Chapter 055: The Curse Transfer, Cheng Yufei’s Nightmare |

Zhao Xun was sitting on the three-foot podium in the classroom, his eyes were cold and his expression was indifferent.

To be honest, he doesn’t have a good opinion of these students.

If it weren’t for being a descendant of Maoshan, he must uphold the principle of confrontation between good and evil and fight for life. Zhao Xunzhen would not want to worry about this mess.

Don’t do good for small things, and don’t do evil for small things.

sometimes,A word of cynicism can be the last straw that breaks the camel’s back.

Of course, Zhao Xun would not sympathize with Hou Qing.

Even if these classmates don’t attack him, they will be severely beaten when they step into society in the future.

Sooner or later, one day, I will embark on this road today.

Moreover, Hou Qing committed unforgivable sins before his death, but he came to harm others after his death.

Damn it!

When to kill!

Time passed by minute by minute while these students were in a state of panic.

Until 9:59, the rune under Zhao Xun’s cloth still did not move.

This shows that Hou Qing’s curse has not yet begun.




A bell rang from the campus.

This is the sound of a clock on a building.

At the moment when the ten o’clock bell rang, the runes lying outside the classroom suddenly made a sizzling sound.

This means that the curse has begun.

However, it was blocked by the rune.

“what sound?”

“It’s not a ghost, is it?”

“How to do?”

“Are we going to die?”

When these students heard the voice, their faces changed dramatically, and they shrank into a ball.

Teacher Chen, who was sitting in the corner of the podium, also looked panicked, and couldn’t help but moved to Zhao Xun’s side.

Zizz la la!

The rune still makes a terrifying sound.

Obviously, the curse still spares no effort to break through the rune barrier.

The hearts of these students almost reached their throats.

At this moment, Zhao Xun’s mobile phone on the podium suddenly rang.

The students in the front row screamed in fright on the spot.

Several students who committed suicide had their accident after watching the video, and they smashed their mobile phones into pieces very strangely.

Therefore, in the eyes of these students, mobile phones have long become ominous.

The mobile phone that never leaves the body has long been regarded as a hot potato by them. Those who are thrown into the trash can are thrown into the trash can, and those that are thrown in the dormitory are thrown in the dormitory. No one dares to take them with them.

At this moment, Zhao Xun’s cell phone suddenly rang.

It’s no wonder they’re not afraid.

Zhao Xunjian saw that it was Lu Ningshuang’s call, and said to Teacher Chen, “Mr. Chen, I’ll go out and answer the phone.”

Although Mr. Chen was reluctant to leave Zhao Xun out of the classroom, he still nodded and tried to squeeze out a smile that was uglier than crying, “Go ahead.”

Zhao Xun walked out of the classroom and answered the phone.

“Hey, Zhao Xun, can you come here, Cheng Yufei seems to have a problem.”

Zhao Xun froze in his heart and hurriedly asked, “What happened to her?”

“I don’t know. She hid in the bathroom and kept giggling. No matter how we called the door, she wouldn’t open it.”

“By the way, do you remember Wang Jun who died before, he and the people who committed suicide belong to the same class.”

When Zhao Xun heard this, he immediately secretly said something bad.

Wang Jun died, and the curse on him was invalid, which must have angered Hou Qing.

However, Wang Jun died because of Cheng Yufei again.

Hou Qing will naturally find Cheng Yufei.

“I’ll go right there.”

Lu Ningshuang’s dormitory.

“Xiao Fei, don’t scare us, open the door!”

“Xiao Fei, don’t do stupid things, come out quickly!”

“Xiao Fei, throw away your phone! Don’t look at your phone!”

Lu Ningshuang, Zhao Lanlan and Yu Manman shouted at Cheng Yufei who was in the toilet.

“We hit the door!”

After Lu Ningshuang finished speaking, she slammed into it.

However, there seemed to be an invisible wall outside the toilet door, and Lu Ningshuang was bounced off before she hit it.

Zhao Lanlan was in a hurry when she saw this: “Xiao Shuang, don’t you have a magic talisman?”

Lu Ningshuang shook her head: “No more, just that one, I used it in Huangcun.”

“But don’t worry, Zhao Xun will be here soon.”

Then, Cheng Yufei shouted: “Xiao Fei, hold on, Zhao Xun will be here soon!”

Cheng Yufei turned a deaf ear to the shouts outside.

Because, at this time, she was wearing a white wedding dress, and she was holding a grand wedding on the beach with Wang Jun, who had lost weight.

Wang Jun, who has lost weight, is tall and straight, unrestrained and handsome, and stares at Cheng Yufei tenderly.

“Xiao Fei, I want to make you the happiest bride in the world.”

Cheng Yufei’s eyes flowed out of excitement and nodded heavily.

Inadvertently glanced at the blue sea behind her, Cheng Yufei’s face changed greatly, and her eyes were full of horror.

On the sea, a corpse floated.

This corpse was originally very fat. After being soaked in sea water, the swelling may explode at any time., two gray-white eyeballs protruding outside, staring at Cheng Yufei.

Cheng Yufei was horrified to discover that the body was actually Wang Jun.

Who is the person who married you?

Cheng Yufei slowly looked at the person opposite and screamed in agony.

Originally handsome and tall, Wang Jun turned into a skinny monster with folds all over his body and two eyes deeply recessed into his sockets.

“Xiao Fei, I’m thinner now, do you like it?”

This monster made Wang Jun’s voice, and after speaking, Chong Yufei grinned.

It has no teeth or tongue in its mouth, just a black hole.

Cheng Yufei stepped back in fright.

“What? Don’t you like me like this? Since you don’t like it, why do you want me to lose weight!”

The monster was pressing furiously, suddenly screamed strangely, opened the black hole, and devoured it towards Cheng Yufei.

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