Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1005: 1005: The game begins (2)

Ning Huanxin didn't know which family's disciple it was, so astutely, she booked all the air tickets in the first time, but it didn't matter.

You have Zhang Liangji, I have a wall ladder!

This is Yanjing! It is their home court!

To say that walking sideways in Yanjing, the first family is none other than the Jiang family!

Therefore, when Gu Ting and the others were thinking about countermeasures, Ning Huanxin had already contacted Mr. Jiang and Uncle Hai for the first time. Uncle Hai happily sent Ning Huanxin to Jiang’s private plane, and Mr. Jiang also used himself. With the highest authority, he opened a private route from Yanjing to Zhaocheng directly!

If you have money, you can be so capricious!

When the private helicopter roared and flew over the suburbs, the disciples of the other families who had not left were also stunned.

Is this a foul?

It must be a foul, right?

Someone went directly to the judges and the president to complain!

As a result, Zhou Liekun just shook his head calmly.

"Gu's people didn't foul, they didn't use Gu's resources!"

Everyone: Okay! The Gu family is deeply entrenched in Yanjing and can always have a lot of powerful friends. Naturally, they are much worse than foreigners!

Seeing Ning Huanxin and the five of them were about to take a helicopter to leave, a petite figure suddenly rushed in front of them.

"Sister, sister, wait for me!"

Yang Awen ran to Ning Huanxin panting, and looked at her with a smile: "Sister, do you still recognize me?"

Yang A Nuan blinked at Ning Huanxin.

In fact, she had discovered Ning Huanxin's breath a long time ago, but never dared to step forward.

Now other people are thinking of ways to leave Yanjing and go to Zhaocheng as soon as possible. Yang A Nuan finds it boring by herself, and among these people, she only knows Ning Huanxin.

"You are Yang A Nuan, of course Sister Huan knows you!"

Ning Huan replied calmly.

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Yang A'nuan immediately scratched his head, and said embarrassedly: "Um...I think your plane still has a place? Would you take me? I'm so scared! Don't worry, my cultivation base is very low, and I will definitely not grab the incense burner with you! I'm just a part of the fun!"


Hearing Yang A Nuan's words, the other four people looked at Ning Huanxin.

Ning Huanxin was also a bit embarrassed at this time. She would definitely bring Yang A-Nuan without saying anything on weekdays, but now they are playing, and she is now in the Gu family's small team, so it is impossible for her to act according to her own wishes. leading!

"A Nuan, we..."

Ning Huanxin was about to refuse, Yang A Nuan's eyes suddenly changed, and a flash of red flashed in his eyes.

this is……

Several other people were stunned.

Yang A Nuan suddenly said with a serious face: "I have a pair of spiritual eyes. When you arrive at the tomb of King Wu, you definitely need my help. Moreover, according to the convention of the competition, only half of the people in the first and second competitions will be eliminated, so , The incense burner must be enough. If there is more, I don’t have more, and if I’m less, I’m not a lot, right? We are not as good as forming an alliance? I am alone, and you five. Even if you divide things, or infight, you will definitely be crushed by strength. me!"

This little girl has matured a lot during the time she went down the mountain.

Hearing her words, Ning Huanxin looked at Gu Ting on the side. In fact, she had already noticed that the small team of the Gu family was headed by Gu Ting.

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