Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1048: 1048: Remember my name

"Well, now that everyone is here, let's go."

Everyone was silent for a moment, but Ning Huanxin took the initiative to speak, breaking the awkward silence.


Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Lixing stepped forward and slightly bent down: "Come on, I'll carry you."

She is still very weak. Although Jiang Lixing can choose to give Ning Huanxin his aura and let her respond quickly, he would rather let her rest and let himself protect her.


Ning Huanxin nodded, wrapped Jiang Lixing's arms with both hands without hesitation, and lay on his back.

His back is still so generous, so warm and safe.

At this moment, little snow was still floating in the sky, but none of those snowflakes fell on Ning Huanxin's body.

The figures of two people walked in front of the crowd.

Perhaps it should be said that the two of them have a special aura together, which can automatically isolate everyone else.

"A good match, just a look."

As a newly promoted little girl, Yang A Nuan kept thinking about it all the time, and finally took out his mobile phone and took a lot of photos of the two people's backs horizontally and vertically.

Seeing her boring behavior, Zhang Yuanjian on the side couldn't help but smiled: "What are you doing with a back photo?"

"It makes a lot of sense, what do you know?"

Yang A Nuan smiled with a smile on her mobile phone: "Me and Sister Huan... We have known each other for a long time, and none of you understand."

That dream ten years ago.

In the dream, there is Ning Huanxin, Jiang Lixing, and...Yang A Nuan.

It was a dream that no one else knew, and it was also a "past" that no one had ever experienced. But Yang A Nuan was like Ning Huanxin, she remembered everything in that dream.

From then on, she knew that Ning Huanxin and Jiang Lixing were not ordinary people.


Perhaps, and myself do not belong to the same world.

Because every time Ning Huanxin is mentioned, his master Bai Yunzi always reveals his mysterious clothes, and even an expression of awe.

Yang A Nuan has not been able to understand the deep meaning behind that expression for many years, but now, in a daze, she seems to understand a little bit.


From the foot of the mountain to the gate of the scenic spot, the distance is actually not very far, but Jiang Lixing carried Ning Huanxin on his back, strolling leisurely, very calmly.

Last time, he carried her up the mountain, among the red leaves of the mountain.

This time, he was going to carry her down the mountain, in the snow all over the sky.

Although many people were killed in the tomb of King Wu and Ning Huanxin were injured for the first time and felt the crisis for the first time, but at this moment, she felt peaceful.

"I... seem to remember."

Ning Huan quietly leaned on Jiang Lixing's back, muttering softly.

"What do you think of?"

Jiang Lixing asked smoothly, his words were gentle.

"I remembered... nine years ago, at that time I fell ill. Later..."

Ning Huanxin did not say any more, she slowly closed her eyes, and subconsciously wrapped her hands around Jiang Lixing's neck——

"It's okay, don't be afraid! Soon you will forget everything!"

On the Huangquan Road nine years ago, the man whispered softly with her shocked face.

The voice was really gentle, so gentle that Ning Huanxin calmed down in an instant.

"I...I want to go home, brother, I want to go home."

She subconsciously grabbed the man's black robe.

The man raised his big hand and held her small hand in his palm. His hand was so warm and safe.

"I will take you home, but... don't call my brother, I have a name, remember my name."

"My name is... Jiang Lixing!"

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