Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1064: 1065: Jiang Lixing shot (2)

"It's okay, don't be afraid. Heavenly Dao is a bully and afraid of hardship."

Jiang Lixing patted the back of Ning Huanxin's hand lightly, and raised a cold light flying towards the sky. At this time, the dark clouds rolled and thundered, and a white lightning cut through the sky, just in time for the cold light displayed by Jiang Lixing. !

Ning Huanxin felt that the whole world was trembling between the sparks and flint.

She couldn't help but frowned. She seemed to... remember something.

The scene in front of her was really familiar, which made her feel familiar.

Sparks shot in all directions in the air, and flashes of lightning came one after another, straight to Jiang Lixing's eyebrows.

It's not over yet?

Jiang Lixing raised his hand again, and a black mist rose in his hand, and the mist gradually solidified into black electric light. After that, the black light slowly flew up and collided with the lightning again.

There was another deafening crackling.

"Break it for me!"

There was a strange purple-black flash in Jiang Lixing's eyes, and the dark clouds in the sky instantly dispersed, and the lightning was even missing!

Ning Huanxin held Jiang Lixing's hand all the time, she felt that everything was so unreal.

Gu Qianchen was behind all this, perhaps not so surprising to Ning Huan.

Jiang Lixing’s shot made Ning Huanxin really surprised.

He and her, and all of them, seem to really live in two worlds.

Ning Huanxin always felt that Jiang Lixing was very powerful and her man was omnipotent, but Ning Huanxin was still surprised when he saw Jiang Lixing make a move.

For her strong Gu Qianchen, for Jiang Lixing, he could solve it with just a wave of hands.

"A line."

Ning Huanxin was a little scared for the first time at this moment.

Not afraid of death, but afraid of...

The distance between her and Jiang Lixing is so far away, so far away that they are not in the same world at all.


"Haixin, in fact, I have never told you my identity because I have always kept a secret."

Seeing Ning Huanxin's blinking eyes, Jiang Lixing suddenly pulled her into his arms.

"You and I... To be precise, it was you before the reincarnation. We were a pair of lovers before, but because of some things, you fell into reincarnation, lost your memory, and was sealed with mana. I really want you to I remember everything before, but I am afraid that you can't bear those memories and mana, so I have not told you, can you understand?"



Hearing Jiang Lixing's words, Ning Huan froze for a long time.


She opened her mouth and subconsciously grasped Jiang Lixing's hand tightly: "Although I still can't remember, but I know you will not lie to me, and you will not hurt me. I believe what you say."

Her heart will always believe in him.

"Axing, what are we going to do now? Gu Qianchen..."

Ning Huanxin turned around and looked at the others who were still frozen.

She doesn't know what to do, and she is still not strong enough now.

"I'm not Gu Qianchen's opponent. I have to ask you to help me, sorry."

Ning Huanxin knew that although Jiang Lixing seemed to be able to repel the way of heaven easily just now, was it really that calm?

As she could feel, Jiang Lixing's breath was weakening.

He forcibly violated the rules in the Yangjian, opposed the heavenly way, and intervened in the struggle between the people. I am afraid that in addition to meeting the punishment of the heavenly way, he will also have to bear the backlash of spiritual power!

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