Under one person, there is something wrong with this invitation to God!

Chapter 98 Old Man Xia, please go back to Gotham, Batman said he won’t hit you anymore

Just when I wish to tell others about the connection between Chen Duo and Biyou Village.

Lao Meng, a temporary worker from the Northwest Region, walked in waving his hands.

When Xu Yuan saw Lao Meng's figure, a smile appeared on his lips.

The real owner is finally here...

"Wait, wait, let me interrupt..." Lao Meng entered the scene waving his hands.

Xuanyuan naturally stepped aside without any nonsense, and gave the leading role to Lao Meng.

Lao Meng cast a grateful look at him.

The reason why Xu wish is so easy to talk to is not entirely because of his pity for Chen Duo.

It is also to bring the special group of temporary workers in the company closer together.

After all, strength is important when going out to hang out, but it is also necessary to have both power and background.

Strength, I wish I had it.

With the background of the company, this group of temporary workers with good strength are undoubtedly the best candidates to form an alliance.

Then start with empathy!

Lao Meng had no intention of making so many wishes.

For him, the most important thing now is how these temporary workers deal with Chen Duo.

Lao Meng told the temporary workers about Chen Duo's past.

From the time Chen Duo was taken out of the Yaoxian Society by the company, to later going to the company's bunker, and then joining the South China branch as a temporary worker.

It was also through the words of Lao Meng, who had experienced it firsthand, that a group of temporary workers finally learned about the tragic past of Chen Duo, the Gu-body holy boy.

Rather than saying that Chen Duo is a Gu-body holy boy, it would be better to say that Chen Duo was cultivated by the Medicine Fairy Society...


Not even a human being!

All human nature has been obliterated by the Medicine Fairy Society!

Since childhood, I have never experienced any warmth or education that a normal person should have, and I have never been treated as a real person.

Ignorant, fearless, shameless, fearless, careless, angry and joyless!

The only meaning of existence is to crawl out from among forty-nine corpses...

Human Gu!

Even these temporary workers themselves have experiences that are different from ordinary people, but compared with Chen Duo, these temporary workers are undoubtedly much happier.

And it is precisely because these temporary workers themselves have experiences that are different from ordinary people that they can empathize with Chen Duo's tragic past.

Just like when the sophomore high school student revealed his life experience in the group chat, the temporary workers once again fell into silence.

Even if Xiao Zizai is a natural killer, it does not mean that he has no good intentions in his heart. When he is not sick, Xiao Zizai can be regarded as a moral model, and he will even help an elderly person with mobility issues to cross the road...

In the silence, Lao Meng, who had a submissive expression, scratched his head and looked extremely embarrassed.

"I don't look like a person, and I don't know how to speak. I don't want to deal with other people, so I'm not popular at all."

"Although I feel a little sorry for Lao Liao, after I found out that Chen Duo became a temporary worker, I was really happy for her. At least she can live like a human being. Weird people... are also human beings!"

Lao Meng said so many words in one breath, as if he had reached the limit of his social fear, and his hands were nervously crossed in front of him.

"Brother Xiao, Brother Qiu'er, Sister Bao'er, Brother Xu and Brother Zhang Chulan, I am definitely not your opponent, but I am here to participate in the mission this time just for Chen Duo. If you really want If I kill Chen Duo, I will definitely take action against everyone, that kid is so pitiful, I beg everyone on behalf of myself and Lao Liao to give him a chance!"

Make a wish:…

Say the most cowardly words and do the cruelest things?

He has long known the story about Chen Duo, but Lao Meng, a socially fearful middle-aged man in his forties, can actually do this for Chen Duo!

This makes me wish to admire Lao Meng’s character!

Logically speaking, Lao Meng should be the oldest-looking among the temporary workers - Sister Baoer has not aged at all and is not included in the comparison.

But Lao Meng was able to call the other temporary workers brother and sister, and he also took the initiative to ask everyone to give Chen Duo a chance.

But he made his wish clearly. Although Lao Meng looked submissive and humble, in fact, this middle-aged man is very fierce!

The unique skill among the beast masters!

Controlling bacteria through the Beastmaster's ability is effective against most targets in the world!

It’s enough to start a sect!

It is not said to be unprecedented, but it can definitely be said to be unprecedented.

Even the character is ranked among the top among temporary workers. I am a coward, but at least... I have a true temperament.

He really takes everyone around him seriously!

He is able to be so humble now. In addition to treating Chen Duo as his junior, he is also speaking for the dead Liao Zhong.

Although Chen Duo killed Liao Zhong, Liao Zhong still regarded Chen Duo as his daughter!

After Lao Meng finished speaking, all the temporary workers also fell silent.

It would be false to say that after learning about Chen Duo's past tragic experiences, he felt no mercy.

But they all bear the company's mission...

It’s normal in the adult world to weigh the pros and cons.


The mobile phones of the temporary workers present vibrated, breaking the silence.

[High school sophomore Zhuang from Northeast Region: I agree! Catch them alive! These are all human sufferings (╥_╥)】

Seeing the message from the sophomore high school student, all the temporary workers burst into laughter.

Everyone knows the situation of Zhuang, a sophomore in high school. Although he has lived a miserable life, he still can't bear to see the suffering in the world that Chen Duo has suffered.

Compared with Chen Duo and Gao Erzhuang, they are undoubtedly much happier.

"I agree too." Xu Yuan said first, "Anyway, the company's mission doesn't say that Chen Duo must be killed, right?"

"Okay, no problem." Wang Zhenqiu had no objection.

"Well... I have no problem with that either." Brother Xiao pushed up the glasses frame on the bridge of his nose. "I think there should be other food over there in Biyou Village."

The rest of the people all looked at Feng Baobao.

Under the gaze of everyone, Feng Baobao scratched his head.

"You don't want me to kill anyone, don't look at me!"

Lao Meng then breathed a sigh of relief.

Now among the temporary workers, the only one who still has not expressed his opinion is the clarinet in Central China.

At this time, the temporary workers also received another message on their mobile phones.

[Central China Region Black Supervisor: I have no objection, but this matter has nothing to do with me. I don’t know anything. 】

Lao Meng also quickly replied to a message in the group chat.

[Lao Meng of Northwest Region: Don’t worry, I will bear all the responsibilities. 】

Zhang Chulan stood silently at the side without speaking. He looked at the temporary worker whose relationship had eased again, and silently thought about something in his heart.

Especially when his eyes shifted to Xu Yuan, his eyes became even deeper.

Perhaps, he and Sister Baoer came together to participate in this collective task of temporary workers and it was right...

In fact, Zhang Chulan's idea was very simple.

In other words, the idea of ​​making a wish is the same as that of Xu Yuan.

He wanted to take this opportunity to help Feng Baobao make some connections!

As Zhang Chulan saw the power of various aristocratic families and sects in the alien world, the sense of urgency and crisis in his heart became stronger.

He is not a master or a heavenly master, and he does not have the strength to dominate the world alone.

If one day, the secret of Sister Baoer is really exposed to the world, and she even becomes the enemy of the entire alien circle, at least there may be someone to fight alongside them...

Zhang Chulan doesn't know whether that day will come, but it's always good to be prepared.

However, the current heat is not enough. Maybe when the time is right, I can add some heat to promote this "temporary workers alliance"...

Since everyone has no objection to Lao Meng's proposal.

The mission continues.

After a group of temporary workers gathered together, their goal remained unchanged and they rushed towards Grandma Jinfeng's address.

And just as a group of temporary workers gathered to go to Grandma Jinfeng's residence, a strong but not bloated figure was hanging far behind them.

He has messy short hair, a dirty look like Sharp Brother, and the iconic black short stick on his arm.

Temporary workers in Central China.


He has also arrived at Liupanshui!

At this point, all temporary workers have arrived!

However, unlike Lao Meng, the clarinet did not choose to show up in the first place, but still lurked in the dark.

Of course he has his own plans.

Because of the special background of the person in charge of Central China Region, he, a temporary worker in Central China Region, also knows some information that temporary workers in other regions do not know.

This is the first time temporary workers have come together to perform tasks together.

And this time, although the target of this mission is Chen Duo.

But the actual mission target is Biyou Village and the cultivation furnace that destroyed Ma Xianhong!

If this mission is completed successfully, that's it. If this mission cannot be completed successfully, then the command rights of these temporary workers will be taken back to the headquarters in the next step.

At the same time, the Kyoto headquarters will also establish a department specifically responsible for temporary workers.

The person in charge of this new department responsible for temporary workers has almost been appointed to make a wish at the Kyoto headquarters!

In other words, as long as this mission fails, then the wish will be promoted and salary increased.

The black supervisor believes that he can know this information, so Xuanyuan, who is a temporary worker at the Kyoto headquarters, must also know it!

But based on this reasoning, here comes the fun part.

He found that Xu Yuan was among these temporary workers, and instead of hindering the progress of the task, he became integrated with the temporary workers.

Another person that the clarinet found interesting was Zhang Chulan.

Two people came from the North China Region. The temporary worker was the little girl named Feng Baobao. What was Zhang Chulan's identity?

Moreover, the supervisor could also see that Feng Baobao obeyed Zhang Chulan, but Zhang Chulan always showed an attitude of staying away or being isolated, but he always wanted Feng Baobao to mingle with other temporary workers.

Two people who are just the opposite.

A person who makes a wish, is in the opposite camp, but gets involved with temporary workers.

The other one, Zhang Chulan, was obviously in the friendly camp, but deliberately kept himself apart.

"Interesting..." Clarinet muttered in a low voice.

Then he continued to hang far behind the temporary workers, not intending to show up.

Let's see what they are going to do...

On the other side, Xu Yuan and other temporary workers also found the address of Granny Jinfeng.

As expected, when they arrived, Granny Jinfeng had been kidnapped by Chen Duo and the people from Biyou Village, leaving only the seriously injured Xia Liuqing.

When Xia Liuqing saw a kind of temporary workers, especially when he saw the two descendants of Xu Wan and Wang Zhenqiu among the temporary workers, he immediately became excited.

"Make a wish! Qiu'er! Come and help me! I want to find Jinfeng!"

At this time, others also recognized Xia Liuqing's identity.

Xia Liuqing, the all-round villain!

Although Xia Liuqing has not appeared much in the alien circle in recent years, and the younger generation does not know much about him, Lao Meng and Xiao Zizi who are present are not considered to be of the younger generation!

Others were fine, but when Xiao Zizai saw Xia Liuqing, he couldn't help but gulped.

Xia Liuqing definitely meets his judgment on food!

However, he knew the relationship between Xia Liuqing and Xu Yuan, so he could only suppress the surging appetite in his heart, said a word to Xia Liuqing, and then walked aside.

"Quanxing, you should be glad that I just ate it. For the sake of making a wish, you are lucky..."

Xu Yuan shook his head and ignored Xiao Zizai. He stepped forward and helped the injured Xia Liuqing up.

Xu Wanke has never been afraid of others knowing about his master-disciple relationship with Old Man Xia. After all, this matter is not a secret to Fatty Zhao!

Even when Fatty Zhao made an exception and recruited him as a temporary worker at the Kyoto headquarters, it was unavoidable that he was the apprentice of the evil villain Xia Liuqing.

On the contrary, Wang Zhenqiu was much more awkward. He just followed silently.

Everyone also learned from Xia Liuqing's story that Granny Jinfeng was kidnapped by Chen Duo and a group of masked men. Similarly, Old Man Xia was not injured for a while because of the sneak attack by the masked men with magic weapons.

Masked man, magic weapon...

The temporary workers also naturally thought of those who attacked them before.

Biyou Village!

"Are you temporary workers in the company?" Old Man Xia breathed a sigh of relief, feeling the injuries on his body. "Jinfeng is different from me. She has other reasons for joining Quanxing. Even by your standards, Jinfeng can be called a good person."

"I want to ask you to rescue Jinfeng. I know you may want to kill me. As long as you can rescue Jinfeng, I will have no complaints if you take the old man's life!"

Wang Zhenqiu:......

Make a wish:…

"Old Man Xia, Batman said he would let you go back to Gotham, and he promised not to beat you." Xu Yuan casually mocked Old Man Xia.

However, Old Man Xia didn't know about this clown joke and looked confused.

However, others did not take Old Man Xia's words seriously.

Following the brilliant deeds of Wishing on Longhu Mountain, a lot of other information about Wishing was also uncovered by foreign forums.

Among them is a post about Xia Liuqing, a murderer who made a wish under his tutelage.

Now everyone in the alien circle basically knows about the relationship between Xu Yuan and Xia Liuqing, especially now that they get along well with Xu Yuan, these temporary workers will naturally not choose to touch Xu Yuan's brow.

Let's leave this kind of matter to disciples like Xu Yuan and Wang Zhenqiu...

Xu Wan also knew that Granny Jinfeng was kidnapped by Chen Duo and the Twelve Supreme Generators of Biyou Village.

But he can be sure that Grandma Jinfeng will not be in danger.

Although this matter was ordered by Village Chief Ma, in the final analysis the source was the woman hidden behind Village Chief Ma—Qu Tong, who had always claimed to be her sister!

It’s Granny Jinfeng whom Qu Tong entrusted to capture Village Chief Ma!

Qu Tong just wanted to use this clue to guide Zhang Chulan and Feng Baobao to continue investigating the Jiashen Rebellion...

In this mission, Wishes never regarded Village Chief Ma as an opponent.

Not to mention that his two undercovers have now sneaked into Biyou Village. Even without Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing as undercovers, with the current lineup of temporary workers and the integrity of Village Chief Ma, they pushed Biyou Village aside. No problem!

There is only one opponent that Xu wish truly regards, and that is that woman Qu Tong!

The real mission he gave Wang Ye and Zhuge Qing was to try to find out Qu Tong's whereabouts from Biyou Village!

As for the specific location of Biyou Village, Wang Ye had already sent it to him through WeChat location!

Seeing that Xu Yuan ignored him, Xia Liuqing could only continue to ask Wang Zhenqiu.

However, he finally got tired of Wang Zhenqiu's ink stains, and got a scolding and a punch on the head from Wang Zhenqiu before he stopped.

"Make a wish and say you are a clown! Clown, you don't understand, you know what it means to be a licking dog!"

Xia Liuqing finally understood this sentence.

He still scratched his neck and was a little unconvinced, and forced himself to defend himself.

"Actually, over the years, Jinfeng has only been like this in my heart. She didn't fish for me. I just didn't want her to be in any danger..."

"Old man Xia! Did I give you face? You two were not on the target of this mission in the first place! As long as Granny Jinfeng is still alive, I will naturally bring her back to you!"

After receiving Wang Zhenqiu's very irritable answer, Xia Liuqing opened her mouth with only two teeth and smiled silently.

Then, he took out two gloves from his pocket and threw them to Wang Zhenqiu and Wishing respectively.

"Old man Xia, you..." Wang Zhenqiu was a little shocked when he saw the receipt, "You actually gave this to us?"

Old Man Xia wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"You and Xuyuan are both my disciples. Although you have never admitted this, this thing will be passed on to you sooner or later."

"Now I just gave it to you earlier. If you take this pair of gloves, you have promised me to rescue Jinfeng."

Although Old Man Xia is a dog licker, when it comes to teaching his disciples, he can handle a bowl of water most of the time.

But unlike Wang Zhenqiu, Xu Wan threw it back to Xia Liuqing after taking over the glove.

"Okay, Old Man Xia, stop being sensational. I promise to help you save Grandma Jinfeng, but you should keep this thing yourself. You won't die for a while!"

Xuanyuan curled her lips.

This pair of gloves can also be regarded as a magic weapon, but it is the exclusive magic weapon of the Godhead Mask - the Gloves of Faith.

This pair of gloves is effective for practitioners of orthodox godhead masks like Wang Zhenqiu. It can be used to store the power of faith for use during transformation, but it is of no use for making wishes.

The only use of the power of faith for making wishes is to draw a lottery...

Xuanyuan didn't mean to hide anything. In front of a group of temporary workers, he directly activated the [Star Spring] effect of [Jiying·Ranglang·Xingquan] on Xia Liuqing.

A ray of green light shot out from the wishing hand and went straight to Xia Liuqing who was leaning under the root of the tree...

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