Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1038: 1038: Break out (1)

"I will approach the door first by myself. I will deal with the weird branches and open the stone gate. At that moment, you will immediately rush over. I will try my best to hold the branches and let you out."

Ning Huanxin felt that this was the only feasible way. If ten people acted together, the number of branches would increase nine times. This is terrifying!

And if she is alone, she has a lot of confidence!

"No, it's too dangerous!"

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s words, Gu Ting immediately objected: "Even if your practice and flames can restrain the existence here, it will take some time for the nine of us to rush out. During this time, you are too dangerous to deal with those branches. Up!"

The lessons learned from other families are still vividly remembered. The horror and weirdness of those notes is really frightening!

"There is no better way except this, and I will never let myself die."

Ning Huanxin smiled at Gu Ting: "Actually, I haven't finished speaking yet. I have a secret method. Even if I was seriously injured by those branches, as long as I still breathe, I can rely on the secret method to recover, but the price is... In a short period of time, you will completely lose your spiritual power! At that time, I need your protection! That’s why...I hope everyone can absolutely trust each other."

Ning Huanxin actually calculated it very clearly. In this, she is the only one who is suitable for the aftermath and protects everyone, because her practice is special, and besides, she has the witch clan secret arts, even if she is seriously injured, she can quickly recover.

Of course, it would be very dangerous if she used the secret technique alone, even if she could go out alone, the sequelae after using the secret technique was to fall into a state of weakness, an hour.

For Ning Huanxin at this hour, there is also a fatal danger!

After all, no one knows what dangers are still outside now.

Although Ning Huanxin trusted the Gu family's disciples, except for Gu Ting's good cultivation skills, everyone else was far behind.

But now it is different after forming an alliance with Ling Leyuan and the others. There are many people and strength, Ling Leyuan has a strong cultivation base, and Xindie and Ye Jiuyan are also very capable.

Only if everyone is really united, after going out, no matter what happens, they can have the power to fight!

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, several people looked at each other.

"no problem."

At this time, it was the coldest core butterfly who spoke first.

"As long as we can go out, we at Liuyungu will abide by the covenant and will always protect you!"

"I, Ling Leyuan, will never abandon allies!"

Ling Leyuan finally understood why Ning Huanxin would form an alliance with him without hesitation.

She must have calculated everything well!

Compared with Miyue, he is a better partner, and his cultivation is the highest among these people!

At this time, when he remembered that he had to pay a resuscitation pill, Ling Leyuan felt miscalculated, but...

Forget it.

Being able to get out alive is the most important thing!


Hearing the answers from Xindie and Ling Leyuan, Ning Huanxin nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, let's prepare. When you are all ready, we will start immediately!"

Before she finished her words, Ning Huanxin raised her hand and took out a pill from her purse, swallowed it without hesitation, and after taking the pill, she began to quietly adjust her breath.

This pill was given to Ning Huan by Jiang Lixing.

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