Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1001: 1001: everyone gathers

Only Yang A Nuan participated in Bai Yunguan. They were just a small school with few people. There were always only three or four disciples, but Bai Yunzi Dao Master was very prestigious and status in the Xuanmen. They were just his disciples. Too few, so every Xuanmen competition will only reserve one place for Baiyunguan. Even so, Baiyunguan will often miss the competition because there is no suitable disciple.

For example, Zhou Han had already participated in the upper-bound competition six years ago. In the previous competition, Yang A-Nuan had not yet started, so Bai Yunguan was absent from the competition and wasted a spot.

No one can come!

This may be the most envious place of other schools. They have too few places and many people grab them together, while Bai Yunguan has empty places, but not so many disciples.

It's so envious and jealous!


Yang A Nuan is Bai Yunzi’s youngest apprentice and the last disciple to close the door. Her spiritual talent is not very high, but Yang A Nuan has a special body and she has eyes that no one else has.

Ning Huanxin felt that Yang A Nuan would definitely recognize herself, but that was nothing, as long as she told her not to let others know.

At this time, Ning Huanxin rolled his eyes, and his eyes fell in another direction. In that direction, children from other families and sects gathered, and Mao Qiqi was among them.

Exorcist Mao's family?

Ning Huanxin remembered that Mao Qiqi had said that she was a descendant of the Exorcist Mao family, but she didn't expect to meet her here. I wonder how she is now?

In addition to Yang A Nuan and Mao Qiqi, there is another person in this newcomer contest, an old acquaintance of Ning Huanxin.

Seeing Zhang Yuanjian standing indifferently among several bald heads, Ning Huanxin didn't know why, and suddenly wanted to laugh.

Zhang Yuanjian wore a suit today, and he looked like Chang Ziang's eyes.

The suit is very good and high-end, but Zhang Yuanjian puts on this suit and stands with the other two young monks in grey robes beside him, making them even more out of place.


"What's wrong? Have you seen someone you know?"

Seeing Ning Huanxin looking around, Gu Ting suddenly came over and asked with a smile.

"Uh, there are two friends."

Ning Huanxin smiled lightly without denying it.

"Well, this is normal. After all, almost all the famous sects and family children in the Profound Sect have come here, but even if you are an acquaintance, you can't be soft when you wait for the game!"

Gu Tingyu was mild, but his attitude was firm.

"Well, Brother Ting, I understand."

Ning Huan nodded vigorously. At this moment, a few more cars drove over at top speed, and finally stopped in the parking lot outside the training ground.

Seeing people coming down from the car, there was a burst of whispering sounds throughout the training ground.

The one who got off the car was a young girl.

The girl has red lips and white teeth, and her eyes are clear. She is obviously a fair and beautiful little loli, but her breath is very dangerous.

"Brother Ting, that is..."

Ning Huan asked subconsciously.

At this time, Gu Ting looked at the girl's figure, slightly stunned.

"Tsk, you look silly, Huan'er, ignore him, that is Miss Ling's family, don't you know?"

At this time, Gu Shuang suddenly approached Ning Huan’s body and whispered in a low voice: “Nan Ling from Nan Ling and Bei Gu Li is talking about their Ling family. Ling Leyuan, the first genius girl in the family!"

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