Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1019: 1019: Tomb of King Wu of Murderous Step by Step (6)

"Little girl, why are you here?"

Seeing Ning Huanxin turning her head to look at herself, the gorgeously dressed old woman spoke softly again.


Ning Huan opened his mouth, his expression suddenly changed.

She found that her voice had actually changed and became very naive. This is not her voice, or it should be said that this is not her voice now.

"Don't laugh, don't laugh."

Ning Huan subconsciously used his spiritual sense to communicate with Mo Xiao, but Mo Xiao never responded.

Can't she feel her calling?

Could it be...Is myself trapped in a separate space?

And here is...

Ning Huan looked down at the road under her feet, raised her eyes, and looked at the old woman in front of him.

"I seem to be... lost, mother-in-law, do you know where this is?"


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, the old woman's eyes suddenly became cold, and she turned into a cloud of hideous shadows and rushed over.

"This is-Huangquan Road!"

It's actually an evil spirit!

Why didn't I feel it?

Ning Huan subconsciously wanted to use her spiritual power, but in the next moment, her face changed.

She has no spiritual power!

Not only was Mo Xiao missing, her spiritual power was gone, even... the space purse that Gu Xiao gave herself that contained various spells and pills also disappeared!

As if everything was cleared.

No, it's more like going back in time!

Ning Huanxin felt a little bit of sentiment. It seemed that he had come to a certain point in the past, and it seemed to be in his own memory!

Although she had no spiritual power, Ning Huanxin did not panic. Instead, she used her own Kung Fu steps to cleverly avoid the attack!

Is this the illusion in the tomb of King Wu?

This illusion can actually allow people to enter the depths of their own memories. Could it be... you want to trap yourself in this place?

Ning Huanxin dodges while thinking about countermeasures in her heart. How can she get out of this illusion?

At this moment, the evil spirit suddenly revealed two white ghost bones, and screamed again to rush towards Ning Huanxin!

How to do how to do?

Now that he has no spiritual power at all, he can't deal with this evil spirit at all.

Seeing the evil spirit's attack close at hand, Ning Huanxin suddenly had an idea and shouted.

"Black impermanence, black impermanence save me!"

Since this is Huangquan Road, it is the underworld!

And in the underworld, I have acquaintances!

This illusion limits one's spiritual power and cultivation level, but... it doesn't seem to limit one's own memory, so as long as the person who exists in his own memory, he should know himself!

At the moment of the moment, Ning Huanxin yelled. She didn't know if she was right, but at this moment she could only be a dead horse doctor!

At this moment, a black shadow flashed past, and the evil spirit that had haunted Ning Huan's heart instantly turned into a cloud of black ash, and his soul was scattered!


Ning Huanxin breathed a sigh of relief. When she raised her head again, the dark shadow was already standing in front of her eyes.

"You...you are not impermanent!"

Ning Huanxin thought that it was the black impermanence that was summoned by him to save him, but the black shadow in front of him was very big, and his whole figure was covered by the black robe. You can see that it is not impermanence by looking at the body shape.

Moreover, the breath of this person...

Ning Huanxin felt it quietly. All her senses in this environment seemed to be suppressed, but even so, she still felt a familiar breath from the invisible man in black.

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