Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1055: 1055: The black gift box reappears


Ning Huan's heart was surprised by Gu Xiao's sister, but it was not surprising.

Perhaps this is the feeling that blood is thicker than water?

Ning Huanxin subconsciously called "Brother", without any inquiry or confirmation.

She knew that this was her brother, her own brother!

"Little girl!"

Hearing Ning Huanxin's "Brother", Gu Xiao finally couldn't help but reddened her eyes and wept with excitement.

He opened his arms and firmly hugged Ning Huanxin in his arms.

"Little sister, my brother misses you very much."

In the past twenty years, I missed you and my parents all the time.


Jiang Lixing stood aside, his eyes flickering, but there was no sound.

When another man dared to get closer to Ning Huanxin, Master Pluto would be mad, but...

The one in front of you is your eldest brother-in-law, or... forbear.

Besides, their brother and sister have been separated for twenty years.

At this time, Lin Qiuhan's figure slowly appeared not far away. Seeing Gu Xiao and Ning Huanxin's siblings recognize each other, Lin Qiuhan was also extremely excited.

The master waited so long and waited so long, and finally waited until today.

It's nice to be able to recognize each other as a family.

After today, when everything is resolved, their whole family can truly be together!

Lin Qiuhan didn't dare to step forward and interrupt, but in the bottom of my heart, she silently felt joy and happiness for Gu Xiao.

At this moment, Ning Huanxin was also excited with tears, and the tears were rubbed against Gu Xiao's Tang suit.

"Oh, the clothes are dirty."

Ning Huanxin was a little embarrassed, she wiped her tears, raised her eyes to look at Gu Xiao, her tone was very careful: "Brother, I..."

"It's okay."

Gu Xiao couldn't help but smiled and raised his hand to rub her hair.


Jiang Lixing on the side finally couldn't help coughing a few times.

What do you mean? What do you want to do without letting go while holding my daughter-in-law?


Gu Xiao also let out a clear cough, covering up his gaffe.

He raised his eyes to see Jiang Lixing nodded at him, and then said again: "What happened to the Xuan Society now? All of our martial arts received a black gift box. The gift box is a token of our family leader. !"

Nowadays, the major families are afraid to act rashly, especially those families far away from Yanjing, even more panic.

Because there was an accident on Yanjing and Zhaocheng at the same time, their families were thousands of miles away, but the other party was able to deliver the black gift box to the gate of each family and sect in the first place!

How terrifying and huge is this force to make it bigger?

Moreover, in this newcomer contest of the Profound Society, each family went to the top team leader, as well as the president, vice-chairman and major elders of the Profound Society. How could so many Profound Sect masters be caught in one go?

Gu Xiao has doubts up until now.

The only possibility is...

Among those trapped, there is a detailed work of that force, and there is more than one!


Black gift box?

At this time, Ning Huanxin on the side heard Gu Xiao's words and couldn't help but frowned. She had received the black gift box more than once. Is it really the same mysterious organization?

"Is that organization?"

Ning Huanxin turned his head and looked at Jiang Lixing. Since Jiang Lixing is King Qin Guang, he must know what happened, and even he should know everything about that organization.

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