Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1046: 1046: Ahang, where are you?

Everyone walked in the mountains for about a quarter of an hour, when suddenly a light snow fell from the sky.


Ning Huan was stunned, and she suddenly remembered that after getting off the plane, they saw the sky over Zhaocheng looked gloomy.

"Are we out?"

Yang A Nuan looked at the falling snow in the sky, and suddenly shouted with joy.

While she was talking, she quickly turned around and looked behind her. There were also small snowflakes behind her. The snow seemed to have fallen for a while, because the ground had turned white.

And just now they walked all the way, still clear sky!

"We are out, and... the prohibition set by the Xuan Society seems to have failed!"

Gu Ting replied, his face was very ugly.

The outermost restriction formation in the entire attraction should have been arranged by the people of the Xuan Society, but now that formation restriction has no effect, replaced by a small puzzle!

In other words, Ning Huanxin’s speculation is likely to be true. It is not only that the tomb of the King of Wu, except for the accident, may even have something wrong with Yanjing!

"Let me make a call!"

After the formation, the mobile phone also got a signal, Gu Ting immediately took out the mobile phone and dialed Gu Qianchen's mobile phone number, but... but it has been unable to connect!

"I will try too."

Ye Jiuyan also tried to contact his teacher, but he couldn't contact him.

"It seems that something happened to Yanjing! We must hurry back right away!"

Several people looked bad at this time.

Ning Huanxin also took out her mobile phone at this time. Since Gu Ting can't even reach Gu Qianchen, I'm afraid she can't reach him either, but...

There is one person who must be able to contact.

Ning Huanxin took out his cell phone and dialed Jiang Lixing's number.

Sure enough, the phone didn't ring a few times before being connected.


Jiang Lixing didn't expect Ning Huanxin to call herself at this time.

"Axing, where are you?"

Ning Huan asked in a low voice.

Hearing Ning Huanxin’s question, Jiang Lixing hesitated for a while, with a strange voice: "Uh, this... are you doing anything?"

On the phone, Jiang Lixing seemed to hesitate, but at this moment, Ning Huanxin suddenly heard two deafening explosions.

A sound was from the mountain behind him, and the sound came from the top of the mountain when looking at the direction.

And the other sound came from the receiver of the telephone, which was very harsh.

Ning Huanxin held the phone, her movements stiffened for a moment.

"Axing, are you in... the tomb of King Wu?"


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Lixing nodded immediately: "Huanxin, wait for me for a while! I will pick you up right away!"

After saying this, Jiang Lixing hung up the phone quickly.

At this time, Jiang Lixing just cleaned up the existence in the tomb of King Wu under the tomb——

Even my wife, you dare to bully, see if I can beat you to death!

Originally, Jiang Lixing didn't want to intervene in Ning Huanxin's game, because this game is a good opportunity for exercise and growth, and Ning Huanxin's strength and resilience are enough to cope with everything.

It's just that Jiang Lixing didn't expect such a big thing to happen in this game.

He didn't always monitor Ning Huanxin. After all, if you love someone, you must trust her, give her freedom, and let her develop slowly.

But not long ago, Hei Wuchang suddenly contacted Jiang Lixing and told him that there were a large number of Xuanmen monks in Yangjian who suddenly died strangely!

When Jiang Lixing returned to the underworld, he saw the list of deaths that Heiwuchang had compiled for him. He found that all the people who died were monks who had participated in the Xuanmen Newcomer Competition!

[Eight changes are completed, 6 changes every day from June 1st. In fact, most of this article has been written, and it is nearing the end. The second half of the plot for filling the hole needs to be carefully considered. In addition, the author will not be able to write for a few days at the end of June and early July. In order to prevent the change from being broken, it is necessary to save tens of thousands of words in advance. This is the general situation. You can understand and understand, and I can’t understand if you don’t understand o(╯□╰)o】

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