Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1011: 1011: Cooperation (1)

"Junior sister, wait for me!"

Ye Jiuyan smiled apologetically at Ning Huanxin and the others, turning his head to follow in the footsteps of Xindie.

In fact, the two did not go far, Xindie just walked to the east of the tomb group at this time, stood still, and then took out his compass!

A compass must be used for geomancy, which is like the Luoyang shovel carried by a tomb raider.

"Let's start too."

At this time, Gu Ting also spoke lightly.

Although this competition is based on a family unit, there are also team competitions, but the final ranking is based on individual performance.

Therefore, in every game, everyone should try their best to express themselves and add points for themselves while working as a team!


Hearing Gu Ting's words, several other people took out their compasses.

Ning Huan didn't move.

She just quietly watched the distribution of the tombs of King Wu's tombs. Gu Qianchen taught her not to blindly rely on compasses or to be too obsessed with geomantic omen.

Because every feng shui Jedi will have many traps, those feng shui traps, if you are not careful, you will be caught!

Therefore, Ning Huanxin was not in a hurry, but rather calmly, slowly sensing the surrounding qi!

Fengshui treasures can form auspicious aura, and Yinsha Jedi naturally forms a fierce aura!

The so-called feng shui is asking for a breath, a breath that mortals cannot see!

Ning Huanxin slowly closed her eyes and felt it with her heart. She sensed--

The entire tomb of King Wu, no, it should be said that the entire scenic area, its aura is chaotic and violent!

Someone deliberately interfered with the aura here with spells or magic weapons!

Is this also part of the contest?

Ning Huanxin slowly opened his eyes and saw Yang A Nuan standing in front of him with a frustrated expression.

"Sister Huan, you see that this compass has completely failed! The aura of this place is too messy! I can't find the slightest clue at all!"

Ning Huanxin couldn't help but lowered his head and glanced at the compass in Yang A Nuan's hand. The pointer was turning wildly, and there was no regularity at all.

"Hey, how can this be? Is this also a problem that we need to solve?"

At this time, Gu Ting also spoke in a low voice, with a worried tone.

If no real cemetery is found in a short time, then their advantage of arriving early will be completely lost!

"Brother, let's change another way! Under this violent aura, ordinary compasses can't be effective at all!"

At this time, Huo Yin also stood up with a sigh on his face.

"and many more."

At this time, Ning Huanxin suddenly stopped a few people: "Actually, so many of us can work together without having to cast spells separately. Brother Ting, can Gu's family have a stable aura formation? How many of us can use the formation. Stabilize the aura in an area, and then use the compass to find dragons and acupuncture points!"

"Gu Huan's proposal is not bad, but... the aura here is too violent. I am afraid that our cultivation base can only be stabilized for less than a minute. With such a little time, it is impossible to find the real tomb of King Wu with a compass! "

Gu Ting denied Ning Huanxin's words, but Ning Huanxin was not discouraged: "If some of us have insufficient cultivation, here...are there two other people?"

In fact, Ning Huanxin has also noticed that Ye Jiuyan and Xindie have achieved nothing for such a long time, and they are helpless!

Now only the two of them are here, why not work together?

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