Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1081: 1081: Back to the apartment

Jiang Liran and Huang Xiaoling waited nervously for a long time, and it was not until the afternoon that Ning Huanxin walked out of Liang Ruobing's room.

"how about it?"

Seeing Ning Huanxin coming out, Huang Xiaoling and Jiang Liran quickly surrounded them.

Ning Huanxin's face was slightly pale at this time, but she nodded at Jiang Liran and Huang Xiaoling: "If Bing is still in a coma, she may not wake up until tomorrow, but there should be no problem."

The process of using Kaiqiao Pill is very simple, but at the beginning, Ning Huanxin needs to use spiritual energy to assist. Slowly, when the power of Kaiqiao Pill is dispersed in Liang Ruobing's body, she will fall into a deep coma.

At this time, it was only a matter of time, and how much Liang Ruobing could recover would not be known until she was fully awake.

Upon hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Huang Xiaoling's eyes flushed immediately with excitement.

"Miss Ning, thank you! Thank you so much! I..."

Huang Xiaoling struggled to kneel down for Ning Huanxin, but Ning Huanxin supported her.

"Sister Huang, don't be like this, this may be our fate."

Ning Huanxin would not see anyone to help, she didn't have that great ability or energy.

But since the WeChat mission made her know Liang Ruobing, with such a cause and effect, she is not ashamed of her efforts to help.

"Miss Ning, I think your complexion is not good, do you want me to help you into the room to rest?"

Huang Xiaoling looked at Ning Huanxin's complexion at this time, and immediately spoke again with concern.

"I'm fine, nothing."

Ning Huanxin waved his hand, then raised his eyes and glanced at Jiang Liran on the side: "Can you do me a favor? The third master? Drive me back to the apartment.

"Oh, no problem, let's go."

Hearing Ning Huanxin's words, Jiang Liran nodded.


The journey to the apartment went smoothly. When he got downstairs, Jiang Liran hesitated, and still asked Ning Huanxin: "Hey, how do you feel? Shall I send you up? Or... I call Jiang Lixing? "

"It's okay, thanks, you go back!"

Ning Huanxin and Jiang Liran waved their hands before turning around and entering the apartment.

Mo Yu is still in the apartment.

Ning Huanxin didn't have any serious problems, she just consumed a lot of spiritual energy, and she didn't seem to be very energetic.

After Ning Huanxin got out of the elevator on the thirteenth floor, he saw Mo Yu at a glance.

"Junior sister, you are back!"

Seeing Ning Huanxin's figure, Mo Yu was very happy. Ning Huanxin hadn't come back these days, but the Gu family brought a message from Mo Xiao. Mo Yu knew that Ning Huanxin and Mo Xiao were fine, so he was naturally relieved.


The situation is not very clear now, and Mo Yu is also a little worried that there will be extra branches, so he has been using his spiritual power to sense the movement near the apartment these days, so after Ning Huanxin came back, he was the first to sense it.

"Well, I'm back, don't laugh at her..."

"Mo Xiao is still in Gu's family, Gu's family has informed me, and she is also very well."

Mo Yu answered Ning Huanxin.

"That's good."

Ning Huanxin nodded and looked up at Li Chongzhen's door.

"Mr. Li came back these few days?"


Mo Yu shook his head: "He has never come back, Junior Sister, are you looking for him?"

"It's nothing, just ask him if you have something to ask, and it's fine if he isn't there."

Li Chongzhen was also a judge of the Xuanmen Newcomer Competition, and his cultivation level was very high. Ning Huanxin just wanted to know more about the situation that day. Since Li Chongzhen is not there, she no longer thinks about it.

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