sense something through the spreading power of thunder and lightning...

Until the thunder gradually dissipated, a scene that surprised everyone present appeared in front of everyone. Even the old Heavenly Master Zhang Zhiwei opened his eyes that had been half-closed...

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