Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1083: 1083: Long talk with brother and sister (2)

"Brother, you have worked hard these years."

Ning Huanxin gently held Gu Xiao's hand. These years, she has lived happily and peacefully.

As the eldest lady of the Ning family, Ning Huanxin was loved by her parents and lived a carefree life.

What about Gu Xiao?

Although he is the youngest master of the Gu family, he wants to leave his parents and will not see his parents, and even his own sisters will not recognize each other.

No matter how old the Gu family is, no matter how high his status in the Gu family is, he is still alone.

"I don't work hard, as long as you are all safe."

Gu Xiao turned his hand over and held Ning Huanxin's hand tightly: "Huaxin, in fact, I have photos of you since childhood, and I have sent people to pay attention to your growth and witness everything about you."

Even though Ning Huanxin had learned a bit of kung fu at that time, she hadn't started to practice after all, and she was very young, so she was afraid of being followed by others, and she didn't even feel it.

Hearing Gu Xiao's words, Ning Huan couldn't help but smile. She felt very happy.

It’s nice to feel like a brother.

"Brother, shall we look back at home now? Wait a while."

Ning Huanxin looked at the time: "A Xing is coming over, okay? He has already met our parents, we are a family!"

Jiang Lixing?

Hearing Ning Huanxin mentioning Jiang Lixing, Gu Xiao nodded thoughtfully.

"Well, actually, Huanxin, do you know Jiang Lixing his..."

"I know."

Ning Huanxin nodded at Gu Xiao: "I know who he is, and I also know that there is still a big distance between me and him, and there may even be countless troubles, but I am not afraid because I love him. ."

"Brother, once love comes, you can't hide it. All we have to do is to hold on to it, do you understand?"

Ning Huanxin blinked at Gu Xiao, she clearly understood what she wanted, and Gu Xiao seemed to be still in confusion.

Gu Xiao was taken aback when he heard Ning Huanxin's words.

He also immediately understood.

"I... my business is different from her."

People and ghosts have different paths.

Gu Xiao actually considered a lot, and there are definitely a lot of things he will face if he is with Lin Qiuhan.

Therefore, he has been thinking about it, Gu Xiao will not easily give Lin Qiuhan any promises before making the final decision.

Because he has always been a man who will carry out his life once he has promised.

Seeing Gu Xiao's complex expression, Ning Huanxin raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder: "Okay, I know you can handle it. Who makes you my Ning Huanxin's brother? By the way, big brother, going Before Gu's family, what was your original name?"

Ning Huanxin was a little curious, because the technique used by Daddy Ning to name his name was really... hard to describe.


Hearing Ning Huanxin's question, Gu Xiao's eyes flickered, and he slowly spoke seriously.

"My original name was Ning Huanli."

"Happy Ning? Hahaha."

Hearing Gu Xiao's words, Ning Huan couldn't hold back, and immediately laughed.

From Gu Xiao to Ning Huanli, there is a sense of seeing from the domineering CEO directly to the street vendor!

"Is it that funny? This name... isn't it pretty?"

Gu Xiao saw Ning Huanxin trembling with laughter, he was a little puzzled, he obviously liked this name better!

Ning Huanxin:...

Sure enough, the son is like a father.

My elder brother perfectly inherited Daddy Ning's aesthetics of names!

Ning Huanxin thought that maybe she should worry about the offspring of her eldest brother in advance, um, at least worry about their names.

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