Underworld Chat Group: My Hubby is King Hades

Chapter 1099: 1099: Get together for an engagement banquet (3)

Jian Yunyi's heart for the little junior sister has never changed, and so has her blessings.

"Yunyun, when you grow up, you will understand, the second brother is fine, the second brother is very happy."

Little Junior Sister is still the little Junior Sister back then.

And his mind is also the same as before.

Jian Yunyi felt satisfied as long as she saw her happiness and saw her happy.

In this life, here, he is still willing to be the person to accompany silently.

Jian Yunyun pouted when he heard Jian Yunyi's words, looking at his second brother with complicated eyes.

"Second brother, you really have changed. I can't see you clearly anymore. You said...Have you been possessed by something weird?"

With that, Jian Yunyun suddenly plunged into Jian Yunyi's arms.

Jian Yunyi was stunned for an instant, but quickly reacted, raised his hand, and lightly flicked Jian Yunyun's forehead.

"Little girl, do you not study all day and hide in the bed reading online novels? Crossing? I'm still born again!"

Jian Yunyi was smiling while talking.


Jian Yunyun stuck out his tongue: "No, I don't know how to read novels."

She just secretly writes novels when she is idle, haha.

"Since you can see if you are broken in love, and you didn't do anything stupid, then I'm leaving, I want to sleep well, and go to my goddess' wedding tomorrow."

With that said, Jian Yunyun turned around and quickly slipped away.

Tomorrow's wedding...

Seeing Jian Yunyun leave, Jian Yunyi's eyes narrowed slightly--

What kind of wedding gift should he give to the younger sister?


The second day, early morning.

For many people, today is just a very ordinary day, the weather is clear and the wind is slightly cold.

For the crew of "Mingyue Master", as well as Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin, this is a very important and special day.

In the past, the premiere ceremony and the premiere ceremony were held at the film premiere. The premiere of a TV series has never been so compelling.

The crew of "Mingyue Master" did this. Not only that, the main creative staff of the crew were invited to participate in the engagement banquet of Jiang Lixing and Ning Huanxin, and even the entire Yanjing, the entire entertainment industry, some well-known actors, singers, Directors and even entertainment reporters, those who have been friends with Jiang Lixing, have received expensive engagement banquet invitations at Hall 7!

This will be the first feast in the entertainment industry this year!


"Dear benefactors, have you seen the magnificent gate behind? This is the No. 7 Guild Hall. Today, this place is covered by the Jiang family, Yanjing's first giant! You can't get in without an invitation card!

Not far from the gate of No.7 Hall, a slender figure was holding a mobile phone and was doing a live broadcast.

"Sister Han is going to attend the goddess' engagement banquet today!"

Shanzhihan wore a very formal evening gown, which is rare. While talking, she smiled and shook the invitation card in her hand.

"Now, a genuine engagement invitation! It's hard to get a million dollars!"

In the live broadcast room, when the ghosts were crying and howling, the letter of kindness closed the live broadcast without hesitation.

"Didn't you say that you won't be broadcasting anymore?"

Han Zishang's faint voice was heard beside him.

"Um, the last time, na, return the invitation to you, reporter Han Da!"

The letter of Shan returned the invitation to Han Zishang, which was sent by Cui Can to Han Zishang. As the most famous entertainer in the entertainment industry, Han Zishang naturally has such an honor, and where is Shanzhihan so good?

In fact, she just walked to the gate of Hall 7 and thought that she had never been to such a tall place, so she had a whim and wanted to enter the live broadcast room for the last time, quietly pretending to be forced.

Sister Han, I'm going to be gorgeous and dazzling!

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