Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1034: 1034: Formation and Sacrifice (4)

"I believe your words."

The cold female voice sounded.

Ning Huanxin was a little surprised, because the people who suddenly appeared beside her were the two sisters Xindie and Ye Jiuyan!


At this moment, the entire prohibition shook violently again, and even cracks appeared.

"The prohibition will be broken!"

"We can go out!"

The harsh cheers made Ning Huanxin frown involuntarily. She couldn't feel joy, and the sense of crisis in her heart became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, there was a "bang", that layer of restraint suddenly shattered! At the same time, Ling Leyuan, who was standing in the forefront holding a spirit sword, was thrown away by a huge spiritual impact, and everyone standing behind her was also affected. Everyone was affected by that power before they could recover their spiritual power. The impact was overthrown.

"Be careful"

Fortunately, Ning Huanxin and the others have long since retreated. At this time, Gu Ting suddenly used his aura to support everyone with a protective shield, and Ning Huanxin did not hesitate to throw out a defensive charm, even just now Xindie and Ye Jiuyan, who stood by, also subconsciously used defensive spells!

The spiritual barriers in front of a few people overlapped, and this was able to withstand this wave of strong attacks!

The power of that level of restriction is really great, even if it is broken, it still makes the people before the restriction more or less hurt.

But this little injury is not a big deal. Someone who is closest to the Shimen Organ has already excitedly got up and rushed to the door, raising his hand to press the stone brick on the wall!

At this moment, the stone brick did not tremble. Instead, it was a green branch. I don’t know where it came from. It penetrated the body of the mysterious disciple. The red blood spurted out, and the blood did not drip to the ground. There was no drop, all the blood was absorbed by the green branch.

At this time, everyone was stunned. Unconsciously, the entire tomb was covered by countless green branches.

That level of restriction is gone, replaced by something more terrifying!

Restriction will only trap them, and now this weird branch can kill all of them!

"What the **** is this? Don't panic, let us defend together in a team!"

The way out is near, and no one will choose to back down. There are also a few disciples of the sect, a few people gathered together, and even used defensive charms. A few of them back to back, cautiously arrived at the Shimen organization, right. Planning to turn that stone brick, those weird branches reappeared at a very fast speed. Although they had been prepared, the speed of those branches was even faster!



The screams came and went one after another, and several disciples were passed through by those branches.

There is still no trace of blood on the ground.

"Look, those trees seem to have turned red!"

I don’t know who yelled, everyone turned their heads unanimously, and the two tallest trees beside the wooden high platform had already changed color. From the beginning, the emerald green gradually changed to a faint red. The branches and leaves of the trees are still growing wildly, on one side they are scattered in all directions of the tomb, and on the other side, the branches of the two trees are wrapped around the black coffin on the wooden table!

Seeing this scene, Ning Huanxin's heart became even heavier.

Sure enough, she guessed right, all this is a sacrifice formation!

All of them are chosen sacrifices!

Once the blood and aura absorbed by those branches are enough, the existence in the black coffin will be resurrected.

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