Just as Xu Yu rushed to Tian Jinzhong's residence.

In Mr. Tian’s room,

A pair of hands glowing with blue light left Tian Lao's forehead.

At this time, Mr. Tian was staring at the two young people in front of him with anger and decadence on his face.

What made him angry was that Gong Qing, the acting head of Quanxing, had been lurking in Longhu Mountain for three years, right under his nose. For three whole years, he was not aware of it at all!

So much so that Gong Qing successfully implemented his plan to cause trouble in Longhu Mountain!

Any casualty of any disciple is his responsibility!

What made him depressed was that Gong Qing had just instructed Lu Liang of the Lu family to use the so-called Bright Soul Technique to copy the memory of his junior brother Zhang Huaiyi from his mind!

Lu Liang, as the user of the Ming Soul Technique, was sweating profusely at this time.

Mr. Tian's limbs were indeed crippled, and his meridians were also crippled, leaving him without the slightest ability to resist.

But don't forget, Mr. Tian practiced "quiet skills" and his will was so strong that he didn't sleep for seventy years!

Even with their Lu family's "innate magic" Soul-Brighting Technique, it was very difficult to face Mr. Tian's steel-like soul!

In the end, he tried his best to find what he wanted in Mr. Tian's memory!

However, the maximum that Lu Liang could do was limited to this. He could only copy this part of the memory with Zhang Huaiyi. If he wanted to crack it, it would take a long time...

"Xiao Qingzi, you have been planning for three years. Now that you have succeeded, it is impossible for me to persuade you to go back now, right?" Mr. Tian asked with a depressed expression.

"Well, Second Grand Master..." Gong Qing nodded, his expression a little complicated.

In the past three years on the mountain, it is absolutely impossible to say that he has no feelings at all for the Second Grand Master.

It's true that he is the acting head of Quanxing's group of monsters, but that doesn't mean his heart is made of stone.

"Then you plan to just walk away like this?" Mr. Tian asked.

Seeing that Gong Qing didn't respond, Mr. Tian snorted again.

"What about total sex preservation? It's just a bunch of wild beasts. You don't even know what you did..."

"Second Grand Master, please stop irritating me! I know what you mean." Gong Qing lowered his head, and after a moment of silence, a slender silver needle appeared in his hand.

"Your life..."

It just so happened that at this moment, Xu Yuan finally arrived near Mr. Tian's room.

Xu Yuan naturally heard Mr. Tian's scolding, but he did not directly break in, but walked to the back of the house.

Open the mask of the godhead through a wall, and then choose the god-transforming alchemist master—Taiyi Zhenren!

An inconspicuous green light flashed on Xuanyuan!

A mage robe with a tall pointed hat covered Xu Wish's body, and a bottle filled with green liquid appeared out of thin air in his hand.

At the same time, a strange-shaped stove also appeared at the feet of the wish. The stove had a big mouth and seemed to be smiling, and it also seemed to be choosing people to eat!

Xu Yuan looked down at her outfit, feeling a little helpless.

It’s ugly. As expected, the stove is the main body...

But now is not the time to care about these things, it is really useful!

Make a wish and activate [Great Transformation into a Living Person] immediately!

Another faint green light!

This green light spread out in all directions with the wish as the center, passed through the wall in front of him, and finally covered Tian Jinzhong's body.

It wasn't until now that I finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, I caught up!

This was not because he had to choose this time to make a wish, but because he had been asked by the Heavenly Master to observe the Heavenly Master's salvation, and Gong Qing also happened to choose this time to do it.

It can only be said that everything is a coincidence, and the coincidence is as if the gears of fate are turning...

The act of making a wish is quick.

At this time, Gong Qing in the room had just taken the silver needle and stabbed Tian Jinzhong between the eyebrows with a slightly sad expression!

"I bear your life..."

As the whole silver needle sank into the center of his eyebrows, Tian Jinzhong finally slowly closed his eyes, sat in the wheelchair, lowered his head and made no sound.

Lu Liang on the side has been watching the acting head. After he escaped from the Lu family and joined Quan Xing, he has been doing the same thing as Gong Qing, the acting head.

Find out the truth about the Jiashen Rebellion!

Lu Liang's sharp eyes noticed the faint green light that flashed across Tian Jinzhong's body just now!

He stepped forward erratically, wanting to step forward to see Tian Jinzhong's body and confirm Tian Jinzhong's death.

But at the next moment, the silver needle that had just penetrated Tian Jinzhong's eyebrows was placed on Lu Liang's neck.

"Lu Liang, what do you want to do?" Gong Qing said in a very unkind tone.

"I..." Lu Liang felt the cold air coming from the tip of the silver needle and swallowed hard. "I just seemed to see something abnormal in Mr. Tian's body. I'm afraid he's not dead..."

Lu Liang was born in the Lu family. He was just young, not stupid.

If Mr. Tian is really not dead today, if what he and Gong Qing did is exposed, he and Gong Qing will definitely be dead by then!

Gong Qing stared at Lu Liang's eyes with cold eyes that he had never seen before. Lu Liang inexplicably felt a cold air spreading to his back, making the hairs on his hair stand on end.

"Lü Liang, if you weren't still needed to decipher the memory of the Second Grand Master, you would be dead now!" Gong Qing took back the silver needle in his hand, "What I just used the Thirteenth Needle of Guimen to pierce was the Yintang point. This location is Impaled, even Daluo Immortal cannot save him, Mr. Tian is already dead, and his body cannot be desecrated!"

"Let's go, we have to leave Longhu Mountain as soon as possible, there is not much time left..."

Although Lu Liang was still a little curious in his heart as to what that flash of green light was, he couldn't raise any objections under Gong Qing's tough attitude.

Only after he joined Quan Xing did he realize that his status as a descendant of the Lu family could not protect his life to these Quan Xing madmen!

In the end, Lu Liang could only curl his lips and follow Gong Qing towards the door.

When he reached the door, Gong Qing paused. He did not look back, but lowered his eyelids and muttered something in a low voice.

"Good night, Second Grand Master, you can have a good sleep now..."

Xuanyuan listened to the movement in the room behind the wall.

He did not stop Gong Qing and Lu Liang from leaving.

There is still much use for these two people alive.

Especially Lu Liang, he will definitely continue to pursue the truth about the Jiashen Rebellion, which is also the answer he wishes to get.

The truth about the Jiashen Rebellion will definitely improve his compatibility with the world, which is also an unavoidable point.

It’s better to leave this kind of troublesome work to professionals, and then you can just pick the peaches yourself!

After confirming that the two of them were gone, Xu Wish entered the room.

Looking at Tian Jinzhong who was still sitting silently in the wheelchair, Xu Wan was also a little confused.

The truth of heaven is that a dead person cannot be resurrected!

This is the first time he has used this resurrection ability.

He could clearly sense that the effect of [Great Transformation into a Living Person] had just taken effect on Mr. Tian, ​​but he was not sure how long it would take to resurrect Mr. Tian.

After all, it is a heaven-defying move to reverse the cycle of life and death!

This ability has never appeared in reality!

[Great Transformation: Summon a substitute puppet to protect friends within a certain range. The effect lasts for 3 seconds. Dead friends can be resurrected after a certain period of time. 】

Even on his system panel, there was no more specific annotation.

Just in case, Xu Wish did not cancel the godhead mask, and kept the god Taiyi Zhenren standing in the room.


The originally calm night sky suddenly heard bursts of muffled thunder. The muffled thunder sounded from far away, and Xu Yuan's brows jumped.

I think this was the scene when he first picked up the equipment "Sage's Asylum" in the Resurrection Armor!

I guess the resurrection effect has taken effect?

As expected, it was as expected.

In the next second, a green light burst out from Mr. Tian's body sitting in the wheelchair, covering Mr. Tian's body.

Then under his gaze, this burst of green light actually broke away from Mr. Tian's body...

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